It's becoming increasingly difficult to know just what is real and what isn't when browsing the internet. We're not just talking about fake news either, but the millions of photoshopped images, often very far from reality.
Take a look at these incredible before and after photo manipulation examples to see what we mean. They were Photoshopped by a Weibo user who goes by the name of Kanahoooo, although Chinese social media prefers to call her "Photoshop Holy." Why? Because her photo editing skills are nothing short of Godlike, which is why she has over 430,000 followers. Whether she's altering guys or girls to match the beauty standards, or even turning guys into girls, there seems to be nothing that the skilled image editor can't do. Kanahoooo, whose day job, according to MSN, is to make people look "shiny" and live up to their high expectations, apparently provides Photoshopping services to people who want to look better on their online profiles. "Don't believe the perfect thing you see online!" she says. "If you want to find out about somebody, then see them in real life." Check out some of her best images below, and let them act as a cautionary reminder that, when it comes to the internet, there's a very thin line between fact, fiction, and the ugly truth.
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Yep, I don't even see the point here anymore - could have just created a whole digitized person to begin with.
I personally think that she looked way better in the first one. She doesn't even look like the same person after editing!
Mibo-I agree, don't like them either. the first-real are beautiful and awesome. the others white washed for what? ug I hate that.
He does not need to be photo-shopped. He already look good on the first picture.
They photoshopped out the features that made her herself!! She's adorable before and after, but the original one has more natural beauty...
these manipulations show the beauty ideals of this region well, sadly.
Photoshop nicely done but not necessary, you're amazing on your natural way!
Does anyone else think the re-done faces are the same? Very little differences once you make the eyes more Western, narrow the nose and face, and accentuate the pointed chin. They all end up looking the same.
What's up with all these dudes turning into females in these photos
Are they asking to be given egg heads? Because that is exactly what all these pictures have in common.... a flawless egg head.
She looks like a sweet young girl on the first pic. On the second pic, I keep thinking I'm seeing the same girl in pic after pic.
At least you can tell it is the same girl. Guess she just wanted to look thiner.
Why, why, the girl is beautiful on the first one. No need for changes!
if all females in asia look like anime character, then i am scared to go back home.... lol
most photos here just needed flash fill, That cell phones don't offer ....yet?
Slightest change of them all. Looks like the only thing done was thinning her right cheek. Still imo first pic looks a bit better
You don't need to loose weight! The second one is too skinny for me! I prefer before
The unphotoshopped version has really nice legs. Genarally, she looks better before.
Look at that great smile and those beautiful cheeks in the first one. The second one is one dimensional and flat.
It makes me sad to see these people changing what makes them so unique and beautiful into something so generic and one-dimensional because of their perception of today's trendy (and unrealistic) beauty standards. Beauty standards change with time, but the beauty these people were born with is timeless and should be embraced and celebrated, not completely obliterated.
They lost all of the dimension -- look at her upper nose! Much better before.
They all look prettier before the transformation. They were original, after they all looked the same and toooo skinny.
This post should be named "Real people vs Final Fantasy version of themselves"
And people wonder why so many girls have body image issues... everyone wants to achieve the unachievable ideal, which is in fact just a perfect mediocrity... if eugenics ever takes our planet will become very boring very quickly.
Everyone who says "I can't understand why they'd do this" or "why would these people want to have their photos edited until they turned into someone else"... ugly people like myself don't want to "be themselves" or "have individuality"... they have been treated like trash their whole lives for being who they are, they want to be someone else, someone who is considered worthy by society. I'm glad you didn't go through that, but don't assume "being natural" or "being yourself" is always a good thing or what everyone wants. Lots of people want to be someone else entirely if they can, even if it's just online. And our society won't be "boring" if everyone is equally good looking, what would happen is that people would start to actually be judged more on who they are, on the inside and on physical traits we can actually choose (like clothes, make-up and hairstyles), instead of 80% or more being about the genetics first and then personality.
I, like many other BP users, have lived in Asia for a time and been exposed to the different cultural beauty ideals. In the West, we tend to value individual beauty in many different forms- including various body types and shades of skin tone. In Asia, this is not the case. In many of these countries, there is one standard of beauty, which usually involves large eyes (with double eyelids), oval faces, small "high" noses, and light skin color. Saying "why would someone do this?" isn't quite valid in these cases, because it's an entire culture, not one individual.
all these show the how the oriental girls want lighter skin bigger eyes and smaller noses. its basically the same face put on all the pictures...its such a shame all thier individuality has gone.
