Far from every relationship is going to end up being healthy, happy, and long-lasting—people break up all the time and continue searching for someone whom they love, can fully trust, and who has similar values as they do. But it doesn’t mean that you have to be at war with your exes. It’s perfectly possible to stay civil, as you move on with your lives.
However, some folks are beyond entitled. They believe that even if the relationships are over, their exes still owe them something, whether that’s continued access to their Netflix or car rides. Bored Panda has collected some of the most bratty and petty messages that people have ever gotten from their exes, as shared on Reddit. Scroll down to see the best of the worst.
Bored Panda reached out to dating expert Dan Bacon, the founder of The Modern Man, who shed some light on what to keep in mind when breaking up with someone and the importance of clarity and boundaries after the breakup. Read on for our interview with him.
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Oh, Well That Makes It All Better
their reasoning definitly checks out, its not cheating if you dont go on a date with them folks! /s
We were curious about what someone should keep in mind when breaking up with their partner in order to end things as civilly as possible. Dan, the founder of The Modern Man project, was kind enough to share his take.
"Say something positive about the person (e.g. you're loyal, supportive, can be a lot of fun to be around) and then add in that you don't believe the relationship will work in the long run and as a result, you don't want to lead them on any more," he told Bored Panda.
"For you, the feelings you really wanted to experience in the relationship just weren't there. Then, wish them the best and say that you're sure they will find the right person for them."
Friend Of My Ex Has Been Using My Netflix Details Without My Knowledge For Years. Calls Me Cheap
the gif tho... thats totally how i'd respond to stuff like that too 😭
I need to start responding that way instead of allowing myself to get deeper and deeper into an argument I'll never win
Load More Replies...So my cousin's step dad's bestie's dog walker wants to watch Netflix tonight....
OP didn’t give the Netflix details out, their ex did. Maybe from the get-go, or maybe as revenge after the breakup. But OP didn’t give it out. Glad they found out about it. Ow all the ex’s buddies are s**t out of luck for free Netflix and chill.
Netflix are cracking down on password sharing so if if works this sort of thing won't be an issue. Plenty of other streaming apps for you to be pestered about though!
Netflix is also cracking down on people wanting to stream video away from home.
Load More Replies...i had this happen to me. the thing was tho it was my parents account. never saw the point in paying for it myself wen they had theirs set up. i just added a profile for me and boom. my ex messaged me one day saying he was sorry he had been using my netflix this whole time. he freaked out wen i said it was my parents not mine. the netflix bill was showing it was being used on a device in virginia. im in new york my parents r in florida. my parents took matters into their own hands cuz they thought theyd been hacked and had a cop friend of theirs track down the virginia device. my dad is a morgage broker who works from home which means all his customers personal info is in his computer and stuff so he gets paranoid about getting hacked. anyways my dad found out who it was and called him. he apologized to my dad then texted me calling me a bunch of names and ranting about me ratting him out. wen i told him it was my parents account to begin with and i havent lived with my parents for 2 years bc i got married he freaked out. thats wen he realized i didnt remember giving him the password and my parents found out on their own. me and my dad laughed about it saying how after i broke up with him his life must b sh!t now if he cant even get his own netflix account. i asked my parents if they wanted me to get my own account, my own phone line etc once i got married but they said no bc they want to feel like they r contributing to my new life so i didnt argue. the best part about it all tho is that he was a very abusive ex so hes now a joke. we slowly changed all streaming service passwords and every time id get a text from him. i found out later he was in a loveless marriage and had a low paying job and his wife made the money but she thought the streaming accounts were his. it was hilarious hearing him complain about his life issues like it was my fault. i did also get a facebook message from his wife apologizing for the trouble he caused. wen i told her me and my parents were getting a huge laugh out of the whole situation bc of how he treated me she actually found it funny too. she even told me that she was looking for a way out and this whole situation seemed like a good first step. all i said was "glad i could help". idk how things r going but im sure hes regretting everything especially since he told me wen we broke up no one would ever love me. i have a kind heart but if u use that against me its not pretty. i get very guarded but even tho i had my guard up the whole time i couldnt believe karma was actually coming back to bite my ex in the a$$ and i got to witness every bit of it. all the anxeity i got from him went away after seeing him panic and seeing him b the anxious one.
