27 Times People’s Friends Were So Fake And Entitled That They Got Called Out For It Online
Just like the Beatles, most of us “get by with a little help from our friends”. It’s important to have a solid network of people you can trust and lean on, and friends to go to when you’re having a hard time. But unfortunately, no matter how great of a friend you are, there’s always a chance that someone else in your life will try to take advantage of your kindness and generosity...
Down below, we've gathered some of the most infuriating posts from the Choosing Beggars subreddit featuring entitled “friends” who showed their true colors and clearly forgot that "beggars can't be choosers". So we hope these pics don’t remind you of anyone you consider a friend, but if they do, perhaps this will be a wake-up call that you deserve better!
Be sure to upvote the conversations you can’t believe actually happened, and let us know in the comments if you’ve ever had to cut off an entitled friend who could have landed a spot on this list. Then if you’re interested in checking out one of Bored Panda’s previous articles featuring the Choosing Beggars subreddit, you can find another right here!
This post may include affiliate links.
“Good Friend” Wants Free Custom Sneakers
Losing a close friend can be just as painful as losing a romantic partner. Someone you trusted, loved and shared wonderful memories with is no longer a part of your life, and they may leave you feeling like there is a void that needs to be filled. But sometimes removing a friend is necessary. If they act entitled, selfish, rude or disrespectful, they aren’t much of a friend anyway. This list features conversations between friends that are disappointing and painful to read, but they’re a great reminder that none of us should ever settle for poor treatment. If someone can’t reciprocate being a great friend, don’t be afraid to cut them out.
But when you’ve known someone for a long time or tend to give others the benefit of the doubt, it might be hard to spot when someone is a fake friend. So we’ve consulted an article Sarah Regan wrote for MBG Relationships outlining tips from experts about how to recognize when someone is a toxic friend and how to respond to them. First, let's outline what a good friend is. According to licensed marriage and family therapist Tiana Leeds, M.A., LMFT, "A quality friendship includes support, loyalty, and closeness—three things you cannot find in a fake friend.”
My Old Friend Blocked Me For Not Giving Him My Air-Pods
The Sheer Audacity Of Someone Who Stopped Associating With Our Friend Circle "To Pursue A Richer Life"
When it comes to the qualities of a fake friend, Sarah first notes that fake friends tend to only come around when they need something, and they mysteriously vanish when you need support. True friends aren’t trying to gain something from your relationship; they value you for you. Fake friends might expect help or support at the drop of a hat without ever considering what you are going through, and then they might become angry or impatient if you ever ask for something in return. Don’t let a fake friend make you feel like a burden, and don’t be willing to bend over backwards for people who wouldn’t do the same for you.
Another tell-tale sign of a toxic friend is someone who is unnecessarily competitive with you. They might try to one-up you in conversation or be less than supportive when you have success or achieve accomplishments. True friends are happy for one another, and never compare themselves to you. Friends should just be friends, not competitors.
Wife's Choosing Beggar Friend Begging For Clothes For Vegas Bachelorette Party Even Though They're Not The Same Size
Totally entitled. Can afford to lease a Lexus and go to Vegas for a couple of days as a "single mom" and still expects someone else to pay for her clothes.
Old Friend Messaged Me About My Gaming PC (I Build Them For Fun And Sell Them For Small Profits As A Hobby)
I Thought We Were Friends
In general, I can’t stand grown a*s ppl expecting a gift on their birthday, actually getting pissed when they don’t get one
A good friend will also never make you feel bad about yourself. If someone you consider a friend ever makes you feel insecure, fails to lift you up when you’re down or judges you, I've got some news for you: they’re a fake friend. As with being overly competitive, this can stem from insecurities within an individual, but it still is not a valid excuse. Friends should remind one another that they’re valued just the way they are, and they should never make each other question if something is wrong with them.
