By April 2020, only a month into the nationwide lockdown, 49% of workers felt warm and fuzzy about how they were being treated by their employers, which was almost double the typical 25% who held that sentiment before the pandemic. However, by February 2022, employee cynicism had returned to pre-pandemic levels, with only 24% of the workplace saying their bosses had their best interest at heart.

Patience is a limited resource. And when it depletes in the workplace, bad things happen. And there's a viral Reddit thread that perfectly illustrates just how far dissatisfaction can take us. In it, people have been sharing all the ways they got back at their toxic bosses. Here are some of the coldest ones.


30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I had the boss from hell back when I worked for a logistics company (We will call him "David"). This particular company did not hire directly for dock workers, you had to go through a temp-to-hire service;and Logistics Company had a 90 day window in which the dock super, in this case David, could call your temp agency and tell them your stint at Logistics Company is over. The temp would be called into the office where David would look at them and say would a large, s**t-eating grin: IT'S JUST NOT WORKING OUT. This prick would ridicule new temps about the way they dressed (industrial temp workers usually are quite poor), talked, mannerisms, you name it, in front of everyone at shift meetings. When a new batch of temps would start, he would pick an unlucky one out and ride him or her until they quit or made some minor mistake that he would chalk up to the temp agency as the reason this person is not working out. David was married to some big-shot at a hospital in town; she was the breadwinner so he had to problems with keeping some low-level super job; to top it all off David was also the only minority with a supervisory position so Logistics Company didn't want to fire him (EEO FTW!). David was simply a shift super for the dock, had no desires to be promoted because he had absolutely no responsibilities except to post a end-of-shift report, which he had one of the receivers do for him (that was my job). For 2 years I typed this a******s nightly reports, knowing full well he never witnessed any of it going on; he just sat in his office eating or riding the dock on a golf cart looking for reasons to fire new people. Anyway, I hired in as a temp, kept my head down through Davids horsesh*t and eventually got promoted to head of a different department away from him. 3 years later Logistics Company decided that receiving (Davids department) was lacking direction, and decided to hire a department head for them. I got the job. I was now Davids boss. He turned pale when it was announced the next day at work. I thought he was gonna die on the spot. He knew that for years I witnessed every bit of the terrible things he had said and done to the temps. I showed up nightly for 3 months on his shifts to "monitor" how David ran his shifts, watching him make stupid mistakes one after another; any one of these things I could have easily terminated him for. but held out and documented everything. When It finally came time, I called him into my office, armed with months (years, really) of s**t to fire him for, but I simply looked at him and told him "David, it's just not working out."

BakedPotatoTattoo , Dinielle De Veyra Report


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways A lady on our team never did any work. Instead she would whine her way out of stuff or go on endless lunch breaks where she just played solitaire. Eventually it got to the point where we were uninstalling the games from her computer accounts via the local admin accounts.

    One day I noticed she STILL had a game on her PC, even after we removed the default ones. That same day she left the office and left her PC logged in -- a big no no.

    I got on her PC and found the game linked on the desktop. I went to the shortcut properties and changed everything so that when she clicked on the game it would open the Wikipedia page on work ethic instead of the game.

    She doesn't play games in the office anymore.

    Rasalom , Andrea Piacquadio Report

    According to FlexJobs’ Toxicity in the Workplace Survey with over 8,400 U.S. respondents, 87% of workers have had at least one toxic manager in their career. 

    FlexJobs told Bored Panda in an email statement that while the majority of workers (43%) said they “quit or left” their job because of a toxic boss or manager, respondents also addressed their behavior by:

    • Giving feedback directly to their boss, which was ignored (28%)
    • Giving feedback to HR, which was ignored (21%)
    • “Quiet quitting” their job (12%)
    • Giving feedback directly to their boss, which was applied (11%)
    • Giving feedback to HR, which was applied (8%)

    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Only kind of related, but had a verbally abusive boss who would make physically impossible demands and thought she was queen of the workplace... which she was cause her supervisors let her do whatetever, even after I reported all this. So during one of her tantrums in which about 12 hours of work is being laid on me at 4 PM that has to be done by tomorrow, I tell her, fine I quit.


