There are certain times in all of our lives when it’s understandable to be a little demanding: when planning a wedding, when having a baby, and maybe even when it’s your birthday. But as you’ll soon find out, some people use getting married as an excuse to turn into absolute monsters.
Below, you'll find pics that put some of the worst bridezillas the world has ever seen on blast, as well as an interview with Shay Yellin, Editor in Chief of Bespoke Bride. Be sure to upvote the demands you find most egregious, and if you’re ever planning a wedding of your own, please remember not to burn any bridges on your way to the aisle!
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... Human Trash Bag
I remember this on Reddit, the OP cut that awful excuse of a friend out of their life and if I remember correctly, many of their mutual friends were so angry they didn't go either.
“Lose Weight If You Want To Be My Maid Of Honour”
Good on OP for standing up for herself and refusing to attend the wedding. I'll never understand the mindset of brides who put their wedding aesthetic above having those near and dear to them involved in their wedding. When I (hopefully eventually) get married, I couldn't care less what my friends look like as long as they are comfortable, happy and by my side. I'm a wheelchair user and know other wheelchair users who have been refused to be in the wedding party because of being in a wheelchair- if any friend of mine did that they wouldn't be my friend any longer!
Bridezilla Tried Ripping Off Bridesmaids
I’m sure you’re all familiar with the idea of a “bridezilla”. This term was coined by Boston Globe writer Diane White in 1995 when she was writing an article about difficult brides, and the name just stuck. By 2003, a show called Manhattan Brides, which was later renamed Bridezillas, began filming, and they’ve appeared in popular culture ever since. Movies like Bride Wars (2009) depict women planning their weddings as selfish and ruthless, but we all know that most brides-to-be aren’t actually anywhere near that unreasonable. Planning a wedding can be extremely stressful, and it’s understandable to want things to be perfect.
Unfortunately, however, there are some brides out there who seem to have tunnel vision when planning their big days and have no problem steamrolling all of their loved ones along the way. So to learn more about how common it is for brides to become extremely demanding when wedding planning, we reached out to Shay Yellin, Editor in Chief of Bespoke Bride. Bespoke Bride has been voted ‘Best for Bridal’ by Cosmopolitan Magazine and listed as one of the UK’s top 10 wedding blogs, and lucky for us, Shay was happy to answer some of our burning bridal questions.
Holy Smack, A Silent Reception‽
I'll happily give her the silent treatment... what's wrong with brides??
Fiancé Is In A Bridal Group On Facebook And Came Across This One
Bro Needs To Find A New Bride
What nonsense. Anyone who wants an aesthetic wedding should know that having a mysterious groomsman with dreads is the ultimate WORD on aesthetic.
According to Shay, it’s extremely common for brides to be particular when wedding planning. “Many of the brides we've worked with at Bespoke Bride were extremely demanding,” she told Bored Panda. “We actually think it's quite normal and reasonable for brides to become unreasonably demanding. Let's face it, it's the BIGGEST day in life for many brides. They have very specific dreams of how this day will look, so if it's not perfect - they can easily get unreasonable.”
We also asked Shay if she could share any experiences of working with particularly difficult brides. “On our Bespoke Bride shop - we sell lots of DIY wedding accessories that can easily be downloaded and printed at home,” she told Bored Panda. “These are very affordable items ranging from $4 to $6. Once we had a client bride that wanted us to re-design the entire item according to her very specific demands. We tried to help and do a few edits, but the more we did, the more she wanted us to edit again. We did a LOT of work for $6!”
I've Officially Dropped Out Of The Bridal Party. I'm A Size 12 With No Plans On Dropping To A Size 8 By December
These are making me more and more depressed about the general horribleness of some people.
Entitled Bride Wants Bm To Wear Wig To Wedding
This was where I had to stop reading this entire post. I’m just too disgusted.
Bride Cancels Her Wedding Because Her Guests Didn't "Donate" A $1,500 Each To Fund The Event
I need to get away from a society where people feel entitled to other's money because they 'need' to throw a lavish wedding. It is a party. If you're getting married so that you can have an Insta perfect party and not because you and your partner want to celebrate your love with your closest friends and family DON'T GET MARRIED!
