You know how in school, there was always that one kid who just couldn’t stay silent no matter what everyone was talking about? They would raise their hand in the air and start elaborating on whatever it was that nobody, not a single one, had asked in that classroom.
Fast forward to today, and we see the same thing happening all around on the internet. And this particular subreddit titled “Nobody Asked” has collected some of the most entertaining examples of people explaining far too much even though they were never asked to do so.
Below we selected some peculiar examples, so scroll down, upvote your favorite posts and let us know what you think of it in the comment section!
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Oh To Be A Good Christian Mother But Also A Survivor
"They slink around the house like unfixed cats" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Best vent ever!
Vegan Coworker
I Figured It Belonged Here
You probably know a person who wouldn’t miss a chance to throw their opinion here and there, or give advice without being asked. And even though everyone seems to be less than impressed with their gesture, it seems like nothing can stop them. Are they just being nice? Do they feel an urge to show off? What’s up with that?
Psychologists believe that unsolicited advice-givers tend to be rigid in the way they approach life in general. They typically believe that they are right, and when they approach a problem, they often have difficulty seeing the situation from multiple perspectives. This is why you should always take such advice with a pinch of salt.
Please I Just Wanna Get The Group Project Done
Group projects should be outlawed at this point unless you can prove your willingness to participate.
Sometimes I'm thinking what's the point of these projects and then i think that probably they prepare you for stupid lazy colleagues in your workplace!
Load More Replies...I agree. While class room learning is important, if students aren't "educated" in social circumstances that they most assuredly will encounter, then the system failed.
I think the lessons were more about how you deal with high stress situations and interact with idiots than the actual subject at hand otherwise, why, oh why, was I always paired with the dumbest, laziest, waste of space in the class... EVERY. DAMN. TIME. It was always a bigger lesson in stress/anger management then anything else!
I hated group projects. One person does all the work and the whole group gets the credit. So wrong!
I'm always the one person that does all their work everyone else's, and yet I get called unproductive.
I wish guys understood how always on the alert women have to be that a man might be interested in them. One wrong step and it could lead to anything from verbal abuse to ending up in dustbin bags along the motorway. I've seen the above screen shot being shared as if the woman was really up herself thinking everyone fancied her. If he'd just stated in his first text it was about their project he'd have saved her that anxiety. I just realise that in his world this wouldn't have occurred to him.
You're assuming it was the guy asking the lady if she was free this weekend. It could be the other way around. Or it could have been a guy asking a guy or a lady asking a lady.
Load More Replies...Exactly. There are so many people who mistake normal friendliness for attraction and then accuse others of leading them on.
There's nothing wrong with mistaking friendliness for attraction, even more so if it gets a bit flirty, and that sort of thing can be genuinely misjudged and hard to interpret. The problem occurs when either party reacts like an arsehole when the situation is clarified.
Hold on though, there's a flaw in your argument Roxy, they've clearly already started this group project (evidenced by the latter message "8 slides STILL TO DO"). So the natural conclusion of most sensible people when asked if they're free by a partner in a project whom they clearly know and are currently working with, would be that the expression of interest in meeting would be to work on said project. She either didn't realize who was messaging her, in which case your comment is fair, or more likely IS "up herself" and conceited. Also, that's very unfair and borderline offensive of you to effectively group all men as abusers and murderers. You're clearly a raging feminist who thinks women are never in the wrong and are always the victims.
in my most recent group project, my partners did nothing. i was out sick for a week, and beforehand they designated me as the art person for the poster. the entire time i was out they did nothing. they didnt even do so much as write anything down. i was left with a couple of hours to draw everything. i had a breakdown from stress. that accumulated with the piles of missing work i had was horrible.
i'm always strict at group project, like if you don't at least contribute snack for the work, u won't see your name in the project
I'd continue Group w/out this nitwit since he thinks setting up a meeting is a date request.
How sad is it that so many first responses are "I have a boyfriend", I'm married" "I'm gay/lesbian". I hate seeing those as first responses, like, not everyone is out to f*ck you, we can say hi as a classmate on a group project. But I mostly hate seeing them because the women using those responses right away were obviously harrassed one too many times
I just had a group project and my partner finished his part the night before it was due. I was very worried he wouldn't even finish.
Do You Even Lift?
About Your Boomer Story
Sometimes, their perspective lacks humility and insight, even though they often seem very competent to people around them. Same with sharing their opinion on matters when no one really asks them. They wouldn’t do that if they genuinely did not believe they were right.
On the other hand, we just all have to accept that some people really like talking. You see, it’s much more fun to talk than to listen and not every talker can be a great listener. Moreover, we have to realize that one of the most powerful communication skills you'll learn is good listening at an early point in your life. After all, communication is meant to promote understanding between people and you can never get to that point if you’re not listening to others.
What Am I Supposed To Do? Never Talk About My Family On The Internet?
