If it were up to us, we’d only talk about our successes. After all, who likes telling the entire world how badly they failed?! But failure is inevitable, and if you never go wrong, you never learn. Or so they say…

So this time, we are diving deep into the world of cases where people who had only one, a single hackin’ job on their to-do list, managed to fail miserably. And thanks to the 508k followers-strong subreddit “One Job,” there’s a lot to uncover.

Think of changing light bulbs, putting masking tape on electrical plugs, serving donuts at Dunkin’ Donuts, or arranging a parking lot into spots—some of these jobs sound like no-brainers, others seem to require more effort. Blame it on weather, circumstances, luck turning its back, a black cat crossing your path, or whatever, but one thing is clear—the results were not worthy of promotion.

Scroll down to upvote your favorite “you had one job” examples, and be sure to check out our previous posts with people failing at their duties here and here.


To Add More Security

To Add More Security

JGXJM Report

While we laugh at these funny instances of poorly executed performance, whether it’s recklessly laid pavement or blurring the face of an offender only to leave his crystal-clear reflection in the window, the truth is nobody wants to talk about failure. Especially the mistakes we make at work, the ones that require us to step up, take accountability, and face consequences.

So in order to find out more about navigating the complex and often very difficult world of professional failures, we spoke with a renowned expert in the field, Hans Schumann, who is an executive career and life coach to London's Square Mile. Hans is also the author of the career coaching book "Falling in Love With Your Job – How to create more excitement and fulfillment in your career."


Anti Vaccine Protests, Today In Toronto. They Ain't Too Bright

Anti Vaccine Protests, Today In Toronto. They Ain't Too Bright

francesjames Report

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qahtanrama avatar
River Webb
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I doubt it, at least the 'scietists' know how to spell their occupation

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Hans started by saying that he sees a lot of people who are obsessed with avoiding failure. “This can create a massive amount of stress and anxiety. My take on this is that failure at work, in business or in life generally is unavoidable. The sooner we let go of the insane expectation that it is possible to sail through life without any failure or rejections, the better for our emotional wellbeing,” he explained and added that “if we accept that failure is part of life, we can embrace it as a learning experience.”


Ah !! The Starbucks Drive - Thru (9 3/4) For Hogwarts Students

Ah !! The Starbucks Drive - Thru (9 3/4) For Hogwarts Students

COOL_GEEK_010506 Report

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aquafoxgaming_1 avatar
AquaFox Gaming
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Daily Prophet: Platform 9 and 3/4 has been shut down due to muggle disturbance. New entryway in muggle café Starbucks.

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"World's Most Helpful Error Message" (Captured From A Ltt Video)

"World's Most Helpful Error Message" (Captured From A Ltt Video)

HeyImGabriel Report

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manusal avatar
El muerto
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have my reasons...primarily because I don't like you...

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Meanwhile, Hans argues that if someone has indeed so far been able to avoid failures at work, then he would question whether they have been playing life too safe. “For example, if you win each and every sales pitch, it may well be that your prices are too low. If you can do your job with your eyes closed, maybe it’s time for a new challenge? When we play truly bold in life, our path will be full of both failures and successes.”


If you do end up failing at whatever task you’re given, the key is to find a productive way to go about it. For Hans, it’s about applying curiosity to get the most out of the learning experience. “Don’t judge yourself for failing. Beating yourselves up does not serve any purpose. Quite to the contrary, it may affect your ability to turn the perceived failure into a positive outcome.”


So Boss I Have Finished Labelling All Them Bottles

So Boss I Have Finished Labelling All Them Bottles

FranktheMug Report


You Just Had To Click The Folder!

You Just Had To Click The Folder!

zzap Report

What’s more, when facing failure, it’s crucial to recognize the fact that you intended well and look at the situation from different perspectives. “It’s quite likely that you did what you thought was required at the time. If things do not play out well for you in the end, acknowledge your good intentions. Then look at the issue with the eyes of a curious engineer, without emotional attachment: What exactly in your approach did not work? Which parts could be improved, which other avenues tried? In each failure there is valuable information that can help us grow,” Hans explained.


