The world is full of wonder and goodness. But you often have to consciously look for it when things get truly tough and it feels like everything’s chaotic. A reminder that there are still people out there willing to be kind, supportive, and empathetic can restore a bit of your faith in humanity.

Today, we’re featuring some of the newest and best posts from the sprawling ‘Be Amazed’ online community, which aims to share some of the most positive and—unsurprisingly—amazing things about life, from examples of altruism to impressive nature photos. Keep scrolling to lift your spirits! Oh, and don’t forget to upvote your favorite pics.

Bored Panda reached out to Glenn Geher, Ph.D., to learn about kindness from an evolutionary perspective, as well as how we can all find joy during particularly stressful times. Dr. Geher is a professor of psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz and a published author. You'll find our interview with him as you read on.


Give It Up For This Hero

Smiling woman remembered for her bravery and sacrifice, highlighting fascinating acts of heroism.

This is Victoria. She died a hero saving her students from school massacre gunman. She hid first graders in the cabinets and closets after hearing the gunfire. When the shooter came to her classroom, she told him that her students were in the gym. He then gunned her down and moved on. She saved the lives of all of her studens.
Please pass this on if you see it. She deserves to be remembered for her brave. Bless her

plzthrowitaway2222 Report

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The Cute Cat
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1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Stop allowing civilian to have automatic rifle. If they need weapon for self-defense, a pistol should be enough.

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"Kindness in humans is very interesting from an evolutionary perspective. At first glance, kindness doesn’t seem to make much evolutionary sense—nature doesn’t usually select for properties that help others at a cost to oneself. But in humans, things are a bit different," Dr. Geher explained to Bored Panda in an email.

"We evolved to live in stable social groups and at some point, cooperation became a core element of the human experience. With that, people who developed reputations as kind (as opposed to as selfish or greedy) actually did quite well," he said.


"Being seen as kind makes one more attractive as a friend, collaborator, and romantic partner. And this fact has shaped our psychology such that we tend to value kindness in others quite a bit."


    Wow, This Is Amazing

    Four students developed a nail polish to detect drugs, standing in front of a brick wall.

    Four college students from North Carolina State University developed a nail polish that changes color when exposed to certain d***s often used to d***g women, including GHB, Rohypnol, and Xanax. The wearer can stir her drink with a finger. If her drink was tampered with, she'll know within seconds.

    bu1lainy Report

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    Aileen Grist
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Needs to be mass produced and sold at a reasonable price everywhere. Men need it too

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    Historic image of scientists administering insulin in 1922 at the University of Toronto, highlighting fascinating facts in medicine.

    In 1922, at the University of Toronto, scientists went to a hospital ward with children who were comatose and dying from diabetic keto-acidosis. Imagine a room full of parents sitting at the bedside waiting for the inevitable death of their child. The scientists went from bed to bed and injected the children with the new purified extract - insulin. As they began to inject the last comatose child, the first child injected began to awaken. One by one, all of the children awoke from their diabetic comas. A room of death and gloom, became a place of joy and hope.

    Ted_Bundtcake Report

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    McKenzy Flores
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have read this so many times times and I will always upvote it! I honestly couldn’t imagine the joy!

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    Dr. Geher also shed some light on finding goodness and joy even when everything feels very tense and chaotic. "How people respond to stressful situations is a major factor in who someone is at their core. Stressful situations often bring out the worst in people, leading to anxiety, depression, and sometimes anger—things that characterize the worst of the human emotional experience," he told Bored Panda.

    "Finding joy and goodness during stressful times is not always easy. But there are some kinds of experiences that famously help people to de-stress. Getting out into nature has been found to have positive effects when it comes to reducing stress. Sharing one’s emotional experiences with close others often is helpful as well," he said.

    "Another one I’ll put out there pertains to creativity—it is hard to be stressed while painting a watercolor of a beautiful natural landscape, for instance."


