Mistakes are inevitable. No matter how prepared you (think you) are, no matter how lucky you were born, at some point in time, you’re going to get into an accident that might set you back a lot financially. It hurts. It’s embarrassing. It’s devastating. But the silver lining is that you’re far from the only person to be in this predicament—lots of people can empathize with you.

Our team at Bored Panda has collected some of the most expensive fails to ever be shared on the internet, from smashed phones and broken home appliances to damaged cars and wrecked homes. Scroll down to check out the pics below. Remember, no matter how bad you think things can get, they can get a lot worse—and that, ironically, makes you more grateful for what you already have.

We wanted to learn how we can all become more financially and emotionally resilient no matter what may come, as well as how we can resist the temptation to keep upgrading our things to the latest models. Personal finance expert Sam Dogen, the founder of Financial Samurai and the author of Millionaire Milestones: Easy Steps to Seven Figures (out May 2025), was kind enough to share his thoughts on this. You'll find Bored Panda's interview with him below.


Poll Question

What would you prioritize after a costly accident like the ones mentioned?

Buying insurance

Taking preventive measures

Repairing the damage immediately

Learning from the experience