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This Person Warns The Family To Not Go To Their Late Dad’s House To Take His Things, They Do Anyway And Now May End Up In Prison

This Person Warns The Family To Not Go To Their Late Dad’s House To Take His Things, They Do Anyway And Now May End Up In Prison


If a stranger does something that you consider wrong or a crime, you won’t hesitate to report them and most likely, people in your life would think you did the right thing. But when it comes to family, it gets trickier because you are expected to forgive the culprit just because you are related by blood.

Two siblings are now dealing with this dilemma and think that their cousins should be charged for robbery when they went to scavenge their late dad’s house, but the rest of the family are calling them too cruel for getting them arrested.

More info: Reddit


    Cousin couldn’t wait until their uncle’s children executed his will and now is being charged with felony

    Image credits: Ben Schumin (not the actual image)

    The Original Poster (OP) and their sister Jess lost their mom last year and just recently, their dad also passed away. The news reached the family and the siblings made sure to tell everyone that they were not allowed in their dad’s house.

    When the OP’s grandpa and their mom died, the family went to their house to look through the deceased relatives’ things so they could take them. The OP and Jess wanted to prevent this from happening with their dad’s things and told the family that they would prosecute if anyone else set foot in the house before they did.


    OP’s dad died not too long ago and his children asked their family to not go to their dad’s house

    Image credits: u/LawsandBrawls

    It seems that the family didn’t take the threats seriously despite the OP being a lawyer and they got a few notifications from the Ring Doorbell, which meant someone had entered the dad’s house. Security cameras showed their cousin was taking stuff, so the siblings called the police to report the theft and two cousins were arrested.

    The things they took were worth more than $1,000, so the cousins are facing felony charges. One of the cousins already has been in jail in the past, so he could get up to 10 years in prison for this.

    They asked this because when their mom and grandpa died, their relatives were quick to take anything they wanted from their houses


    Image credits: u/LawsandBrawls

    Image credits: Alexa LaSpisa (not the actual image)

    The siblings don’t really get along with their extended family, so when they threatened legal action after the dad’s death, they meant it. However, their grandma thinks this is going too far, but all the cousins needed to do was wait because the OP was the official executor and there was a will, so if something was promised by the dad, it must have been mentioned in it.

    According to E. A. Goodman Law, “Within 60 days of having been appointed, the Executor must notify all next of kin and beneficiaries named in the Will that the Will has been probated and that an Executor has been appointed.” With this notification, the executor has to include the will or explain how the beneficiaries can get the copy.

    The OP warned the family that they would press charges but that didn’t stop their cousins from helping themselves


    Image credits: u/LawsandBrawls

    Among the other administrative work, one of the executor’s duties is “to find all personal property in the estate and protect it until distribution.” They must distribute the assets as it is instructed in the will and “If there is any property left after paying off the estate’s debts and distribution to heirs, the executor is responsible for disposing of it.”

    Not only that, but the executor first of all has to take care of the deceased’s debts if there are any, so that means that some of the estate may need to be sold and relatives taking things before this matter is finished is kind of stealing.

    Because they have been in jail before, they could get up to 10 years in prison


    Image credits: u/LawsandBrawls

    There is also the moral aspect of this story. Even if you didn’t care that much about the person who passed away, it would be respectful to listen to the children of the late relative and to wait until the will is officially announced.

    People in the comments not only had a problem with that, but also with the relatives not listening to the executor, because if there is anything left for them, they would get it. Some of them were suggesting to go through with the charges just to get rid of such an insensitive and greedy family.

    The OP’s grandma thinks that this is unnecessary, but the family was warned what would happen


    Image credits: u/LawsandBrawls

    Image credits: Chris Yarzab (not the actual image)

    Do you think making a cousin go to jail because they took OP’s dad’s things after his death is too much? Do you think there was another way to solve this situation? Let us know your thoughts and reactions in the comments.

    People in the comments were appalled at the cousin’s audacity knowing that the OP was the will’s executor

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    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Writer, BoredPanda staff

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    Having started as a content creator that made articles for Bored Panda from scratch I climbed my way up to being and editor and then had team lead responsibilities added as well. So it was a pretty natural transition from writing articles and titles as well as preparing the visual part for the articles to making sure others are doing those same tasks as I did before well, answering their questions and guiding them when needed. Eventually I realized editing gives me the most enjoyment and I'm focusing only on that right now.

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    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Jurgita Dominauskaitė

    Writer, BoredPanda staff

    Having started as a content creator that made articles for Bored Panda from scratch I climbed my way up to being and editor and then had team lead responsibilities added as well. So it was a pretty natural transition from writing articles and titles as well as preparing the visual part for the articles to making sure others are doing those same tasks as I did before well, answering their questions and guiding them when needed. Eventually I realized editing gives me the most enjoyment and I'm focusing only on that right now.

    Monika Pašukonytė

    Monika Pašukonytė

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    I am a visual editor here. In my free time I enjoy the vibrant worlds of art galleries, exhibitions, and soulful concerts. Yet, amidst life's hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature's embrace, cherishing tranquil moments with beloved friends. Deep within, I hold a dream close - to embark on a global journey in an RV, accompanied by my faithful canine companion. Together, we'll wander through diverse cultures, weaving precious memories under the starry night sky, fulfilling the wanderlust that stirs my soul.

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    Monika Pašukonytė

    Monika Pašukonytė

    Author, BoredPanda staff

    I am a visual editor here. In my free time I enjoy the vibrant worlds of art galleries, exhibitions, and soulful concerts. Yet, amidst life's hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature's embrace, cherishing tranquil moments with beloved friends. Deep within, I hold a dream close - to embark on a global journey in an RV, accompanied by my faithful canine companion. Together, we'll wander through diverse cultures, weaving precious memories under the starry night sky, fulfilling the wanderlust that stirs my soul.

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    Evy Cl
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "hey guys, since you're all vultures waiting to swoop in and take what you want, my sister and I decided everyone will be arrested for stealing/trespassing, thanks!" family proceeds to vulture anyway, get arrested, shocked Pikachu face...

    Mad McQueen
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's basically grave robbing. They should be punished. Glad you called police. Glad the video was there to let you know who did it. Sorry for the loss X2 s.

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    His math is wrong on that 10% fee. It should be a 55/45 split. He's taking the whole 10% from his sister's half. He may be a bit of an AH

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not an AH for having the thieves arrested but possibly an AH for taking a larger chunk than he needs to.

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    Evy Cl
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "hey guys, since you're all vultures waiting to swoop in and take what you want, my sister and I decided everyone will be arrested for stealing/trespassing, thanks!" family proceeds to vulture anyway, get arrested, shocked Pikachu face...

    Mad McQueen
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's basically grave robbing. They should be punished. Glad you called police. Glad the video was there to let you know who did it. Sorry for the loss X2 s.

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    His math is wrong on that 10% fee. It should be a 55/45 split. He's taking the whole 10% from his sister's half. He may be a bit of an AH

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not an AH for having the thieves arrested but possibly an AH for taking a larger chunk than he needs to.

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