In a moment of frustration or confusion, every mom and dad has said and done things that they later regretted. But that doesn't make them bad. There's a difference between making a mistake and negligence. And the subreddit r/BadParents is trying to find this.
"From naughty moms to drunk-in-public dads, if they are being idiots or crazy irresponsible, we want to see it," the online community writes on its 'About' page, inviting people to share examples of how not to raise kids.
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Stupidity At Its Best
A minute of silence and respect for the older brother. In an abusive household older siblings ofter do parent duties
My friend's husband tricked their 10 year old into planting marjauana in their yard.
Love my weed but kids should be kept separate from drugs. I don’t care how much hate I get from this opinion. But kids and drugs don’t mix
Load More Replies...I swear I heard another version of this on the internet. But can't be bothered to check Snopes.
Happens all the time I used to think it was normal until I found out otherwise
That's seriously f**ked up. The brother sounds like a boss though. How old was he?
Can't they detect hormones in urine? Seems like they'd know it wasn't urine from a female. I guess the test was very specific.
Maybe a laboratory could check. I did a course recently on testing people for drugs and alcohol. A sample of urine has to be at body temperature anyway (a label on the side of the specimen cup shows the temperature) so people can't substitute urine
Load More Replies...Oh wow that's absolutely awful, bless you and your siblings. I had a bit of a rough start to life and it honestly took til I was 45years old before I started telling myself that I am a good person and I may not like my appearance, but I don't really care what other people think and I'm not longer scared of my ex . That's only taken me 15 years but when I look at my life I honestly wouldn't change a things because without them I wouldn't be the woman today not would I have my wonderful children and an amazing husband.
Taking an honest assessment of someone's parenting style isn’t always an easy task. That’s why it’s important to first separate the behavior from the person.
Calling a person a “bad parent” isn’t something to jump to based on a difference in beliefs or parenting style.
Losing your temper every once in a while is not the same as telling your child, "I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it."
Although people might disagree on what is "good" or "bad" parenting, most parents have both positive and negative parenting traits.
What A Horrible Parent
That is abuse. Don't make this kid not feel like she is not good enough. Also, you are giving her self doubt and negatively. You need to be positive and have self confidence to be successful. That negative s**t is going to cause failure.
Not Following Medical Instructions
see this is why doctors must tell patients WHY they are given that instruction.
Raising Your Child Isn't Something They Have To Earn
According to Sharron Frederick, LCSW, a psychotherapist at Clarity Health Solutions, kids who have little or no discipline are left to fend for themselves, which can result in injuries and also creates a child who does not understand boundaries.
"Children look to parents to define what boundaries are and the consequences that can occur if the child crosses the boundaries," she told Healthline.
The System Doesn't Help The Child
How Many?
Found This On Gem On Instagram
Unlike parents who enforce little to no discipline, Frederick thinks parents who practice strict or rigid discipline (aka act like autocrats) do not allow their child to explore their world, which often leads to a child who becomes fearful and anxious or rebellious.
The Baby Is In There
When Your Son Is Smarter Than You Are
I guess Susan forgot she became anti-vaxx because of something she read on the internet.
This Is Awful
“Ignoring a child is telling them that your love is conditional,” Frederick said, adding that withdrawing affection because a child does not do what they are told causes similar harm.
“These types of behaviors can cause a child to have low self-esteem and low confidence, which can result in a child not expressing their wants and needs,” she said.
Quora Is Filled With S***ty Parents... This Is Just One Out Of Thousands
I Wonder Why
Don't Punish The Dog For Your Terrible Parenting
As time goes by, according to Frederick, this can lead to co-dependency, in which the child will adapt to how they feel a person wants them to act. "Many times, this can lead to relationships that are abusive," she explained.
Translation: “She Broke My Phone So I Made Her Eat A Hot Pepper”
Denying Daughter Therapy Because Of Grades. Like As If Mental Health Didn’t Affect Grades In The First Place?