When it comes to dealing with challenging brides, Shay says, “You have to be extremely calm and supportive of ‘unreasonable’ brides, even if it's tough and can sometimes make you sick. When you understand the basic psychology behind it - that this is the BIGGEST day in their lives, it makes it easier to deal with. If there are items or things that you really cannot provide - you must come up with a smart answer that details all the reasons why you cannot provide them with the item or service. And most importantly - do it diplomatically, with lots of ‘I'm so sorry!’”
I Mean... Sounds Kinda Like A Racist/Colorist Bride Here. Thoughts?
Also, yellow and dark skin is an awesome combo! I'm pink as, verging on blue after winter - I'd look like the Ukrainian flag!
An update from Reddit from someone who saw the original post on Facebook: "She actually goes on to comment that people DID send this to her fiance, she said she was hacked, he bought her story about being hacked, and he was "currently making [her] some eggs" as an apology for believing it was her in the first place. Talk about manipulative & crazy. This poor child." I truly hope that delusional man finally saw her true colours before the wedding (how was she going to explain after that that she actually didn't want the daughter at the wedding?) and realised she wasn't hacked and did write it.
Op Is Getting Thrashed In The Comments
Shay also provided some words of wisdom for brides who are in over their heads when wedding planning. “We totally get the brides who become overwhelmed with stress when planning their weddings, even the most ‘unreasonable’ brides,” she says. “We know how stressful it can get, but you need to always look at the other side as well. Wedding vendors will do their utmost to provide you with your wish, but it's not always possible to get EXACTLY what you want. You need to accept that and find creative ways to change your dream just a little bit.”
If you’d like more wedding planning insight and tips from the experts, be sure to visit Bespoke Bride’s website right here!
But Her Wedding Is More Important Than Op Dying /S
I Paid For The First Slice After It Was Announced On The Day We'd Be Helping To Pay For Their Cake!! Apparently Didn't Count For The Second
Yeah no problem and can you please give me back my €200 wedding gift asap and i will send you the £3.66 asap
Cb Bride
Why are so many woman so fixated on this matching everybody look and vision of this wedding. I get wanting to have a lovely wedding and everyone looking their best, but so many of these brides seem to have forgotten that the wedding is one day and the marriage is so much more important. Also lol at the bride being shocked that all the 7.5" heels look like hooker shoes, what did she expect?!
This isn’t the first time we’ve covered brides with extreme demands here at Bored Panda, so we looked back at a previous interview with Amber Peterson, Community Manager of Planner’s Lounge, to gain more insight on the topic. When it comes to what brides are allowed to ask of their guests, Amber says, “I think brides can ask whatever they want from their guests, but do not be surprised if that means they opt out of your celebration. Asking for a specific colored attire might mean that guests have to buy something they will never wear again, and for some people, dressing in a way that makes them feel bad about their appearance.”
Looks Before Friends Always Offends
Again how come that girls get the idea that this day is about aesthetics? And that the day is only about you? That is just so not the point. And you are going to be so unhappy when you think that. Because there will always be something that goes wrong. There will always be someone complaining about something. A wedding is about a happy day for everyone attending..
Stolen Off Facebook But Though It Applied Here
Found This Bridezilla On Facebook. It Was Someone Who Had Been Trying To Get Along With The New Bride Because She Is Friends With Her Fiancé, But This Was The Last Straw:
I would call her bluff and send this to her fiancé and ask if it's true as I bet he has no idea bride is being so rude to one of this friends! The poor woman isn't even in the bridal party and she wants her to change her hair colour and hide tattoos or she doesn't love the couple. Some people really do go on a power trip when they get married!
In reference to a bride who wanted all of her wedding guests to wear the color yellow and stay silent, Amber previously told Bored Panda, “Some couples don’t care if their guests look bad, but they will be in your wedding pictures for the rest of your life, so I would prefer that everyone looked and felt their best! Dictating how loud they can speak is not only unrealistic, but insulting! Most people know how to behave at a wedding, and if there are specific guests you are concerned about acting out, maybe do not invite those guests.”
Cb Bride Uninvites Guest For Not Producing Free Centerpieces
Guest has saved herself heartache there as I guarantee even if she had have been given adequate time to make them, she would be paid for that mountain of work as it's "just wood and paint, probably only cost a few £'s!" Those choosy beggar types never take artists time and materials into proper account!
