“They Brought Pure Evil On This Earth”: 50 Everyday Inconveniences That Still Haven’t Been Solved
InterviewMinor everyday inconveniences plague us all. We've put a man on the Moon and managed to do surgery on a grape, yet we still can't figure out how to make dialogues in movies louder than the background music? And don't even get me started on TV remotes. Why don't they have the "Find Me" function built in?
One Redditor probably had some similar gripes with everyday small things. They decided to ask other netizens "What's a small, everyday inconvenience that you believe should have been solved by now?" People had many qualms, from poor audio quality in drive-thrus to the never-ending mystery of bacon packaging.
Bored Panda also briefly chatted with the Redditor who asked this question. Check out our conversation with u/kabkar1234 below!
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Music volume in movies being much louder than the dialog.
And commercials blaring louder than the feature show.
The author of this thread told Bored Panda that a common daily inconvenience prompted them to ask other Redditors what they find annoying. "My wife and I started talking about finding [the] remote all the time," u/kabkar1234 says. "[We] got talking about how small things like these are still [un]resolved with all the advancement in the world. I thought of asking the public."
The Redditor says that they found lots of answers relatable. Some of them included automated customer care asking to repeat information when a live person comes, why we still don't have zip lock bags for cereal, universal medical records, and, of course, finding the remote. The user says these are probably pretty universal things, "an inconvenience for many."
That we need to go back to having humans answer phones at businesses. The automated systems are inefficient, and most times just maddening. Those systems need to GO!
And often the options they give don't match up with what you actually want to ask about. So you have to select something that you know is incorrect, and hope that the company will transfer you to the correct department.
When a food package says "peel here" or "tear here" and it never f-cking works and you need to get scissors or a knife to open the package.
The coffee I buy proudly says you don't need scissors! You can just lift the top and peel open! I have never, not once, not one single time, opened it without scissors. Damned dirty liars.
So, let's delve into some of these problems, shall we? First, the issue of background music being louder than the voices on TV. According to PBS, it's not your TV's fault. Usually, there is a problem with the production of the television show or movie.
They do have some tips on how you can try to solve the problem and lessen the irritation. "Try switching from stereo to mono whenever there is such a problem, or switch off the 'surround sound' or 'enhanced' feature on your television."
Other people in the thread expressed similar exasperation with their TVs when certain scenes seemed too dark. Remember people's reactions to that GoT The Long Night episode? Well, the cinematographer of the show cleared himself of all guilt when he told Wired UK that it's not the show, it's your TV settings.
It's a newer thing, but I wish they'd do something about LED headlights. They're just too bright. MY incandescent ones light up the road for me perfectly, and they don't blind everyone who drives past me as well.
I've got this theory that headlamp bulbs are in short supply and people have been advised that the nearest substitute is a lighthouse bulb. Yes you ba57ard in the Peugeot van yesterday morning I do mean you!
Insurance that doesn’t stop at the neck. My eyes, ears, and teeth are all part of my body, vital to health, and shouldn’t require separate policies. Jeeze.
Umm, what? 🫨Legitimately asking as a German (feeling incredibly spoiled by mandatory and full covering health insurance here).
Those stickers on products that leave sticker residue when pulling them off. So now you have sticky goo with paper bits on your cup.
I hate it when they do this with book covers: 'Now a major motion picture!'
"A lot of the problem is that a lot of people don't know how to tune their TVs properly," cinematographer Fabian Wagner explained. "A lot of people also unfortunately watch it on small iPads, which in no way can do justice to a show like that anyway."
The Verge's TV expert Chris Welch said there are several more factors why a show might be too dark on your TV. Specifically for GoT, it might have been HBO's compression of the episode. The network may have chosen a lower bitrate "to help smooth over the streaming process for millions of viewers with varying connection speeds."