Why do some people just not get it? Like really, who gives a flyingfuck what she gets
"I Hate Who My Child Is, How Can I Change It To Be Something I Like"
Frederick also said that children who experience overly rigid or strict discipline can have issues with control of others, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other anxious behaviors, together with the mindset that the world is dangerous.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, there's the rebellious child who fights with their parents, breaks the rules, and engages in negative behaviors.
Using Your Child’s Educational Growth For Views
I'm normally against age-based restrictions (not everything, but some things are not thought through). Increasingly though, I feel that it should be illegal to produce online content with children outside of a professional labour contract and that there needs to be work done on creating internationally binding regulations on child labour in the enterainment industry
Just... Wow
Yeah And I'll Help Out By Posting This On Reddit
I don't get politics, but why would you take money out of your CHILDS COLLEGE FUND to support a guy? Like, why? It wasn't even your money
A 2014 study found that harsh parenting, which includes verbal or physical threats, frequent yelling, and hitting, along with immediate negative consequences for a specific behavior, can lead to children having emotional and behavioral issues, such as aggressiveness and following directions at school.
She Needs To Let Go
Excuse me, just because some of us have autism! I am genuinely shocked. I have so much love for that poor kid
May This Person Not Have A Daughter Ever
Most parents (62%) say that raising a child has been at least somewhat harder than they expected, with about a quarter (26%) saying it’s been a lot harder. This is especially true of mothers, 30% of whom say being a parent has been a lot harder than they expected (compared with 20% of fathers).
Not Sure If It Fits Here, But Here's A Mini Rant About My Mother Not Letting Me Choose How I Want My Hair
Sounds like my ex talking to our son. Wanna guess why we divorced and our son has seen him maybe a total of 6 times in a year with 2 of those times being from running into each other while out on errands and 2 being holidays? Those 6 times add up to around <5 hours. Our son is almost 19 now. I told his father years ago when we left, our son was 7 years old, that he made the difference then but one day our son would get to make it. Guess who regrets being an absolute 🐓🍭 to their only child now? Our son visits him about 2-3 hours every couple of months or so at his choice. I watched him cry as a child having to do court ordered visitation until the court finally allowed it to be no overnight stays about 5 months in. Then his father started skipping visits here and there for being "too tired to watch him" and "the race is on this weekend". Courts then let our son decide if he wanted to visit him and when. So thankful that the system worked for him as it tends to fail a lot of kids.
Took Me 27 Years To Finally Do It, And I Get This In Return As A Reply
Good for them! When I finally did this it was terrifying & cathartic.
When Your Dad(50) Gets His 21yo GF Pregnant And Then She Leaves Him. He Can’t Take The Rejection(And The Fact That She Won’t Get Back With Him) So Much So That He Would Rather Not Have Anything To Do With The Kid And Ropes You Into It
However, most parents give themselves high marks for it, with 64% believing they do an excellent or very good job as a parent (32% say they do a good job, while just 4% say they do a fair or poor job as a parent).
Mothers and fathers rate themselves similarly, but there are differences by income and by race and ethnicity (upper-income and Black and White parents are the most likely to say they do an excellent or very good job).
So Now The Animal Must Suffer Bc It Doesn’t “Like Your Daughter The Split Second It Meets Her”??
Wtf How Are You Gonna Let Your Daughter Do This
For the most part, kids agree. 67% of them say they get along well, or pretty well, with their parents. What's more, 85% say they have fun with their parents, and 79% of kids also feel close to their folks.
People Like This Just Shouldn't Leave Their House
This Mom
disable mom's tech in such a way that it looks plausible... and deny any knowledge of it... and let her go pay someone to get it fixed.
The Next Brad Mondo Right Here
Why Would You Give Ghost Pepper Sauce To 4 Year Olds?!
Question And Answer Found On Quora
What The Hell
I Found This On Instagram
For Stealing Food
Free Trampoline... Sure We Have Room For It
Maternal Instinct: -100
Mom Cuts Daughter’s Hair Because Dad Got It Done Without 'Permission'..."I Took My Boys To Get Their Hair Cut And Got My Bby Girl's Hair Done. Look What Her Momma Did Just Because I Got My Bby Hair Did"
Way to punish your kid for the other parents actions. Real parenting right there.