Real friends will also be thrilled about your accomplishments and happy to celebrate with you. If a friend downplays things you’ve worked hard to earn or achieve, it might be time to cut them out. We all need a strong support system in our lives, and if the people close to you are not encouraging your dreams and celebrating your successes, don’t consider them friends. Life’s too short to have people around who will hold you back.
You Know That One "Friend" That Only Messages You When They Need Something... This Is Her
Bride Tries To Force Friend To Do Photography For Her Wedding, Insists That He Pays Her For The Privilege
OP in the link says that the bride and her father were arrested for harassment. I don't know what country you live in but I believe in most Western countries harassment is a crime.
Yeah, unfortunately police can be very sexist like that in the States and ignore women coming to them for help far too often.
That's a shame. That's how women get killed, when the system just ignores them like that.
how it ended (summarized from Reddit): Once OP agreed, everything went quiet. Then when they didn’t show up on the wedding day, hundreds of angry texts and dozens of calls started rolling in. Later, the bride’s dad shows up and bangs on OP’s door, but leaves when they don’t answer. The next day, more texts and calls. Apparently the bride needed the $50 to pay the officiant (she then had to crowdsource the $), there were no pictures besides crappy phone shots, OP was “called out” in the best man’s speech, and everyone, including OP's mother, was upset. In a later edit OP said they contacted law enforcement because the harassment was ongoing. Then a bit later Bridezilla and her dad were both arrested (there was a ton of evidence from public social media shaming and all the texts and calls). No more updates after that, but justice was served!
Oh man, what a rollercoaster! You rock for sharing the ending! Wtf is wrong with people though? Like if you can't afford to get married... *Don't*
This entire story is unreal. That is SOOO not how you treat a friend. Pretty sure he would have given the money had she just asked for it. If not, then she could ask ~daddy dearest~. If he's willing to threaten & harass OP for her, he'd probably give her the money (unless he doesn't have it).
Yeah l figured they'd all be mad and harrass the OP even worse for a no show! Glad she called the police.
So she wants you to pay her to work for her.... It never ceases to amaze me what counts as "friendship" in some places.
I love the payback that b***h of a bride got. I’m curious if those ppl knew that the bride was demanding free service AND payment for the honor of getting to take the pic. If yes, that would be beyond pathetic, and why can’t these other assholes pay for a photographer and also each give the bride $50 for the privilege. ** I wish we knew what happened on the wedding day (?). I would have loved to see that train wreck.
Yeah. This is one of the rare times, that I really want to know what happened.
Load More Replies...The idea the wedding photographer would sell photos at the wedding! Lol. On the odd chance that the guests are willing to pay for the photographer's work - when you often see posts complaining about having to pay for drinks at the bar - does anyone think this entitled bride would stand by patiently waiting for her next picture to be taken whilst the photographer makes a sale?
That how sometimes is done in Serbia. Guests pay for music request and photos but there is really plenty of food(large amount of appatizers, plater of dried meat, sausages, cheese, boiled eggs several types of "hard salads", then goes rich soup, then goulash or traditional cabbage rolls, then roasted meat or grilled meat, in totall 1.2 kg of food per person and you cant take it home, its not polite bit if someone from family was invited but could not make it host will send some food to that guest) and unlimited amount of drinks. Organaziers will pay photographer some amount of money and guest pays for photos of themselves. Photos are not much exepencive and photographers are unusally capable to recognize family members. That way they got payed for one photo by several people(families). If you dont want photo, you dont have to pay. I dont know why I did so much details...
Load More Replies...And cake, loads of cakes, cause is customary for familes parties to bring a cake of their choice, and there is big wedding cake so you get big range of different cakes and all housewives are busy checking wich cake is gone first, that means it was best cake.
Your post was a most enjoyable read. Thank you for the delicious details.
I'm glad you did put so many details. It's interesting to see how things change from country to country. You taught me something, and I appreciate it.