You should let said person get to the season finale, then change your password....
Another solution is to give them the passcode, wait until they start watching then change the password halfway through
I'd be petty enough to sue my ex for reimbursement for a complete stranger using my Netflix account and anything else I can sue for.
My Ex Messaged Me On Her Cosmetic Profile At 7 AM To Tell Me I Threatened Her Friend In A Bar... 3500 Miles Away
OP is actually Charles Xavier and used telekinesis to threatened his ex's friend... XP
The dating expert noted that the person being broken up with will usually end up saying something to the tune of, "But, you are the right person for me. Please just give me a chance."
"You can then say, 'I understand that you feel that way, but I don’t want to give you the impression that I will change my mind about this. It's over between us and I'm going to move on now because the feelings I really wanted to experience never happened in the relationship. I hope you can respect my decision to move on and then begin to move on when you are ready."
Meanwhile, we were curious about what someone might do if their ex continues to badger them after the breakup, expecting preferential treatment or simply having a hard time letting go.
Asking Her Partner’s Ex-Wife For Her Child’s Designer Clothes, Proceeds To Call Her A Silly Goose And Throw A Strop When She Doesn’t Get What She Wants
Whoever names their child Reighlynne with that spelling is the silly goose!
My Homie's Ex Hit Him Up. Yikes
The Ex-Girlfriend Of One Of My Buds Has Been Making Quite A Few Indirects Lately, Including This
"After a breakup, it's important to politely set and maintain boundaries to ensure that you're not sending mixed messages, or giving false hope," the expert said.
"For example: If an ex is asking you to give them a ride somewhere, or come as a plus one to a wedding, a polite response like this will usually help send the right message, 'You know I would have happily done that for you if we were a couple. Yet, we are broken up now, so it's no longer something I am available for. Thanks for understanding. All the best,'" the founder of The Modern Man told Bored Panda.
Rebecca Hendrix, a psychotherapist in New York City, told Glamour magazine that one thing that you should do is talk to your partner about the doubts you’re having about the relationship before you actually break up with them.
“I've seen people do ‘surprise breakups' where you think everything is amazing and then the person is like, I'm leaving today,” Hendrix explained that this sort of situation can be traumatizing and very hard to get over. Instead, by sharing your concerns and being honest about the situation, the break-up can be ‘cleaner’ or the relationship can actually end up being saved.
Her Broke Baby Daddy/Ex-Boyfriend Is Absolutely Floored That She Changed Her Netflix Password
My Coworker Asked His Ex About Her Birthday. I Never Could Have Imagined How Selfish Some People Can Be. Her Sister Is Fine By The Way
My Ex Asking Me To Take Her To Pick Up Her Boyfriend From Jail And Her Response When I Said No
Meanwhile, New York Times bestselling author Mark Manson notes that you should always try to break up in person. “Yeah, it’s harder. But suck it up. And if possible, don’t do it in public. Being in public makes people feel limited in what they can express, whether it be final words they’d like to say to you, or dishes they’d like to break,” he writes.
According to Manson, the person who broke up with their partner shouldn’t try to make them feel better. “Once the relationship is severed, the other person’s emotions are no longer your responsibility. And not only is it no longer your responsibility to help them cope, but comforting them will likely make them feel worse. It can also backfire in that it will just make them resent you more for being so nice (while dumping them),” he explains.
Broke Ex Wants Food After Really Bad Breakup, Complains Free Food Was Not What He Wanted
I'd have been thrilled to receive a free pizza, especially if I were out of food.
My Ex That I Haven’t Talked To In 6 Months Had To Audacity To Ask To Renew My Netflix Account So She Can Use It
Response: Nah, I'm deleting it instead and getting a new account. Gotta make room for the new by throwing out the old. SMH...
My 36-Year-Old Ex-Husband
There’s a huge range of reasons why someone might break up, even if the relationship seems picture-perfect from an outsider’s perspective. The couple might have very different goals in life, for instance. If one partner wants to move halfway across the world to pursue a career in art while the other wants to stay and take over the family business, things are bound to get rocky. Long-distance isn’t something that works for everyone.
