One way to make life more fulfilling and exciting is to simply have an open mind. A lifelong curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge can let you reinvent yourself repeatedly. After all, there’s always something new you can learn, even though sometimes it may be hard to find the energy and motivation to keep going.
Thanks to the Facts by Guff Instagram account, we can receive our daily dose of knowledge by reading the completely random, unexpected, and unusual tidbits of information they share every day. Whether it’s enlightening their followers about goosebumps, baby elephants, or diamond rain, it certainly triggers a desire to know more.
Bored Panda has collected some of the best facts from the page, so continue scrolling and upvote the ones you might not have known about! Although just to warn you—once you get started, you’ll probably want to keep reading until your curiosity is satisfied.
Psst! Be sure to check our previous posts full of cool and interesting trivia right here, here, and here.
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This Instagram account was created by Guff, a data-driven content company that aspires to enlighten people with daily trivia and wisdom. They have amassed more than 825K followers by sharing different bits of information every single day. Unexpected and fun facts seem to often catch people off guard in the best possible way, and many think that it's worth their time.
Staying curious and open to new ideas is not only enjoyable but also provides us with a dopamine rush. Whether it’s learning something new about history, science, art, or even modern pop culture, there are many benefits to keeping our brain cells active.
A study by researchers at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business has found that our brains are hungry and always willing to learn new details about the world. Researchers revealed that "new information acts on the brain’s dopamine-producing reward system in the same way as money or food."
"To the brain, information is its own reward, above and beyond whether it’s useful,” co-author of the study and associate professor Ming Hsu, Ph.D. told Neuroscience News. “And just as our brains like empty calories from junk food, they can overvalue information that makes us feel good but may not be useful—what some may call idle curiosity.”
However, knowledge usually becomes useful when it’s put into context. While many think that learning cool and interesting facts is a waste of time, it’s quite the opposite. Sure, you can find out everything you need with just a few searches and clicks on hyperlinks but it won't do any good to your critical thinking skills.
Scott H. Young, author of Ultralearning: Accelerate Your Career, Master Hard Skills and Outsmart the Competition, wrote that factual knowledge determines the speed you can acquire new knowledge on a topic. "The more you know, the faster you learn." It also is an important driver of our reading comprehension and other high-level skills, for example problem-solving. When you’re reading a book, it’s much easier to understand the deeper meaning if you’re already familiar with the topic.
"You can’t reason critically or creatively without first having amassed a large amount of factual knowledge," Young explained. "This is why the existence of Google and Wikipedia doesn’t reduce the need to learn facts. Something being a Google search away doesn’t mean it’s available in the background to allow you to parse new information easily."
If you find yourself wanting to expand your mental horizons, the Wall Street Journal bestselling author suggested to simply be curious. By reading more articles and books, and by watching a variety of shows or movies, you always surround yourself with new knowledge. If it's hard to understand everything at first, don’t be discouraged and try to look it up.
Young advised not to be afraid of topics that are new to you: "Knowledge is exponential, so if you’re not used to reading something, you’ll learn a bit less. However, as you read more about it, you can read faster and smarter." So picking up a book that might be "above your level" could take longer but will get easier with time.
Just remember, we are the ones using the newly learned facts and putting them into context. So if you’re wondering whether you’re ever going to use this stuff, one day you actually might. Sometimes, our brains are capable of the most wonderful things, and bringing two completely unrelated ideas into one is certainly one of them.
I'm not a fan of his acting, but Keanu seems to be a genuinely good person.
Sharks are so badáss. I'm seriously wondering if (and hoping that) they'll survive humans.
Sadly they probably survived all the others because they did not distribute masses of plastic and oils into their environment.
Load More Replies...There is some debate about whether sharks have been around longer than trees, but there is no debate that they are magnificent creatures who deserve our respect and protection.
You mean human, the malignant cancer of Earth? Oh boy, i hope they will
Not sure, we are a very special kind of extinction event. I wish then luck tho
If we keep hunting them and dropping trash and nuclear waste on their water, they may not survive 😔
They will. Nature has sharks that doubled down on the charisma stat and will survive heck or high water
And now they are in danger of extinction--if we do not protect them, the oceans, and then everything on earth, will be F****KED
You know why...... SHARKS ARE BAD ASS!! All kidding aside, Shark's, to me anyway, are some of the most beautiful, fascinating, intelligent creatures on this planet and sadly as Luther von Woldfens comment stated, the human race will surely wipe them out as well. The human race is just so sad and pathetic
Most things are older than humanity -- relatively speaking, we just got here...
After we finish off the white rhinos, we'll take care of the sharks.
Older than the trees, younger than the mountains, swimmin' wild and free...Sharky go ♪♫♪
sharks are a keystone species too, having a massively positive effect in the ocean, way beyond what would be expected
Nup. Shark species have been around for . . . . .By the Early Jurassic Period (195 million years ago) the oldest-known group of modern sharks, the Hexanchiformes or sixgill sharks, had evolved. They were followed during the rest of the Jurassic by most modern shark groups."" To say that sharks are older than humanity, to be equivalent you would need to go back to the vey first primates!!