Then there are the more simple reasons like the brightness and picture mode settings on your TV. The way your room is lit up can influence the viewing experience, too. If there are nearby lighting sources on the screen, they might reflect on the screen and make it harder to focus.
Uploading your resume then having to enter everything on the resume on the next screen.
I hope the person who invented that has a life full of inconveniences.
Those huge plastic packages, that are basically impossible to open, yet hold only one small item. C'mon team, think!
The inventors of blister packaging should go straight to the seventh circle. They brought pure evil on this earth.
My daughter bought me some headphones the other day, it took all my might, scissors and a knife to open the package.
Not sure if it has been mentioned but the size of pockets on women's jeans. They are significantly smaller than men's requiring women to carry a purse.
POCKETS!!!!!! Hey ladies, what do we want? WE WANT POCKETS! When do we want them? WE WANT THEM NOW!!!!!!!
Another minor problem that people seemed to agree with was how almost every website nowadays annoys us with their "Accept Cookies'' pop-ups. What's even more infuriating is that experts say these pop-ups, meant to simplify data protection, actually just make people's lives harder.
"Cookie consent banners are a joke," co-founder and CEO at software development firm PrivacyCloud Sergio Maldonado told Wired UK. "Rather than helping people protect their future choices, cookie consent requirements are extremely annoying and often run counter to accessibility guidelines on mobile devices, making life harder for people with all sorts of disabilities."
Daylight saving time.
Arizona doesn't use DST, we tried it for one year and said F That and went back to permanent standard time and no one misses it or wants it.
Having to click on the Accept Cookies option for every single bloody website 🤬
A good browser like Brave eliminates most of that and the ads that overwhelm articles your trying to read.
1. Tags (especially the more plasticy ones) on the side seam of a shirt. If you try to pull the tag out completely, the seam rips. If you try to cut the tag off, you're still left with the pokey ends. Let's go completely tagless. The technology exists.
2. Foil yogurt lids that spray yogurt all over you when you open them.
It's ironic to me that something as tiny as a tag can cause such misery. And you often don't notice it until you're out and about and there's not much chance of fixing it without shredding your clothes. I admit that I then sometimes gets over-enthusiastic about removing the tag. I always have my sewing kit near at hand on the good chance that I'll "negatively impact" the seam.
So, what can you do to make your life a little bit easier? There are browser extensions that automatically fill in your preferences when a popup appears. Some of the more well-known include Consent-O-Matic, Consent Manager, and NinjaCookie. The latter two automatically decline all cookies by default.
The most popular extension is ‘I don't care about cookies,’ and it differs from the others in that it only gets rid of the cookies. The other three extensions mentioned take extra measures to ensure privacy by not collecting user data. The "I don't care about cookies" creators presume that "users protect themselves by using other tools, extensions, and browser settings."
Spam and scam calls and emails.
Shouldn't be on the list. Attempted crime isn't an everyday "inconvenience" that can be "fixed"
Wet wipes. Not being able to pull one out and when you finally get hold of one, four come out.
American here - every year I get so mad about taxes. Not the fact that I have to pay them (though I do wish our government had different priorities, but I digress), but the whole process of it is f$&@ing imbecilic. The government knows how much I owe, why don’t they just take out the correct amount automatically. Noooo instead it’s either I give the government an interest free loan, owe more money (which always feels bad), pay an agency to file my own taxes, and then if I get it wrong they tell me SO THEY KNEW THE AMOUNT THE WHOLE TIME.
I feel a tirade coming on, I need to walk away.
In the long run, I don’t even have a problem with letting the government use my money for part of the year. But they know how much to refund me. At the end of every January they should just send out a statement saying this is what you owe or this is your refund. Check our math. You just check it. Make sure everything looks good. Then send it back and Get your refund or pay what you also owe. It really shouldn’t be left up to us to figure out how much we owe or get refunded. And if we’re wrong, we get audited and then fined with penalties.
Invisible lane markings when roads are wet.