And you need to be realistic and practical about whether or not you can make it work. Do you have the time and finances to travel and visit your partner? Are you going to be able to handle the loneliness? How are you going to juggle your calls when you live in radically different time zones?
Called Out By An Ex-Lover
My Ex-Fiancé Likes To Slide Into My Texts Every 6 Months Or So
I feel like it’s important to share that I’m 28 and we broke up 7 years ago. I’m married to someone else now, and his mom passed away about 6 months ago.
An Actual Text Between A Friend Of Mine And His Ex
Don't know if someone should tell her but you dont need a car for that....
Or the couple might disagree about some of the more important questions in life, like whether or not they want to get married and have kids. If you’re not on the same page regarding these things, odds are that there’s not much of a future for the two of you. At some point, you'll have to choose either your principles or the person you love.
I Haven’t Spoken To My Ex-Husband In 2 Years. Looks Like He Should’ve Included “Access To HBO” In The Divorce Proceedings
My Ex's Mom Sent This To Me After Asking For Percocet And I Said No
Partner's Ex Wanted Me To Do A Free Professional Photoshoot For Her Birthday
Response: Yeah well, these things cost time and effort. So, NAAAAAHHHHH!!! SMH!!!
You might have amazing chemistry, but unless one of you radically changes your values, it’s going to be tough moving forward. People can and do change their minds about building a family, but neither partner should feel like they have to pressure the other to conform to their choices. That’ll only lead to frustration and resentment.
My Sister Got This Message From My Ex. We Haven’t Spoken To Her In Over 5 Years
Guy Washes Clothes For His Ex-Wife Because She Doesn't Have A Washer Or Dryer. She Posts This Online Because He Didn't Fold Them For Her As Well
I think you should always say thank you to someone who goes out of their way to do something nice for you even if what they did wasn't exactly how you wanted it to go. (Unless they end up doing something that hurts you in some sort of way lol)
Choosing Beggar Ex-GF Is Willing To Give Me Another Chance After She Spent 2 Months Lying And Manipulating Me For $50
Other couples might break up because one or both partners are no longer attracted to each other. Some people end up cheating, whether because they simply had the opportunity to do so or because they needed emotional and physical closeness—something they might not have gotten at home.
My Ex-Girlfriend. Self Explanatory To Get A Cheaper Cutting Board
Coworker’s Ex Just Can’t Understand Why She Should Have To Pay For Her Own Spotify
That Time My Ex Asked Me To Use My Veteran's Benefits To Buy Him A House. He Can't Even Get An Apartment
Mutual attraction and trust are essential to long-lasting relationships. As are proper communication and setting boundaries. Many relationship issues can be traced back to a lack of open and honest communication—some folks simply assume that their partner should be able to pick up on what they’re doing ‘wrong’ all on their own. And while being perceptive is an amazing skill to have, the fact of the matter is that people can’t read minds.
3 Years Ago, My Ex-Wife Was Concerned About Losing Her Alimony If She Remarried. At The Time Said I’d Pay It For At Least Another Year. That Was Forgotten Until This Morning
Ex Hit Me With This Gem 6 Months After Not Having Any Kind Of Physical Or Verbal Contact With Her
Insert obligatory "don't get a puppy (especially a large breed puppy) if you can't pay for its FOOD, jfc you piece of human garbage" comment here!
My Ex-Boyfriend Of 8 Months
Don't worry OP, pretty sure Jesus looks at your ex with scorn and disgust too for invoking his name in vain and will make sure he gets NO Hulu, HBO, Showtime or TMC. SMH!!!
If there’s a problem, you need to speak up about it. And this applies to all issues, whether it has something to do with that pile of unwashed dishes stinking up the sink, the garage that hasn’t been tidied up in years (as was promised), or a lack of physical intimacy in recent months. If being subtle doesn’t help, try to be more direct. But remember—you’re supposed to be on the same team, so don’t attack your partner; stay calm, and be willing to hear out their side of the story, too.