Give Me A Sign
I Mean Yeah But Kettles
They may have started the conversation talking about kettles, but I feel like someone needed to let off some steam...
“That’s Cool”
No one asked, but that doesn't matter. I'm here to let you know that I won't watch it and now you have to deal with that...
On A Video Of A Fat Cat
9 Years Mother F**ker
“Yes I’m 27”
Other than that perv... I think the person's outfit is very beautiful and she has a lovely smile!
They Just Wanted A Guitarist
Ummm.... Well Done?
Someone Give This Guy A Medal
Besides of the lack of empathy in that post, talk about another Captain Obvious (if you were dead, you couldn't post you ignorant git)
In The Comments Of A Comic
Tell Me More
No Better Time To Have Scabies Than When It’s Rainy
I don't know why but this one is one of my favourites. Of all the things to say unexpectedly 😆
Way To Bring The Mood Down. Top Visible Comment On A Meme Posted By A Cat Based Meme Group
My Friends Mom On Facebook Grossed Me Out With This One
Happy Birthday! Let Me Tell You About A Death In My Family!
Yes Thank You For Explaining The Joke We Would Never Have Got It Without You
He Was Born In August
Stop Having Fun At That Party With Your Friends And Family, And Check Out The Moon
Saw This In A Facebook Comments Section
Someone Please Go Get Him
Then Why Would You Post A Comment, Christina?
On A Post About Dogs
Found In The Latest Hot One’s Interview
“Not Relatable” At Least He Upvoted
Not relatable. My infinity gauntlet has square stone holes. But here's an upvote
I’m Here For The Game, Not Your Sons Bowel Movements
My Friend Who I Haven’t Talked To In Months Finally Texts Me About His Karma
Ok, Genie
I’m Not Even Sure What He Expected Somebody To Say
What A Catch
Found This Gem On A Post From A Recipe Page
“Because it’s cheaper” would have been easier to write, fewer words.
We're All For Growth, But This Is An Asmr Cooking Video
Take Notes
I Just Wanted To Play 8 Ball
Me too! I thought of that while having a dump!
Load More Replies...I do not understand this obsession with sharing about absolutely everything online. Bathroom habits? sexual habits? fantasies? periods? pimples? rows with family and friends? relationship stuff? nothing is off limits and I don't understand it at all.
Load More Replies...I'm actually starting to wonder how many of these are bots, trolls, attention seekers, or people who just aren't familiar with how social media works....
By far my favorite was the weird old toy doll post and someone replying about having a small white dog. Wtf is going on? Made me laugh/cry and I don't know why. I'm ashamed of how tickled it made me
Let's be honest, a good chunk of people share way too much online. A lot of media stories are things we don't need to know about celebs.
It's almost Hallowe'en (I assure you, that's the correct spelling; look it up) and none of these are Hallowe'en themed. I was almost an editor, but I got a better job. Now, I drive a BMW.
My birthday is Jan 26. Was having a nice birthday until some clown dmed me on twitter a few minutes before midnight. The awesome message they sent me was a screenshot of one of many articles talking about Kobe Bryant's death, as if it was my fault that he died. Just had to end my birthday on a sour note, I guess.
i dont get how #37 (the soup post) looks yummy, imo it looks like vomit
To be fair, I think some of these are just straight-up trolling, though it's hard to tell from texts alone.
"Pardon me ? -I already have a boyfriend! -Yeah, whatever, here is your phone that you forgot at the library."
Me too! I thought of that while having a dump!
Load More Replies...I do not understand this obsession with sharing about absolutely everything online. Bathroom habits? sexual habits? fantasies? periods? pimples? rows with family and friends? relationship stuff? nothing is off limits and I don't understand it at all.
Load More Replies...I'm actually starting to wonder how many of these are bots, trolls, attention seekers, or people who just aren't familiar with how social media works....
By far my favorite was the weird old toy doll post and someone replying about having a small white dog. Wtf is going on? Made me laugh/cry and I don't know why. I'm ashamed of how tickled it made me
Let's be honest, a good chunk of people share way too much online. A lot of media stories are things we don't need to know about celebs.
It's almost Hallowe'en (I assure you, that's the correct spelling; look it up) and none of these are Hallowe'en themed. I was almost an editor, but I got a better job. Now, I drive a BMW.
My birthday is Jan 26. Was having a nice birthday until some clown dmed me on twitter a few minutes before midnight. The awesome message they sent me was a screenshot of one of many articles talking about Kobe Bryant's death, as if it was my fault that he died. Just had to end my birthday on a sour note, I guess.
i dont get how #37 (the soup post) looks yummy, imo it looks like vomit
To be fair, I think some of these are just straight-up trolling, though it's hard to tell from texts alone.
"Pardon me ? -I already have a boyfriend! -Yeah, whatever, here is your phone that you forgot at the library."