Folks Online Are Losing Their Patience Explaining These 40 Things Over And Over Again
InterviewHave you ever had that moment when someone asks you a question you’ve already heard a million minus one times? And, finally, it’s time to give that million-th answer and you don’t feel like the day’s lucky winner at all?
Well, this list is just for you, because people have gathered to talk about all of the questions that make them roll their eyes and that they’re fed up with answering by this point.
More info: Reddit
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Just because you don’t understand science, doesn’t make it not true.
That "freedom of speech" doesn't mean you get to say what you want, whenever you want, in whatever forum you want, without consequence.
Depression is not “just being sad”, and depression does not equal weakness. F*****g tired of battling this stigma.
I am a gen x aged American man who served in the military and has a career in construction. Both very “masculine” with the attitude of “suck it up” I started to struggle with depression and rather than dealing with it I let it consume me because I was too proud and it ruined a lot of my relationships including my marriage. Now I talk openly about it at work on a jobsite and do not feel any shame and hope that I can help another person who is afraid to admit they are struggling.
Here at Bored Panda, we reached out to the poster of this story, fluffyanimecow, about how they came up with the question, but it turns out that it wasn’t anything specific, just something that popped into their head. They mention knowing that there are loads of things that people are tired of explaining, especially the popular fact that some people can’t accept - everyone is different (and you can’t really do anything about it).
That I'm not lonely or sad, I just like to spend time by myself.
Just because someone is poor doesn’t mean they want *your* money.
Just because someone is poor doesn’t mean they deserve to be abused.
Just because someone is poor doesn’t mean they’re not worthy of help.
Poverty is not by choice. It's by design. As you work and work, save, watch money and still poor. Something is broken.
That AI-generated content needs to be regulated now, it’s already getting out of hand
Another answer that caught our eye was by Specialist_Humor7751, saying that she prefers going to the cinema on her own. Overall, doing things on your own is something overlooked by many people.
There’s a huge difference between being lonely and being alone. Just as being introverted doesn’t mean that you can’t be social, being extroverted doesn’t dictate that you can’t be happy with your own company.
And being comfortable being alone has its perks - you can comfortably discover things about yourself, explore hobbies, and recharge your social battery.
Why you should care about your fellow human beings.
That "nobody wants to work!" is only half correct - nobody wants to work 60 hours a week for poverty wages just so they can afford to live.
Women’s vaginas don’t get permanently stretched out because they have had multiple sexual partners. Absolutely sick of explaining female anatomy to idiots who spread that nonsense.
Very Well Mind shares loads of things that you can do all on your lonesome, from going to restaurants to traveling and visiting museums, once you’ve set your eyes on it.
But let’s return to Specialist_Humor7751! We reached out to her to talk more about her experience doing it.
She first got into it about a year ago, when she really wanted to see Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. From then, she started going to the cinema solo more and more, recently seeing Across the Spider Verse.
Truth is, she was never one to talk during movies, so her plus movies alone was a natural match.
“Going with someone to a movie I’ve been wanting to see for years and them talking during it wouldn’t make the experience fun for me.”
Just because something offends you doesn’t mean it’s gotta go.
Be offended all you want, see who gives a c**p. Grow a spine and use all of your brain. If we took away everything that anybody found offensive, the world would vanish.
That when I say I’m not ever having children, that I’m not ever having children. Not that it’s an opportunity to tell me how/why/when I’ll change my mind.
Just because you don't see what harm your actions cause others doesn't mean there's no harm done.
This is a major problem with social media. People say all sorts of hideous things to and about individuals or communities that they wouldn't say in a face to face encounter. Partly because they don't have the courage to say it in a live situation, but I think it's also partly because cyber bullying somehow doesn't feel "real" to them ("It's only words", "It's just my opinion") and they are distanced from the consequences.
Specialist_Humor7751 prefers going out to cinemas as it’s a way for her to get out of the house more often.
“Ever since Covid hit, I’ve gotten more isolated, and hopping on a bus and going to my local theater helped me a lot.” All the people around her being just as excited as her makes the experience even more immersive for her.
If you’re needing that push to get out and visit a theater on your own, she has this to say: “Don’t worry about what other people think of you. If you’re enjoying yourself and you’re happy with your alone time, then other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter."
I am not a recovering alcoholic, I just don't enjoy alcohol 😀
Any type of diet, plants, or hocus pocus voodoo isn’t going to cure my cancer. It’s a chromosome switch so unless they can switch my chromosomes back into the right places, it’s not happening!
I'm bipolar.
To people that naively tell me "everyone is a little bit bipolar"
*Long drawn out sigh*
No, no. I can assure you, they are not.
I've lived with this illness for many, many years. It's not a mood swing, a*s holes.