Seriously, what is the obsession with making everyone look like Hentai versions of themselves?? The white skin, red lips, huge eyes. Frightening.
they are not masters, The master retouches but preserves the reality and personality of each person
Some look OK. Most look like she has a face that is put over the existing faces and blended in. Same mouth, same eyes, same coloring. She doesn't seem to be all that great. Most photo editing apps can do this.
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings so I'll put this here and not attach it to the specific photos. But some of these appeared to be guys in drag, joking around. They ended up looking exactly like every other girl.
I'm kinda triggered by the fact that every single person in these pictures had their skin made whiter. Asian people are beautiful, just the way they are. Its sad if these pictures reflects asian beauty standards.
Bigger eyes, smaller nose, thinner face in every re-touch. At the end all of them look the same.
they are not masters, The master retouches but preserves the reality and personality of each person
Who is this s**t for? People who never plan on meeting anyone in real life?
The after pictures all look the same, and in most cases, it isn't an improvement.
Is nobody reading the title? The point is that you shouldn't trust photos on the internet. They're not encouraging over-photoshopping or a bad body image. They're showing that online pictures are untrustworthy. Don't understand all the hate on this post. Smh
Wow so many people dont get the point. Those are made by one person,kanahoo. She demonstrates how people should not easily believe on what they saw especially on the net. The people included in those photos did not photoshop themselves.
It's like they photoshop everyone to look like the same manga person--what's the point of existing if everyone is exactly the same and you don't add anything to the world???
I don't understand... Why Photoshop your heritage out of your face... And I don't think the excuse that "I'm ugly and I want my online profile photo to be beautiful!" works in this situation!!! I get taking out a pimple or two, fixing bad lighting, changing your hair color or even whitening your teeth, but come on people don't Photoshop who you are out of your photos, if people like you for what's on the outside and then they meet you and you look nothing like your "online persona" then they won't only be the one that will be disappointed in how you look- you will to and not understand who they don't like you for your "personality". I'm far from being a super model... but I'd never remove "who I am" from photos I post online! And in a Graphic Designer!!!
Two must have been a joke, but the rest are just depressing. What's this obsession with giant eyes??
I'm guilty of having used photoshop to alter photos of myself, but I've never used it to alter my eyes or facial features, which I noticed in many of these photos. I can understand someone wanting to make themselves a bit thinner or remove some shadows or to just enhance an unflattering camera angle... but completely altering the shape of their eyes?? 19149431_1...d-jpeg.jpg
some people in the actual photos have beauty in them, if they will only know how to appreciate themselves, they'll figure out how to work it out and show it
mostly just makes people look really boring tbh....You don't really know what people like about you...You always think it is the parts you like about you, but that's really not always the case....just be you, otherwise we will all look the same....BORING
Are you guys lying to yourself just to feel like a nice person? There's a reason camera filters and media industry exists - To have an ideal so everyone can feed their ego by looking like that. I'm not stating my opinion, but let's be honest here. Don't shame the photo editor for having the talent to do what people do everywhere, whether it'd be plastic surgery or photo edition.
It's sad to me that in these pictures a lot of focus was made on making their eyes rounder and bigger taking away their beautiful Asian eyes
I can't see the point of this. They have gone from being individuals to being generic human types. Or in some cases not quite human types. Is it still a picture of you if your friends and family couldn't recognise you from it?
But this can't be called image enhancing... She is just pasting the same features and even the same colors, lipstick and so on over and over and over again on each image... I am stunned that these people actually ask to have their image altered to a point where nothing of their original features can be discerned.
I think this is disgusting ! Their faces are completely changed to a beauty ideal that is unrealistic to begin with. with no regard to what these people actually look like. it is these things that turn our society where plastic pretty pictures are more important then real values, looks or knowledge. shameful and sad...very sad indeed !
In every case, the photoshopped version removed what was uniquely beautiful about each person and replaced them with clones that all look alike. That is same eyebrows, same eyes, same nose, same lips, same face shape. I don't like it at all.
So basically dont trust Asians then, especially as some of those were blokes with a wig on.
I literally don't understand, theres a difference between a little photoshop and copying and pasting on someone elses face .... ?
So it is no longer PC to use ultra thin models as it sends a bad message to impressionable young teenagers but it's ok to take a beautiful young woman with a normal weight and slim down every inch of her body until she is unrecognisable. Yeah giving young ppl an unachievable look/weight that's much much better :/
So we are are not allowed to have ultra thin models anymore as it sets a bad example to impressionable young teenagers but it's ok to take a beautiful girl with a normal weight and turn her into a waif and slim down all her features with Photoshop? Yeah, giving young ppl an unachievable look/body to be influenced by that's much better :/
"Photoshop holy"?! Hardly. She is no Photoshop master, based on the evidence here. Lot of these edits look completely unnatural. They should have stayed in the Uncanny Valley, where they came from in the first place. Besides, I don't think those people really needed retouching in the first place.