According to Hans, failures are not only unavoidable, they are also essential for our personal and professional growth. “It is only through error and trial that we gather information and can learn,” he added.


Money Wasted

Money Wasted

puchakpuchak Report


Allergic To What Now?

Allergic To What Now?

robinparrish Report

Moreover, Hans reminds us that sometimes, the only way to find out whether something works is to try it out. “For example, you can only really establish whether you enjoy a particular career if you are in it. When you then find out that it’s not a good fit for you after all, you have two main options: Do you resign to a life in misery by staying in the job? Or do you cut your losses and change career? I would regard staying in the job as the real 'failure' and changing your career as mastering life challenges with resourcefulness,” the executive coach concluded.


Online Engineer

Online Engineer

_AlexanderTheFake_ Report

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alihmsalehuddin avatar
Ali H M Salehuddin
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Imagine, you standing right in front of the basin, and you turn on this faucet. The water goes straight to your crotch area. What an embarrassment! Worst if the water is hot!

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Gary’s Hat

Gary’s Hat

AdamWestsButtDouble Report

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qahtanrama avatar
tamrastiffler avatar
Tamra Stiffler
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I believe we all have a little bit of dark gary and light gary within us all.

dstyle_ avatar
hanksattler_1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Amazon peeps: Hey! Gary! We have another photo shoot for our new Gary hat! Guess what? We named it after you! Gary: ummmmmm

dthkls avatar
Bill Karp
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

a hat by any other color is still Gary, though 1 is upper case !

rstone avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love that meme of this that’s like “within each of us there are two Garys….”

facebook_radek avatar
Radek Suski
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hahaha, I read it dark grey the 3 first times and couldn't get what's wrong with it

kjl01 avatar
Karen Lyon
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hmmm. That puts a whole new spin on my youngest brother's personality!

carmenflores_1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Light Gary is not much better than dark Gary..I say we pick another color!

susan-herbert345 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Now, if only Americans spelled "grey" like the rest of the English-speaking world, we wouldn't have this problem! ;oP

babzzz1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well except for those of English background with the last name of "Gray". Or should people like singer Macy Gray change their name to be spelled Grey?

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ramonayrhein avatar
Ramona Rhein
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I saw this ad! I thought it was a new way to distinguish color!

johnglassey avatar
John G
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2 years ago

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It would seem that a typographical error has been made in the colour description of this item. Instead of 'gray', the name 'Gary' has been typed.

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Bored Panda also spoke with Christine Mitterbauer, a licensed and ICF-approved coach and serial entrepreneur. She said that when you mess up at work, instead of feeling ashamed or silly, remind yourself that the fact that you failed means you tried something new.

“If you only every do the easy or expected thing, you’ll probably fail less, but you’ll also be seen as a mediocre employee and colleague, and will be less likely to stand out when it comes to promotions and salary increases,” she explained.

The way you go about approaching failure is key in making it productive. “Tell yourself that the failure happened because you pushed yourself, and it’s only by pushing yourself that you grow and stand out. Never pushing yourself means stagnating in your job and career, and would leave you bored, unfulfilled and ultimately unhappy,” she said.


Christine shared that there are some useful activities you may want to practice. Like, journaling—by writing down your thoughts and reflections on good and bad experiences at work, they become less personal and you’re able to see them more objectively. Putting words on your feelings down on paper means they get out of your head, where they often have a tendency to go around in circles (overthinking and overanalyzing). An added benefit is that you can look back at your learnings and reflections and see how you grow over time.”

Another very beneficial activity is engaging in meditation and mindfulness exercises. “By learning how to see your thoughts for what they are (just thoughts, not ‘the truth’), you combat overthinking about your failures at work. Devoting 10-15 min of your time to meditation each day means you get better and better at moving on when you fail and hit obstacles, rather than dwelling and ruminating on them.”


Its The Rock.. Right?

Its The Rock.. Right?

