I’m typically not a big fan of passive-aggressive behavior. If you have a problem with me, I would much prefer that you address it directly, rather than scribbling a note on the bathroom mirror. However, if you’re dealing with strangers or you can manage to bring humor into your writing, feel free to leave as many passive-aggressive messages as you’d like!
We took a trip to the Passive-Aggressive subreddit and gathered some of the most hilarious notes members have shared in the group down below. From messages for neighbors to remarks on food packaging, enjoy scrolling through these clever and snarky notes, and feel free to upvote the ones that you find particularly hilarious!
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All These Rules But You Know What? Fuck You I Aint Renting It! Go To Hell!
This did make me laugh the first time I saw it.
Family Secret
It’s Fine
We’ve all experienced the discomfort of dealing with a passive-aggressive person. Whether it’s your mom saying she "doesn't care" what you eat for dinner right before silently scowling at the whole family the entire meal or your roommate saying she “loves” it when you come home late at night and wake her up, it’s never fun to deal with people who refuse to simply say what they mean.
Well, it’s usually not fun. But if they find a way to incorporate comedy into their aggression, we’ll let it slide! The Passive-Aggressive subreddit is dedicated to featuring images and stories of experiences with passive-aggressive individuals, and lucky for us, members have shared some hilarious and clever photos of notes. While it’s probably wise to be upfront and honest with others to maintain relationships, nobody’s perfect. So you might need to let your snarky side slip from time to time!
Could Be The Heaviest Passive Aggressive Sign Ever
Spotted On The Bottom Of A Box Containing Ear Wax Drops
My Boyfriend Had Some Words For Subway
According to Verywell Mind, passive-aggressive behavior is “behavior that is seemingly innocuous, accidental, or neutral but that indirectly displays an unconscious aggressive motive.” This might involve resistance to someone’s requests through procrastination, expressing sullenness, being stubborn and/or using the silent treatment.
Those who are passive-aggressive might allow others to take the lead and make decisions for them, at least at first, but they’ll later show signs of how unhappy they are with their situation. For example, they might agree to do something and then complain the entire time or say they'll watch a movie their partner wants to see then refuse to pay attention or appear to be in a bad mood for no reason.
Tired Of No One Understanding Were All Adults. Just Do Them!
It’s The “Make Mom And Dad Proud” For Me
I'm Sorry, I'll Try My Best
Unsurprisingly, being passive-aggressive can negatively impact relationships. It can be confusing for others when a passive-aggressive person refuses to be upfront about their feelings. And it can become frustrating when sarcasm is used instead of honesty. Not to mention the fact that bottling up your feelings is never healthy, so it’s not recommended to hold everything inside if it’s going to cause you to destroy your friendships with passive-aggressive remarks.
Saw This In My Gym Today
They Closed This Bathroom In Our Building
THAT'S why we can't have nice things?? I thought it was because of... *Never ending list of human mistakes scrolls down screen while circus music plays*
From My Place Of Work
As far as where this indirect behavior comes from, Verywell Mind notes that it might be the result of family upbringing, mental health issues, situational circumstances and/or discomfort with confrontation. Personally, I learned a lot of passive-aggressive behaviors from my mother growing up that I had to work hard to unlearn.
I never saw her express her desires, and instead, the rest of us had to try to read her mind and tiptoe around to figure out what she wanted. Unfortunately, I developed a tendency to do the same thing without even realizing it. If you have the same bad habit, I would highly recommend working through it in therapy for the sake of your relationships!
Beep Beep, Carolyn. Beep Beep
The Message On My Popcorn Bag
My popcorn is too small to properly admire the aesthetic value of the texture.
Found In Every Access Hallway
When it comes to dealing with passive-aggressive individuals, it’s important to first know how to recognize these behaviors. Once you're aware of what signs to look out for, don’t be afraid to calmly point them out without judgment. Just make the other person notice how they’re choosing to communicate, and give them the opportunity to be more direct. Be patient, and provide them space to work through whatever is going on in their mind. And try not to take any of their passive-aggression personally.
From A Bathroom In A Bar I Visited
I can just imagine the expression on the employee's face.
This Lone Sign At A Shut Down Store
Sign On The Accessible Toilets At Work
Should be easy to find the culprit. By the way, who cuts their hair at work?
