Woman Breaks Off Her Engagement After Finding Out How Her SIL Really Got Pregnant
Many couples struggle to fall pregnant and try various methods to fulfill their wish of having a baby. Some go the surrogacy route, some opt for egg or sperm donors, others adopt. One woman shared how she agreed to let her fiance donate sperm to his brother and sister-in-law, who were desperate to start a family.
All seemed to go according to plan, until the SIL finally got pregnant and suddenly started acting jealous towards the woman. It then emerged that the woman’s fiance and his sister-in-law had decided to take matters into their own hands because “the Turkey Baster Method wasn’t working.” The woman immediately broke off the engagement and later told his parents and grandparents exactly why. Now she feels guilty for spilling secrets and causing massive family drama.
This woman gave back the ring after being engaged for more than a year
Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)
Finding out her fiance had secretly slept with, and impregnated, his brother’s wife was too much to take
Image credits: freepic.diller / freepik (not the actual photo)
Image credits: SylenSong
The Turkey Baster Method explained…
Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)
Some may think it’s a myth that a woman can fall pregnant from the Turkey Baster Method. But apparently it’s not. According to international sperm and egg bank Cryos, the Turkey Baster Method is a legitimate and popular type of donor insemination, also called Intracervical Insemination (ICI) treatment.
“It is the simplest form of artificial insemination and can be performed at a fertility clinic, or in the comfort of your own home,” reads the bank’s site. “You can use either sperm from a donor or a partner.” Or, in some cases, that of your brother-in-law.
Among the advantages of getting sperm from a family member is that it’s cheaper, faster and you already know what the gene pool holds.
“Since a donor’s egg and sperm contain an assortment of genes from their gene pool, not themselves, a full brother or sister’s set of gametes have the same assortment of genes as their siblings’ gametes (egg or sperm) because they have the same parents,” explains fertility expert Dr. Georgia Witkin. “So, if your sister is your donor, it’s like she’s giving your reproductive system a transfusion of genes from your own ancestors.”
If you’re picturing someone whipping out the turkey baster that they used for Thanksgiving, you’ll be relieved to know this is not how it actually works. Instead, a syringe without a needle is the star of the show.
Cryos explains that if someone decides to try the Turkey Baster Method, or home insemination, the first step is to find a donor and order (or in this case, ask for) enough sperm straws for treatment.
“Once you have ordered the sperm, you will receive a home insemination kit with detailed instructions included,” notes the site. “It is important that you ensure that your ovulation has occurred, and the timing is right for the insemination to give you the best chance of success.”
According to Cryos, the cost of home insemination can range from $1,490 to $1,810. It includes donor sperm, shipping, and a home insemination kit. “The price varies based on your choice of sperm donor, sperm motility, and how the sperm is shipped,” adds Cryos.
Home insemination or the Turkey Baster Method is recommended for women who haven’t been diagnosed with any reproductive health issues like endometriosis. But the experts at Cryos say it’s always best to consult a doctor before buying sperm and beginning your home insemination journey. They also suggest having a fertility test done.
When it comes to success rates, Cryos says those vary from woman to woman, based on various factors, including health, fertility, BMI, age, and “luck.”
“They deserve each other”: most people agreed that the woman shouldn’t feel guilty
Poll Question
What do you think about the woman's decision to tell her ex's family the truth?
She did the right thing, honesty is important
She should have kept it a secret
It was not her story to tell
I'm not sure what I would have done
Dang. Someone should have told me to get popcorn, because this is something straight out of one of those high drama shows.
I would've plastered this all over social media. F**k those a**h***s. And tell the ex: "You got to f*k your SIL! What are you bitching about?"
Dang. Someone should have told me to get popcorn, because this is something straight out of one of those high drama shows.
I would've plastered this all over social media. F**k those a**h***s. And tell the ex: "You got to f*k your SIL! What are you bitching about?"