I'm glad you did do so many details because it is interesting! Now I know how to behave at a Serb wedding:)
I was always under the impression that one paid ones photographer for photography work. Silly me.
It's called Aggravated Menacing and is a Felony 5...Call the police and file report...get a Protection Order...every text or call or email or social media post is a violation of the protection order and each text...call...voicemail is a violation..which each violation is a $50,000 fine and up to 5 years for each charge...then file a civil suit for defamation of character and while pretty much bankrupt the classless POS that even prisoners/convicts would cast aside...you are the better person
You can call your phone provider and tell them that you are receiving harassing and threatening calls and text messages and you are in need of changing your number. 9 times out of 10 they will do it at no charge. I know that doing so will be a royal pain in the butt, but sometimes you need to do just that. I unfortunately had to.
This seems like it needs to be submitted to 'Bridezillas,' on WE TV. 📺
Got idea from stry? in stry sumwun got frendz 2 pay 4 fun & xperense of painting fense.
If wveryone acted this way because you said no, can you imagine what will happen for a no show?! Tell her no and then block her and everyone else's number and on social media.
If they start to threaten you, the police is at call (I hope they actually work at your place and arent total pos).
This is both angering and frightening. The nerve of those people to be that pushy!
If only op asked if the friends they’d have to solicit to mid wedding were gonna be willing to pay for the pictures! That would’ve been so cool.
So this poor schmuck has gone from getting paid $50, then saying he'd do it for free, to him PAYING THE BRIDE?? I've been to lots of weddings with professional photographers. I've never heard of a photographer going from table to table taking pics of people and SELLING them. It's a wedding, for God's sake, not a club/restaurant. Is this a thing now?
Nice! But, I hope she didn't try to sue you for some type of breech of contract reason! Lol!
You have to actually make and sign a contact for that to actually work. Getting pressured into an oral "I guess or yes" is not a binding contract.
Imagine being told you have to pay to work and not get paid to work.
You can call your phone provider and tell them that you are receiving harassing and threatening calls and text messages and you are in need of changing your number. 9 times out of 10 they will do it at no charge. I know that doing so will be a royal pain in the butt, but sometimes you need to do just that. I, unfortunately, had to.
At first I thought if she's offering to do the same for you then legit try to take her up on her offer, try to get her to pay you $50 for the privilege of what she does to make a living lol. But then yeah, it turned into a whole bunch of crazy and I doubt that would've helped the situation hahaha
Friend Occasionally Goes Through My Photos On Social Media And Asks For My Clothes
Our friends should also energize and rejuvenate us, rather than drain our energy. If you find yourself feeling exhausted trying to deal with a particular friend, that’s never a good sign. They might be constantly asking for favors, cancel plans at the last minute when you’ve already left the house, demand they borrow something that you actually need or dominate all of your time together focused on their problems and what’s going on in their life. If they’re complaining incessantly or causing you stress, they’re not a great friend. And if a so-called friend is saying disrespectful things about you behind your back or spreading rumors about you, cut them off right then. Nobody deserves that.
A Friend I Haven’t Spoke To In Months Wants To Come Use My Pool Table, Won’t Take No For An Answer, Insults Me And Threatens To Come Anyway. Never Showed Up After I Dared Him To Come
Girl’s Friend Won’t Pay For Art Because She Could ‘Get It For Free’
No, it sounds like a YOU problem baby boo! You're asking me for free art not the other way around. 😒
I Have A Friend I’ve Known For 7 Months, He’s Known As The Greedy One In The Friend Group
He Was The Type Of Guy To Ask For £5 And Hit You With That ‘I Gotchu Back Next Time’ And Deep Inside You, You Know That You Will Never Be Able To Come In Contact With That Money Ever Again
Good on you to recognize what kind of "friend" this guy is and kick him to curb.