Why? Just...why?
I think Bugs Bunny had the right idea in sawing off Florida from the rest of the continent...
Just Found This
The Elders “Don’t Climb Our Rock” Mother “Lets Climb It Anyway”
I'm glad the day I went to Uluru it was too windy for us to climb because I was too young to understand the significance and make the choice myself at the time.
"Bubbles" Loses Child To Foster Care Then Posts This Shortly After. Never Getting Child Back According To Fam Svcs
This Is What My Dad Says To Me After Being Absolutely Miserable For The Past Week And Still Awaiting My Covid-19 Test Results
Baby Proofing? Nah... Darwin Award Maybe?
I Think This Meets The Criteria Of A Bad Parent?
Hmm, Yes, Checks Out
This Just Pissed Me Off
Why Though?
Holy sh*t these people exist, procreate, and yet I was seen as an undesirable adopter because I was a single atheist.
Where are you from that being religious is a requirement for adoption?
Load More Replies...Some of these sound like my parents. They f****d me up so much growing up that now they wonder why I have a very hard time regulating my own emotions. I was once held over a balcony railing (from the fourth floor) because I disrespected my mother. I got threatened with a knife because my former friend told my parents that I was suicidal. I’m getting dreams of being killed or driven to insanity by my father. I want it all to just end, I’m tired of everything and how my life is going. I’ve been as good as I could be but only bad things keep happening, maybe I should start being the villain from now onwards, maybe then people will actually pay attention
Hey Stardust. I'm so sorry you are in this horrible abusive situation. Don't become like them tho. Do you have someone to talk to? I love you and am sending you an enormous Auntie Caro HUG.
Load More Replies...isnt it crazy how people need a licence to drive a car but not to have children? like to bring a living breathing being into this world.
That pregnant child situation is so tragic, as well as the comments with similar situations! Children should not be having children! Anyone who thinks children being pregnant is a good thing are pedophiles!
Well that's the new Republican platform, that 10-year-old rape victims make good mothers and it's an "opportunity".
Load More Replies...Not sure if my mom is bad but I’m still gonna say it. My mom will usually yell at me 5-7 days each week (because of 2 assignments from the beginning of the school year) and she will call me many names. I usually get anxiety attacks because of this and when that happens I tend to raise my voice on accident. My mom will scream at me then hit me or throw pencils at me saying “youre not allowed to yell at me”. And then she will call me a gaslighter if I ever try to talk about something she says. (One of these include when I told her I did not like the divorce schedule change and she said “your opinion doesnt matter.” Tried to talk to her and she said “I never said that youre a f***ing gaslighter”) this happens all the time. I’m not sure if this makes my mom a bad mom though.
I think you both need to sit down and have a good talk, maybe she's also stressed (since you mention divorcing) but hitting is never ok. Is there someone in school you can talk with, nurse, counselor etc?
Load More Replies...I don’t think my parents are bad. This is normal. It is right? Even if they constantly degrade me, hate on my weight, my looks, never let me go out. Because that’s what parents do right? Like obviously, I’m a teenager, my opinion shouldn’t matter.
This is a generational problem in this country. People learn from their parents and then use the same child rearing tools they had used on them. There are some sick and twisted people out there for sure. This is how child abuse, racism, bigotry, hate and misogyny keep going.
Please assure me that there are still decent, child loving parents in the US.
There are. I'm not a parent, but have lived with some and been closely involved with some to see the truth behind the social masks. Mistakes are still made, but the best parents will own their mistakes, apologize to the kid, and, when needed/appropriate, work with the kid on how to make things right/better and follow through.
Load More Replies...People like this have children. Who then think that's how you raise children. World shitstorm explained.
How the heck do these people who does these things is ok? These people are NOT Okie Dokie on so many levels. Just why.
Couldn’t finish. I’m just so heart broken for all those kids…just feel very helpless
I feel better about my parenting now. What absolute garbage people.