It is so sad to see how much we lose the relationship to reality. The bad thing is that many people are totally bending for this ideal (see: the sporting madness nowadays) and can even be operated on. In the end they lost themselves. If you do not, you will soon not know "What is still real?". And that is a sad reality in which we all have uncertainty.
Yet models do it alllllll the time. Men do it too. It's just part of the deal. Some people use it as a creative outlet, not as a means to misrepresent who they are. You should care about the heart not the looks.
Most of these pictures were better looking before they were photoshopped.
By my opinion, this is like making fake money - some call it art, but the goal is not noble.
Caucasians and western, please respond honestly, do u see the beauty in us asians? I see and appreciate the beauty in both but prefer yours
I don't understand those people who had to comment ALL the pictures with (nearly) same text. BTW, did you guys ever heard about the constant pressure for perfection in Asia? What is not perfect has no right to survive.
This is just a reminder of the everyday life of Chinese people. I was living there for many years and their beauty standards are other level
A few of these are obvious redos. The ones that aren't do not impress me as my taste in women are more natural. Plus, I teach Photoshop and after a while, you can tell.
Wow this Asian people look so different to me I thought they had better skin, hair 😲
I truly don't get this! I enjoy having photos of myself and my family because they're MY memories, my story, complete with zits and wrinkles and ill fitting clothes. If I wanted pics of some model-perfect person, I could just download a bunch of stock photos and be done with it.
Am I the only one who thinks #21 looks wayyy hotter and better in the original pic?
Am I the only one who thinks #21 is looking way hotter and better in his original pic?
A lot of mangamorphic puppets here. Most original photos are more touching and human. Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Respect the skill and digital artistry, but also.... .________________.;
So many of these people are so good looking in real life! Why aspire to be plastic then?
All of those skills waste just to open those Chinese people's eyes
On all the after photos is the same face. First ones are way more interesting and beautiful.
I think that beauty of body is most vital thing at our world, for women extra! Our faces it is like the mirrors of souls (this is relate for males), if you have problem with your beauty nature, so your mental and mind would be suffering to. Our world is unified. All peoples troubles come from of lack of integrality. All deseas, all mental deviations....... Where you can find this integrity? From the white race, you should disperse your US whites dna to the all peoples, and than, all would be aryans, and than all will be happy! We can't truly love without our beauty mirrors, thats why today we could see the hell everywhere....... Because HELL is devided dna from south...... RHCP know it, they sang about it!
I don't think it should be which one is better, but which one is real. Take a pride in who you are and try to take good care of yourself:)
Seems to me like they all want lighter skin, creepy anime eyes, smaller noses and skinnier bodies like they're not already skinny enough!
I think we all are beautiful because we're different. There are so many ways in being beautiful, why not enjoy that?
I think it's sad that people don't think they are beautiful just the way they are, and obviously there is a market for this beautification. What does that say about our shallow nature as humans?
The photo shopped images don't even look natural. All the natural beauty is taken away.....
A lot of these aren't that great. The heads look like the are floating
This article is just plain mean. Rude as f**k, and the photoshops looked fake and s****y as hell, like the "artist" has only ever seen anime women and not real women.
I have the impression that most of these girls try to get a more "caucasian" appearance. No?
if u search in insta or in some social networks there are tones of girls & guys already done the plastic surgery and looks exactly like this in photos above. sad & at some point scary if they same as clone /but sadly i understand them we all have some issues! Even we told, we are beautiful How many believes? /
Look, everybody want look beautiful, with race beauty, like europioids........ So why they accimilating whites peoples, not instead?
This post should be named "Real people vs Final Fantasy version of themselves"
And people wonder why so many girls have body image issues... everyone wants to achieve the unachievable ideal, which is in fact just a perfect mediocrity... if eugenics ever takes our planet will become very boring very quickly.
Everyone who says "I can't understand why they'd do this" or "why would these people want to have their photos edited until they turned into someone else"... ugly people like myself don't want to "be themselves" or "have individuality"... they have been treated like trash their whole lives for being who they are, they want to be someone else, someone who is considered worthy by society. I'm glad you didn't go through that, but don't assume "being natural" or "being yourself" is always a good thing or what everyone wants. Lots of people want to be someone else entirely if they can, even if it's just online. And our society won't be "boring" if everyone is equally good looking, what would happen is that people would start to actually be judged more on who they are, on the inside and on physical traits we can actually choose (like clothes, make-up and hairstyles), instead of 80% or more being about the genetics first and then personality.
