If you were to ask someone about “life saving” skills, first aid would probably be the number one answer, and for good reason. However, there are a lot of other things that could potentially save a life that are probably good to know.
Instagram content creator Classnomeleve went viral for sharing some tips and facts that could be possibly life saving. So get comfortable as you scroll through, perhaps take some notes, upvote your favorites and be sure to add your own thoughts and examples in the comments below.
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Image credits: classnomeleve
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Most people who drown are actually close to safety. Many people don't know this, but the actual vast majority of drownings don't happen in the middle of the ocean. Instead, they happen within close reach, or arms reach within safe exit. The problem lies with panicking. People panic, which wastes energy instead of conserving it. This is why it is absolutely necessary that if you're ever struggling in water, do not flail. Float immediately. What you must do is extend your limbs, tilt your head back, and take slow, deep breaths. This will buy you the essential seconds needed to regain control and to strategize.
There are more drownings close to safety than in the middle of the ocean... Might have something to do with the fact that there are a lot more people swimming at the shore than in the middle of the ocean.
If you are ever in a public parking lot and someone points out a damage in your car, do not go to investigate it immediately. Criminals may use this moment to ambush or kidnap you.
You actually lose heat 20 times faster when you're wet versus when you're dry. That is why it's absolutely necessary that if you can shed the wet clothes, dry them before wearing them. It's also worth noting as well that wool is actually warmer than anything that feels warm even when it's wet. It's highly advisable that if you ever go out to anywhere that's cold, bring with you something that's made of wool.
Baking soda is widely known to actually extinguish fires, even grease and electrical fires. In the case of a house fire, do not pour water on a grease fire. That is why it's absolutely necessary that you put baking soda instead. You should always try to keep a box of it nearby you, especially when you're cooking and grilling.
And DO NOT use flour. I've seen people say to put flour on a grease fire, but flour is flammable!
Do not, and I repeat, do not lay in the snow or walk alone in the cold when you're way too drunk. There should be no need for explanation of this. This should be common sense.
My oldest brothers best friend died when he drove home drunk and passed out in the snow in front of his house.
If you ever hear laughter in the woods - run. This is not just some urban legend. Criminals such as kidnappers, human traffickers and predators often use laughter to disorient people and lure them into getting closer. Never, ever investigate strange noises in remote areas, especially on your own.
If you're ever stuck in an elevator, especially in a very tall building, and it starts falling, never jump. Instead, what you should do is that you should lay flat on the floor with your hand behind your head and one in front. This will distribute the fall evenly and avoid injury as much as possible, while also protecting your head.
Losing weight without trying could very well be one of the two cancer or diabetes, get checked immediately.
If you ever hear faint, irregular breathing in your bedroom, but don't see anyone - leave without a sound. Intruders hiding under beds in closets or even pressing themselves into corners try their absolute best to keep silent, but not everyone can suppress the sound of their own breathing.
Most human traffickers are actually women in most human trafficking, while men are the ones who dominate the leadership networks. It's actually women who are often the ones recruiting and deceiving victims. They often exploit the women trust women mentality to lower defenses.
This also goes for children as well. If anything, this goes for everyone as well, including men, because women are more likely to be perceived as trustworthy. They are often more effective at abducting people because their presence feels less threatening. The very scary thing about this is that not many people know this. They assume that the majority of human traffickers are operated by men, but in reality, women actually dominate this.
But it's not because these women are predatory. It's also important to note as well that many of these women were once victims themselves, broken and coerced into becoming predators, and because being a woman itself is usually connoted to being nurturing and being motherly, children fall for this trap that trust becomes a weapon, and the cycle feeds itself, ultimately turning vulnerability into a trap from which few can escape. It should always go without saying as well that many victims of human trafficking, from all forms of human trafficking, only 5% or less ever make it out alive or ever seen again.
This is why it is so important that you, number one, stay with others, avoid being alone or isolated. Number two, refuse help at all cost, refuse any rides or favors from strangers. Number three, you must be very quick to move to safety. Head to a well lit and populated area if you ever approach or you feel that something is off, specifically, run towards crowds.
People have disappeared after responding to Job Interview ads, some criminals, including human traffickers, place fake job ads to lure desperate job seekers into secluded areas where they're abducted or worse. If you ever see a job ad, you always must research the company, the background everything before attending the interview, bring people with you or share your location in real time,
Or maybe just don't accept interviews located in back alley's behind dumpsters? I agree abductions do happen, but typically not at the office of an established company. Just avoid the no name stuff and the "seems to good to be true" jobs. An example of abduction (not USA) is I recently read a news article about scam farms near the border of China and (forgot the other country). They recently got busted and a lot of victims / slaves freed. A guy from Thailand applied for a job with them, but when he got there he was forced to live /work in a building doing scam calls. If people didn't make quotas they got beaten or worse. Sometimes their family back home threatened. So yes, it happens, but I expect it is extremely rare unless you are talking about little known companies or jobs where you have to travel a long ways to get there.
Dead bodies always float face down in the water. If you're ever in a secluded area and you find a so called dead body in the water, always know this rule of nature. If someone claims that they found a drowning victim, but the body floating is faced up, they might be lying. Always be cautious of those around you in such scenarios, they might be hiding something. A dead body always floats naturally, face down due to buoyancy.
I'd never thought about it. Internet says this is "mostly true" but there are exceptions. Without getting graphic, smaller arms/legs in relation to torso size, and degree of decomp can both contribute to face up. Also, if someone managed to drown with a life jacket on, some of those by design keep the head above water.