    What? No I don't, good bye and good luck with all that work that needs to be done before tomorrow.

    Very satisfying.

    GeorgePukas , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I'd been told by my boss to install about 25 copies of a database program, even though he only had a license for one copy of it, for his business that he was screwing and tricking small businesses into buying new credit card processing terminals. He was also severely screwing me on pay, and wouldn't reimburse my cellphone usage for work-related calls, and my mileage on my personal vehicle.After I finally got a new job offer and left, on my way out of the building, I called the BSA, and reported him for having a ton of unlicensed software. I heard a few months later he got slapped with a HUGE fine, and was being investigated by federal authorities for possible fraud. Hell yes.

    rushaz , cottonbro studio Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you're going to be crooked as hell *and* make your employees hate you by treating them like garbage then you're not just a horrible person but also a complete and utter moron. What, you WANT them to have every reason to want to turn you in? Prepare to get everything that's coming to you, you twit.

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    Similarly to respondents' experiences with toxic managers, the survey found that the majority of people have also dealt with one (57%) or more toxic colleagues (27%).

    Dealing with them, folks usually provided feedback directly to the co-worker (26%) or HR (20%), although they were ignored. Other methods included: 

    • Quit/left their job (16%)
    • Gave feedback directly to the co-worker, which was applied (15%)
    • Gave feedback to HR, which was applied (14%)
    • Quiet quit (8%)

    I wonder how many of them did it in a way that would earn them a spot on this list!


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I worked as an installer in a remote office.

    I traveled a lot for work, often spending weekends on site. This was fine under my old boss, who gave me a lot of leeway by letting me work from home, gave me comp time etc.

    After 4 years, I got a new boss. Also, the company laid off everyone in my office, about 100 people.

    New boss insisted I come in anyway (45 min drive) to sit in an empty office. But I still had to travel Sunday thru Friday, with no overtime and no comp time.

    When I complained to HR, the HR manager told me that since I'm salaried, if they wanted me to work 80 hours a week, I would work 80 hours and I shouldn't expect any compensation.

    Everyone I talked to seemed to think this was true. Salaried =/= get overtime. This didn't make sense to me.

    I called the local state dept of labor office, told them what I did, what I'd been told. They told me to get a lawyer and if they didn't rectify this, for every dollar they owed me, they would have to pay the state 50 cents in penalties.

    Which is what I did. In a matter of 4 months, I settled out of court, got a new job, got a severance and made my boss do an exit interview where I told her if she'd been halfway considerate and legally complaint, she wouldn't have to scramble to cover for the next 8 scheduled installs by flying people out from the East coast and paying them overtime.

    **TL:DR** I sued them for 5 years of overtime. Got 40 grand, severance package, letter of recommendation and told my boss off.

    quruti , cottonbro studio Report

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    marcelo D.
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    where does this stupid myth from the US that if you are salaried ", if they wanted me to work 80 hours a week, I would work 80 hours and I shouldn't expect any compensation." If you are salaried, you have a contract with your times to work / hours to make. After that you go home since they don't pay you overtime, end of story. Being salaried doesn't mean you are their slave, they can't force you to work outside your hours

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I had worked for a family-owned computer reseller for 5 years when greener corporate pastures called. I gave the required 2 weeks notice; owner of reseller called the CEO of the company for which I was going to work, got my departure delayed by 2 weeks. They got everyone in the company to take me aside and tell me how big of a mistake I was making, blah blah, generally making my life hell for those 2 weeks. When I left I changed the entire internal networks' passwords to "i dont know".

    When they called to ask me what the passwords were, I told the truth.

    niblet01 , Oladimeji Ajegbile Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, they choose to harrass someone who is leaving the company to convince them to stay? That's just plain stoopid.

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I exposed her as a know-nothing b***h to all the other powerless VPs right before they "eliminated my position." They got to watch her struggle without me for 9 more months because the owners didn't want to pull the golden parachute they were short-sighted enough to write into her contract.