I had to stop reading these. The texan couple that tied their child in a shed reminded me too much of some horrific murders that I read about where parents literally tortured their children to death, often drawn out over years. In my coutry there are at least obligatory doctor visits to check on children, but I wish there was a way to force parents into basic classes.
I had difficult childhood lives in the foster house for different countries. Because my parent are very young and unplanned. I’m foreign, later years. I was bullied and abused racism. My dream is became very good parent. I can see (not all) many of very bad, idiot and stupid parents.
Holy sh*t these people exist, procreate, and yet I was seen as an undesirable adopter because I was a single atheist.
Where are you from that being religious is a requirement for adoption?
Load More Replies...Some of these sound like my parents. They f****d me up so much growing up that now they wonder why I have a very hard time regulating my own emotions. I was once held over a balcony railing (from the fourth floor) because I disrespected my mother. I got threatened with a knife because my former friend told my parents that I was suicidal. I’m getting dreams of being killed or driven to insanity by my father. I want it all to just end, I’m tired of everything and how my life is going. I’ve been as good as I could be but only bad things keep happening, maybe I should start being the villain from now onwards, maybe then people will actually pay attention
Hey Stardust. I'm so sorry you are in this horrible abusive situation. Don't become like them tho. Do you have someone to talk to? I love you and am sending you an enormous Auntie Caro HUG.
Load More Replies...isnt it crazy how people need a licence to drive a car but not to have children? like to bring a living breathing being into this world.
That pregnant child situation is so tragic, as well as the comments with similar situations! Children should not be having children! Anyone who thinks children being pregnant is a good thing are pedophiles!
Well that's the new Republican platform, that 10-year-old rape victims make good mothers and it's an "opportunity".
Load More Replies...Not sure if my mom is bad but I’m still gonna say it. My mom will usually yell at me 5-7 days each week (because of 2 assignments from the beginning of the school year) and she will call me many names. I usually get anxiety attacks because of this and when that happens I tend to raise my voice on accident. My mom will scream at me then hit me or throw pencils at me saying “youre not allowed to yell at me”. And then she will call me a gaslighter if I ever try to talk about something she says. (One of these include when I told her I did not like the divorce schedule change and she said “your opinion doesnt matter.” Tried to talk to her and she said “I never said that youre a f***ing gaslighter”) this happens all the time. I’m not sure if this makes my mom a bad mom though.
I think you both need to sit down and have a good talk, maybe she's also stressed (since you mention divorcing) but hitting is never ok. Is there someone in school you can talk with, nurse, counselor etc?
Load More Replies...I don’t think my parents are bad. This is normal. It is right? Even if they constantly degrade me, hate on my weight, my looks, never let me go out. Because that’s what parents do right? Like obviously, I’m a teenager, my opinion shouldn’t matter.
This is a generational problem in this country. People learn from their parents and then use the same child rearing tools they had used on them. There are some sick and twisted people out there for sure. This is how child abuse, racism, bigotry, hate and misogyny keep going.
Please assure me that there are still decent, child loving parents in the US.
There are. I'm not a parent, but have lived with some and been closely involved with some to see the truth behind the social masks. Mistakes are still made, but the best parents will own their mistakes, apologize to the kid, and, when needed/appropriate, work with the kid on how to make things right/better and follow through.
Load More Replies...People like this have children. Who then think that's how you raise children. World shitstorm explained.
How the heck do these people who does these things is ok? These people are NOT Okie Dokie on so many levels. Just why.
Couldn’t finish. I’m just so heart broken for all those kids…just feel very helpless
I feel better about my parenting now. What absolute garbage people.
I had to stop reading these. The texan couple that tied their child in a shed reminded me too much of some horrific murders that I read about where parents literally tortured their children to death, often drawn out over years. In my coutry there are at least obligatory doctor visits to check on children, but I wish there was a way to force parents into basic classes.
I had difficult childhood lives in the foster house for different countries. Because my parent are very young and unplanned. I’m foreign, later years. I was bullied and abused racism. My dream is became very good parent. I can see (not all) many of very bad, idiot and stupid parents.