    Chiune Sugihara Risked His Life In Saving The Jews From Nazis

    Portrait of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who saved 6000 Jews during WWII by issuing travel visas.

    Chiune Sugihara - this man saved 6000 jews. He was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania. When the Nazis began rounding up jews, Sugihara risked his life by issuing unlawful travel visas to jews. He hand-wrote them 18 hours a day. The day his consulate closed and he had to evacuate, wit-nesses claim he was still writing visas and throwing from the train as he pulled away. He saved 6000 lives. The world did not know what he had done until Israel honored him in 1985, the year before he died

    kyliechris19 Report


    Dr. Geher noted that stress is "essentially the bane of our psychological existence."

    "And let's face it: These days, there is plenty to be stressed about. Finding healthy ways that reduce stress for you is key to living a happy and fulfilling life. It may be exercise, nature, meditation, art, reading, crochet, etc. But once you find what works for you, make sure to institutionalize that into your daily life—doing so will be helpful when inevitable stressors come your way."


    Human beings are hardwired in such a way that they focus more on the negative aspects of life more than the positives. This might be useful for survival, but it also means that you tend to have a slightly warped perspective of how the world can be.

    Living through extremely distressing events like pandemics and armed conflicts and spending far too much time on social media, following every single negative development, can lead to empathy burnout, exhaustion, and chronic anxiety.

    Of course, real life isn’t black and white. It’s nuanced. There’s joy and sorrow, triumph and horror, beauty and destruction, altruism and greed. And so, it’s important to recognize that no matter how horrible or wonderful life seems at the moment, the human experience is much deeper and more varied than it might appear. It would be a tad naive and short-sighted to believe that absolutely everything is amazing/horrible.

    Though this means that there’s always potential conflict waiting behind every moment of joy, there are also silver linings to look for during stressful and tense times. It’s up to us to remember to focus on the positives when we’re drowning in stress.


    Despite Suffering Severe Burns As A Child, This Man Went On To Become A Firefighter

    Firefighter in gear, childhood and casual photos. Fascinating facts and images theme.

    cocovanilles Report


    That Only Happens To You Once

    Chestnut-backed chickadee perched on a field guide book page, showcasing fascinating bird facts in nature.

    4reddityo Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Little dude looks more fabulous in reality. And he knows it. He's rockin those feathers.

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    People tend to pay more attention to bad things and overlook the positives due to evolution, Verywell Mind explains.

    It’s likely that in early human history, paying attention to “bad, dangerous, and negative threats” was of utmost importance for survival. To put it simply, it’s theorized that people who were “more attuned to danger” and paid more attention to the bad things surrounding them were more likely to survive and, therefore, pass on their genes.


    Negativity bias, also known as positive-negative asymmetry, is something that we’ve all felt in our lives. For example, it’s why you might feel much worse when you get criticized for messing up than when you get praised for doing a good job.

    Or why an irritating comment from someone you know can ruin an otherwise perfectly fine day. In short, the average person is more biased toward negativity simply because of how our psychology and biology evolved to keep us safe(r).


    Man holding a rabbit and cup, walking on a bustling street, showcasing fascinating street life.

    A homeless man's rabbit was thrown off a bridge by a passerby, and he instantly leaped into the river to rescue her. He received an award, animal food, and a job, while the passerby was charged with animal cruelty.

    Babe-Twinkle Report


    This Woman Was So Nervous About Flying, So The Flight Attendant Explained Every Sound And Bump And Even Sat Here Holding Her Hand When It Still Got To Be Too Much For Her

    Man in suit kneeling in airplane aisle, talking to seated woman, holding a coffee cup. Fascinating scene of in-flight interaction.

    VastCoconut2609 Report

    Furthermore, human beings are more likely to remember traumatic experiences, react more strongly to negative stimuli, and respond more strongly to negative rather than equally positive events.

    On top of that, people tend to learn more from negative outcomes and experiences than from positive ones. Negativity bias is also why the average person is more motivated to avoid losing something than to gain something.