I, like many other BP users, have lived in Asia for a time and been exposed to the different cultural beauty ideals. In the West, we tend to value individual beauty in many different forms- including various body types and shades of skin tone. In Asia, this is not the case. In many of these countries, there is one standard of beauty, which usually involves large eyes (with double eyelids), oval faces, small "high" noses, and light skin color. Saying "why would someone do this?" isn't quite valid in these cases, because it's an entire culture, not one individual.
all these show the how the oriental girls want lighter skin bigger eyes and smaller noses. its basically the same face put on all the pictures...its such a shame all thier individuality has gone.
Seriously, what is the obsession with making everyone look like Hentai versions of themselves?? The white skin, red lips, huge eyes. Frightening.
they are not masters, The master retouches but preserves the reality and personality of each person
Some look OK. Most look like she has a face that is put over the existing faces and blended in. Same mouth, same eyes, same coloring. She doesn't seem to be all that great. Most photo editing apps can do this.
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings so I'll put this here and not attach it to the specific photos. But some of these appeared to be guys in drag, joking around. They ended up looking exactly like every other girl.
I'm kinda triggered by the fact that every single person in these pictures had their skin made whiter. Asian people are beautiful, just the way they are. Its sad if these pictures reflects asian beauty standards.
Bigger eyes, smaller nose, thinner face in every re-touch. At the end all of them look the same.
they are not masters, The master retouches but preserves the reality and personality of each person
Who is this s**t for? People who never plan on meeting anyone in real life?
The after pictures all look the same, and in most cases, it isn't an improvement.
Is nobody reading the title? The point is that you shouldn't trust photos on the internet. They're not encouraging over-photoshopping or a bad body image. They're showing that online pictures are untrustworthy. Don't understand all the hate on this post. Smh
Wow so many people dont get the point. Those are made by one person,kanahoo. She demonstrates how people should not easily believe on what they saw especially on the net. The people included in those photos did not photoshop themselves.
It's like they photoshop everyone to look like the same manga person--what's the point of existing if everyone is exactly the same and you don't add anything to the world???
I don't understand... Why Photoshop your heritage out of your face... And I don't think the excuse that "I'm ugly and I want my online profile photo to be beautiful!" works in this situation!!! I get taking out a pimple or two, fixing bad lighting, changing your hair color or even whitening your teeth, but come on people don't Photoshop who you are out of your photos, if people like you for what's on the outside and then they meet you and you look nothing like your "online persona" then they won't only be the one that will be disappointed in how you look- you will to and not understand who they don't like you for your "personality". I'm far from being a super model... but I'd never remove "who I am" from photos I post online! And in a Graphic Designer!!!
Two must have been a joke, but the rest are just depressing. What's this obsession with giant eyes??
I'm guilty of having used photoshop to alter photos of myself, but I've never used it to alter my eyes or facial features, which I noticed in many of these photos. I can understand someone wanting to make themselves a bit thinner or remove some shadows or to just enhance an unflattering camera angle... but completely altering the shape of their eyes?? 19149431_1...d-jpeg.jpg
some people in the actual photos have beauty in them, if they will only know how to appreciate themselves, they'll figure out how to work it out and show it
mostly just makes people look really boring tbh....You don't really know what people like about you...You always think it is the parts you like about you, but that's really not always the case....just be you, otherwise we will all look the same....BORING
Are you guys lying to yourself just to feel like a nice person? There's a reason camera filters and media industry exists - To have an ideal so everyone can feed their ego by looking like that. I'm not stating my opinion, but let's be honest here. Don't shame the photo editor for having the talent to do what people do everywhere, whether it'd be plastic surgery or photo edition.
It's sad to me that in these pictures a lot of focus was made on making their eyes rounder and bigger taking away their beautiful Asian eyes
I can't see the point of this. They have gone from being individuals to being generic human types. Or in some cases not quite human types. Is it still a picture of you if your friends and family couldn't recognise you from it?
But this can't be called image enhancing... She is just pasting the same features and even the same colors, lipstick and so on over and over and over again on each image... I am stunned that these people actually ask to have their image altered to a point where nothing of their original features can be discerned.
I think this is disgusting ! Their faces are completely changed to a beauty ideal that is unrealistic to begin with. with no regard to what these people actually look like. it is these things that turn our society where plastic pretty pictures are more important then real values, looks or knowledge. shameful and sad...very sad indeed !
