35 Celebrities That Had Everything And Made Career-Changing Mistakes, As Presented In This Thread
Famous people seem to have it all. Fame, recognition, money, and influence. Some folks would do anything to become a celebrity as it opens so many doors, but others wouldn’t like to be famous at any cost as they prefer a calm and private life.
However, while being famous may seem like a dream life where everything is possible, there is another side to the coin. People are watched and discussed, and every step and action is scanned and discussed. And while you may have the biggest potential, one mess-up, and you may never recover from it.
So, speaking about that, recently, one Reddit user started a discussion asking folks to list famous people who had everything going for them but then managed to mess up badly and never recover from it... because some of these actions are actually impossible to come back from and hope that everybody has forgotten. So sit back and scroll through this list, as most of us like some drama.
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Robert Downey Jr. And then, he started all over. I admire him.
Yes, absolutely! He is living proof that people can redeem themselves, and I also admire him.
I mean were still watching the chickens come home to roost in real time but Elon musk has destroyed at multi decade PR campaign to convince the average person he’s tony stark
Edit: a lot of Elon Stan’s are UPsetti spaghetti about this.
I've always thought he was a jacka$$. A lot of people confuse genius and arrogance. It's downright scary that he can literally make decisions that influence war outcomes. It also absolutely sucked when he admitted he had Aspergers because then everyone assumed his bumhole personality is because of it which just reinforces limiting and incorrect stereotypes about ASD.
Ellen DeGeneres. "Be kind to one another" unless you work for me. Then all bets are off.
NewOldSmartDum said:
Subway Jared
itsagoodtime added:
All Jared had to do was eat subs and not f**k kids. That's it. Endless subs. And he just couldn't help himself.
Whitney Houston. Her end was so tragic, most people forget she was once America’s sweetheart.
Poor Whitney. So talented and so beautiful. Ripped to shreds by fame like many
Alison Mack
Her character in Smallville was original to the show and not part of the Superman mythos. She did so well by it that they introduced it in the comics.
But she had to go co-run a cult that sex trafficked women and branded them like animals.
End of career, no reunion shows, no comic cons, character dropped from the comics so no cool legacy, oh yeah...and jail.
dubkitteh1 said:
Kanye West.
Iconoclassic404 added:
His mothers death really sent him off the deep end. The guy has some seriously untreated mental health issues, and it seems the people that surround him are making sure he doesn't treat it.
By all accounts he has always been egotistical, interested in learning psychological control techniques, and misogynistic. He's also been obsessed with Hitler for a long time. His speech during the Katrina fundraiser was spot on but his reputation prior to that was already one where he liked to make everything about him regardless of the situation. There's been a lot of debate about what condition he has and whether it's to blame for his behavior but according to Ye, and those closest to him when he was a little more healthy, the diagnosis is Bipolar. Family and friends did try to get him help but he has refused treatment. Bipolar does not explain or excuse his abusive behavior. He absolutely did have a break after his mom died, and based on recent accounts of his business interactions, he is surrounded by enablers. But that does not excuse the misogyny, stalker behavior and violent threats, antisemitism, slavery statements, and inappropriate sexual conduct at Adidas.
doonst said:
Oscar Pistorius
BarfingWalrus added:
I still don't get it... like you're one of the most celebrated athletes globally at that point. Everyone loves you. You're at the top of your game, you're rich you're handsome... your girlfriend is an 11/10 model... and you shoot her through a door?
Bit of an odd ball answer but Andrew Cuomo. He was an ADA, lawyer, founded a law firm, was a secretary under Clinton, AG, and then became NY governor. He was probably one step away from being the next DNC candidate for president.
Then, as y'all probably all already know, several women came forward and told their story.
How about his brother's fall from grace? Chris Cuomo was fired by CNN for using his journalistic contacts to try to get info about his Andrew's accusers. He denied the charges. Chris' salary at CNN was $6 million a year, and his present salary is considerably less...
