45 ‘Karens’ That Went Too Far And Got Shamed For It Online, As Shared By This Online Group
An inflated sense of self or a staggering lack of self-awareness are generally pretty hard traits to make friends with, but entitlement has a way of coming up in people who have absolutely not earned it. But a great way to keep ballooning egos in check is to shame them online.
So it’s not surprising that there are multiple internet groups all dedicated to showcasing just how ridiculous some people's behavior is and documenting it for the rest of the internet. So prepare to roll your eyes as you scroll through, be sure to upvote your favorite examples of “Karens” in their natural habitat, and comment your own experiences below.
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I'm Dead
The Mexican lady can stay. Xenophobic Wheelchair lady can get deported
Karen’s Revenge
Oh Karen. You So Funny
“Karen” is just a modern iteration of a long tradition of certain people using their (real or imagined) status to mistreat others and generally act in an entitled manner. Older, alternative names include "Barbecue Becky", "Cornerstore Caroline", and "Permit Patty," or even the classic “soccer mom.” In 2023, “Karen” doesn’t even have to refer to an entitled female, there are plenty of male Karen’s as well.
“Karen” specifically likely originated from a 2016 internet meme and was later popularized by Reddit. The term spread and now there are multiple internet groups dedicated to sharing, discussing, and shaming Karens.
And That Is Why You Shouldn't Be A Karen
Karen You Can Wear A Mask For 3 Minutes
I am having PTSD flashbacks to my bartending days and the whole mask thing.
A Story Shared By A Friend In A Discord Server
Makes me wonder how she'd act I'm the emergency room. "What do you mean this guy is having a heart attack? What about MY LEG!"
What makes the “Karen” meme so appealing and long-lasting is its perfect blend of entitlement, pettiness, and a lack of understanding. A customer making a legitimate request to a business is not a Karen, if one is entitled to a refund, they should actually get it and shouldn't be shamed for requesting it. For a time, the term was associated with a specific haircut and demeanor, but as public awareness has evolved, people now realize that “Karens” come in all shapes and sizes.
My Mom Asked Me What Makes A Woman A Karen. I Showed Her This. She Immediately Understood
Karen In Training
When Karen Misses Breakfast
I wish my manager had told the Karens when I was working in the restaurant business! 😆
For example, Elon Musk was called a space Karen for some statements he made, although some have put forth alternatives like “Ken” or “Kevin,” however, none of these have really stuck. It seems that the recursive nature of internet memes will ensure that “Karen” remains the go-to way to refer to a person that is so entitled that they really deserve to be shamed online.
I Hate The Sound Of Children's Laughter
Karen Still Doesn't Get It
Karen has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, or gender. People are not born Karen. Karen is a mindset. Karen is a choice. Don't be Karen, folks!
Karens Assemble!
Leviticus 18:22 The translation of this verse reads: “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” The literal translation of the original Hebrew, however, is “And with male you shall not lie lyings woman.” The word translated as “lyings” is found elsewhere only in Genesis 49:4, where it refers to incest. In Leviticus, this verse comes in a list of prohibitions against having sex with family members, so it is reasonable to conclude that it is a prohibition against incest. They don’t even know the meaning of the book they claim theirs.. hypocrites
In 2019, a tropical storm was named “Karen,” in the old tradition of giving these weather events female names. The internet exploded with memes about the hurricane demanding to see, presumably, the United States manager and others photoshopped the “Karen” haircut onto satellite imagery of the storm.
I Think She Belongs Here
This One Is Just A Gem
Well That’s One Way To Shill Your Mlm
Indeed, using the magic of the internet, we are actually able to discover just how prevalent “Karens” are, resulting in some places slowly adjusting policies to limit this sort of behavior. San Francisco, for example, has the Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies (CAREN) Act, to prevent, you guessed it, Karens from calling emergency services over, say, a child going about their business.
As someone that only grew up within the boundaries of Great Brittan, It still sounds weird when Americans talk about biscuits in this way. Even though I've know for a fair few years now what they are talking about, it's still alien. Sausage cheese biscuits just sounds... WTF???
“Military Spouses Serve More Than Anyone, We Deserve Free Wine!”
Sorry Karen. We Can't Be Friends Anymore
Some brands have tried to capitalize on this trend, for example, Domino's Pizza in Australia and New Zealand ran a campaign offering free pizzas to “nice Karens,” in a somewhat misguided attempt to foster positive behavior. The campaign was criticized and it does seem foolish, as what better way to bring out the worst in people than conditional free food? Ultimately, Dominos had to apologize for the campaign.
