30 Infuriating Encounters With Parents Who Think They’re Above Everyone Else (New Pics)
Beggars can’t be choosers, or so the conventional wisdom goes. But what if one wanted to forgo not just conventional wisdom, but common sense in general? Parents can go a little crazy over their kids, but some take entitlement, demands, and absurdity to a new level.
This internet group gathers the most egregious examples of absurd entitlement and we’ve picked the best examples of parents in particular. Unfortunately, many adults think that just the fact that they have kids entitles them to special treatment and free stuff. When this delusion collides with reality, sparks can fly, so scroll down and get ready to roll your eyes at the most bizarre things parents have demanded without any real justification.
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Women’s Feels Entitled To Free Ice Cream When She Sees A Young Girl Get Free Ice Cream
The Guy In The Comment Section Gets It
It seems they have the problem under control on their own.. i mean you just provided pictures of your family, just repeat the process.
What A Deal! Yoy Can Earn 52¢/Hour!
Fixing the post ... $25 (per day) ÷ 13 hours = $1.92/hr. ... ... The OP mistakenly divided 13 by 25 ... ... ... [Edit: This assumes a 5 day work week, ... but even if it was only for one day of work, $125 for 13 hours is $9.62/hr. which is less than minimum wage in 34 U.S. states.]
All these stories fall into the broader category of ‘choosing beggars,’ people who don’t seem to have the means to get what they want but will also turn down a good deal just because it isn’t perfect for them. On the surface, there is a sort of logic at play. Imagine going to a food court and asking every single table for a free meal. The vast majority will, at best tell you ‘no,’ some will probably flip you off and call you crazy. But you don’t need everyone to give you a free meal, just one person.
So by attempting this sort of ridiculous strategy at scale, you might find at least one person who will give you what you want. This is perhaps annoying to most of us since the average person wants to be helpful and polite and will feel bad for saying no. But it’s generally a waste of time that could be used to find or acquire the cash to just buy a meal yourself. In this article, we have a special breed of choosing beggars, not one that is playing the odds, but one that, for some undiscernible reason, thinks they are entitled to some sort of special treatment.
Asking Her Partner’s Ex Wife For Her Child’s Designer Clothes, Proceeds To Call Her A Silly Goose And Throw A Strop When She Doesn’t Get What She Wants
I seriously couldn't handle this much entitlement. Something would snap and I'd try to set her ego on fire. Metaphorically or physically.
But Muh Kids Birthday
"You're her parent. It's never too early to get her used to disappointment".
Love It When They Get Called Out
The common thread is that all of these are parents. And not just normal parents, but deeply entitled parents. This combination can be amusing from a distance, but deeply annoying if one has to deal with them up close. Studies show that entitlement is associated with poorer social engagement, more inappropriate behavior, and, most importantly, decreased emotional regulation strategies. If we can be permitted to flip the logic here, people who are socially inept might not even understand just how entitled they are acting.
Knew Her For Like 3 Days
I would be shocked if my mom had ever spent over $50 on one of my birthdays growing up. Homemade cake, enough pop/chips/etc for ~5 kids for a sleepover, couple of rented movies, and bam. Party.
Stalking And Bullying A Child For A Free Drawing
Wow! If I'd been the girl's parents, I'd have reported the woman for approaching a minor in such a way (they may have done, hopefully).
Asking For Christmas Help
Nowt wrong with Lidl, I shop there all the time! Maybe I'm not entitled enough!
The origins of entitlement are pretty varied. Some use it as a bizarre coping mechanism to counter the fact that they haven’t gotten what they wanted in life. If we romanticize a belief in karma or cosmic justice, people who are down on their luck might believe that the universe, or more specifically a Facebook marketplace seller, owes them something. This is never actually the case, but it leads to a cycle where they think they are mistreated, leading to more entitlement. The engine for this whole psychology is simply delusions.
They Could Have The House Paid Off In Just 125 Years
Not Asking For Much
Get a stuffed toy, problem solved. Well, dog issue solved as there's a whole warehouse there to unpack
This Grown Man Whining About A Baby Sitter That Asks For 3 Dollars An Hour
'Babysitting' is when you're there for a couple hours while the parents go out to dinner. If it's M-F from early morning to late afternoon, it's daycare.
