I’ve always been an introvert with a generalized anxiety disorder, something which took me many years to figure out. You would think if you struggle with something your whole life, it would be easy to know what it is and how to fix it. But Bruce Willis spent all of The Sixth Sense not knowing he was dead, so maybe not.
When I became I mother, I found myself spending a lot of time on the internet, seeking advice and becoming friends with other moms who were also up at 3:00 am, frantically googling how to make their own baby shampoo out of coconut oil and the pine leaves in their backyard because apparently, commercial shampoo has too many toxins for a baby’s cristal skin; and I finally decided to start a blog and share my own experiences with the world, like an angel.
These are some of the things I’ve discovered in my first two years as a mom, while attempting to balance motherhood, work, and family, and keeping all the crazy on the inside, like a lady.
More info: amitheadultnow.com | twitter.com | pinterest.com | Instagram
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Things like this are just training time for when your kids have left home and you consider having a cat.
lol, my mom said similar things when i was younger (not that last bit tho) XD
After my wife gave birth, I used to sleep with a stab vest and on a different continent, for good measure ;o)
why are so many people in the comments being such downers? these were funny and were supposed to be, ya know, j o k e s. as in you don't take them seriously and you just look at them, laugh, and move on with your day?
taking life not so seriously and understanding sarcasm as a method of silly/harmless release... these are dying concepts *sigh*
Load More Replies...Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading my post!! These are just jokes, I promise my kid is happy (she said proving she's a good mom). They are mostly about the hard and messy parts of parenting because those are the ones we should find the humor in. Because the times when your kid behaves and the house is clean are not that funny, and if I only wrote about those I'd write like once a year. Again, thank you all for reading my post, means the world. I'm gonna go hug my kid so nobody judges me.
This makes me not want to be a mother! It also makes me wish I didn't exsist...
There ARE help lines for that; sorry you feel that way. I got burnt out on 'mommying' early as well. Do over? Maybe not..idk!
Load More Replies...This mom knows whereof she speaks! Let us all bow down before the wise woman! These were all really cute...and accurate.
For all those people who complain about their kids:"You wanted to have sex."
I also wanted to have sex many times and don't have kids. Lil thing called family planning. 😉
Load More Replies...Who’s in charge at her house? Sound like the kid is given too much control and it will only get worse. Sorry, I know it’s humor, but I don’t find kids behaving badly funny.
almost all of these make me feel bad about being a child to someone, they make it sound like there’s no upsides to parenthood. And one of them is sexist too-
Yes, everything is wrong and life is terrible.
Load More Replies...why are so many people in the comments being such downers? these were funny and were supposed to be, ya know, j o k e s. as in you don't take them seriously and you just look at them, laugh, and move on with your day?
taking life not so seriously and understanding sarcasm as a method of silly/harmless release... these are dying concepts *sigh*
Load More Replies...Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading my post!! These are just jokes, I promise my kid is happy (she said proving she's a good mom). They are mostly about the hard and messy parts of parenting because those are the ones we should find the humor in. Because the times when your kid behaves and the house is clean are not that funny, and if I only wrote about those I'd write like once a year. Again, thank you all for reading my post, means the world. I'm gonna go hug my kid so nobody judges me.
This makes me not want to be a mother! It also makes me wish I didn't exsist...
There ARE help lines for that; sorry you feel that way. I got burnt out on 'mommying' early as well. Do over? Maybe not..idk!
Load More Replies...This mom knows whereof she speaks! Let us all bow down before the wise woman! These were all really cute...and accurate.
For all those people who complain about their kids:"You wanted to have sex."
I also wanted to have sex many times and don't have kids. Lil thing called family planning. 😉
Load More Replies...Who’s in charge at her house? Sound like the kid is given too much control and it will only get worse. Sorry, I know it’s humor, but I don’t find kids behaving badly funny.
almost all of these make me feel bad about being a child to someone, they make it sound like there’s no upsides to parenthood. And one of them is sexist too-
Yes, everything is wrong and life is terrible.
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