Expectations Vs. Reality: How You Imagine Your Photos To Look Like Versus How You Actually Look
These are my pets that helped me to show those moments when you want a good shot, but your friends want to amuse so they take pictures of you in the funniest situations.
The first picture is the one how you imagined it to look like, and the second is what your friends actually did!
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"I Want To Look Like I'm Normal!"
"I Want To Be Fabulous"
"I Want To Look Like I'm An Angel!"
"I Want To Look Like I'm Courageous!"
2nd pic: "why did you throw the ball in the woods? you know its dark in there ... not cool man, not cool"
"I Want To Look Like I'm An Adult Now!"
"I Want To Look Like A Dreamer!"
2nd pic is the exact face my cat makes when he pokes his head out the cat box while he's taking a shyt
"I Want To Look Like I'm Serious!"
Pic on right is how i look after a dentist appointment, and I can't feel my freaking face, and totally forget how to use my tongue!
"I Want To Look Like I'm Ready For A New Day!"
"I Want To Look Like I'm Confident!"
"I Want To Look Like I'm Normal!" Part 2
The best times to take pictures of people is while they're talking. You're welcome.
"I Want To Look Like I'm Focused And Mysterious!"
more like 1st pic is cat creeping on you getting a snack in the kitchen, and 2nd pic is cat realizing you just ate the last bite without sharing! "NOOOOOOOO!"
But still.... Technically, they still did take the "expectations photos" too.... Ah well, it only shows the process of getting your pet to pose for you.
This photo series doesn’t make sense because you actually did get photos that are according your your expectations.
But still.... Technically, they still did take the "expectations photos" too.... Ah well, it only shows the process of getting your pet to pose for you.
This photo series doesn’t make sense because you actually did get photos that are according your your expectations.