ChrOwonon Report

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manusal avatar
El muerto
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

so he has being given a fake name all this years? shame on you fresh prince

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Why Did You Do This

Why Did You Do This

Otherwise_Scientist2 Report

Christine also said that you may want to discuss your failures with a friend or your partner. “Share your failures with people you trust, this gets them off your chest, and your can share experiences and hear other people’s views and advice on them.” She added that often, our fails are worst in our own eyes, and discussing them with others can bring a lighthearted touch to them and make them have less power over us.

Most importantly, Christine assured that absolutely, there’s good coming out of our fails. “If we never fail, it means we never grow and learn, and that’s a no go if you want to get ahead and be successful in your career,” she said and added that “many senior leaders encourage failing, as failing often means trying things that no one has ever done before; key in business nowadays.”

In fact, “people who have lived a full life and are close to death will also tell you the only things they regret are the things they DIDN’T do, not the things they did do,” Christine concluded.


The New Way To Sit In A Wheelchair

The New Way To Sit In A Wheelchair

thesequelsuck Report


I Checked Everyone’s Temperature!

I Checked Everyone’s Temperature!

Truji11o Report

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libstak avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So much for no touching. Let's just spread from forehead to hand and then next forehead shall we? That 'll stop covid in its tracks.

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Is Anybody Familiar With This Particular Dog Breed?

Is Anybody Familiar With This Particular Dog Breed?

Cookie-Catto Report

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I Would Love To See This In My Kitchen!

I Would Love To See This In My Kitchen!

caprisonny193 Report


Imagine Someone Watching This While Wearing The Same Vest

Imagine Someone Watching This While Wearing The Same Vest

dopeking404 Report


You Had One Jobs To Put A Masking Tape On The Electrical Plugs

You Had One Jobs To Put A Masking Tape On The Electrical Plugs

Asem1989 Report


This Parking Lot At My Grandparents House

This Parking Lot At My Grandparents House

RefuseNo9121 Report

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henicz avatar
Maciej H.
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This actually looks quite reasonable. Maybe it 's not space-optimized, but parking should be much easier this way. At least it looks like that.

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I’ve Always Wanted To Be Sand

I’ve Always Wanted To Be Sand

Goblin088 Report

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wianjama avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Or the face coming out of the chest of an ominous looking kangaroo...

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Problem Fixed

Problem Fixed

lostproton Report

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thabojaffe avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What's that? Dropped your key under the building? Let me get that for ya

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They Do It Just To Be In This Subreddit

They Do It Just To Be In This Subreddit

lostproton Report

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aquafoxgaming_1 avatar
AquaFox Gaming
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Suicide? Or a prank? Imagine if its the sink drainer disguised as a powerpoint.

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Son, You Were Adorpted

Son, You Were Adorpted

bifoot Report

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mulkyway avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love the fact that "DP" can save a life.... I'm out, mouahahahah

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My Rare Found... I Think I Know Who Is Buying This

My Rare Found... I Think I Know Who Is Buying This

BEAN_Demolisher Report

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This Is How It Came From The Factory

This Is How It Came From The Factory

Julis_texsture_team Report


Must Be Fun To Ride There.

Must Be Fun To Ride There.

lostproton Report


Which One Do I Choose...

Which One Do I Choose...

Gucci_Lobster Report

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the_true_opifex avatar
Katie Lutesinger
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think the real question here is what use is half a nunchuck anyway??

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I'll Stay Away From This Barber Shop, Thanks

I'll Stay Away From This Barber Shop, Thanks

SpilledCobra872 Report


Ah Yes, My Favorite Snacks To Buy At The Gas Station.

Ah Yes, My Favorite Snacks To Buy At The Gas Station.

Vidvidambusgamer Report


I Cant Tell If Amazon Purposely Did It For The Package To Get Stolen. No Box. Didnt Even Hide It. What Do You Know. My Package Got Stolen

I Cant Tell If Amazon Purposely Did It For The Package To Get Stolen. No Box. Didnt Even Hide It. What Do You Know. My Package Got Stolen

Trickshotzzz Report

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kobusloots avatar
Kobus Loots
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In South Africa, they don't leave the package at your house they only deliver if you are there, if not then they come back later.

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This Clock In My School's Gym

This Clock In My School's Gym

ItsYay Report

Note: this post originally had 86 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

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