This Was An Interesting Read Today…
She Wants A Deposit From Her Bridesmaids
“While the wedding is about the commitment you are making to one another, it is also about the gathering of your friends and family, and you should consider their fun and comfort,” Amber went on to explain. “Your wedding is only one day, and you do not want to make the people you love miserable in order to celebrate with you and your partner. If you are unbearable during your wedding, people will remember that for YEARS to come. Be considerate.”
Seen On Fml
Can't Believe People Didn't Want To Spend $1,000's On Her. The Nerve
Bride N Groom Requests No Perfume On The Women And The Men Are Free Labour, On Top Of Paying $360 A Head
Amber also says it’s important to keep your guests in mind when wedding-planning. “A wedding is a large-scale party you are hosting to celebrate your love, and your guests are invited to celebrate with you. Guests should be treated with the same respect and love you expect them to give to you as the engaged couple,” she noted. “This means making sure they are having fun, and are comfortable and at ease. This is the first event you are hosting as a married couple, so be gracious and welcoming!”
Some People Can't Afford It
Bride Is Expecting Everyone To Spend $400 Or More On Her Wedding Gifts
This Literally Just Happened - "I Want My Own Wedding Year"
What is wrong with these women? And why would any decent man want to marry them?
I usually love attending weddings, but this list is making me hesitant to attend any more any time soon… I don’t want to be belatedly charged for eating cake! Keep upvoting the pics you find most shocking, and feel free to share any personal experiences you’ve ever had with bridezillas in the comments below, pandas. Then, if you’d like to check out another article featuring outrageous bridezilla stories, look no further than right here!
Bridezilla Won’t Have Non-Vegan Family Members At Her Wedding
Bridezilla Would Accomodate Her Heavily Pregnant Bridesmaid — Forced Her To Pull Out Of Bridal Party
You’re Not Invited, But Send Money
Bride Demands 30k
"...a month traveling, bar hopping, swinging, and more in Europe..." Height of COVID. I have no words.
Photographer Job Needed! Here Are The Requirements For This Bridezilla!
Crop Tops Over Family Everyday, Am I Right?
"I wouldn't want to wear a crop top but I want my bridesmaid too, but think you'll look awful in it. So instead of finding one of the thousands of dress options that would work and suit you, I'm not asking you to be bridesmaid and instead just want a photo with you, hope you don't mind" is effectively what this nasty bride is saying. If I was the friend I would either say that I don't mind wearing a crop top and call her bluff and say I'm more than happy to if it means being her bridesmaid, or dump her sorry a*s as a friend knowing she's putting a crop top over my friendship.
Not Even Sure If This Belongs Here But It’s In An Engagement Group So 🤷🏼♀️
Bride Insecure Of Fiance's "Womanly" Teenage Daughter...yikes
Yeah, the daughter will start a scene. VERY UNDERSTANDABLE, since this woman here is an idiotic pinch-spotted daemon, and it’s an insult upon the forms of daemons
Entitled Bridezilla Removes Bridesmaid For Developing Anxiety After A Traumatic Incident, And Still Expects Her To Pay!
Sounds Like A Good Deal 🤥
Disappointed Her Guests Aren't Paying For Their Honeymoon In Full
Hey, nobody’s commented here yet! [insert witty original comment]
Bridezilla Thinks Photographers Spare Time Should Be Used To Edit Her Photos
For context, the post was made less than a month after Halloween, so certainly within the time frame of when most photographers would be still editing the photos and not like June etc
Bridezillas Beware, You Are Not Safe From Being Virtually Murdered
What strikes me most is the ‘It’s my day so I’m allowed to be this selfish’. 1. These people are selfish by nature - and suppressing it for the rest of their lives? Don’t think so. 2. Do these people not have family, friends and SO’s that can have a stern word? Or are they all caught up in the same nonsense?
Probably learned not to say anything because the bridezilla goes nuclear if anyone dares to contradict them or call them out on their sh*t. Sadly, it happens a lot.
Load More Replies...Extreme narcissism on display here. It should be a warning for the potential grooms to run for the hills.
