You know how in school, there was always that one kid who just couldn’t stay silent no matter what everyone was talking about? They would raise their hand in the air and start elaborating on whatever it was that nobody, not a single one, had asked in that classroom.
Fast forward to today, and we see the same thing happening all around on the internet. And this particular subreddit titled “Nobody Asked” has collected some of the most entertaining examples of people explaining far too much even though they were never asked to do so.
Below we selected some peculiar examples, so scroll down, upvote your favorite posts and let us know what you think of it in the comment section!
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Oh To Be A Good Christian Mother But Also A Survivor
"They slink around the house like unfixed cats" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Best vent ever!
Vegan Coworker
I Figured It Belonged Here
You probably know a person who wouldn’t miss a chance to throw their opinion here and there, or give advice without being asked. And even though everyone seems to be less than impressed with their gesture, it seems like nothing can stop them. Are they just being nice? Do they feel an urge to show off? What’s up with that?
Psychologists believe that unsolicited advice-givers tend to be rigid in the way they approach life in general. They typically believe that they are right, and when they approach a problem, they often have difficulty seeing the situation from multiple perspectives. This is why you should always take such advice with a pinch of salt.
Please I Just Wanna Get The Group Project Done
Group projects should be outlawed at this point unless you can prove your willingness to participate.
Do You Even Lift?
About Your Boomer Story
Sometimes, their perspective lacks humility and insight, even though they often seem very competent to people around them. Same with sharing their opinion on matters when no one really asks them. They wouldn’t do that if they genuinely did not believe they were right.
On the other hand, we just all have to accept that some people really like talking. You see, it’s much more fun to talk than to listen and not every talker can be a great listener. Moreover, we have to realize that one of the most powerful communication skills you'll learn is good listening at an early point in your life. After all, communication is meant to promote understanding between people and you can never get to that point if you’re not listening to others.
What Am I Supposed To Do? Never Talk About My Family On The Internet?
Give Me A Sign
I Mean Yeah But Kettles
They may have started the conversation talking about kettles, but I feel like someone needed to let off some steam...
“That’s Cool”
No one asked, but that doesn't matter. I'm here to let you know that I won't watch it and now you have to deal with that...
On A Video Of A Fat Cat
9 Years Mother F**ker
“Yes I’m 27”
Other than that perv... I think the person's outfit is very beautiful and she has a lovely smile!
They Just Wanted A Guitarist
Ummm.... Well Done?
Someone Give This Guy A Medal
Besides of the lack of empathy in that post, talk about another Captain Obvious (if you were dead, you couldn't post you ignorant git)
In The Comments Of A Comic
Tell Me More
No Better Time To Have Scabies Than When It’s Rainy
I don't know why but this one is one of my favourites. Of all the things to say unexpectedly 😆
Way To Bring The Mood Down. Top Visible Comment On A Meme Posted By A Cat Based Meme Group
My Friends Mom On Facebook Grossed Me Out With This One
Happy Birthday! Let Me Tell You About A Death In My Family!
Yes Thank You For Explaining The Joke We Would Never Have Got It Without You
He Was Born In August
Stop Having Fun At That Party With Your Friends And Family, And Check Out The Moon
Saw This In A Facebook Comments Section
Someone Please Go Get Him
Then Why Would You Post A Comment, Christina?
On A Post About Dogs
Found In The Latest Hot One’s Interview
This is weird... btw I identify as way too hungry to wait for lunch so I'm eating chips under the table
I only eat chips standing on the table while dancing😅😅😅😅
Load More Replies...Speaking as a mother, I think they're wrong. Also, I think every argument can be improved, by prefixing it with "Speaking as a mother, ...".
i am gender fluid and all i can say is wtf. i promise not all of us randomly bring it up in conversation with no prompting lol.
Thanks for sharing. I'm a vegan. There, I said it. For the first time today and it is already 10 PM over here!!!
Load More Replies...Umm, say what? Ryan Reynolds has to be one of the funniest, most kind-hearted and charismatic human on the planet right now... also I like pizza.
Beware of the combo pack "I'm a gender-fluid vegan".
