My name is David Irvine and I am a full-time artist, gardener, and Halloween enthusiast. Known worldwide for my redirected thrift store painting series, I also do a variety of other art projects including paintings on salvaged vinyl records, burnt-out light bulbs, and unique crafts.
By sculpting, sewing, and painting, I transformed a fake plastic gourd into a magical and whimsical Halloween character named “Drigsby Blackwood”. He goes from town to town in his unique wheeled gourd to share Halloween stories with both young and old.
Here are photos from start to finish – now available in my Etsy shop.
More info: Etsy
The plastic gourd waiting to be transformed
A little paint to suggest aging and weathering
Salvaged wheels are painted to look worn and aged
Wheels are attached to gourd and they work!
Front view
Character sculpt using Apoxie
Head and hands are crafted and allowed to cure
Things are coming to life!
Paint is applied and glass eyes are installed
A hat is made using rubber liner, ribbon and glue
The arms are made of heavy gauge wire and can be positioned. Fabric is selected and cut and sewn to fit the character
Hands are attached
Now to add the hair to the head and install on the body
The finished look with details and accessories added to the gourd
Side view
Front close up
Back view
Character and specially crafted “megaphone”
Happy Halloween!
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