People tend to marry those that they have a lot in common with, so the grooms may very likely be just as narcissistic, in different ways.
Load More Replies...I´ll admit it first: i loooove the uhinged selfish stupidity. I lap these posts up. It´s like weddings wake up the most selfish, entitled cores of these ppl. Fun from a safe distance.
Me too. I took about 45 min to read just this article and loved every minute of it.
Load More Replies...My plan to just sign the wedding contract thingy with a witness present and then go home and eat pizza with my new husband is sounding better and better.
I was walking with my bf through our neighbourhood, we walked past a borough building, I was 4 months pregnant, and we said -why don't just walk in and get married? Legally we had to wait for 28 days, so we set up the saturday in 28 days, signed the papers and took his best man and my m.o.h. (because you must have 2 witnesses - law here) with their spouses for lunch. Best ever. 😁
Load More Replies...The thing I can't fathom is how do women like this find men to marry them?
I am assuming that they are insanely PHYSICALLY attractive (because they are ugly as tar pitch inside). But this behaviour would result in an immediate DUMP from me.
Load More Replies...What is up with this "I've dreamed about this day since I was a little girl" thing? Do these women have so little going on in their lives that all they had to look forward to was a wedding? Is the groom just a prop in their fantasy? I don't remember ever having had wedding fantasies when I was a girl. ___ Maybe this is a business idea for someone. Stage perfect weddings for those who have always dreamed of having one. Hire perfectly matched attendants and guests. The future spouse is also hired on the basis of physical perfection. Of course it's not a legal wedding in any sense of the word, but the person buying this service gets the perfect wedding they've always dreamed of, with no pesky real-life people to disrupt it.
I remember pouring over the wedding dresses in the JC Penneys catalog (yes, I'm that old) and thinking how beautiful they were and I remember thinking that when I grew up I would get married but I didn't plan the day out or have some grand vision. We I got married, I worked within our budget and tastes. We had a nice wedding and reception and didn't break the bank.
Load More Replies...Just hire models to be in your wedding party is all you care about is how your wedding photos look.
Better yet, do it in front of a green screen then fill in as desired afterwards.
Load More Replies...The "Lets spend tens of thousands of dollars for 4 hours and struggle to eat and heat for the next 40 years" Thread.
Some of these cannot possibly be real, can they? I know excrement of an excuse for humans exist but some of these are unbelievable. The entitlement is off of the scale. Just imagine the success rate of their marriages.
I want to say there is a study that related wedding costs with divorce rates and the higher the costs, the likelier a divorce. But I could just be imagining that (too lazy and tired to google it).
Load More Replies...I had a lovely drama-free wedding some years ago but I have to say, there are some things about weddings I really don't like. There is often pressure from family and friends to invite lots of people and to spend a fortune on what everyone expects to be a huge party. In reality the money would often be much better spent on a quiet ceremony and a payment on a house. Weddings are also incredibly nerve-racking for many - it's one of the most important days in people's lives and they're being closely watched by lots of people, something that many don't like and very few are used to. In those circumstances, I don't blame brides or grooms for going a bit crazy, although there is of course a limit.
We need to seriously stop this ”my wedding day is special" stupid sh*t. No, your wedding day is not special! There is only one day that is special in your life and that's your birth day, because there is no do over and you'll never be physically born twice. That's it. That's the only special day. So drop this stupid wedding-day-special nonsense. Just how insecure are you to have to make everyone to make you feel special?!
I've never understood the whole 'I've been dreaming of my wedding since I was a little girl'. So you basically have planned your entire life around one day? I don't get the hype of weddings to begin with, I never had one, it seemed like too much for one day so I eloped. But for others, it becomes their entire personality!
I just couldn't read past #17. Too many ugly stories about ugly Bridezillas.