That being deaf really means, I can't hear you at all. All the shouting doesn't help me to hear you.
I’ve worked in a lot of jobs that entail dealing with people. When someone indicates they’re deaf, or I’ve met them before and know they’re deaf, I have always made sure to lightly touch their arm to get their attention, and to directly face them, not to rush my words, but speak clearly—-not loudly, but clearly so my lips form readable words for them. It’s really not difficult to adjust to someone else’s needs for the few minutes you’re interacting with them, ffs.
That just because im a woman does not mean I have to have kids or that I even good with them.
That rebooting a computer actually fixes most f*****g problems. We can also check when the last time you rebooted so stop f*****g lying to me Kathy!!!!
I've asked people to reboot their computer and they turned off the monitor, and back on. smh
just because someone say something you dont like or disagrees with you isnt gaslighting
I don't understand how the word gaslighting is used these day, check out the movie that originated the term. Please.
Having the right of way doesn't exempt you from responsibility. Just walking (or pulling) out into traffic and expecting everybody to see you, perceive you, and be able to stop in time is a good way to get hit by a bus.
Are you in the right? Yes.
Does it always matter? No. Physics will always win.
Poor people are not poor because they want to be poor
Are you sure. I'm having loads of fun deciding whether to eat today and walk to work or not eat and ride the bus.
That just because I'm Black does not mean that I'm an expert/ the go-to guy on all things African-American.
Along those lines - I can like a woman who's not Black because of qualities she has that have nothing to do with her skin color/ethnic background, or not like a Black woman because of the same things. If she's from Mumbai and would actually listen to me argue with someone why Professor X could use his mental blasts to take out a Mark II Sentinel and get me another beer instead of head for the door... why does it matter what her hair color is or where her people are from? She likes me enough to put up with my BS. Why should I look for someone that YOU think I should be with to make YOU happy with 'who should be with whom'?
Just saying...
If you love someone, it does not matter what a stranger thinks. Love is blind
That most recycling ends up in the landfill.
You are not being environmentally friendly just because you recycle. Reducing and reusing are much, much better for the environment. Recycling is the last resort, only one small step up from garbage.
The fact that medical facts will always change over time. Specifically with pregnancy. I’m tired of explaining to friends and family members that me drinking coffee or having caffeine won’t [end] my baby, or me lifting something heavier than 25pounds won’t kill me or my child.
It’s simply annoying to literally be pregnant, be actively going through an experience with new medication and be getting updated facts, and have people who gave birth for the last time 15+ years ago tell me I’m a bad mother for doing things my doctor has said is perfectly fine.
Once you're pregnant your family starts treating your body as their property, and that your unborn child is theirs and you can't be trusted to make good decisions. They aren't even concerned about you for you. Any concern they have is about the baby inside you. You'll realize this after the baby is out and any care your family once seemingly had of you is gone. They will not ask how you're doing. They will not help you with your recovery needs. They will not speak to you like a grown woman who has a brain. They will not trust your maternal instincts and updated knowledge on parenting. They will not even take into consideration your sleep deprivation and hormones. Won't come around much, won't check in, won't talk to you about other things going on in the world. I had more lectures and being yelled at than anything. Really didn't help PPD. In fact no one gave Postpartum depression a thought at all.
We do NOT ***" only use10% of our brain."***
If you only used 10% of your brain, you'd be dead.
I am in IT. That does not mean I can single handedly make a game or large scale software. At the same time I also cannot hack the pentagon or "release" encrypted files from another hacker.
Also side note, while I was reinstalling windows for you, I did not break your toaster and radio on opposite sides of the house, and have no idea how to repair them or your microwave.
K thanks bye
It also does not mean that I understand every piece of software that's on your machine! I'm possibly better at finding out what's wrong with it, but I don't know every way in which it can go wrong.
The vast majority of religious believers cringe just has hard as you do and wish the loud extremist minority would go away and shut up just like you.
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It's a shame that so many people assume first which religion and second that these discussions don't already take place within the communities of these religions. They do.
The difference is, neither side is smart enough to realize that screaming your belief into the others face will never actually work - it only makes you the savage you think you are disagreeing with.
And this all sucks that I have to edit a larger piece into this because people still want to assume the worst and shout their beliefs into another's face.
I always say that extreme atheists are just as insufferable as extreme religious folks. Both shove their beliefs down your throat. Both act smug and condescending if you don't adhere to their beliefs.
That I enjoy going to the movie theater by myself 😂especially if it’s a film I’m looking forward to seeing, and I don’t have to wait for anyone else to come with me
Yess.I like going to movies, restaurants alone. Or just walk around the town. Whatever I want. I don't have to accomodate other people's needs and opinions. It's peaceful.