Load More Replies...Being gender fluid gives you LESS reason not to be into Ryan Renolds. I'm a cis male and frankly if Ryan Renolds was into it, I wouldn't say no. The man is charming and has abs sharp enough to grate cheese on.
Its one of the bagged fluids. Usally able to find it at walmart or smthin..
see now when someone says gender fluid im thinking it sounds like they like coke and pepsi
I don’t think Ryan Reynolds would have enough charisma for this either. Also, I’m half Dominican, so.
I identify as a cartoon mouse, because I love cheese and must have a serving daily.
I don't know what 'Hot one's' is, but they would be lucky to have Mr Reynolds.
Im gender fluid and even I don’t care that much I rarely ever tell people it just happens like wtf LOL
I have such a crush on Ryan Reynolds. It kinda grosses me out because of the vast age difference and that he's happily married, so don't tell him. But, getting back on topic, Ryan does have the charisma and your sexual persuasion shouldn't stop you from enjoying chilies... I guess???
Listen, it was uncalled for, yes, but why are all of you poking fun at gender fluid people now? If someone was poking fun at cishet like these comments are, I bet half of you would be pissed. So, please, just because one person added in "also I identify as gender fluid" doesn't mean all of you have be assh-les about it.
I'm hearing more and more things that I do not understand. What does gender fluid mean??
Didn't need to know that info. Also, I'm playing video games as I'm reading this.
Maybe it's a over abundance of blood in my caffeine system, but I feel a bit odd that I am listening to Hot Ones while reading this.
Is this gender identity politics B.S. worldwide or is it only really here in the U.S.? I ask this because it means one of two things. It will be the undoing of the world or it will only be the undoing of the U.S.. One is definitely more detrimental to the human race than the other.
Gender identity should not have anything to do with politics but sadly, it does and it is worldwide! People have identified as different genders other than what they were born as for a long time usually it was for religious purposes if it was a while ago but that hasn't affected us negatively in any way so I don't see how it can be detrimental. Have a nice day! hope this helped :)
F**k you to the three transphobic assholes that upvoted that horseshit
Load More Replies...It's not about trans people, that's different. If someone wants to chop themselves up to permanently switch from one gender to the other then let them have at it. But you PHYSICALLY can't constantly switch between the two, unless maybe you're a hermaphrodite. Therefore, gender fluidity is not a realistic possibility, it's a construct of someone's very entitled mind.
As a trans man, @Al , getting top or bottom surgery is not "chopping yourself up to switch from one gender to the other", it's preventing gender dysphoria and making us more likely to pass as our gender so assh_les like you don't get pissy and say crap like this ^^^^
OK, so do that, if you read my comments you'll see I don't have a problem with what people want to do to their individual bodies. But until you have physically had that permanent alteration made, your gender has not changed. Going back to the original point though, you are what you physically are at any one time. A dramatic and entitled mental state does not mean you can live outside of reality and fact, and decide to flip flop between each gender from one day to the next, and there are only two genders, male or female.
My gender is what I say my gender is, and you saying "you're not (gender) until you look like (gender)' is harmful and downright toxic, and so is denying that there are more gender than two. You're probably part of the reason why transgender suicide rates are so high.
Sorry, but I totally disagree. You can tell yourself anything you like in your own head, but there are only two physical genders and these are determined by your body. Like I said, if you want to change your body then I understand and accept that. But you cannot deny a physical fact. As for basically saying that anyone who disagrees with you is harmful and toxic, that is just hysterical, precious, childish and entitled. You can have any opinion you like, but you only deserve the respect to air that opinion if you're willing to accept others will disagree and argue against you, and that far from calling them toxic you need to respect their opinion back. That is exactly the problem with the woke brigade, they cannot conceive or countenance a different opinion and seek to personally destroy those who disagree with them.
Just because some woke administrator at some point decided that people's mental image of themselves mattered more than physical fact, it does not mean the argument stops there. Let's not forget, the CDC is only an American body, not an international one, and most of the world haven't gone nuts and pandered to this weak bullshit yet. There are plenty of pockets of America that haven't yet either. If only we could have Greg Abbott run the CDC as well as the great state of Texas, let's see how long that bullshit would last. People need to get real, literally. Facts are facts, you're either male of female which is a physical definition, not a mental one. Your "lived experience" or any of this crap about "identifying" as something is way off of actual reality. I don't agree with JK Rowling about much, but she's spot on about this topic!