Friendships can be complicated, and especially when you’ve had a relationship with someone for many years, it can be hard to determine whether they are fake or not. But at the end of the day, you have to discern whether they have your best interests at heart. If they cancel plans last minute several times in a row, but they’ve been dealing with mental health issues or a recent trauma, you might understand and give them a free pass. If they blow up at you one time and end up saying hurtful things, but they’ve always had your back in the past and promptly apologize, it might not be worth ending the friendship over. But if you’ve noticed a pattern of harmful behavior, especially after you’ve discussed how painful it is to you, then it might be time to reconsider the friendship. If they’re causing you more stress and grief than joy, that’s not a good sign.
Asked A "Friend" For A Coffee When Visiting The City He's Living In A While Back And Was Amazed By His Response
Nobody: Bots: I get paid $300 dollars an hour to drink coffee with random people. Find out how at virusinstaller.exe!
"Friend" Asks Me To Vote For Her In A Beauty Pageant, Where I Pay $1 For 1 Vote. Proceeds To Ask For 1600 Votes
I already didn't like beauty pageants, this just makes them sound even more messed up...
An Old Friend From College Asked For “Help” With A Paper
Guess everybody's selfish because they don't write 5 double spaced pages for all 197 countries of the world and give em out for free.
Friendships ebb and flow over time, but if you’ve determined that a certain person is no longer beneficial to your journey, you might want to start taking steps to remove them from your life. Depending on the nature of the friendship and why you’re frustrated with the person, it might be best to attempt having an honest conversation with them first to see if the relationship is salvageable. But if that does not prove successful or you’ve given them too many chances in the past, you might want to try cutting them off. This can be done by creating distance or by having a “breakup”. If you think it’s best to put distance between yourself and your former friend, you can start by canceling plans and not rescheduling. Some fake friends will get the message or won’t put in the effort to reconnect anyway, which can allow the relationship to fizzle out.
An "Old Friend" Wants Me To Drive 10 Hours Round Trip, And Take 2 Days Off Work, To Do Him A Favor. Offers Barely Enough To Cover Gas
Fine to reach out and ask, but dude needs to learn to take "no" for an answer.
Facebook Friend On What/What Not To Buy Her For Birthday
An Old Friend Of Mine Who I Had Not Talked To In Years Texted Me About Needing Someone To Create A Website For Him, I Recommended One Of My Friends And At First My Friend Said That He Was Busy And Won't Be Able To Do It, But Eventually He Agreed. These Are The "Translated" Texts After They Met
Even after it is all explained to him, he thinks he's in the right. smh
Having a proper breakup is not always required when ending a fake friendship, because the other person may have never been as invested as you in the first place. But if you do want to have a conversation with them to provide clarity and let them know how they’ve hurt you, feel free to be honest about how you feel and why the relationship is no longer serving you. They may get defensive, disagree or respond with hurtful words out of spite, but at least you’ll know that you’re free from the burden of being their friend. (Unless they hit you up a month later asking for $300… Then you call them out on the Choosing Beggars subreddit.)
I Haven’t Spoken To Her Since High School. After This She Complained To One Of My Friends About Me Blocking Her
CB "Friend" With Like 120 Facebook Friends Deserves A Free Needlepoint
Old "Friend" I Hadn't Talked To In Forever Heard About The Headphones I'm Selling. Wants To Trade His AirPods
Where is the BP censorship ?? It's a sunday, I shouldn't be able to read that last word !!
If you’ve ended a fake friendship and you’re in search of new friends who are more genuine and will treat you with the respect and care that you deserve, I want to encourage you to get outside of your comfort zone and reach out to others. Perhaps there’s someone at work who you enjoy talking to that you can invite out for an evening to build a friendship outside of the office. Maybe you volunteer on the weekends and can make like-minded friends through the organizations you serve there. And never underestimate the power of Facebook groups. There are groups and pages for every interest you could ever imagine, and for every fake friend, there are plenty of other people out there who will appreciate you and make you feel loved and supported.
A Friend From High School
Try taking free food at the grocery store, and complain that it is the only time you did it when you're arrested.