I was a concierge at a country house hotel and in my time there I was involved in hundreds of weddings, I used to look after the wedding couples on the day and help co-ordinate stuff for them. These stories are the tip of the iceberg, the ridiculous levels of entitlement are shocking, the lack of focus on love and being alongside your loved ones is saddening (a perfect wedding photo contains as many of your loved ones as you want and their colour, shape, size, hair, makeup etc is irrelevant, it’s about people and being together not the ‘aesthetic’ ok?), and 20 guests who love you are more valuable than 200 who you spend thousands on in order to impress them. PS our best wedding had a 7 year old as Best Man (son of the Groom), he refused to wear his suit, the couple were completely at ease with him wearing his favourite Spider-Man PJs and the whole wedding embraced the enjoyment, it’s about love, family, and enjoying the day ok? Ok.
I find it crazy because who sits around and looks at their wedding pictures all the time? I've looked at our album maybe twice in 21 years and we don't even have any pictures displayed anymore. I did have one of the two of us up for a few years, but then it was changed out for travel photos. LOL!
Load More Replies...22 years ago, we had a total of 10 in the room for our wedding, so 7 guests, us, and the minister. It was low-key, everyone wore what they wanted, I had to dash across the room half way through the ceremony to turn off the music at the end of the song, my food came later than everyone else's. Everyone smiled, everyone danced, and we're still happily married. The end.
All these "it's about me" and "my day" brides seem to have forgotten there is also a partner to consider If it weren't for their SO. there wouldn't be any reason for a wedding.
Wow so many pple take their weddingday far too serious. And all this c**p about " it is about me" What is wrong with them?
I had to stop reading halfway, too much entitled stupidity on display.
It strikes me that these brides act as if they're making a movie about a wedding rather than a real wedding. Also, they expect the cast to finance their vision...
I can’t believe there are people around like this. Is this the new norm? No wonder teachers are now getting extra training to deal with disruptive students because hey, these people are going to s****y selfish parents.
No it's not the norm. Keep in mind that only the rare extreme examples make it onto internet discussion forums. Some of these have been making the rounds for years.
Load More Replies...These are the extreme examples that make it onto online forums, hardly the norm. Also, men can be just as selfish and self-centred, just not with weddings.
Load More Replies...What strikes me most is the ‘It’s my day so I’m allowed to be this selfish’. 1. These people are selfish by nature - and suppressing it for the rest of their lives? Don’t think so. 2. Do these people not have family, friends and SO’s that can have a stern word? Or are they all caught up in the same nonsense?
Probably learned not to say anything because the bridezilla goes nuclear if anyone dares to contradict them or call them out on their sh*t. Sadly, it happens a lot.
Load More Replies...Extreme narcissism on display here. It should be a warning for the potential grooms to run for the hills.
People tend to marry those that they have a lot in common with, so the grooms may very likely be just as narcissistic, in different ways.
Load More Replies...I´ll admit it first: i loooove the uhinged selfish stupidity. I lap these posts up. It´s like weddings wake up the most selfish, entitled cores of these ppl. Fun from a safe distance.
Me too. I took about 45 min to read just this article and loved every minute of it.
Load More Replies...My plan to just sign the wedding contract thingy with a witness present and then go home and eat pizza with my new husband is sounding better and better.
I was walking with my bf through our neighbourhood, we walked past a borough building, I was 4 months pregnant, and we said -why don't just walk in and get married? Legally we had to wait for 28 days, so we set up the saturday in 28 days, signed the papers and took his best man and my m.o.h. (because you must have 2 witnesses - law here) with their spouses for lunch. Best ever. 😁
Load More Replies...The thing I can't fathom is how do women like this find men to marry them?
I am assuming that they are insanely PHYSICALLY attractive (because they are ugly as tar pitch inside). But this behaviour would result in an immediate DUMP from me.
Load More Replies...What is up with this "I've dreamed about this day since I was a little girl" thing? Do these women have so little going on in their lives that all they had to look forward to was a wedding? Is the groom just a prop in their fantasy? I don't remember ever having had wedding fantasies when I was a girl. ___ Maybe this is a business idea for someone. Stage perfect weddings for those who have always dreamed of having one. Hire perfectly matched attendants and guests. The future spouse is also hired on the basis of physical perfection. Of course it's not a legal wedding in any sense of the word, but the person buying this service gets the perfect wedding they've always dreamed of, with no pesky real-life people to disrupt it.
I remember pouring over the wedding dresses in the JC Penneys catalog (yes, I'm that old) and thinking how beautiful they were and I remember thinking that when I grew up I would get married but I didn't plan the day out or have some grand vision. We I got married, I worked within our budget and tastes. We had a nice wedding and reception and didn't break the bank.