    On Christmas, I Returned To A Place I Had Cleaned Up A Year Ago. Nature Has Reclaimed Back Its Land. This Is A Successful Cleanup I Will Cherish Forever

    Before and after cleanup images of a roadside area, highlighting interesting transformation and environmental improvement.

    pengweather Report

    “It is the ‘bad things’ that grab our attention, stick to our memories, and, in many cases, influence the decisions that we make,” Verywell Mind explains.


    For example, this is why people tend to see bad news as being more ‘truthful.’ It’s also why negative news stories get more attention.


    He Saved 22 Of His 23 Students

    Elderly couple posing together, highlighting fascinating facts about heroism and survival during a historic event.

    The man in the photo, Liviu Librescu wasn't any ordinary man. He was a scientist, engineer, professor and a Holocaust survivor who held the door of his classroom shut during the Virginia Tech shooting. Although he was shot through the door, Liberescu managed to prevent the gunman from entering the classroom until most of his students had escaped through windows. He saved 22 of his 23 students. Librescu was posthumously awarded the Order of the Star of Romania, the country's highest civilian.

    Dimples-Deew Report


    Meanwhile, Healthline explains that even though negativity appears to be our “default setting,” we can still health/negativity-bias" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">override it.

    For example, you can increase your positivity by being more mindful of what is and isn't important in your life. You can also focus on more positivity by looking at what you’re grateful for and what you value.


    Dan Black, A Man Who Sacrificed His Chance To Walk Again For A Disabled Boy

    A wheelchair-using man with a smiling boy; an inspiring story of selfless donation for stem cell surgery.

    A UK man became paralyzed after a cycling accident and spent four years raising $26,000 to pay for a stem cell treatment that might help him walk again. However, upon hearing about a disabled boy needing surgery (who stood a better chance of success), he donated all the money to him instead.

    MujerFlower_ Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    26 k. That's much money. People like Musk can pay this straight out of their jeans and yet they chose what?

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    Originally, the ‘Be Amazed’ group was created back in late January of 2015. Now, more than a decade later, the project has grown to house a whopping 8.8 million members from all corners of the world.

    At the time of writing, this group ranks among the top 1% of all subreddits by size. The team of moderators running the community describes it as a place to “find and share things which are amazing in a positive way.”


    Michael J. Fox Receives The Presidential Medal Of Freedom For His Advocacy In Parkinson’s Research - January 4th, 2025

    A group of individuals in a formal setting with medals, showcasing interesting and fascinating moments.

    theRestisConfettii Report

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    1 week ago

    This comment has been deleted.

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    Indian Actor Suniel Shetty Rescued 128 Trafficked Nepalese Women And Kept The Act Private

    Indian actor sitting thoughtfully, highlighting fascinating facts about his humanitarian effort to help Nepalese women in 1996.

    In 1996, Indian actor Suniel Shetty saved 128 Nepalese women rescued from a sex trafficking ring in Mumbai. When the Nepalese government refused to repatriate them, Shetty bought airfare for their return and ensured their safety. He kept this act private until one survivor revealed the story
    24 years later in an interview.

    HoneyBlush_ Report

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    Blah Blah Blah
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    1 week ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because if you legitimately care you don't do it for the recognition you do it because you care about their well being.

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    This Is Truly Amazing

    Thousands gather in Worcester rain at swabbing event to help a boy fighting cancer, showcasing fascinating human solidarity.

    Almost 5,000 people waited for hours in the rain at a swabbing event in worcester. To get tested to see if they were a match to help save the life of a five-year-old boy fighting a rare cancer, after his parents asked for help.

    toddjarry7x Report


    The mods explain that the content that the members are encouraged to share ought to be positive as well. And, of course, amazing, too. To that end, everyone’s encouraged to avoid more serious topics like politics or war, unless the main focus is something else. Furthermore, everyone’s expected to be on their best behavior and treat all the other community members with kindness.