Here in PA we have no street lights and the lines become invisible when it rains. It can be legitimately terrifying to drive it when it's like that. It makes absolutely no sense. It's so insanely dangerous.
Cereal bags not having a zipper closure.
My wife and I rant about this regularly. Not just cereal bags, but basically any non-single-use food product. Why don't any food packages reseal effectively? Ziplock technology exists!
All wireless controller devices should have an easy way to locate them. If I can't find my TV remote, video game controller, etc, I should be able to go over to the device, hit a button, and the device starts beeping.
Junk mail, and the idea of unaddressed mail in general. Seriously, it's a huge waste of time and resources, nobody likes it. If people want the coupons or info or whatever, it should be opt-in at whatever store.
I sort the mail for my building and all junk mail goes straight into the recycling bin. It's so wasteful, no one wants to receive it and most people don't even read it.
My “smart TV” has no f*****g buttons on the actual TV.
My fan only oscillates by remote, which I lost. Luckily I can still control the power and strength otherwise I'd be S.O.L.
Having hundreds of passwords, you have to change every 90 days, across different devices...
Just use a password manager. You only have to remember one password (or use biometric login, like I do), it can generate passwords for you (based on parameters you choose), and when you're logged into the manager it'll auto-populate or give you the option to have it enter your login and password for you. And you can have the same manager on multiple devices and it'll stay updated with your passwords across all devices. Obviously, like with literally everything, there is some risk having all your passwords located in one location but that's why you make sure you use safe practices and setup all the security you should have.
The extremely poor audio quality of fast food drive-thru speakers. How in 2024 can it even sound that bad? HOW?
Actually the audio quality is quite good, they've hired Charlie Browns teacher to work the drive thru speaker. Waaa, wa waaaa waa wawa waaaaa.
Wireless bra pads staying in place. Why, oh why, are they not just sewn in place??
Pot holes. F*****g POT HOLES!! When a head of the department of transportation for *any city* says they don't have enough money to fix pot holes, they should immediately be fired. It's literally the *main reason* for their existence, to maintain roads. If they can't budget effectively enough to ensure their primary responsibility is taken care of, they sure has hell can't be trusted to do anything else.
One guy solved the problem in his area, he'd spray paint a large penis around the pothole. It would be fixed in short order because the city doesn't like to look at that filthy stuff. 🤣
Universal medical records. It is insane that you have to fill out a medical history at every doctors office you go to and rely on your own memory or worse, a family member's memory of all of your medications and diagnoses for your entire life.
"My health record" from digitalhealth.gov.au does that. People who worry about invasion of privacy are free to opt out.
“Your computer needs to restart right this second to install critical updates f**k what you’re in the middle of.”
Nail clippers that catch the clippings instead of the clippings launching across the room.
These exist! I just clip my nails outside so it doesn't matter where the clippings go.
Period products, man! And possibly even healthy period-elimination products!
Like, stop the period cramps and discharge until you're ready to have a baby. Isolate the egg, let that pass through if need be. Or allow all the uterine lining to come out in one swift motion. There has to be *something* that doesn't completely screw up your psyche, and helps with PMS.
Or something better than tampons, which can give you TSS within at least 8 hours. Pads rub against your thighs all day (I've used cloth & disposable), diva cups are difficult and messy for me to put in/take out. Seriously this is 1/4 of our lives people. It should be a better experience by now!!
Back up cameras are pretty standard now. Why aren’t dash cams? (I know, Tesla has them; asking why they aren’t standard in all makes and models)
Plastic wrap that sticks to everything except what you want it to.
Saw a hack somewhere that if you freeze the plastic wrap, it doesn't get stuck to itself and will roll off more easily. Yet to be tested in my kitchen, we don't use plastic wraps often.
Driving when the sun is at that one terrible spot where it hits your windshield just right and you cannot see a f-cking thing and you are just driving blindly praying to God almighty you don’t crash before you turn or the sun moves and you can see again. Literally almost have a heart attack every time.