The difference between race, ethnicity, & Nationality
Frequently confused by people (especially ones making negative comments about minority groups...). Race = physical characteristics such as skin, hair, and eye colour. Ethnicity = cultural characteristics such as language, religion, food and clothing, social customs. Nationality = legal sense of belonging to a specific nation state (citizenship by birth OR naturalisation). However, “race” is a social construct based on physical appearance as there is no significant biological difference between different human races.
I’m in my early 30s. I work with a lot of younger people. Mostly 18-23 year olds.
No you’re not going to get rich off crypto.
No you’re not going to get rich off meme stocks.
Yes 16% interest rate on a car loan is terrible, and buying a brand new Dodge Challenger at 19 years old is not the smartest idea. You complained about tanking up your Toyota Camry the other day. Come on now.
I work with students under 12; I keep having to explain to them that school is necessary and growing up to be "a YouTuber" is not a reasonable life plan (and, yes, you do need to learn how to read no matter how much you don't like it!) * I work at a tutoring center with varying age ranges.
Losing weight is easier if you watch your diet and count your calories vs busting your a*s at the gym everyday.
Yeah but you can be skinny and still be completely unhealthy. Exercise is important. Doing one without the other is like only tying one shoe. It's still going to trip you up eventually
The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
I listened with incredulity and fury when certain people in Congress (guess which party) argued that there shouldn't be a cap on the price of insulin because people with diabetes just have bad eating habits and/or are obese. Although I don't think that any of these idiots actually came out and said, "having diabetes is your own fault," that was definitely the message.
Nobody needs your permission to record/photograph you in public. I used to be a security guard, and the amount of people who think this is astonishing.
No, you don't need a release form for that, you can't sue them if they "put you on YouTube," etc. You have no expectation of privacy in public spaces.
****Edit to clarify. I'm talking about the USA. Laws are different in other countries.
In USA depends on the state, age of the person and where pictures taken
As a speech and language therapist, I am responsible for somebody's safe swallow to prevent aspiration pneumonia or choking. There is more to my profession than teaching a child to stop stuttering.
My son had to have a speech therapist at 9 months old to help him learn how to transition to solid food. He had delayed oral motor skills so he had "feeding therapy" but the person who helped him was a speech therapist
Flossing is associated with healthy teeth and gums.
Get into the habit of flossing. It is totally worth it. Once you're used to flossing every day, if you skip a day your mouth feels totally icky, like when you skip brushing. And floss is super cheap.
Going up a tax bracket doesn't result in a pay cut.
There are those cases where a raise in pay will disqualify you from some government assistance programs, resulting in a decrease of available income (both before and after taxes.) But otherwise, no.
That it's perfectly legal to walk around carrying an axe, even in the middle of the night.
That "socialism" isn't taking your freedom or money, it is about the fair provision of services that society needs to function. Services that are far more efficiently arranged and paid for by taxes than individuals just when they need it.
Yeah, that concept seems incredibly hard to grasp for an astonishing amount of people.
Load More Replies...Being a gay man doesn't mean I want to jump in to bed with you, doesn't mean I know every song to every musical, doesn't mean I have great fashion sense (I'm a jeans, checked shirt type), doesn't mean I have a poodle, doesn't mean I'm air cabin crew, hairdresser or even nurse. .....oh and I HATE glitter
Here’s one for some people in the US. Planned Parenthood provides reproductive HEALTHCARE, including abortions, but absolutely not only abortions. Many people who go to PP have never had an abortion. Many people go for their annual exams and cancer screenings. It’s a very important organization, whether or not you disagree with *one* thing they do.
According to them, abortion goes against god's will and you're murdering a baby. If everything is planned, doesn't that mean god planned abortions to protect those not ready for childbirth? Do they really think their god was completely confounded by a basic medical procedure?
Load More Replies...The problem is that most stupid people don't know they're stupid. There is just no reasoning with that.
That being disabled doesn't mean I'm either lazy or desperate for an opportunity to get to work, it means that I cannot both work and take care of wellbeing because of my illness. I did try, extremely hard, for about 7 years. Then I almost died because I worked too hard for too long.
OCD is not just liking things clean and tidy. It's also not a cute personality quirk. It's a serious and sometimes very debilitating mental health condition. Also people with anxiety can often catastrophise things in their head abd telling them not to worry doesn't work.
A small one, but: Just because I hang out with someone a lot, regardless of their gender or sex, that does not mean we should get together and start dating. It's not good to pressure people into relationships, then watch as it crumbles apart (speaking from personal experience)
Let me add to the list. That GENDER and SEX are not the same thing. Gender refers to someone's pronouns and identity, whilst sex refers to someone's reproductive organs. Also, that humans have 3 sexes: Male, Female, and Intersex! --------- Another thing, transexuality and homosexuality are natural! Both of those things are documented in many other species, it happens all the f*****g time. Get over it. In fact, homosexual relationships and behaviour can take place in species without them feeling the need to procreate- some bitches get together because they like each other, or just for sexual gratification. ------ Only species with documentated hate are humans. ---- Tired of bitches commenting about trans folk under the "just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it not true." B***h, science supports trans. Suck a d**k.