    Man in a suit appears surprised next to a large, textured artwork. Fascinating scene captures attention.

    In 1980s, "Weird Al" Yankovic turned down a $5 million beer endorsement deal, which would be worth around $14.5 million today, because he felt it was unethical given his young, impressionable fanbase.

    blue_leaves987 Report

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    Blah Blah Blah
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like the CEO's on this list, as well as Dr. Bronner's CEO, can we have more of these kinds of humans in the US government please.

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    In 1952, A Group Of Farmers "Arrested" The Town's Sheriff While He Was Attempting To Evict A Widow From Her Farm At The Behest Of A Local Insurance Company

    Men gather near a sign reading "Widow's Homestead," highlighting fascinating facts about property rights protection.

    plshelpme00 Report


    Northern Cardinal Aka Red Bird From Angry Birds Flying Directly Towards Camera

    Red cardinal flying towards the camera, creating an interesting and fascinating visual effect in a snowy forest setting.

    8O8I Report

    Which of the images that we’ve featured today from ‘Be Amazed’ caught your attention, dear Pandas? Which ones inspired you the most? What do you do to keep your spirits up whenever things get particularly tough? What’s the last kind thing that you did for someone? We’d love to hear from you! Let us know what you think and what you’ve done in the comments below.


    Dadarao Bilhore Has Been Filling Up Potholes Ever Since His Son Lost His Life Due To One

    Man filling potholes after son's accident, illustrating fascinating facts.

    sjardinsjy Report


    John Cena Being A Great Guy

    Person in green shirt meets a teen in a red shirt with Down's syndrome, showing a heartfelt connection.

    Ted_Bundtcake Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To those confused by Tobias Reaper's comment, when Cena was wrestling his catchphrase was 'You can't see me'. He also recorded a studio album with his cousin, Tha Trademarc, with that title in 2005, so it's a running joke for people to say that he isn't in photographs even though he obviously is there.

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    Baby Elephant Tries To Hide Behind A Light Pole After Being Caught Committing Serious Crime Of Eating Sugarcane In A Field

    Elephant hiding behind a streetlight at night, showcasing interesting wildlife behavior.

    Dynastyisog Report


    This Man Spoke With Every Parent In Uvalde, Texas To Build Personalized Caskets For All 19 Children Who Were Killed. His Name Is Trey Ganem

    Man painting pink and white casket with TikTok design, showcasing fascinating creativity in a garage setting.

    afamdent14 Report


    After 15 Years Of Alcoholism & 50 Lbs Overweight. I Got Sober & Made Lifestyle Changes

    Before and after weight loss transformation showcasing fascinating personal change.

    Uminx Report


    One Of The Two Remaining Northern White Rhinos In The World, Guarded 24 Hours A Day

    Person sitting beside a resting rhino under a blue sky, capturing a fascinating moment.

    Lowdekeball Report


    A Mom's Strength

    Emotional reunion of a mother and son after 32 years, highlighting fascinating human perseverance and reconnection.

    Anon-Zer0-Quazar Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is very sad, he was kidnapped and later "sold"/given away for adoption, and after this reunion he opted to stay with his adoptive family. I can't find any more information, but I read it in another comment the last time it was here on BP.

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    This Is Jonathan He Was Born In 1832 & Is 192 Years Old

    Close-up of a giant tortoise on grass, showcasing fascinating details and textures.

    Lotion-Lover Report


    Nikolai The Walrus Received A Fish Cake For His Birthday From A Zookeeper. This Was His Reaction

    Man offering fish to a happy walrus, showcasing fascinating animal behavior.

    Dynastyisog Report

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    1 week ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nothing cute about this. It's an animal doing a trick that he is taught. He lives in captivity at Dolfinarium (a place kinda similar to Sea World), there are a lot of stories about how this kind of living is pretty much animal t0rture. (Edit: BP is censoring the word t o r t u r e now?)