So they mean bisexual by gender fluid? It's the first time I hear of it. I think.
Bisexual is a sexuality where you are attracted to to two or more genders (depending on the person, most i know use it as all/most genders). Genderfluid is a gender that falls under the labels of trans (not identifying as assigned gender) and nonbinary/genderqueer (any non male or female genders). The functionality of genderfluid is your gender changes, either drastically or subtlely at amy given time. TL;DR bisexual= attraction to two or more genders Genderfluid= trans/nonbinary labels, your gender changes.
“Not Relatable” At Least He Upvoted
Not relatable. My infinity gauntlet has square stone holes. But here's an upvote
I’m Here For The Game, Not Your Sons Bowel Movements
My Friend Who I Haven’t Talked To In Months Finally Texts Me About His Karma
Ok, Genie
I’m Not Even Sure What He Expected Somebody To Say
What A Catch
Found This Gem On A Post From A Recipe Page
“Because it’s cheaper” would have been easier to write, fewer words.
We're All For Growth, But This Is An Asmr Cooking Video
Take Notes
I Just Wanted To Play 8 Ball
Me too! I thought of that while having a dump!
Load More Replies...I do not understand this obsession with sharing about absolutely everything online. Bathroom habits? sexual habits? fantasies? periods? pimples? rows with family and friends? relationship stuff? nothing is off limits and I don't understand it at all.
Load More Replies...I'm actually starting to wonder how many of these are bots, trolls, attention seekers, or people who just aren't familiar with how social media works....
By far my favorite was the weird old toy doll post and someone replying about having a small white dog. Wtf is going on? Made me laugh/cry and I don't know why. I'm ashamed of how tickled it made me
Let's be honest, a good chunk of people share way too much online. A lot of media stories are things we don't need to know about celebs.
It's almost Hallowe'en (I assure you, that's the correct spelling; look it up) and none of these are Hallowe'en themed. I was almost an editor, but I got a better job. Now, I drive a BMW.
My birthday is Jan 26. Was having a nice birthday until some clown dmed me on twitter a few minutes before midnight. The awesome message they sent me was a screenshot of one of many articles talking about Kobe Bryant's death, as if it was my fault that he died. Just had to end my birthday on a sour note, I guess.
i dont get how #37 (the soup post) looks yummy, imo it looks like vomit
To be fair, I think some of these are just straight-up trolling, though it's hard to tell from texts alone.
"Pardon me ? -I already have a boyfriend! -Yeah, whatever, here is your phone that you forgot at the library."
Me too! I thought of that while having a dump!
Load More Replies...I do not understand this obsession with sharing about absolutely everything online. Bathroom habits? sexual habits? fantasies? periods? pimples? rows with family and friends? relationship stuff? nothing is off limits and I don't understand it at all.
Load More Replies...I'm actually starting to wonder how many of these are bots, trolls, attention seekers, or people who just aren't familiar with how social media works....
By far my favorite was the weird old toy doll post and someone replying about having a small white dog. Wtf is going on? Made me laugh/cry and I don't know why. I'm ashamed of how tickled it made me
Let's be honest, a good chunk of people share way too much online. A lot of media stories are things we don't need to know about celebs.
It's almost Hallowe'en (I assure you, that's the correct spelling; look it up) and none of these are Hallowe'en themed. I was almost an editor, but I got a better job. Now, I drive a BMW.
My birthday is Jan 26. Was having a nice birthday until some clown dmed me on twitter a few minutes before midnight. The awesome message they sent me was a screenshot of one of many articles talking about Kobe Bryant's death, as if it was my fault that he died. Just had to end my birthday on a sour note, I guess.
i dont get how #37 (the soup post) looks yummy, imo it looks like vomit
To be fair, I think some of these are just straight-up trolling, though it's hard to tell from texts alone.
"Pardon me ? -I already have a boyfriend! -Yeah, whatever, here is your phone that you forgot at the library."