    Then they asked me to come back and do some part time contractor work remotely for them. I gladly accepted with a 400% hourly pay increase.

    jotate , fauxels Report


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Mine started out at work when I had a picture of my Mom and me on my desktop (I know corny eh). This guy, Pat, kept commenting on how hot my mom was (he was about the same age). So after about a month of this I asked my Mom to jokingly call him and tell him he is sexist and a bad influence and whatnot. She did this but they ended up talking for 30 mins and after that he told everyone at the office that my Mom was trying to pick him up. For the next year everytime he saw me he asked how my mom was. At my 5-year pinning ceremony he told the story to a bunch of strangers and my bosses.

    FFwd a year and I had just gone through a bad breakup of my longtime girlfriend and this Pat guy kept coming in my office and telling me I need to get out and start sport-#$#%ing. He did this for about a month so then I asked a guy at work what his daughter's name was (she is around the same age as me). I found her on facebook and asked her if she would help play a prank on her dad. I went out on a "date" with his daughter and took a picture of the two of us drinking out of the same drink with two straws then proceeded to put it in a heart-shaped frame on my desk. Then I got another manager to tell Pat that I got a new girl and I'm head over heels for her. He came straight to my office and I didn't say a word and all I heard from behind me was "What are you doing with my daughter?". To this day he hasn't asked when my Mom is calling next!

    JCurry2 , Proxyclick Visitor Management System Report

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    Adam Zad
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Plot Twist: He and the daughter are getting married next week.

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways This is not my story, but my father's.

    He was working hard in an early IT/computer company (back in the late sixties). This is back when IBM were still known as International Business Machines.

    He was the only one who knew how to support & manage some of the large microcomputers that some of the customers had. His boss was giving him s**t over my father wanting personal leave; my mother was just about to give birth to her first child, my eldest brother. He didn't even want to allow my father to leave when my mother went into labour. My father lost his temper, told him to get f****d, how incompetent he was, how he was riding on other people's talent, quit right there and then and left for the hospital.

    I still remember my mother telling me that my father came in, congratulated her on the birth and told her he had just quit his job. She laughs about it now, but you can imagine how she felt!

    A day later, the owner of the company called my father and offered him his old boss's job. The kicker? The old boss now had to report to my dad.

    That's gotta hurt.

    omaca , Sora Shimazaki Report


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Had a nice correspondence with Visa and Mastercard about the filing cabinet containing 3-ring binders full of names, credit card numbers, expiration dates and CV codes that they had *written down* instead of running securely online when the reservations are made. They had a manual CC machine in the office. It's still not okay to keep thousands of credit card numbers in a filing cabinet that all employees have access too. Very not okay.

    TheSixofSwords , Pixabay Report

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    Joshua David
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I worked at a hotel as the night auditor and a guest had left the credit card near the terminal. Watched another co worker take said credit card and I called the police on her. I also alerted the guest from the number attached to the reservation so he could cancel it. He was so mad he didn't cancel it and instead let her charge a few things so she could go to jail. Crazy.

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I had a dirtbag boss that would demand we hang out and get drunk with him during/after work. He didn't like his family and would sometimes keep us at work three or four hours late while he swilled cheap beer and we pretended to. Then of course he'd drive home. This was all on top of thee kind of general douchebaggery that's already been described. One day I decided I was sick of it so I called in an anonymous tip that resulted in him getting a DUI. Fired. Done. New boss is cooler.

    mkmckinley , Laura Tancredi Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    well, actually, it wasn't described, aside from his drinking problem.