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    Fingal's Cave Is A Geological Formation Located On The Uninhabited Island Of Staffa, In The Inner Hebrides Of Scotland

    Basalt columns forming a stunning coastal cave, showcasing fascinating geological structures by the sea.

    ImPennypacker Report


    Baseball player in a Yankees uniform posing with fans, showcasing fascinating sports history.

    Babe Ruth posing with fans 1925. He was a popular figure in the African American community because of his willingness to treat them as he would white fans, along with rumors of him being biracial.

    Ted_Bundtcake Report

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    Michael Largey
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Many major league baseball players supported keeping black players out because they were worried about being outmatched by them. I doubt the Bambino was much concerned.

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    Man in brown vest over years, showcasing fascinating change in appearance.

    This man was a teacher for 40 years. In 1974, Dale Irby, a gym teacher in Dallas, realized he had worn the same outfit as the previous year on picture day, and decided to simply go with it, after Cathy – his wife – dared him to.

    Abigdogwithbread Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    275 Years Apart, A 4,500-Year-Old Cypress Tree

    Comparison of an ancient tree in 1750 and its present state in 2025, highlighting fascinating changes over time.

    No_Penalty3029 Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope I look half as good as that tree when I am 4,000 years old.

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    An elderly man and a young child, both smiling, sitting together in a garden of daisies; interesting and fascinating moment captured.

    In 2013, George H.W. Bush shaved his head alongside the entire secret service team to support the 2-year-old son of an agent battling leukemia. Bush had lost his own 4-year-old daughter to leukemia decades earlier.

    blue_leaves987 Report


    Be Amazed

    A curious squirrel standing on grass, holding a yellow flower, showcasing fascinating wildlife behavior.

    Jurazik Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imagine how the world looks through those eyes. Everything is amazing. Ï

    See Also on Bored Panda

    A Mother Bear Carrying Her Baby On Her Back, Photographed In A Field

    Bear with cub on its back in a grassy field, showcasing fascinating wildlife behavior.

    Soloflow786 Report


    Two people smiling together indoors, one wearing an Adidas shirt, holding Adidas items. Fascinating moment captured.

    In 2016, Florida state wide receiver Travis Rudolph decided to sit with 11-year-old Bo Paske, who was autistic and sitting alone during lunch on the team’s visit to a middle school in Tallahassee. The two ended up becoming friends, and Travis gifted Bo a custom jersey and tickets to their first game.

    VastCoconut2609 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Leonce Evrard Is A Skilled Marble Worker ,he Was Heartbroken When His Wife Passed Away, He Built Special Mausoleum For His Wife

    Stone monument with heart-shaped shadow creating an interesting and fascinating visual effect.

    Hollenstar Report


    Identical Triplet Brothers, Who Were Separated And Adopted At Birth, Only Learned Of Each Other’s Existence When 2 Of The Brothers Met While Attending The Same College

    Three men in identical striped sweaters sit together, smiling, showcasing fascinating resemblance.

    mikeyv683 Report

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    cecilia kilian
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Three Identical Strangers", documentary, 2018. Their story is heartbreaking.

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    The University Of Kyoto In Japan Allows Students To Wear Anything They Want For Their Graduation Ceremony

    A man in a suit, facing a person in a unique costume on stage, in front of a large audience; fascinating facts scenario.

    OddDig7809 Report



    Bioluminescent waves glowing on the shore at night, showcasing fascinating natural beauty.

    tunnel_12 Report

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    Sue User
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I saw this on Cape Cid, Massachussette ( spelled wrong but sorry too tired to check ).

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    This German Oak Was Destroyed By A Brutal Storm. I Had The Honor To Cut It Into Slabs

    Man standing beside an enormous wooden slab, showcasing fascinating craftsmanship.

    Tschinggets Report


    So Apparently The Laws Of Physics Do Not Apply To Goats

    Goats climbing a steep brick wall, showcasing fascinating animal behavior.