If you’re trying to work on cutting down your own passive-aggressive behavior, Simply Psychology recommends first considering why you’re acting that way in the first place. Did you pick up these habits from a parent or your partner? Does it happen more often when you’re in a situation where you’re scared to be assertive? Reflect on where this might be coming from, and work on being more self-aware so you can prevent yourself from resorting to passive-aggressive behavior in the future.
Found Closed To Our Airbnb In Waikiki
This Elementary School Teacher's Warning Sign To Students
Found This Gem In The College Parking Lot Yesterday
It’s also wise to try to accept how you feel in any given situation, rather than trying to push away your emotions by becoming silent or sarcastic. Simply Psychology notes that it’s perfectly normal and healthy to have emotions. There’s no need to try to eliminate them. In fact, it’s much better to communicate how we’re feeling with others than to use passive-aggressive behaviors to mask what's going on inside our heads.
Sad To See Splash Car Wash Go…also The Passive Aggressive Sign Made Me Smile
Please Stop Fingerprinting!
The Arrows Were Added A Few Days Later... Guess Their Note Isn’t Working As Well As They Thought It Would
If you have a tendency to become passive-aggressive, you probably also need to work on becoming more assertive. Yes, this can be difficult if you’re terrified to tell a waiter that your order was wrong or you’ve never had to tell a friend that you don’t feel like hanging out with them. But I assure you, it gets easier the more and more you practice. Plus, it feels much better to simply state what you need than to hold it inside and have a terrible time.
I Love My Fellow Tenants
This Order Confirmation…
Finally Found One In The Wild, By The Fine Folks At 7/11
We hope you’re enjoying scrolling through these clever passive-aggressive notes, pandas! It’s probably best to address issues directly in most cases, but if you need to leave a note once in a while, feel free to take inspiration from this list. Keep upvoting the pics that you find most hilarious, and then if you’re interested in checking out even more funny notes people have left others, look no further than right here!
App Sign Up Rolling It’s Eyes When I Start Typing
Some one that knows what they did, or someone that think LOL stands for 'lots of love' and uses this smiley for 'look above'? 🙄
For Five Years I’ve Stared At This Sign At Work. What Prompted This Sign?
Postmates Is Really Laying It On Thick Especially Considering Their Spam Has Resulted In Zero Business From Me Anyway
Cold Night In Australia.... We Were Parked Legally And Nowhere Near Their Bins
On Behalf Of Everyone Waiting On Your Guts Please Die!!
Also, you can't thank them after they've donated, so best do it before.
Others Have Noticed (@ A Local Church)
If you don't wash your hands, then I don't think you care if you spread any cocc-aceae germs... 😅
Spotted This Note On A Car On My Work Carpark Last Year
Spotted In A Discount Store's Stairwell
This is not passive. It’s a fire hazard that is being blocked by people.
I Live With Roommates And Made This Sign Instead Of Talking To Them About This
I Parked My ‘79 Porsche 911 (Which I Paid For) In A Reserved Spot And Found This Note On My Car. My Parents Have Given Me Nothing But Love And Life And I Currently Support Them Financially
It's The Heart For Me
Another Merry Passive Aggressive Christmas
For Context, I Forgot To Put A - To Make The Number Negative, On My Math Homework
So, you forgot whether you have six bucks, or you owe six bucks? (Sorry, not sorry.)
Quiz • Discover Your Passive-Aggressive Spirit Animal!
IDK. To me a lot of these just seemed direct and straightforward. Not passive aggressive at all.
That’s fine, you can think that. ;p (just kidding, I also think passive aggressiveness is in the eye of the beholder for many of these.)
Currently the title of this: "40 Hilariously Petty Passive Aggressive..." is so erroneous. Not hilarious and mostly not passive aggressive.
It’s incredible that some of these “rules” have to be written. What happened to common sense?
IDK. To me a lot of these just seemed direct and straightforward. Not passive aggressive at all.
That’s fine, you can think that. ;p (just kidding, I also think passive aggressiveness is in the eye of the beholder for many of these.)
Currently the title of this: "40 Hilariously Petty Passive Aggressive..." is so erroneous. Not hilarious and mostly not passive aggressive.
It’s incredible that some of these “rules” have to be written. What happened to common sense?