If there’s one thing the digital age has taught us, it’s that nothing disappears from the internet. Everyone keeps receipts of past social media activity in some form, a few of which may bite back in the future.
That’s where the Facepalm subreddit comes in. This online group collects screenshots of people’s posts worthy of the spotlight of shame, some from public figures. 8.3 million members keep the page alive with tweets and replies showing how questionably some people’s minds work.
Go ahead and see for yourself. Here’s a compilation of the images that stood out to us. Some may shake your faith in humanity, so proceed with caution.
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Make It Make Sense
This should be the number one post. The world has gone mad and we're all just looking on.
Can't Afford To Be Taxed
Simple As That
How you’re perceived online carries the same weight as your reputation in real life. If anything, the former is a highly valuable currency in the current age of technology.
According to the Pew Research Center, 91% of people tend to believe what they gather from search engine results. The Edelman Trust Barometer also found that 65% of people believe these results more than any other source.
Tough Times Always Reveal The Crybabies
Yeah, people would tell me they can't breathe with a mask on because "asthma". I'd then ask "so, where's your inhaler? I have asthma, I wear a mask and carry mine in my purse". I generally got a blank look or they'd walk off.
Never To Be Satisfied
Never Happening
Enter online reputation management. As the name suggests, it’s the process of monitoring and influencing the narrative of how people see your brand. Your goal is to find the balance between positive and negative feedback.
Online reputation management is necessary for companies as it can impact a person’s buying decisions. Recent surveys found that 60% of consumers would avoid purchasing from a brand that may appear “untrustworthy.”
Well You're Not Wrong
The Company Has Needs... Which Don't Include Employees I Guess
It's Just Sad
Having a reputable image online isn’t only applicable to distinguished public figures. A random Twitter user lost her NASA internship after posting a profanity-laced tweet.
According to the story posted by Norton’s Reputation Defender, the post got the attention of former NASA engineer Homer Hickam, who is also on the National Space Council. The person apologized, but it isn’t clear if NASA reinstated her internship.
Go Ruin Your Own Counties
Florida Needs Help, But Their Reps Said No To Fema Funding
Matt Gaetz is also a MEMBER OF CONGRESS. Who is he writing this to? Himself?
Proactive participation is one way to achieve a stellar online reputation. As digital marketing expert Tripp Donnelly wrote in an article for Forbes, lurking on social media platforms is no longer a smart move.
“Participation means more than just having a profile,” Donnelly stated, adding that analyzing online interactions can also help understand the audience for more effective communication.
Same Tired Playbook
Ew, A Lab Diamond?
This One Got Me Boiling
Many make the mistake of prioritizing self-promotion whenever they are online. It makes them seem unnatural, which can turn off their audience. People gravitate toward a genuine human connection, and excessive self-glorification takes that away.
As Donnelly notes, constant positive engagement leads to more meaningful relationships, albeit digital ones. It can also significantly improve one’s presence on social media and search engines.
Despised One
I Knew It!
Never. Murica
We’d like to hear your thoughts, dear readers. What do you attribute these head-scratching posts to? Are people just that misinformed? Let us know in the comment boxes below!
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Teleworking
Still Doing Better Than You
Like your hotel rooms, Rach, you can rent a Ferrari for 20 minutes or multiples thereof.
A Big Lesson For All!!
He Borrowed A Family For His Campaign Picture
Misdirected Anger
Fancy That
This Is Literally Unconstitutional…
Establishment clause! "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". Thanks to these religious fanatics, we seem to have to relitigate this every year or so now.
Any Bulls**t Lie Will Do In The Name Of Fascism
Wild And Very Sad
As someone in NC (who avoided the hurricane, but my mom works in the government so its disaster response calls 24/7 for her) its insane. There are ARMED MILITIAS trying to stop FEMA from helping people. A major city (Asheville) DOESNT HAVE RUNNING WATER. Not clean, not drinkable, no RUNNING WATER AT ALL. And these dipshits are making it worse.
What Can I Say Just America
On Double Standards
System Is Failing
The system works fine for those who created and maintain the system
Someone Who's Clearly Not Racist
The Far-Right Sure Do Come Real Close To Getting It Sometimes
we know WE KNOW we're not that dumb - well ok some of us are but not many of us!
