This Instagram Page Is Dedicated To The Weirdest And Funniest Texts From Family And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones
With smartphones becoming a thing within the last 10-15 years, we can safely assure you that a whole new realm of humiliation has emerged with the advancement of technology and communication, especially with the rise of social media platforms. As much as we try to avoid it, sometimes when typing a text, we tend to misspell something or even misunderstand the message we received from the person on the other end.
However, sometimes small mistakes, misunderstandings, and a sprinkle of some family drama make up for some of the most entertaining conversations. An Instagram account by the name of "yourshi*tyfamily" collects funny texts between family members and is a perfect example of that.
From dad jokes to moms sending their children some outdated memes, this page is a gold mine for cringe and hilarious content.
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Neeeeear, faaaaar, whereeeeever you areeeee 🎶 And the chicken sinks like the Titanic
The Instagram page has a whopping 923K followers seeking to get their daily dose of family drama and misunderstandings. The account posts the best encounters with parents (usually) and other family members demonstrating they are the world's greatest comedians, taking typically ordinary chats between family members and making them absolutely spectacular.
From a mom acknowledging her sense of fashion might not be the best (to the point of thinking that if something looks cool in her eyes, then it probably needs to be burned on a stake) to children forgetting to thaw the chicken and trying to make their way out of it, this page has you covered for every life situation you might find yourself in. It's taking relatable to a whole new level.
And the best thing about this page? Well, they accept submissions from real-life people just like you and I, so the texts that do get posted are things that actually happened and just got re-shared by the Instagram page. So if you think you have some hilarious texts between your... mom/dad/siblings/step-siblings/uncles/aunts/grandparents and even cousins you visit once a year during a family gathering, well, you better make that submission right now!
"Hiya kids. Here is an important message from your Uncle Bill. Don't buy drugs. Become a pop star, and they give you them for free!"
I also wear two different shoes, way too hard to fit into one anymore
With that being said, the 'unspirational' page "yourshi*tyfamily" has over 1,468 posts on Instagram. So all of us can find joy in our mundane lives knowing that our family might not be the craziest one out there (or is it?).
Tell us, Pandas, what strange, bizarre or even awkwardly hilarious texts have you received from your family? We'd love for you to share your stories in the comments as well!
When I got my first tattoo my mum didn't speak to me for 8 weeks... it was very peaceful
Proud kid of a great parent who is sometimes an a*s hole... And works overtime at it.
Wow.... I just realized that I have never paid this compliment to any of my children... They raised annoying me to an art level.. But not to worry - I annoyed them right back!