Flycaster33 said:
Charlie Sheen
rnawmomof3 added:
His is a prime story of untreated mental illness and substance abuse. If someone that connected and wealthy can fall prey to those demons, it should surprise anyone that the average person has almost chance to beating that combo.
Jennifer Grey is always my go-to for self-inflicted career ending.
After she starred in Dirty Dancing and became a big name, she decided to get a nose job to make herself look better. What happened was no one recognized her anymore, and her career became limited to minor roles in TV and B-rated movies.
She was an incredible, unique beauty, and she made herself look just like everyone else. What if Barbra Streisand had gotten a nose job?
Mystery_J said:
Ezra Miller
I still cannot believe that people still work with him.
DrVagax added:
Look at his list of controversies, the dude choked, punched and kicked people, barged into a couple's bedroom after a fight and said I will bury you and your slut wife." and the list goes on.
He annoyed me in the fantastic beasts interviews. He spoke of the movie like he WAS the character, like he was the creator and no one else but him understands the character. I could never get into those movies mainly because of the over-confidence of the cast and the storyline was cruddy too. I can't get into the wizarding world without a book to accompany the movie
Just_o_joo said:
Kevin Spacey.
Makeupguru58 added:
My dad was an extra on set of the movie A Time to Kill. He got to talk to Kevin Spacey on set everyday. Apparently the only thing he talked about was going to strip clubs and getting drunk. When my dad showed up to the wrap party he saw Spacey chasing a guy around the bar and he was mimicking a bull.
Once again, not guilty does not equate to innocent. He did the things he's been accused of, there just wasn't sufficient evidence to convict and put him in jail.
Express_Cellist7985 said:
garrettj100 added:
OJ is a murderous piece of s**t, but who're we kidding?
When he goes, they're going to find the worst case of CTE ever.
MC Hammer. To this day, he’s still used as a warning to up and coming music artists.
Lizzo, not sure her career will survive the banana incident.
John Wilkes Booth. He was a famous and highly regarded actor with a very successful career before he murdered President Lincoln.
To an extent, Prince Harry.
And completely- Prince Andrew
Prince Harry got himself out of a (supposedly) racist family who have unreal expectations placed on then in return for lots of tax payer money. Well done to him.
Mel Gibson definitely made a few f**kups
imsalim said:
Most recently Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis
FiscalClifBar added:
They also just got busted by the SEC for selling unregistered securities (it’s NFTs).
Considering their pet project is human trafficking, their error in trying to defend Masterson looks even worse.
Most recently? Kevin Porter Jr. nba player for the Houston Rockets. He just signed a 4 year, 80 million dollar deal and got arrested for assaulting his gf.
Debatable if you'd say he was super famous, but Armie Hammer before he couldn't hide his cannibalistic side is up there
Steve-O, but he recovered so, so good! On the same note but not yet recovered, Bam Margera.
Absolutely love this guy,he tells it like it is and it's great to see him living his best life.
Phillip Seymour Hoffman…relapsing into [illegal substances] after decades of being clean cost him his life.
DrGenius2011 said:
Aaron Hernandez
DogsAreMyFavPeople added:
Aaron Hernandez had some of the worst CTE ever seen in autopsy and literally the worst the researchers had ever seen in anyone younger than 45. He might have looked like he had everything going for him but he was badly brain damaged the entire time, and more so than even most pro football players.
oncelerin said:
Alexander Hamilton
HoopOnPoop added:
He had an affair with a married woman. When her husband found out, he blackmailed/extorted Hamilton to keep it quiet. Later on, Hamilton's political enemies found the financial irregularities and accused him of abusing his post as Treasury Secretary to engage in corrupt financial practices. At that point he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He could either risk being accused of abuse of power while the government was still in a really precarious place or he could come clean and explain what was really happening. He chose the latter and wrote the "Reynolds Pamphlet" (the woman was named Maria Reynolds) admitting to everything. It pretty much ended his political career right there.
