When we were children, adulthood seemed full of wonders, freedom, cake for dinner and the ability to drive. This is all very true, but growing up often means understanding that some of the real parts of adulthood are just enjoying the mundane, as incomprehensible as that might seem to younger folks.
We’ve gathered a collection of all the random hilarious and relatable things that people go through as adults. So get comfortable as you scroll, upvote your favorite posts and be sure to share your own thoughts in the comments below.
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After 60, you worry that you are going senile when suddenly the bread is on aisle 1.
C.S. Lewis famously wrote “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” As a kid, this might seem incomprehensible, since kid-stuff pales in comparison to the massive amount of options adults have.
Many people are hit with a sense of disappointment when they reach adulthood. Yeah, you are “free,” but now you have bills to pay, responsibilities, the dishes, the laundry and whatever other never-ending list of chores one has to deal with daily.
So annoying when you have to tip out a basket of clean clothes because you need it to take the next lot on/off the line! Not sure about the washing & drying times though. My machine the shortest 'time' listed is 44mins, but it always takes a lot longer than that and I dry on the line, so time depends on weather.
However, most folks will also discover the joys of adulthood. That freedom is still a wonderful feeling, something that you almost take for granted until, for example, you visit your parents house and start to remember all the rules that once dictated your life. There is nothing like coming home to your favorite stove top burner and putting away dishes your way.
This reminds me of when my next door neighbour would come over to play and I would tell them we were grounded. Good thing they never asked why, because the truth was I just didn't feel like hanging around them.
I once left before a comedy show because the queue was too long and it was obvious we wouldn't get in in time. (We've already waited almost an hour before the queue even moved.) Friends thought I was crazy as we had bought the tickets in advance. I left and had burgers instead. Awesome burgers.
It’s also pretty illuminating to start truly learning things yourself. Often this comes from experience, but it’s still useful. Young-adult-hood is about making mistakes and getting certain things “out of your system.” We might cringe at our younger selves, but it was a learning period at the end of the day.
Agreed. I got into some bad habits when I was on a med that made me crave salty and sweet foods at night. Now even when I don't have those sort of snacks in the house (and don't take the med anymore), I can't stop thinking about them around that time and my will power isn't as good as it was before that.
I accidentally ended up with my pillow doubling in size and taking days to dry because I decided to put it in the washing machine this week. So I have been sleeping without one for a few nights and my neck is screwed!
Only true if you don't have your own kids. If you have kids, you start to realize the differences between the ages. So before I had kids, everyone who was 20 years younger the four older than me looked like they were the same age. Now that my kids are grown up I can give you approximate ages for kids I see on TV or out in the mall or whatever, but only up to the age of my eldest. If you are older than her but still 20 years or more younger than me, I just call you her age.
I did this last year. Why does Aldi not have designated aisles or at least accurate labelling?
When your 40 you hit the floor and slink away when you see someone approaching the front door
This is why my anxiety is even worse as an adult. I hate not knowing exactly what I should be doing.
This one hit hard. Edit: I know why. I'm angry because I have to work instead of enjoying life and travelling around the world. What I *can* do instead is always the same old everyday things, therefore I'm bored.
Twice today I had the realisation I hadn't even gotten my washing in the machine yet. Still haven't done it. Luckily I have a 4-day weekend to get it done in!
I always forget but my Instant Pot deliciously saves dinner in a timely manner anyway.
If only I could pay my bills in my sleep instead of just having nightmares about it.
And then you have those parents who say that, but hit their kids in the name of discipline.
This is not adulthood. This is being depressed... Not the same thing
This is not adulthood. This is being depressed... Not the same thing