It may not be Easter yet, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of cleverly hidden eggs all around us just waiting to be discovered. If you’re a gamer, I'm sure you're familiar with the term “Easter egg”, referring to those special little secrets and surprises planted in games for players to discover. But it turns out that we can come across these hidden gems in real life as well!
Below, you'll find some of our favorite pics from the In Real Life Easter Eggs subreddit, as well as an interview with gaming expert Marshall Gunnell of VGKAMI. Be sure to upvote all of the Easter eggs you would be thrilled to find, and remember to keep an eye out for any in your own life. They're just dying to be uncovered!
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One In The Wall
Everyone loves a pleasant little surprise, whether it’s your partner surprising you with coffee or finding an unexpected $10 bill in your pocket. But when real life starts to feel like a video game and you discover a clever little surprise out of nowhere, just turn to the In Real Life Easter Eggs subreddit to share your joy. This group, which was created in 2015, has amassed an impressive 517k followers over the past 8 years. The rules are simple: only share IRL Easter eggs, don’t repost recent or popular content, and don’t share any barcode posts. But the group is exactly what many of us need: cute clever moments in the most unexpected places.
“You know in games or movies when you find an odd little secret that someone in production left unnoticed for the few in the audience that would look for it or happen to stumble upon it?” the group’s description asks. “This is the place to share those things you find in real life.” The moderators note that this isn’t the area for posting digital Easter eggs, as in screenshots or photographs of screens (games, computer software, TV series, DVD menus), as those are regular Easter eggs. But if you’ve come across something that would make video game designers jealous that they didn’t think of it first, go ahead and share it with the rest of us!
Oh Honey
Ordered A Toy For My Kid. This Was On The Shipping Box
I think cats would like to argue that *every* box is cat friendly..
To learn more about the digital versions of Easter eggs that inspired this group in the first place, we reached out to Marshall Gunnell at VGKAMI, an independent online gaming authority, and he was kind enough to have a chat with us. “Easter eggs are definitely an important part of video games, though they aren't essential to the core gameplay mechanics,” he told Bored Panda. “They add an extra layer of enjoyment and immersion to a game by providing a fun surprise for players to discover. They can take many forms, such as secret rooms, hidden levels, or even pop culture references.”
We were also curious why gamers love finding these eggs so much. “Discovering Easter eggs in video games is often a thrilling experience for gamers,” Marshall says. “It feels like you're discovering a secret that no one else has seen before.”
"This 'Mouse Barbershop' I Found In Malmö, Sweden"
My Jeans Have A Little Note In Them
Electrical Easter Egg
“Easter eggs often serve as a form of reward or recognition for players who are paying close attention to the game,” Marshall explained. “Game developers like including Easter eggs in their games because it's a fun way to show off their creativity and engage with the community. Players love sharing their discoveries with others, which helps build a sense of camaraderie and excitement around a game.”
It Says "Thank You Hero" In Spanish, It's The Inside Edge Of My Medical Uniform
Tea Bag Warning
The Tube At The End Of A Roll Of Doggie Poo Bags Says "Use Bare Hand Now"
i use those bag but have never gotten to the end cause my dad throws them out
Marshall also shared his personal favorite Easter egg with Bored Panda: the “Konami Code”, which originated in the 1986 game Gradius, developed by Konami. “The Konami Code is a cheat code that allows players to unlock various bonuses in many Konami games,” he explained. “[It] is entered by pressing a specific, and now very popular, sequence of buttons, ‘up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A,’ followed by the ‘start’ button. The Konami Code has become a cultural phenomenon and has been referenced in numerous other video games, movies, TV shows, and even websites.”
Marshall even knew of some IRL Easter eggs that we can all keep an eye out for. “The hidden Mickeys at Disney theme parks were always fun to seek out. These are small, hidden images of Mickey Mouse that are tucked away in various locations throughout the parks, like on rides, signs, and buildings,” he shared.
A Subtle Nod To A Notting Hill Quote
Somewhere In Mexico
This Hp Sauce Bottle With Big Ben In Scaffolding
HP sauce (houses of parliament) is the sauce of the gods it on just about everything but toast and cheese has got be tried to be believed
“Easter eggs are an important part of video game culture, and they can add to the enjoyment and longevity of a game by rewarding players who are willing to explore and discover hidden secrets,” Marshall told Bored Panda. “Easter eggs can be a way for game developers to express their creativity and add an extra layer of depth and meaning to a game, whether it's through a hidden message or a clever gameplay mechanic. And while some Easter eggs might be more well-known than others, the joy of discovery and the sense of community that comes from sharing and discussing Easter eggs with others is something that many gamers can relate to and appreciate.”
If you’d like to learn even more about Easter eggs when it comes to gaming, you can read more about them on VGKAMI right here!
A Hidden Message On Top Of A Truck
New Mattress, It Almost Kicked My Butt Unboxing It But Like Neo… "I Know Kung Fu Too”
Is It Just Me Or Are These Clothing Manufacturers Becoming Hostile?
When it comes to why game developers leave little Easter eggs like these in their games, Juan at KJC eSports says, “The eggs we find in games are unimportant when you look at them logically. However, eggs provide something meaningful to gamers and developers. It is always fun to see something new in our favorite video games, especially knowing that it’s not needed for the game to progress.”