    GinaWhite_tt Report


    Bear Hides Under A House To Escape Los Angeles Wildfire

    Bear hiding beneath a wooden structure, peeking out, showcasing fascinating animal behavior in an unexpected setting.

    MobileAerie9918 Report

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    McKenzy Flores
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The animals WE ARE K*****G because OUR OWN STUPIDITY! This shouldn’t be a thing. This makes me cringe. Burn down their homes after we’ve already pushed them in to certain areas so we can have the land. We shoot them if they scare us. Like I’m so done with it.

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    This Falcon Was Equipped With A Gps. It Was Tracked Covering About 230 Km A Day From South Africa Until It Reached Finland 42 Days Later

    Map of a falcon's migration route from Finland to South Africa next to a close-up of the falcon's face.

    frenzy3 Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay but, What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

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    Polish Armor Composed Of 1,074 Plates, 16th Century

    Intricate metal armor showing interlocking chainmail pattern.

    gregornot Report

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    Lee Banks
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All I can imagine is the rage one would feel if interrupted while counting the plates.

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    Ancient human footprint fossil with a measuring scale on rocky surface, highlighting fascinating historical facts.

    In 2006, researchers uncovered 20,000-year-old fossilized human footprints in Australia, indicating that the hunter who created them was running at roughly 37 km/h (23 mph)—the pace of a modern Olympic sprinter—while barefoot and traversing sandy terrain.

    Dynastyisog Report


    An Abandoned Hotel In Ireland That's Been Completely Taken Over By Nature

    Abandoned room with moss-covered floor and ceiling, highlighting fascinating decay and nature's takeover.

    Frosty_Thoughts Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Photographers And Knitter Capture Stunning Pictures Of Invisible Sweaters

    Person with curly hair in striped shirt and blue pants sitting on blue tiled steps near New Lex Tokyo sign, fascinating scene.

    OpinionNo8118 Report


    Thomas Romain Is A French Anime Artist, He's Trying To Redraw All His Son's Drawings

    Child's drawing and evolved creature design, showcasing interesting and fascinating artistic transformations.

    Hollenstar Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm currently playing Zelda, and this would totally fit right in. Perfect.

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    Toilets In A Medieval Castle

    Stone tower with protruding beams; a sketch shows internal wooden layers in fascinating architectural design.

    Sebastian_DRS Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Castles are less romantic when you realise they had big ol' skidmarks.

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    Chris Espinosa Is Currently The Longest-Serving Employee At Apple. He Joined In 1976 At The Age Of 14, Writing Basic Code While The Company Was Still Based In Steve Jobs’ Garage

    Apple employee ID badge from 1977, showcasing a historic piece of fascinating tech history.

    alwanfilm Report

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    Bored Sailor
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Almost 50 years with Apple and still not retired. Wow how well Apple takes care of their employees. If only profits went down to employees, I think there is a term for that but that would not fit a liberal company.

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    Soldier Lost Her Ear So The Doctors Grew Her A New One In Her Forearm

    Human arm with an ear-shaped structure, showcasing interesting and fascinating medical feat.

    SapphireOwl1793 Report

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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, while technically true, it begs some explanation :) They didn't actually grew the ear itself - they put an artificial implant in the arm for the skin to grow around it and allow for the perfect graft later on. This is done a lot more often than you might think! :)

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    A Stealth Bomber In Flight Caught On Google Maps - 39 01 18.5n. 93 35 40.5w

    Aerial view of a unique rainbow trail effect behind a jet, showcasing fascinating visual patterns on a field.

    Sebastian_DRS Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Scientists Melted 46,000 Year Old Ice — And A Long-Dead Worm Wriggled Out

    Transparent sea creature with worm-like body, showcasing fascinating details against a dark background.

    gregornot Report


    The House Of A Dreams!

    Aerial view of an interesting V-shaped building with glowing lights set in dense foliage at night.

    CG_17_LIFE Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    1 week ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I thought that was a light switch and crooked walls built around it. This took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out

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