I heard just today that they've been around for over 400 million years.
No wonder everything and everyone is so afraid to mess with them. They just have discriminating taste. The occasional license plates end up in their "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" slide show, attended by many but dreaded by all.
Bruce is a name that connotes you are ahead of your time. Your intelligence and brightness will enable you to achieve great things in your lifetime. A master builder! ... When people hear the name Bruce, they perceive you as someone who is stimulating, idea generator, talkative, and charismatic.
I also find it interesting that women have a couple of things in common with sharks :) Google it.
So, does anyone know the age of the oldest shark? Just picturing Shark-thuselah , lurking near the bottom, the size of a football stadium, where all sharklings go for shark wisdom and shark truth.
Almost everything is older than humans, we're the baby species of the planet which is probably why we always act like spoilt toddlers
Yet we are searching space to unlock the secrets of the universe. We wouldn't even know if the ocean farted at this point 🙄 could grass humans
I hope they survive man. We are doing our best to wipe them out for sharkfin soup, fun, & fear.
Thank god there's something I can become one with! I told you I was old!
Yet here we are in this time era where useless humans kill and deplete the oceans of those prehistoric creatures
True, so whatever you do don't think about how they feel when their new babies are taken away and placed in a field where they can still hear each other's cries. I live in the midst of cattle farms, and it's heartbreaking.
Charasmatic megafauna get a lot of attention. There are probably thousands of species that are less likable that are in the same situation.
My kid goes to a Montessori school where students clean up everyday. I think it's a good idea - helps kids feel responsible for their school, which helps them become responsible citizens.
I'm always torn when it comes to things like this. On the one hand, I don't feel like the government should tell us "you can't do that because it isn't good for you". Your not my mom, back off. Sugar isn't good for me either. The last person I dated wasn't good for me. On the other hand, I'm all for the government telling us it's the law to wear a seatbelt, or that my doctor can't smoke crack before he operates on me. And this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is why I am not a politician. Glad I'm not the one who has to make the decisions on these kinds of things!
I remember watching this on tv with my dad before he passed away. We were so happy for him!
Then I pity those who don't. I have no emotional stability at all
Fun fact: Men who kiss other peoples' wifes befor going to work live an average of 5 years shorter.
That's so sad ☹️. Glad they managed to convince her not to. Not just because she's a celeb, but because she's a human
Several of these so-called "facts" are misleading, unverified rumours, or downright false. Looks like Guff is not a source you can trust. But that might not be surprising coming from a content company that sells "hyper-engagement" and churning out content that is primarily designed to "drive human emotions." 👎
Well, 'guff' is olde slang for 'nonsense, lies, baloney' so the veracity of these assertions is to be doubted. Sez so right on the label.
But is your fact about Guff a fact? Or is it a double bluff? Is your source verified and reliable? The truth is out there…… 😀
I very much welcome this addition. Extra, easy to access context is always a boon.
Load More Replies...I would say most of these "facts" are full of crap! They have no proof of what they are saying and most of them are so ridiculous that I had to stop scrolling.
But i find the news here interesting and sometimes double check on other sites to verify it if its legit
This is the type of post I like... I get so disappointed when the title of a post is awesome but then you open it and it's nothing but words... pictures add a little pizazz especially when it refers to a person or place so that way you can get a better idea of what it looks like...
This was surprisingly sad, but I'm happy to have seen it. If you don't tear up Googling "Pocho crocodile funeral", you're not really living.
In scrolling through answers a lot of down votes were given if the interesting facts were not interesting and it was so stated!
Several of these so-called "facts" are misleading, unverified rumours, or downright false. Looks like Guff is not a source you can trust. But that might not be surprising coming from a content company that sells "hyper-engagement" and churning out content that is primarily designed to "drive human emotions." 👎
Well, 'guff' is olde slang for 'nonsense, lies, baloney' so the veracity of these assertions is to be doubted. Sez so right on the label.
But is your fact about Guff a fact? Or is it a double bluff? Is your source verified and reliable? The truth is out there…… 😀
I very much welcome this addition. Extra, easy to access context is always a boon.
Load More Replies...I would say most of these "facts" are full of crap! They have no proof of what they are saying and most of them are so ridiculous that I had to stop scrolling.
But i find the news here interesting and sometimes double check on other sites to verify it if its legit
This is the type of post I like... I get so disappointed when the title of a post is awesome but then you open it and it's nothing but words... pictures add a little pizazz especially when it refers to a person or place so that way you can get a better idea of what it looks like...
This was surprisingly sad, but I'm happy to have seen it. If you don't tear up Googling "Pocho crocodile funeral", you're not really living.
In scrolling through answers a lot of down votes were given if the interesting facts were not interesting and it was so stated!