Disney Is For Everyone Karen
Somethin' Bout A Truck
Tupperware Karen Gets Sat Down
But not all is bad, poorly run customer service might complain about Karens to distract from how they screw over customers, so one group is starting to fight back. Karens for Hire is an organization formed last year as a team that can be asked to call up companies that are treating customers poorly. They will, in true Karen fashion, call them up and write about them online with ceaseless energy, in an attempt to better company policy towards things like refunds. If you want to explore more instances of Karen’dom, Bored Panda has got you covered, you can find our other articles here, here, and here.
No One Cares About Your Religion, Karen
This Just Sums It Up
How Dare Contractors Use The Bathroom
My Dad had this happen on a few occasions when he was a kitchen fitter. Was always the wealthy home owners that didn't want a commoner using their toilet. He had to use the café down the road.
Found This On Quora
Not. A. Fucking. Word
Have A Heart Karen You Entitled Wretch!
Other People In Labor? But I Had An Appointment!!
I was sent home after being at the hospital for over 2 hours, having gotten there at 6am. Why? They had other women in full labor that needed to be taken care of more. Came back 2 days later and got the best treatment from my nurses for being understanding. It was disappointing, but if it had been me in labor, I would hope others would understand
Carpooling Karen Reports A Fart
Entitled Grandma Shaming Disney Employees And Interns For Crying About Being Laid Off
Karen: Reloaded
They can't follow covid regulations with ice, yet they've mastered the regulations for cleaning a cup and pouring fresh, covid-free water into it.
Review For A School I Found Online
Oh Karen!
How Do These Brains Even Work?
Karen Wants To Speak To The Manager Of Netflix
There's no limit to how many people can subscribe to Netflix or Disney+. Single people having it does not prevent you from having it, you bitter psycho....
"Nothing Relaxing Or Fun" About Server's Mom Dying
Karen On Twitter
Watch Out For Bridezilla Karen!
Christmas Is Apparently Ruined For This Karen
I think the person who replied didn't get it--Karen didn't say she was a priority, she said getting a slot had not been a priority of hers.
Karen Does Not Care About Your Kids Or Hers
I’ve Had A Long Day
That’s Not How It Works
Actual Karen And The Pool
How Dare You Not Make Me Food 1 Min. Before Close?
Oh somebody needs to get this dumbass a job in a restaurant. They'll soon change their mind
The "I Dont Need A Mask In The Drive-Thru!" Karen
I'm here for calling out entitled people. But also my wife's name is Karin and she's the most selfless person I know. I'd love for her to have her name back but I'm afraid it will never happen.
well, it's not the same spelling, i consider most people named Karen to be nice people, it's the mean ones that ruin it
It didn't happen to me (yet), but to a coworker. She went to use the washroom and got to an available stall first (there's only 2 in the women's washroom) just as 2 ladies walked in. She heard one of the ladies say "Now why does she get to go in first? She works here and we're customers." Right. As if my co-worker, who likely has been holding it in for a while, should just not be allowed to the only washroom in the store. Some people, I swear.
What a lovely new dehumanising term we've invented, let's have fun with it and feel better about ourselves.
I had a "karen" who stormed out of my shop coz they didn't join my queue but just stood in front of the locked cabinet. I told them multiple times join the queue and I'll get what you want when you get to the counter. I got yelled at and then all my other customers were like " join the queue"
Just as you've said "had". Normal human functions should be just that - NORMAL! Bizzare indeed.
I'm here for calling out entitled people. But also my wife's name is Karin and she's the most selfless person I know. I'd love for her to have her name back but I'm afraid it will never happen.
well, it's not the same spelling, i consider most people named Karen to be nice people, it's the mean ones that ruin it
It didn't happen to me (yet), but to a coworker. She went to use the washroom and got to an available stall first (there's only 2 in the women's washroom) just as 2 ladies walked in. She heard one of the ladies say "Now why does she get to go in first? She works here and we're customers." Right. As if my co-worker, who likely has been holding it in for a while, should just not be allowed to the only washroom in the store. Some people, I swear.
What a lovely new dehumanising term we've invented, let's have fun with it and feel better about ourselves.
I had a "karen" who stormed out of my shop coz they didn't join my queue but just stood in front of the locked cabinet. I told them multiple times join the queue and I'll get what you want when you get to the counter. I got yelled at and then all my other customers were like " join the queue"
Just as you've said "had". Normal human functions should be just that - NORMAL! Bizzare indeed.