“Friend” Begs Artist For Free Art
A FB Friend Said They Couldn't Afford To Eat After Their Boyfriend Moved Out, I Offered To Send Them Food
Clearly “friends” is not the appropriate word to refer to the people on this list, but thankfully, the individuals who shared these photos have figured that out. We hope you pandas cannot relate to the people dealing with all of these frustratingly fake friends, but if you can, know that you’re not alone. And remember that you deserve better! No friendship is worth being treated poorly, disrespected or taken advantage of. Keep upvoting the conversations that you find particularly appalling, and feel free to vent about any of your entitled “friends” down below. And if you want to check out another Bored Panda article featuring choosy beggars, you can find one right here!
My Friend Wanted Me To Give Him Some Drone Video For Some Cereal
Sounds Like Their Friend Didn’t Want To Give Them Their Netflix Password
If the poster has a car I would expect him to pick up every hitchhiker he sees. Empty seats .. .
My Boyfriend's Conversation With One Of His Old Buddies
Wait.... why are they paying off a 55k car if they don't have a license, can't drive, and are bumming rides? Things don't add up there.
i really need to stop reading these. they make me so angry and disappointed and discouraged about humanity's ugly trajectory.
THIS was my exact sentiment after reading this page. I ended up wishing I hadn't cuz I wind up so angry by the entitlement and agitated by the fact that I can't put each and every one of them in their place....
Then I have a homeless man that says that even if I can't help him, he'd like me to come by so we can talk because he enjoys the company. The so-called friends on this post need to get their priorities straight.
That’s because a homeless man understands good values and worth of the simple things.
Load More Replies...This is because the homeless man knows that making people see him as a human and relatable will subconsciously manipulate people into being more generous to him. Even if they can't afford today maybe next time he sees them he gets money. So enjoy your chat.
Um, homeless man is a human. He is a man who is homeless. Wtf is wrong with ur empathy? Most of us are one financial disaster or missed cheque away from it. Not due to laziness, due to the state of world finances and a diminishing job market. Think if it was you or someone you love in that circumstance, treat all humans with basic respect. You don't have to interact to use basic respect.
If you lend someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.
I consider paying someone to go away and never come back. I've done it a few times. Not a lot of money, but if they contact you and the first words are, "You owe me money..." hehe
I don’t know why so many people engaged with the requesting idiots. No need to explain, just “sorry, no”.
I've come across a few of these in my life but somehow it still never ceases to amaze me, how manipulative and selfish people can be. And sadly too many actually get their way.
These are the epitome of malignant entitlement. I naively did not realize there are so many of them, and this is just a little sample.
Posts like this just make me feel good about cutting toxic people out of my life and blocking their number. So much better on my mental health, zero drama.
I've had this where so called friends would PM me saying hey your sketches are awesome can you design a tattoo for me but I have no money or hey heres my favourite pic of my kids can you draw it for me for free cause I can't afford to pay a professional and when you say no you get hit with "but I thought you liked things to sketch as your hobby ? I'm just giving you something to do!"
This is actually depressing, I couldn't even get halfway through it.
Are we certain these things are real? I've never once met somebody even close to being this s****y.
I've ADHD, so I've messaged friends after months or years like it was yesterday...but this is a whole other level of crazy!
The nasty responses people get when they stick to their guns, politely explain why they won't give in, is downright abusive. It's like they want you to be their slave. Who do these idiots think they are, calling people up they haven't seen in years asking for free favours? Maybe the last time they saw these victims they could bully them but that's changed. I would just say nope and then end the conversation completely.
*begs toy mice from everybody* No? You're going to ruin Bouche's life if you all don't donate at least one bag of mice each! I'll never post again!
Reading this just pisses us off on behalf of the writer- we must not read em👀
Big annual event at my job, and not everyone can get a room in "the" hotel and have to stay elsewhere. I have a room that obviously I'm not going to use. "what is happening with your room? Oh, and I hope you feel better!".