My Ex-Wife Complains About Our Cat But Doesn’t Want To Do Anything About It
My Ex-Boyfriend Has Been Sending Me Texts Nonstop. I Sent A Message Explaining That Me Moving Out And Us Breaking Up Is For The Best, And This Was His Response
Ex Owes Me $500, Gets Sassy When I Consider Taking My iPhone Back
Which of these message screenshots did you feel were the pettiest and most entitled, dear Pandas? Have you ever had to deal with a bratty ex before? Do you think that people can genuinely stay friends after they break up or should they move on with their lives? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section at the bottom of this list.
My Boyfriend’s Ex Was Wild
Ex Asks For More Money After Breaking Up. Already Gave $150 To Him For An "Emergency"
Got This Text From My Ex. I See Now I Definitely Deserve Better. I Was Shaking And Crying And My Mom Called Him
Response ought to be: Try that and you will be welcomed by the 5-0. SMH!!!
More Fun Texts From The Darling Ex-Husband
Response: On that note, you should go back to being silent on my phone. That way, whatever happens to you, even expiry, it would not involve me. Win-win for everyone as well. SMH!!!
My Ex-Girlfriend Lied To Me About Breaking Up With Me For Her Mental Health. She Got With Someone A Few Days Later
Today she asked for the Christmas gift she gave me while we were dating.
Absolutely Not
Sure, My Ex Totally Didn't Mean To Send Me A Selfie With Her Marriage Certificate
Had My Ex Disappointed I Wouldn't Do Free Work For "Up-And-Comming-Rapper" Friend. Apparently I'm A Bad Example For My Kids
Response: Yup, and I should probably tell our children that their mum/dad is a c**p*ss example of a human being for expecting their ex to give strangers free stuff just to save face. SMH!!!
My Ex Who Owes Me Close To 30k. Last Texts To Me Before Blocking Me Completely
Ex-Girlfriend Texts Me At Around 11:30 For A Hookup. She's Married And Her Army Husband Is Deployed
I'd be contacting the husband, if I could, to let him know what's going on.
Ex Says It Was An Accident Three Different Times When She Blocked Me. Called To See What The Hell She Wanted. Didn’t Answer Obviously
Should the first name be covered when I want to prove it’s her in both.
We Love Abusive Ex Texts
Jack's Ex-GF Is Back And Still Demanding Boosts On WOW
Some Texts From A Psycho Ex-Boyfriend From A Little Over A Year Ago. By The Way, He Was Never On Meds He Refused Them, And Therapy
My Ex-Wife's Response To Why She Could Be Trusted Not To Have Another Affair
Friend's Ex-Wife Is Ungrateful For His Continued Post-Relationship Financial Support
Someone That Gets Engaged To Another Person Just To Piss Of Their Ex Is A Really Trashy Human Being
Seems To Be Going Well
At least they know they deserve it. That's one step in the right direction lol
Ex Tries To Get Me To Give Her Some Of My DVDs I Lent Out And My Violin. This Is About A Week Before Christmas (Via A Friend Because I Blocked Her Number A While Ago)
I don't understand why after 3, 6, 9 months; a year, 2 years, 3 years...etc... these people are STILL LETTING THEIR EXES BE IN CONTACT WITH THEM. I was married to my now-ex for 20 years and after we divorced (and since the kids were grown) I blocked him on everything and my kids know not to give him my info. His drama was the reason for the divorce (drugs, prison, lying, cheating) WHY would I want to keep dealing with it AFTER the divorce? Block, block, block. Blocking is your friend! As for the ones using animals for guilt trips: If you don't care enough about your pets to give them a healthy and happy life then DON'T HAVE PETS! They're not pawns for your sick little guilt trips to your exes! Rant over...carry on...
I don't understand why after 3, 6, 9 months; a year, 2 years, 3 years...etc... these people are STILL LETTING THEIR EXES BE IN CONTACT WITH THEM. I was married to my now-ex for 20 years and after we divorced (and since the kids were grown) I blocked him on everything and my kids know not to give him my info. His drama was the reason for the divorce (drugs, prison, lying, cheating) WHY would I want to keep dealing with it AFTER the divorce? Block, block, block. Blocking is your friend! As for the ones using animals for guilt trips: If you don't care enough about your pets to give them a healthy and happy life then DON'T HAVE PETS! They're not pawns for your sick little guilt trips to your exes! Rant over...carry on...