Henry Ruggs III, first round pick in the NFL. Racing his corvette through Vegas at 3 in the morning he crashed at 160 MPH and [ended] a woman and her dog. He was one of the top prospects in the game, 24 years old now he’s going to spend 3-10 years in jail, lose out on any and all NFL hopes and dreams. He only made it 2 seasons in the league before essentially ruining his life.
Only 3-10 years for murdering a woman and her dog. He acted like an entitled brat racing a car and managed to destroy a family. 3-10 is a joke.
Justin Roiland had a popular show (Rick & Morty) and while its quality (and maybe ratings I dunno) were waning, he had a guaranteed paycheck for a few more years, plus reruns, merch, whatever else, etc
All he had to do was not be a creepy piece of s**t.
Evil people cant stop themself proving they are evil. 2023 womens football winning team spain had to endure a spanish official who assaulted a player on tv. Kissed her cradling her head so she had no choice. Few are held accountable. Trump bragged about assaulting women and nothing serious came of it.
Mickey Rourke was pretty much the next James Dean of the 80's. Just hit after hit, women loved him, guys wanted to be him. Then he decided to try boxing and his face got pulverized, Bad plastic surgery followed, and he had issues with the press. The Wrestler was amazing, but the big comeback sort of fizzed out after that.
Seems like a cool and interesting guy, but he could have been royalty if not for a couple of bad decisions.
FreckledArms78 said:
Scott Weiland, from Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver.
OneSmoothCactus added:
I forget who, but after hid death a family member of his said that they'd all been waiting for the call for the last 20 years. Can't imagine knowing your son/brother/partner is [hurting] themselves with [illegal substances] and not be able to do anything about it.
Brett Butler. She blew herself up pretty good in the 90s
I met her a few years ago. She was super nice, gave me a signed copy of her (surprisingly excellent) autobiography, and she was still pretty funny.
Dunno if he counts as "famous" but... for a BREAKING NEWS scandal, how about Justin Sane, lead singer of Anti-Flag, a well-established (since 1988) punk band. For 35 years Sane's stage persona was of a militantly progressive singer, especially on women's issues. One of their songs is “Feminism Is for Everybody”, and Sane was a VERY vocal supporter of the #MeToo movement.
Except *Rolling Stone* just published [a long story](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/anti-flag-justin-sane-1234817170/) in which 13 women accuse him of violent sexual assault. Many were in high school at the time. One was 12.
When the rest of the band heard the news they immediately broke up and released a statement saying something like "this isn't the guy we thought we knew for 35 years". I'm not sure I believe that. The *Rolling Stone* piece mentions a couple times when the band *had* to know. For instance, Sane once (allegedly) took a girl to a shed behind a venue, and the rest of the band were (supposedly) making "where's Justin?" jokes, as if they knew.
I mean, credit to the rest of Anti-Flag for quickly disassociating and condemning his actions rather than taking the "he never acted that way with us, so he's a great guy" (like friends of Danny Masterson)
The richest man in Ireland, Sean Quinn, lost everything today. A series of unsuccessful investments, tax evasion, led Quinn to court. Today, the former billionaire is completely bankrupt, and contempt of court has been added to the charges. A lot of people hate Sean. Three years ago, his former manager was even kidnapped and beaten, but the perpetrators were never found. Perhaps the former depositors of his bank who lost their funds are involved here, perhaps other investors.
They did get them in prison now. He was tortured, finger nails pulled, broke his chins with a metal bar and poured bleach and salt in his wounds, branded him and then dumped him on the side of the road. So much hatred in the community after what happened. And don't worry Sean is still in his mansion on the hill while normal folk lost everything.
SumonaFlorence said:
John McAffee. Like, f**k me..
otakupirate added:
I read his wired interview and he was just... unhinged. He really had lost it. He made a lot of claims about the government and why he was in hiding and just seemed completely gone mentally.