Raffle it off, just charge enough for the entries that you make a profit.
*Please for the love of all that is good send well wishes to the birthday present I'm giving to someone I'm trying so hard to be friends with, and that they like it and don't nit pick it*
For context, the person desperately wants friends, is rather socially awkward, a bit rude at times, but I'm trying because ik what it's like to want people to talk to a stuff but I have doubts on how they'll take the gift... they've been rather pushy about people remembering their birthday.
I couldn't make it through more than a couple of posts, but wanted to vent about something related. My sister dropped one of her 'friends' after years of the 'friend' treating her like c**p. My mum was upset, because she is best friends with her mum and dad and just 'feels for her'. Even after hearing about all the c**p the 'friend' pulled and how much it affected my sister, including some of her self harm. Now mum is claiming, because both the 'friend' and herself have been diagnosed with ADHD in the last 6 months, that it was the ADHD that made the 'friend' so horrible, even though my sister has been diagnosed with ADHD since she was 7 and is not like that at all. Mum recons that's because she had treatment when she was young, unlike the 'friend'. It makes me so mad, because she disregards my sister's feelings (while saying she understands them) and blames it all on the ADHD, which might make it harder to make friends, but doesn't make them vindictive. My sister also recently left...
...her Rover Scout group because of issues within it from both this 'friend' and another 'friend' and lack of support from the rest of the group. Those two 'friends' were apparently 'devastated' and didn't understand why she would want to leave. My sister found this hard and my mum said 'I think they both have ADHD and (not sure if this is the right word) persecution complex related to that' as if it was again an excuse for them treating my sister like c**p! Sorry, vent over :)
I've recently read Junji Ito's Tomie. She's a super-regenerating woman who can hypnotically manipulate men to do her bidding until they're driven to insanity and end up murdering her. Then, she regenerates and repeats the process. Most of the "friends" in this list act as if they are Tomie... Only they end up meeting with reality when they make ridiculous requests. But I still find it weird that so many real people act like a villain from a horror story.
Why do people butcher the English language so badly? BAD spelling, wrong punctuation, all the cussing. Just shows how ignorant they are.
See, I always wonder if I'm the bad guy for just asking my "friends" to stay on my bed while I apply for jobs, just to ease the anxiety, and during times when they're doing absolutely nothing...and then I see this. And when they have the gall to tell me that "everyone does this by themselves," then ask me to help them with cleaning up their own mess of an apartment, it's like...lol no
i really need to stop reading these. they make me so angry and disappointed and discouraged about humanity's ugly trajectory.
THIS was my exact sentiment after reading this page. I ended up wishing I hadn't cuz I wind up so angry by the entitlement and agitated by the fact that I can't put each and every one of them in their place....
Then I have a homeless man that says that even if I can't help him, he'd like me to come by so we can talk because he enjoys the company. The so-called friends on this post need to get their priorities straight.
That’s because a homeless man understands good values and worth of the simple things.
Load More Replies...This is because the homeless man knows that making people see him as a human and relatable will subconsciously manipulate people into being more generous to him. Even if they can't afford today maybe next time he sees them he gets money. So enjoy your chat.
Um, homeless man is a human. He is a man who is homeless. Wtf is wrong with ur empathy? Most of us are one financial disaster or missed cheque away from it. Not due to laziness, due to the state of world finances and a diminishing job market. Think if it was you or someone you love in that circumstance, treat all humans with basic respect. You don't have to interact to use basic respect.
If you lend someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.
I consider paying someone to go away and never come back. I've done it a few times. Not a lot of money, but if they contact you and the first words are, "You owe me money..." hehe
I don’t know why so many people engaged with the requesting idiots. No need to explain, just “sorry, no”.
I've come across a few of these in my life but somehow it still never ceases to amaze me, how manipulative and selfish people can be. And sadly too many actually get their way.