There are places where screaming is practically useless, or you shouldn't even scream at all, deeply remote areas like the ocean, the mountains, rainforests, caves are known as dead zones, because nobody can hear you scream. Countless missing people vanish in these areas. Specifically, every single year. Always carry GPS trackers or emergency beacons in isolated areas, and never go alone in these areas without telling someone you trust
If you are ever in a petrol station and you happen to witness an armed robbery, do not make eye contact with the criminals. Almost certainly many criminals often shoot and kill those who they feel could identify them. Stay still. Keep your head down and comply.
Good advice anyway, but if they didn't shoot the gas attendant they likely won't shoot you, because they are likely either wearing a mask or don't care. Plus any yokel these days knows almost all gas stations have multiple security cameras. You won't be the source of what their face looks like. It will be the clerk and various angles from the security cameras.
If you ever feel light headed after standing up, you might be at risk of sudden death. People who frequently experience orthostatic hypotension, which is dizziness when they're standing up, have a significantly higher risk of strokes and heart attacks, even if they're seemingly young and healthy. This is because their body struggles to regulate blood pressure properly, which can be extremely dangerous.
Do not ignore sudden dizziness. Take it seriously if this happens to you. Often seek immediate medical help and see a doctor immediately. This can be an early warning sign of a circulatory failure or an undiagnosed neurological condition
A loud knock, especially in odd hours, like in the middle of the night, can be a distraction. In some coordinated home invasions involving at least two people, one person will create a distraction by knocking on the door, and the others will sneak by to the side or the back of the house. Always know that in this scenario, the second they get into your house, your chances of survival drop significantly. Do not open any door, especially the front door. Check all entry points and make sure you're all secure. Stay quiet and do not turn on any lights. Turn off every single light before they break in, if you want to protect your home and yourself to the best of your ability, consider keeping a secondary lock on all doors.
Perhaps people are politer where you live? Generally in New Zealand, they smash the door down. Especially if they're gang members.
If you ever wake up, especially in the middle of the night, and you suddenly can't move a single part of your body, but you're fully awake and you feel like someone is watching, you do not panic.
What's happening to you is called Sleep paralysis, a very terrifying but fortunately harmless condition where the body is in full sleep mode, but the brain is fully awake. Many people have reported seeing shadowy figures whispering or hearing noises or especially feeling something sit on their chest. Do not panic, because it's not real. You are not in any real danger.
Instead, what you must do is focus on moving a finger or a toe. This can help your body wake up and, most importantly, stay calm and take long, deep breaths. Panicking makes it worse.
However, in more terrifying cases, sleep paralysis can be a sign that something actually is going on. For example, there could be an actual home intruder in your home, and your body is paralyzed in fear. In such cases, what you must do is either try to wake up as soon as possible, or at least pretend to sleep at all costs. Do not panic, as this can and will kill you. Many people have died from sleep paralysis this way. Do not panic.
Phone snatching or phone thievery are on the rise and more dangerous than you think. Phone thievery can be extremely life threatening, especially if it involves the phone being used as a gateway for other crimes. This is how they get you.
The second they grab your phone, this is what they do. They go to the settings, they enable the airplane mode. And what they do next is that they turn your phone off so that you cannot track your own phone. Always understand that the second they do this, there's no immediate way to track your phone.
This is how you can stop this from happening. You can go to your face ID and pass code on settings. You press this, you fill out your password. Once you get into this tab, you usually scroll down. That's when you can find the control center tab, and you press that turn it off.
Now, if you turn this off, usually what happens is that they can't access your control center, so there's no way to turn on airplane mode. And you can maximize this even further. This is what you can also do. You can also go to your iCloud account, go to Find My press find my phone, and then you make sure that you turn this all on that way, when the thieves try to turn off your phone, it will say phone findable, have to power off.
Meh, sounds complicated. I don't have much to steal, so if they want to pretend to be me in FB or BP, fine.
If you're ever in a body of water and suddenly you feel unreasonably tired, get out of the water, leave immediately. This could very well be a cold shock response or water toxicity. Basically, your body, quite literally, is shutting down from absorbing too much cold or absorbing too much water your skin or lungs, way too many people often ignore this morning and suddenly drown.
This is how you can save your own life and prevent this from happening. Immediately leave the water the moment you feel sudden fatigue, dizziness or confusion. Do not keep swimming. Do not ignore this morning sign. Do not panic, as this can and will make the situation worse. If you're swimming in a large body of water, such as the ocean, you want to make sure that you float on your back and wave one arm.
This should become a knowledge as it is a universal distress signal avoid hyperventilating before diving. This can and will trick your brain into thinking that you have more oxygen than you actually do, ultimately closing blackouts underwater at all costs, you must do whatever it takes to be saved or at least leave the body of water.
'...too much cold, or absorbing too much water [in] your skin or lungs...' Cold yes. Lungs yes. But absorbing water into your skin?
Your organs are worth a fortune. This is not an urban legend. The black market organ trait is very real, and many victims of kidnappings who have survived have often been found with their organs surgically removed. You are worth more dead than alive to the right people.
Just about as true as immigrants eating your pets that Trump claimed happened.
If you see anything powdery on things that you use daily, such as your car handle, mailboxes, etc, do not touch it. Never touch powder that's left on car handles, doorsteps and mailboxes, drugs like fentanyl and other dangerous substances can be absorbed through the skin, which will incapacitate you almost immediately. Stay safe.
A long list of mostly paranoid nonsense with small number of useful tips. E.g., How many times has a human-rated elevator ever dropped down a shaft, outside of Hollywood movies? They have emergency brakes.
Even if it's uncommon, some people my have this fear, and be reassured by the tip.
Load More Replies...A long list of mostly paranoid nonsense with small number of useful tips. E.g., How many times has a human-rated elevator ever dropped down a shaft, outside of Hollywood movies? They have emergency brakes.
Even if it's uncommon, some people my have this fear, and be reassured by the tip.
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