“Easter eggs are usually just elements the developers decided on a whim,” he goes on to write. “The hidden secrets in a game frequently contain something personal about the developer who put it there in the first place. Knowing this just highlights how wholesome the gaming community is, and it assures us that the developers themselves are gamers just like us.” Easter eggs are a great reminder that nobody’s sense of humor or personality vanishes just because they’re at work, designing a game or a piece of clothing. We all love the opportunity to learn more about the people behind these brands, and if we have the chance to include easter eggs of our own, why pass up on the opportunity?
On The Back Of The Microfiber Cloth That Came With My Glasses
These Suggestions To Optimize Enjoyment Of This Beverage
Small Message On The Bottom Of Our Hand Soap
“These added extra hidden elements in a game feel just like little drops of love from the developers themselves to our gamers,” Juan goes on to write. “Personally, the eggs in every game serve as a bridge of connection between myself and the developers. I appreciate that little extra effort that goes along with implementing eggs in a game.”
“The eggs in-game designs bring that extra satisfaction points in surprising players. When players have established expectations for the game, players will have a strong sense of surprise if the results in the experience process far exceed their expectations,” he adds. “For game designers, if they add some elements to the game like Easter eggs, the designer will have a more personal connection with the game and will be more attentive to it. It’s like your own game and the part you designed on your own, not just a game development project you’re involved in.”
Bought Some Shirts Online
Lil Balancing Dude Above A Gate In Tilburg, The Netherlands
The Tag On My New Underwear
If you’re an avid gamer, you’ve likely got some personal favorite Easter eggs of your own. But if you’re wondering where you can find some of the best digital Easter eggs of all time, we’ve got you covered. Dominic Allen at The Gamer wrote a piece last year breaking down some of the most impressive and clever eggs out there. First he mentions one of the most famous Easter eggs and one of the very first video game Easter eggs of all time: Warren Robinett’s name in the game Adventure.
“On difficulties two or three, you must pick up an invisible dot in a tucked-away portion of the map that requires the bridge,” Allen explains. “Once you have the invisible dot go to the right of the golden castle, drop the dot, and make sure that at least two objects are on the screen, too. After that, you can pass through the right wall and see the developer credit. It's a fun process to get the egg, unlike most of the other first Easter Eggs.”
WiFi Symbol At A BBQ Joint
Found This On The Bottom Of A Mug
Amd Chip Smiley
My mind is always blown when I see stuff like this. How did humans come from living in caves to making microscopic chips with millions of details to do millions of task
According to Allen, the very best Easter egg of all time is the Chris Houlihan room in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. He explains that this is not the only time a fan has been included in an Easter egg after winning a contest, but it’s certainly the most legendary. “Reaching the Chris Houlihan room can't be done by traditional means,” Allen writes. “The room is a fail-safe if the game doesn't know where to place you when falling down a hole. As such, the various methods to get to the room are quite unorthodox. Chris Houlihan appeared in the game after winning a Nintendo Power contest. With the game being one of the greatest of all time, his name will forever be known in the pantheon of gaming history.”
I Finally Found One! A Retention Pond Outside The Boeing Factory In Charleston, Sc Has A Plane Shaped Peninsula. Only Visible From Above
Sword In The Stone. England
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!
This Wet Floor Sign At The Toronto Aquarium
It feels like Easter already! We hope you’re enjoying all of these sneaky little surprises, pandas, and remember to keep your eyes peeled for any you come across in your own lives. You never know where they’ll be hiding… Keep upvoting your favorite Easter eggs from this list, and then if you’re interested in diving even deeper into the world or IRL Easter Eggs, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring the same subreddit right here!
This Bag
This Bag Of Cookies Has An Illustration Of Their Staff On The Bottom
Pot Hole Mosaic In Chicago
This Piano Bar Code
The Snow Lizard
The Tag On My Baby's Pants From Old Navy. So Cute!
Little Workers On Damaged Door
The Warning On The Board Game I Bought My Mum For Christmas
On The Bottom Of A Cookie Box
This Tag On My Shirt
Care Instructions On My Dog's Harness
Opened Up My Keyboard And Found This On The Case
One Of The Dots Is A Heart Instead!
Speakers In The Ceiling At My Local Airport
There's A Small Cat Hiding Inside This Paper Bag
This Bottle Of Water Has The Logo Of The Brand (A Small Mountain) Extruded On The Bottom
Something Fishy About These Storm Drains
Changing Battery In My Big Muff Pi Distortion Pedal
My Local Farm Has A Pokemon Themed Corn Maze!
This Guy
Subtle Detail At A Proctologist's Office. I Haven't Met Him Yet, But I Already Like This Guy
Time Travelers Always Get Stuff Handed To Them…
My dog’s food arrives in a box that says on the bottom “break it, fold it, recycle it but please don’t eat the box”. It’s also got a “snoot hole” for the dog to sniff out the food.
Here's an oldie but goody from the motherboard of a Commodore Amiga a500+. (band + song title) :) projekt-am...d3b043.jpg
My dog’s food arrives in a box that says on the bottom “break it, fold it, recycle it but please don’t eat the box”. It’s also got a “snoot hole” for the dog to sniff out the food.
Here's an oldie but goody from the motherboard of a Commodore Amiga a500+. (band + song title) :) projekt-am...d3b043.jpg