These are the epitome of malignant entitlement. I naively did not realize there are so many of them, and this is just a little sample.
Posts like this just make me feel good about cutting toxic people out of my life and blocking their number. So much better on my mental health, zero drama.
I've had this where so called friends would PM me saying hey your sketches are awesome can you design a tattoo for me but I have no money or hey heres my favourite pic of my kids can you draw it for me for free cause I can't afford to pay a professional and when you say no you get hit with "but I thought you liked things to sketch as your hobby ? I'm just giving you something to do!"
This is actually depressing, I couldn't even get halfway through it.
Are we certain these things are real? I've never once met somebody even close to being this s****y.
I've ADHD, so I've messaged friends after months or years like it was yesterday...but this is a whole other level of crazy!
The nasty responses people get when they stick to their guns, politely explain why they won't give in, is downright abusive. It's like they want you to be their slave. Who do these idiots think they are, calling people up they haven't seen in years asking for free favours? Maybe the last time they saw these victims they could bully them but that's changed. I would just say nope and then end the conversation completely.
*begs toy mice from everybody* No? You're going to ruin Bouche's life if you all don't donate at least one bag of mice each! I'll never post again!
Reading this just pisses us off on behalf of the writer- we must not read em👀
Big annual event at my job, and not everyone can get a room in "the" hotel and have to stay elsewhere. I have a room that obviously I'm not going to use. "what is happening with your room? Oh, and I hope you feel better!".
Raffle it off, just charge enough for the entries that you make a profit.
*Please for the love of all that is good send well wishes to the birthday present I'm giving to someone I'm trying so hard to be friends with, and that they like it and don't nit pick it*
For context, the person desperately wants friends, is rather socially awkward, a bit rude at times, but I'm trying because ik what it's like to want people to talk to a stuff but I have doubts on how they'll take the gift... they've been rather pushy about people remembering their birthday.
I couldn't make it through more than a couple of posts, but wanted to vent about something related. My sister dropped one of her 'friends' after years of the 'friend' treating her like c**p. My mum was upset, because she is best friends with her mum and dad and just 'feels for her'. Even after hearing about all the c**p the 'friend' pulled and how much it affected my sister, including some of her self harm. Now mum is claiming, because both the 'friend' and herself have been diagnosed with ADHD in the last 6 months, that it was the ADHD that made the 'friend' so horrible, even though my sister has been diagnosed with ADHD since she was 7 and is not like that at all. Mum recons that's because she had treatment when she was young, unlike the 'friend'. It makes me so mad, because she disregards my sister's feelings (while saying she understands them) and blames it all on the ADHD, which might make it harder to make friends, but doesn't make them vindictive. My sister also recently left...
...her Rover Scout group because of issues within it from both this 'friend' and another 'friend' and lack of support from the rest of the group. Those two 'friends' were apparently 'devastated' and didn't understand why she would want to leave. My sister found this hard and my mum said 'I think they both have ADHD and (not sure if this is the right word) persecution complex related to that' as if it was again an excuse for them treating my sister like c**p! Sorry, vent over :)
I've recently read Junji Ito's Tomie. She's a super-regenerating woman who can hypnotically manipulate men to do her bidding until they're driven to insanity and end up murdering her. Then, she regenerates and repeats the process. Most of the "friends" in this list act as if they are Tomie... Only they end up meeting with reality when they make ridiculous requests. But I still find it weird that so many real people act like a villain from a horror story.
Why do people butcher the English language so badly? BAD spelling, wrong punctuation, all the cussing. Just shows how ignorant they are.
See, I always wonder if I'm the bad guy for just asking my "friends" to stay on my bed while I apply for jobs, just to ease the anxiety, and during times when they're doing absolutely nothing...and then I see this. And when they have the gall to tell me that "everyone does this by themselves," then ask me to help them with cleaning up their own mess of an apartment, it's like...lol no