Bacon packaging.
Not everyone eats a whole package of bacon every time, so closing it requires another bag/container.
The thin metal handles on cans of paint. Is there no better way to carry paint than by a garrote?
In my days real me didn't complain about pain, they whole world is going woke ;-) I use to walk 20 miles up hill to go to school and 25 up hill back with 50kg of books on my back. we didn't complain
The fact that even when you shake the bottle of mustard, once the spout is open, clear liquid still comes out first.
A better way to type on TV remotes.
There used to be remotes that opened in half to reveal a keyboard, we need them again.
The windows start menu search. I used to work well, now we have gone backwards. Why can't I type VNC and it open the VNC application instead of searching for realvnc on Bing. Come on Microsoft, just let Bing die and move on, stop trying to make it a thing.
Poor Bing. it's so hopeful! "Do you wanna search the int.. oh you left.. okay..."
Being able to unselect elevator buttons for a floor that somebody pressed by accident.
You can do that somewhere in the world but just not the United States.
That crack between the driver seat and the center console….
The car-bermuda-triangle? 😄 I recently found a 5€-bill down there so its not that bad. 🤭 Edit: spelling
Hard taco shell packaging. It should read “12 shells, 9 after you open them.”
It’s messed up, but I got in the habit a few years back of just buying two things of taco shells even though one should be enough because I never know until I get home whether most of them in one box will be smashed. I also open the plastic like I’m defusing a bomb.
Why can't they design a pasta bag that doesnt rip all the way down spraying dried pasta all over the counter-top?
Some kind of pill that fills you up and gives you all your nutrients. Or sell us the stuff astronauts eat. I don’t want to always make dinner!
WiFi printing that works more than 50% of the time.
Mine works, but it was a pain in the a**e to get the printer connect to the WIFI.
Government office hours are 9-5 every day. DMV should be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at this point.
Why in 2024 am I still suffering from PMS? I’ve heard of some female gynecologists who continuously take the pill, skipping the week of placebos in order to stop their periods entirely but most doctors won’t allow their patients to do the same because it “isn’t natural.” Eff that!
Poll Question
Which of these small inconveniences bothers you the most?
Low volume of dialogues in movies
Losing the TV remote
Poor audio quality at drive-thrus
Difficult-to-open packaging
Having to subscribe to everything computer-related, from games, to apps, to software. NO! I just want to buy it.
Ooh, this. Not interested. I don't mind subbing Applemusic, the cost of buying music is more and there's loads of new content.
"Help" systems that don't help. NO, your "help file" and automated system did NOT answer my question, nor does it address it. Take responsibility and make someone accessible when you fluck up and your product or website failed.
Ooh this is my pet peeve, had to go roundabout and without service for a month and days after realizing I haven't activated my esim card. Had to repay the cost because it has expired and pay another month with the old provider then had to navigate the passive responses via email or imessaging on their FB. Finally guessing my password for the app and wait another two day to wonder why my phone line was still not active even though the esim was supposedly active. Finally figured I had to choose the esim in preferences. %#$%$!
Having to subscribe to everything computer-related, from games, to apps, to software. NO! I just want to buy it.
Ooh, this. Not interested. I don't mind subbing Applemusic, the cost of buying music is more and there's loads of new content.
"Help" systems that don't help. NO, your "help file" and automated system did NOT answer my question, nor does it address it. Take responsibility and make someone accessible when you fluck up and your product or website failed.
Ooh this is my pet peeve, had to go roundabout and without service for a month and days after realizing I haven't activated my esim card. Had to repay the cost because it has expired and pay another month with the old provider then had to navigate the passive responses via email or imessaging on their FB. Finally guessing my password for the app and wait another two day to wonder why my phone line was still not active even though the esim was supposedly active. Finally figured I had to choose the esim in preferences. %#$%$!