My name is Norihito Hatanaka and I create a fake food accessories. Normally, my factory creates ‘industrial art food models’ for display at restaurants. One day, I thought I wanted to create something interesting by using our expert technology of the craftsman.

I considered what should I create to expose the fake food to public view. And as I was interested in fashion, I decided to make accessories that have a food motif. I get inspired for my work from casual daily scenery. Easily available common food items are charming as they are, though people sometimes don’t notice that.

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    Curry necklace

    Bacon bracelet and earrings

    Colorful fruit necklace

    Spaghetti headband

    Spaghetti and egg necklace


    Pancake accessories

    Tomato spaghetti necklace


    Hamburger and French fries

    Bacon egg headband

    Doughnut accessories

    Spaghetti Bolognaise necklace

    Spaghetti Earrings


    French toast headband

    Omelet necklace and ring