Load More Replies...Just hire models to be in your wedding party is all you care about is how your wedding photos look.
Better yet, do it in front of a green screen then fill in as desired afterwards.
Load More Replies...The "Lets spend tens of thousands of dollars for 4 hours and struggle to eat and heat for the next 40 years" Thread.
Some of these cannot possibly be real, can they? I know excrement of an excuse for humans exist but some of these are unbelievable. The entitlement is off of the scale. Just imagine the success rate of their marriages.
I want to say there is a study that related wedding costs with divorce rates and the higher the costs, the likelier a divorce. But I could just be imagining that (too lazy and tired to google it).
Load More Replies...I had a lovely drama-free wedding some years ago but I have to say, there are some things about weddings I really don't like. There is often pressure from family and friends to invite lots of people and to spend a fortune on what everyone expects to be a huge party. In reality the money would often be much better spent on a quiet ceremony and a payment on a house. Weddings are also incredibly nerve-racking for many - it's one of the most important days in people's lives and they're being closely watched by lots of people, something that many don't like and very few are used to. In those circumstances, I don't blame brides or grooms for going a bit crazy, although there is of course a limit.
We need to seriously stop this ”my wedding day is special" stupid sh*t. No, your wedding day is not special! There is only one day that is special in your life and that's your birth day, because there is no do over and you'll never be physically born twice. That's it. That's the only special day. So drop this stupid wedding-day-special nonsense. Just how insecure are you to have to make everyone to make you feel special?!
I've never understood the whole 'I've been dreaming of my wedding since I was a little girl'. So you basically have planned your entire life around one day? I don't get the hype of weddings to begin with, I never had one, it seemed like too much for one day so I eloped. But for others, it becomes their entire personality!
I just couldn't read past #17. Too many ugly stories about ugly Bridezillas.
I was a concierge at a country house hotel and in my time there I was involved in hundreds of weddings, I used to look after the wedding couples on the day and help co-ordinate stuff for them. These stories are the tip of the iceberg, the ridiculous levels of entitlement are shocking, the lack of focus on love and being alongside your loved ones is saddening (a perfect wedding photo contains as many of your loved ones as you want and their colour, shape, size, hair, makeup etc is irrelevant, it’s about people and being together not the ‘aesthetic’ ok?), and 20 guests who love you are more valuable than 200 who you spend thousands on in order to impress them. PS our best wedding had a 7 year old as Best Man (son of the Groom), he refused to wear his suit, the couple were completely at ease with him wearing his favourite Spider-Man PJs and the whole wedding embraced the enjoyment, it’s about love, family, and enjoying the day ok? Ok.
I find it crazy because who sits around and looks at their wedding pictures all the time? I've looked at our album maybe twice in 21 years and we don't even have any pictures displayed anymore. I did have one of the two of us up for a few years, but then it was changed out for travel photos. LOL!
Load More Replies...22 years ago, we had a total of 10 in the room for our wedding, so 7 guests, us, and the minister. It was low-key, everyone wore what they wanted, I had to dash across the room half way through the ceremony to turn off the music at the end of the song, my food came later than everyone else's. Everyone smiled, everyone danced, and we're still happily married. The end.
All these "it's about me" and "my day" brides seem to have forgotten there is also a partner to consider If it weren't for their SO. there wouldn't be any reason for a wedding.
Wow so many pple take their weddingday far too serious. And all this c**p about " it is about me" What is wrong with them?
I had to stop reading halfway, too much entitled stupidity on display.
It strikes me that these brides act as if they're making a movie about a wedding rather than a real wedding. Also, they expect the cast to finance their vision...
I can’t believe there are people around like this. Is this the new norm? No wonder teachers are now getting extra training to deal with disruptive students because hey, these people are going to s****y selfish parents.
No it's not the norm. Keep in mind that only the rare extreme examples make it onto internet discussion forums. Some of these have been making the rounds for years.
Load More Replies...These are the extreme examples that make it onto online forums, hardly the norm. Also, men can be just as selfish and self-centred, just not with weddings.
Load More Replies...