We all know that apartment rent prices are going through the roof in some cities, and even in the less expensive ones, it can still be quite pricey to rent a flat. Not to mention the struggle in finding one in a good location that is not a total pig stein. A great solution would be a basement apartment if you are not afraid of it sometimes being moldy in windowless.
A reddit user called thatdbeagoodbandname were in the exact same situation and ended up renting a subterranean apartment. And in an attempt to brighten it, they’ve come up with an excellent idea for a false window. No, not the kind where a realistic drawing is made on the wall, but the type that is lit and looks precisely like a real window would. Now, everybody loves a good DIY project, and below you’ll find exactly how they did it.
All it took was a 2×4 frame with an acrylic cover, some cornstarch, and two LED lamps. The reddit user told Bored Panda that she got a piece of white fabric and dipped that in a cornstarch/water mixture and laid the material over the acrylic and let that dry, to get the matte white look for her crafty idea. Cheap plastic molding was used to create the impression of a frame, and curtains were hung to give the window an “at home” feel. Not only this easy DIY gives the impression that you might see a busy street behind the ‘window,’ but it also creates a very lovely and soft room lightning source.
More info: thatdbeagoodbandname
Would you guess that this window is in a basement?
thatdbeagoodbandname spent just $150 on the project
She used 2 LED grow lights from the hardware store
A frame with an acrylic cover acts as the false window
A cornstarch matte was used to diffuse the light through the plastic
She hung simple curtains to make everything more cozy
The finishing touches? Plastic molding to create a frame
The final result!
Share on FacebookI'd like to see a non-black and white photo of the result, to really get an idea of how the light feels.
Well, I'll try my best to tell you how it feels, it's great, this my studio, my wife built it. We live in Michigan and in the winter have short, grey days so it makes a huge difference. Monika, they are leds and quite efficient and you can't make a real window in basement that is double walled, you would have to break up a driveway and then the light would be hitting a wall. I would recommend this to anyone who is deprived of daylight for whatever reason , the plants are a real bonus as well
I'd like to see a non-black and white photo of the result, to really get an idea of how the light feels.
Well, I'll try my best to tell you how it feels, it's great, this my studio, my wife built it. We live in Michigan and in the winter have short, grey days so it makes a huge difference. Monika, they are leds and quite efficient and you can't make a real window in basement that is double walled, you would have to break up a driveway and then the light would be hitting a wall. I would recommend this to anyone who is deprived of daylight for whatever reason , the plants are a real bonus as well