Load More Replies...When your health care system is a business, that's exactly how it makes sense, yes
Load More Replies...Thanks to briber...er lobbying.... The day we stop making political offices a career, then we will get a functioning gov't.
Load More Replies...Right now, saline IV's are being rationed. Don't know if that has anything to do with the huge bill or not. One thing to always ask for is an itemized bill. It's amazing how much is charged for pharmacy meds.
I asked for an itemized bill and they resent the same bill ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Load More Replies...The New Zealand health system is getting worse, year after year, but that would still be free for us.
That's crazy. Last year I had to spend 10 days in a hospital in Guangzhou, China, getting treatment for pneumonia. I was in a private room (that was more like a hotel room) with twice-daily IV infusions and various doctor consultations and it was all covered by insurance.
I would have asked what the cost was likely to be beforehand and, after picking myself up off the floor, gone out and bought my own saline IV drip and watch a Youtube video on how to use it instead.
When I was a kid, hospitals were publicly owned by the cities and non-profit. When they became a means for capitalist investment is when they became a rip off.
There have always been privately owned hospitals in the US.
Load More Replies...I'm British, and this has me confused. I've seen various articles over the years about American people with Münchausen's Syndrome, including that woman who had Münchausen's by Proxy, whose daughter Gypsy Rose was made ill deliberately so her mum got attention. (Gypsy ended up organising her mum's murder, got married, and after being released from prison, is now pregnant - but not by her husband…) But I digress… With healthcare being so expensive, how on earth do people like that manage to go 'hospital shopping'? Even with government assistance, it sounds ludicrously expensive, so how do people like Gypsy's late mother get away with all that? (OK, I know, getting murdered isn't exactly 'getting away with it', but…)
You should have gone to an urgent care connected to your doctor or health insurance. ERs are a ripoff unless you actually get admitted!
Saline and doctor consultation, including a day's stay at the hospital would cost about $50 or so where I'm from.
your love for capitalism .... now reap what you sow. We told you a billion times, called us socialists like it was an insult. Eat your soup.
Great Question!
It Doesn’t Make Any Sense
That was the old America, MAGA America doesn't want to spread democracy, they would hand Ukraine to Putin and put Israeli owned luxury hotels all across Gaza. Those "patriots" sure do love them some violent dictators.
How To Explain Maga To Boomers. You're Welcome America
Times Have Changed
The 15% who are boomers or the 0.10% who hold 50% of the capital wealth?
Murica! Freedumb!
Patton Oswalt On Point Here LOL, Elmo Is So Transparent!
People have the freedom to speak; they do not in fact have the right to be heard. Blocking and muting doesn't stop speech; it stops the listening. So basically, he's giving people back their right to harass and bully people who've opted to avoid it. Great idea, moron. 🙄
The Percentage Is Probably Higher
You Can't Get Any More Divorced Than This
The Tampa Bay Area's Main Hospital And Only Trauma Center Is Built On An Island At Sea Level
The whole state of Florida is barely above sea level for now. The highest point in the whole state is only 105 meters and it's so far inland it's almost in Alabama.
Imagine Being This Dumb
The Audacity Of This Man
I See So Many Political Stuff So Wanted To Add Some Chances
Oh The Irony
Is Elon a vampire? Given his own lack of self reflection?
This Isn’t 1800s, Right?
Is there a competition going to out stupid each other? What does the winner get?
All I have to say is , Elon Musk should go f**k himself and disappear off the face of the earth.
Do you think keeping past social media receipts is important?
USA's "Stupid Politicians?"Just the Republicans. Be clear about what you write as YOU prove... Smart is as smart does. The Democratic Party has a deep bench of some of the most accomplished, brilliant, beautiful and service-minded individuals I've ever seen. Let's not take them for granted, nor bore the informed with tired "bothsideisms".
Load More Replies...Is there a competition going to out stupid each other? What does the winner get?
All I have to say is , Elon Musk should go f**k himself and disappear off the face of the earth.
Do you think keeping past social media receipts is important?
USA's "Stupid Politicians?"Just the Republicans. Be clear about what you write as YOU prove... Smart is as smart does. The Democratic Party has a deep bench of some of the most accomplished, brilliant, beautiful and service-minded individuals I've ever seen. Let's not take them for granted, nor bore the informed with tired "bothsideisms".
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