That people say filming when they mean video recording. Filmmaking is very different
I'm tired of explaining to dentists that my rapidly degrading dental health is the result of poor genetics and autoimmune disease, and not the result of poor hygiene. Every dentist I've ever seen in my life has blamed me. (I have Sjogren's. Genetically, my family has thin, weak dental enamel. My mom had full dentures before she was 40yo, and my dad wasn't far behind her. I'm 58yo and am just reaching the point of needing implants after 12 years of Sjogren's. Before that, I had great teeth.)
Ironic. My dental health decline is due to my exboyfriend knocking out 2 of my teeth.
Load More Replies...That skinny people, me ,aren't anorexic. I don't need you to buy me a sandwich!
My boyfriend cheated on me with an eye roll and then I got drugged with GHB hidden in tequila which coincidentally there was GhB at the eye rolls house on the daily. I never did anything to those people and they did me dirty when I waa nice to them and brought them like $500 in flooring because the floors were bare plywood.
That "socialism" isn't taking your freedom or money, it is about the fair provision of services that society needs to function. Services that are far more efficiently arranged and paid for by taxes than individuals just when they need it.
Yeah, that concept seems incredibly hard to grasp for an astonishing amount of people.
Load More Replies...Being a gay man doesn't mean I want to jump in to bed with you, doesn't mean I know every song to every musical, doesn't mean I have great fashion sense (I'm a jeans, checked shirt type), doesn't mean I have a poodle, doesn't mean I'm air cabin crew, hairdresser or even nurse. .....oh and I HATE glitter
Here’s one for some people in the US. Planned Parenthood provides reproductive HEALTHCARE, including abortions, but absolutely not only abortions. Many people who go to PP have never had an abortion. Many people go for their annual exams and cancer screenings. It’s a very important organization, whether or not you disagree with *one* thing they do.
According to them, abortion goes against god's will and you're murdering a baby. If everything is planned, doesn't that mean god planned abortions to protect those not ready for childbirth? Do they really think their god was completely confounded by a basic medical procedure?
Load More Replies...The problem is that most stupid people don't know they're stupid. There is just no reasoning with that.
That being disabled doesn't mean I'm either lazy or desperate for an opportunity to get to work, it means that I cannot both work and take care of wellbeing because of my illness. I did try, extremely hard, for about 7 years. Then I almost died because I worked too hard for too long.
OCD is not just liking things clean and tidy. It's also not a cute personality quirk. It's a serious and sometimes very debilitating mental health condition. Also people with anxiety can often catastrophise things in their head abd telling them not to worry doesn't work.
A small one, but: Just because I hang out with someone a lot, regardless of their gender or sex, that does not mean we should get together and start dating. It's not good to pressure people into relationships, then watch as it crumbles apart (speaking from personal experience)
Let me add to the list. That GENDER and SEX are not the same thing. Gender refers to someone's pronouns and identity, whilst sex refers to someone's reproductive organs. Also, that humans have 3 sexes: Male, Female, and Intersex! --------- Another thing, transexuality and homosexuality are natural! Both of those things are documented in many other species, it happens all the f*****g time. Get over it. In fact, homosexual relationships and behaviour can take place in species without them feeling the need to procreate- some bitches get together because they like each other, or just for sexual gratification. ------ Only species with documentated hate are humans. ---- Tired of bitches commenting about trans folk under the "just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it not true." B***h, science supports trans. Suck a d**k.
That people say filming when they mean video recording. Filmmaking is very different
I'm tired of explaining to dentists that my rapidly degrading dental health is the result of poor genetics and autoimmune disease, and not the result of poor hygiene. Every dentist I've ever seen in my life has blamed me. (I have Sjogren's. Genetically, my family has thin, weak dental enamel. My mom had full dentures before she was 40yo, and my dad wasn't far behind her. I'm 58yo and am just reaching the point of needing implants after 12 years of Sjogren's. Before that, I had great teeth.)
Ironic. My dental health decline is due to my exboyfriend knocking out 2 of my teeth.
Load More Replies...That skinny people, me ,aren't anorexic. I don't need you to buy me a sandwich!
My boyfriend cheated on me with an eye roll and then I got drugged with GHB hidden in tequila which coincidentally there was GhB at the eye rolls house on the daily. I never did anything to those people and they did me dirty when I waa nice to them and brought them like $500 in flooring because the floors were bare plywood.