On the other hand, people who grew up spoiled internalize the idea that they just deserve special treatment and struggle to comprehend that random people who don’t know them aren’t going to just hand over items or large discounts. We can all relate to the disappointment of not getting what you want, but most well-adjusted adults also understand that it’s generally the default setting. I wake up with the desire for a four-month paid vacation pretty much every day, but I don’t lose my mind when it doesn’t just materialize out of thin air for me.
My Local Nextdoor Page This Morning
This Choosing Entitled Parent Wantz Zoo Staff To W*nk Of An Elephant.. An Actual Elephant!... So Her Child Doesn't Ask Questions
Why are parents so freaked out about talking to their kids about bodies, sex, and stuff that is natural and part of life? Any question my Son has ever asked, we and we have given an age appropriate honest answer. We want him to grow up with the correct knowledge, trust us, and feel comfortable talking to us, so when he is older, he can feel will be more likely to talk to us about this stuff. Why would it be so hard to just say " that is the elephant"s penis" A 3 year old knowing what a penis, testicles, vagina, vulva, etc. is is not a bad thing.
She Would Probably Not Pay Either
It’s not just internet users that suffer from aggressive and entitled parents, research suggests that their children, the ‘card’ these adults often play, also end up doing worse. Parental engagement around the house tends to bring positive effects, but parental engagement at the child’s school was connected to lower academic performance. Potentially worse, the wrong kind of parental engagement also teaches this entitlement to the kids, who will no doubt then embody it in the future.
When Your Friend Blocks You Because You Didn’t Give Her Money After Your Mom Died
Fb Mom Wants To Feel Bougie To Show Up The Other Moms At Son's New School. Gets Generous Offers But "It's Not Gucci!"
Wants Art But Has Parents In The Hospital And Kids To Feed???
Add in the general ignorance of everyday life and you get people who think fifty dollars is enough for a week's worth of work with kids, that gaming systems should just be free, and next-day home delivery of items that they demand a 90% discount on. The cocktail of deranged and entitled does create some potent viewing experiences, but one can’t help but feel bad for the individuals who have to deal with these people. Even worse, the kids that will be raised by them in the fantasy world where one can get expensive items free of charge based on the concept of cosmic justice.
Mother From Ukraine Needs It? Guess I Might Just Give It For Free
Mothers from Ukraine have much bigger problems than not owning a TV...
Lady Wanting Preteen To Watch Kids For $50/Week
Keeping them tame? By a preteen? Not today satan you entitled …
She Needs A Sperm Donor And Child Support
From A Facebook Group For Nonprofit Directors. Mints, The Audacity!
Wow This Dude Trying To Use The Single Parent Card
My Neighbour Asked Me To Watch Her One Year Old This Week, Because I’m Currently At Home With My Daughter. She Knows Full Well I’m Not A Daycare And Don’t Receive Subsidies. I’m Furious
Crazy Person Wants A Free Place To Live
"Please Give Me Free Stuff, And Deliver It To My Home Because I'm Busy."
Sometimes I see this shite on fb and PEOPLE ACTUALLY OFFER TO HELP. Carazzzy.
You Cannot Make This Stuff Up…definitely Need That Nintendo Switch But Maybe Clothes For The Kids
I would love a gaming system. ANY gaming system, but I would be posting who's got an old system with games I could BUY. You know, when you want something, you give these fancy pieces of paper for it. Then the people you give the paper to trade them for stuff they want....
One Free Car From God Coming At Your Way Ma'am
Gross. On An Autism And Adhd Support Page
Heeey! Can you please give me over $1279 in gifts for my spoiled kids so I don't have to??? 🤩 Thanks! "ChRiStMaS mIrAcLe"✨✨✨
When You Have Already Heavily Discounted A 90% New Mattress And They Still Hit You With A Story For A Lower Price
This thread had me feeling stressed, gobsmacked and horror-filled (re: the babysitting ones). It was like watching a car crash and being unable to look away... 😲
To quote one of the posts, "These beggars be choosing"
This thread had me feeling stressed, gobsmacked and horror-filled (re: the babysitting ones). It was like watching a car crash and being unable to look away... 😲
To quote one of the posts, "These beggars be choosing"