A lot of us wouldn’t say “no” to some good wine and dine time, especially when it’s a well-reviewed place. But we also know that having a nice evening isn’t only about the food. It’s the combination of things such as the place you’re in, its surroundings and vibe, as well as service. And some people would even say that service is one of the most important parts that makes the whole experience nice and complete. Of course, how can someone enjoy themselves if the server is perhaps forgetful and even rude to them? TikTok user @slavinjoshua decided to perform an experiment by going to a fancy restaurant and pretending to be a food critic to see how the staff would treat him, thinking that he is there to evaluate the establishment. The video that received 22.7M views amused a lot of users online, and a few more videos on the same matter followed, sharing the man’s journey as a fake food critic.

More Info: TikTok


    Have you ever seen a food critic portrayed in the movies and thought how fun of an occupation that would be?

    Image credits: jjslavin

    TikTok user Josh Slavin likes to share food and travel-related content with his followers on various social media platforms. Most of the content that he shares are reviews of various foods and while that already gathered him a number of followers, the attention grabber was the first video of Josh going to a Michelin star restaurant pretending to be a food critic. In this video, the guy is on his way to the restaurant in Hong Kong, stating that he’s going prepared as he has a notebook with him, wanting to see if this makes the waitstaff treat him any differently, assuming that he’s a critic.

    TikTok user Josh Slavin decided that he wanted to try and pretend to be one


    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    The guy took his notebook and went to one of the Michelin star restaurants in Hong Kong

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Josh shared that at the beginning of his dinner, he tried a few things and took some pictures, and after a while he took out his notebook. It didn’t take long for the staff to notice this, and so they stopped at his table to ask the guy how the food was. But this was only the beginning as after this, a manager came up to his table and gave him his card with his information, saying that he can use it when he needs a reservation. All this attention didn’t disrupt Josh from his “work”, seeing that he clearly was being watched. 


    The guy shared his experience by showing how he pretends to take important notes after trying some dishes

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua


    The guy shared that at one point, he took out his notebook and his action was noticed by staff members, who then proceeded to treat him like an actual food critic

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    The TikTok user shared that he only ordered two courses, and was surprised when the server brought him a dessert cart as well as offered some drinks. He also shared an email that he received the next day from the restaurant’s manager. The TikToker called this evening “a successful mission”. A lot of people online found this idea to be funny and clever, stating that he in fact gave the restaurant an amazing review by creating this video.


    What are you thoughts on this situation? Would you dare to become a food critic just for one night? 

    Even the restaurant’s manager made an appearance and gave Josh his card

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Bored Panda contacted Josh to find out more about the content that he creates. The TikToker shared that he was quite surprised to see his first video gain so much attention, despite trying not to have his hopes too high when uploading videos. “As long as I find the video to be fun to make and I am proud of the product, I am happy to post it regardless of the views,” shared the content creator. Where did the idea to make such a video come from? Josh shared that the whole thing was inspired by a Reddit post “discussing the following idea: If you are eating alone in a restaurant and bring a notebook with you, the restaurant might think you are a food critic and treat you better/differently.” The man had a notebook in his bag and thought it would be a good idea to test this in reality. “While many might think that this would be something that is really fun to do, it is actually quite uncomfortable,” revealed the TikTok user. “The biggest contrast I have noticed when filming these videos is that the restaurant staff tends to watch you more closely – this is not preferable, in my opinion. However, I must say, the service I received was spectacular and everyone I’ve met at these restaurants has been very kind!”


    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    So are people who are food critics, celebrities, or people of other kinds of importance treated differently in high-end restaurants? The content creator explained that while he tries to answer this question with his videos, they are a bit “flawed” as he is coming to such a restaurant for the first time, so he can’t compare it with how he would have been treated if he hadn’t been pretending to be a food critic. “I will say that I do notice some shifts when I take out my notebook after a couple of courses of dining normally. Therefore, one might argue that restaurants treat suspected critics better,” concluded Josh. He also shared an interesting fact by saying that exclusive restaurants do research on their guests before they visit, assuming that this is done to provide “personalized treatment for each guest.”


    Despite getting all this attention, the man didn’t let this stop him from doing his” job”

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    In one of his videos, the TikTok user shared that on one of his outings, he was recognized by the restaurant’s staff. This recognition made it harder to create such content, but this will not stop Josh from moving forward with this project: “I don’t think it is very feasible for me to continue making these types of videos during my time in Hong Kong. However, I will definitely consider making more of these videos when I travel to new locations.” His love for food gives him the needed determination to keep traveling and trying new dishes and visiting new restaurants. The man shared: “The reason I enjoy making these videos is because I am a foodie at heart and have a lot of fun reviewing new dishes and restaurants. While I am not nearly as qualified as a bona fide, published food critic or a legitimate Michelin Inspector, I still enjoy sharing my thoughts on the food I try with my audience from my own personal perspective. This type of video allows me to showcase the interesting food and restaurants I try, but in a way that appeals to wider audiences. I always really enjoy getting to share some of the amazing places I try with my audiences and hopefully sending new traffic to these amazing establishments.” 

    The card wasn’t the only thing that the TikToker received from the restaurant

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    What is there to know about food critics? According to Career Explorer, a food critic is a person who tastes and analyzes various dishes, and later provides their opinion, usually in writing, in magazines, blogs, travel guides, etc., this way helping people to decide whether they want to try a certain food or visit a particular restaurant. Their recommendations are quite important not only to readers but also to various food establishments as a good review might ensure more traffic and recognition. 

    The day after the dinner, Josh received an email from the restaurant’s manager

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Image credits: slavinjoshua

    Food critics usually are journalists or writers who share detailed descriptions not only about the food, its serving, size, and all the little nuances, but also about the restaurant, its atmosphere, staff work, and prices. What is important for a food critic is to have some sort of knowledge about the industry because the review shouldn’t be based only on their opinion, but should be informative and reasoned. Another interesting thing is that food critics need to keep their anonymity and make sure that restaurant staff and management didn’t know that they are the person of interest. It’s revealed that even their social media shouldn’t include pictures of their face. 

    You can watch the full video down below

    A lot of people online were impressed and amused by the TikToker’s idea

    Image credits: slavinjoshua