In every case, the photoshopped version removed what was uniquely beautiful about each person and replaced them with clones that all look alike. That is same eyebrows, same eyes, same nose, same lips, same face shape. I don't like it at all.
So basically dont trust Asians then, especially as some of those were blokes with a wig on.
I literally don't understand, theres a difference between a little photoshop and copying and pasting on someone elses face .... ?
So it is no longer PC to use ultra thin models as it sends a bad message to impressionable young teenagers but it's ok to take a beautiful young woman with a normal weight and slim down every inch of her body until she is unrecognisable. Yeah giving young ppl an unachievable look/weight that's much much better :/
So we are are not allowed to have ultra thin models anymore as it sets a bad example to impressionable young teenagers but it's ok to take a beautiful girl with a normal weight and turn her into a waif and slim down all her features with Photoshop? Yeah, giving young ppl an unachievable look/body to be influenced by that's much better :/
"Photoshop holy"?! Hardly. She is no Photoshop master, based on the evidence here. Lot of these edits look completely unnatural. They should have stayed in the Uncanny Valley, where they came from in the first place. Besides, I don't think those people really needed retouching in the first place.
It is so sad to see how much we lose the relationship to reality. The bad thing is that many people are totally bending for this ideal (see: the sporting madness nowadays) and can even be operated on. In the end they lost themselves. If you do not, you will soon not know "What is still real?". And that is a sad reality in which we all have uncertainty.
Yet models do it alllllll the time. Men do it too. It's just part of the deal. Some people use it as a creative outlet, not as a means to misrepresent who they are. You should care about the heart not the looks.
Most of these pictures were better looking before they were photoshopped.
By my opinion, this is like making fake money - some call it art, but the goal is not noble.
Caucasians and western, please respond honestly, do u see the beauty in us asians? I see and appreciate the beauty in both but prefer yours
I don't understand those people who had to comment ALL the pictures with (nearly) same text. BTW, did you guys ever heard about the constant pressure for perfection in Asia? What is not perfect has no right to survive.
This is just a reminder of the everyday life of Chinese people. I was living there for many years and their beauty standards are other level
A few of these are obvious redos. The ones that aren't do not impress me as my taste in women are more natural. Plus, I teach Photoshop and after a while, you can tell.
Wow this Asian people look so different to me I thought they had better skin, hair 😲
I truly don't get this! I enjoy having photos of myself and my family because they're MY memories, my story, complete with zits and wrinkles and ill fitting clothes. If I wanted pics of some model-perfect person, I could just download a bunch of stock photos and be done with it.
Am I the only one who thinks #21 looks wayyy hotter and better in the original pic?
Am I the only one who thinks #21 is looking way hotter and better in his original pic?
A lot of mangamorphic puppets here. Most original photos are more touching and human. Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Respect the skill and digital artistry, but also.... .________________.;
So many of these people are so good looking in real life! Why aspire to be plastic then?
All of those skills waste just to open those Chinese people's eyes
On all the after photos is the same face. First ones are way more interesting and beautiful.
I think that beauty of body is most vital thing at our world, for women extra! Our faces it is like the mirrors of souls (this is relate for males), if you have problem with your beauty nature, so your mental and mind would be suffering to. Our world is unified. All peoples troubles come from of lack of integrality. All deseas, all mental deviations....... Where you can find this integrity? From the white race, you should disperse your US whites dna to the all peoples, and than, all would be aryans, and than all will be happy! We can't truly love without our beauty mirrors, thats why today we could see the hell everywhere....... Because HELL is devided dna from south...... RHCP know it, they sang about it!
I don't think it should be which one is better, but which one is real. Take a pride in who you are and try to take good care of yourself:)
Seems to me like they all want lighter skin, creepy anime eyes, smaller noses and skinnier bodies like they're not already skinny enough!
I think we all are beautiful because we're different. There are so many ways in being beautiful, why not enjoy that?
I think it's sad that people don't think they are beautiful just the way they are, and obviously there is a market for this beautification. What does that say about our shallow nature as humans?
The photo shopped images don't even look natural. All the natural beauty is taken away.....
A lot of these aren't that great. The heads look like the are floating
This article is just plain mean. Rude as f**k, and the photoshops looked fake and s****y as hell, like the "artist" has only ever seen anime women and not real women.
I have the impression that most of these girls try to get a more "caucasian" appearance. No?
if u search in insta or in some social networks there are tones of girls & guys already done the plastic surgery and looks exactly like this in photos above. sad & at some point scary if they same as clone /but sadly i understand them we all have some issues! Even we told, we are beautiful How many believes? /
Look, everybody want look beautiful, with race beauty, like europioids........ So why they accimilating whites peoples, not instead?