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I worked in the IT department of a rather large law firm.
    A guy I was sort of friends with, that worked a couple desks down from me had kind of a bad attitude, and ended up getting into a long feud with the tech support manager, who was, admittedly, a stupid cow. He ended up getting fired over the feud, and I think just his general attitude. He called to tell me about it the night it happened (I was working on a project after hours, so I wasn't there when it happened). The next day, my boss calls the department into a metting to tell us that my pseudo-friend had quit, but that because he was in IT and had access to all the passwords, that they were not allowed to give him 2 weeks notice. This was, of course, complete b******t. Everyone knew that he got fired, and everyone knew our boss was lying through his teeth.
    So, fast forward about 6 months later. I had just come through being scapegoated bug time for some stuff I wasn't even remotely responsible for, and I could see the writing on the wall that they were working on building a case to get me canned. It just so happened that I got a job offer through a referral from a friend that worked at another company. So, when the offer came through for about 6K more, I did a little dance, and then I shut the hell up. My girlfriend was a flight attendant at the time, so we planned a little last-minute getaway between jobs. The day before we were scheduled to leave for EUROPE, I came in to work, did my best to close out all my issue, put out any fires I could, (for the sake of my coworkers), and then I marched in and handed my boss my letter of resignation, effective immediately. He read the letter, there was a long pause, and then he asked me when I wanted my last day to be. I looked at him for a minute, savoring the trap, and reminded him that "because I had access to all the sensitive system passwords, I wasn't allowed to give/take two weeks notice", His jaw hit the ground, he muttered some sentence fragments, and it was pretty clear I caught him in a lie.
    The best part was, while we were living it up in Italy a few weeks later, I checked in on my bank account at a cyber cafe, and saw that my direct deposit had cleared a check for the pay period for two weeks after I left. So even though I didn't work it, I was given my two weeks notice in salary. That extra paycheck essentially paid for an extra week in Europe. And that extra week was by far the best part of the trip.

    Ikarian , LinkedIn Sales Navigator Report

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    Shark Lady
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A job I was made redundant from had to give us six months notice of redundancy, because they lost a contract there was no work for us grunts so we got six months pay, on top of the redundancy pay out which was extremely useful!


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I was a typesetter when it was still done on dedicated typesetting machines, not desktop. This is pretty specialized work and demanded pretty good pay.

    I agreed to take one job at less than my usual hourly pay for six weeks while I learned their system, one I hadn't used before. Well, six weeks came and went ... and I didn't see my promised raise.

    In the meantime, the horrible shrew of a pasteup "artist" went out sick and I was left doing both type and layout. A very important project came up, and there was only me to do it. Without me, they'd be totally and royally f****d - even if they could find a typesetter who could do pasteup, there was just no time to run the ad, hire and train one.

    I reminded the owner and manager of the raise I'd been promised when I was hired, and how long ago that was. Then I put all my personal desk tchoksies in a box, and told them they had until end of business to make a decision.

    I got my raise - retroactive to my hire date - by 5 pm.

    DementedPimento , Jonathan Lin Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How quickly did it take for them to find a reason to let you go? OP was perfectly justified, but I can imagine that they were looking for a reason to let them go.

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Our company was giving us employees an appreciation lunch and had requested a small group of employees to plan and execute the event. On the day of the event upper management got a stick up their butts and decided that the planning committee was using up too much company time. They told us that any of us who worked the luncheon (serving and cleaning up) would have to do it on our lunch breaks or stay late to make up the time. We of course found this unacceptable.
    Prior to the luncheon we had a huge meeting where all the managers and big wigs praised all the workers for a job well done etc and at the end asked if anyone had any questions or comments. I stood up and in a very friendly manner said that we needed managers to volunteer to serve the luncheon. All you heard were crickets for about ten seconds and then alot of whispering and scrambling as upper management made lower management raise their hands. It was so awesome to see them all using their lunch hour to serve us! :)

    thatgirl153 , fauxels Report

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I worked at a s****y hostel for a verbally abusive (sometimes physically) alcoholic boss in a place infested with bed bugs. He asked me to do an overnight on christmas eve (where i would be the only one working) the day before, so i agree, and never showed up to work again. He left me like 50 angry voice mails telling me how badly i screwed him over and he had to do it himself and missed christmas. It was funny.

    alfx , Magda Ehlers Report


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I worked with a supreme douche for a few months in my early 20's. One of those guys that tells stories to try and impress other people but really just ends up making himself look like an a*****e (cheating on his gf, beating people up for fun, selling drugs). It was a boring mindless job so I took it all in stride, in one ear out the other. Until the night I see him selling pills right in the middle of the store, amongst the 8-12 security cameras. I didn't pull any badass moves to get him busted, just reported to the owner (whose son is a sheriff with the state police) who watched the tapes and he was gone within hours. Felt *okay*

    PuffyTaco , Chloe Report

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    James Alford
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    1 year ago

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    The police and sheriff are different organizations. This sounds like horseshit.


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Someone kept stealing my lunch at work, and me being the pacifist that I am decided to just mention it casually to my wife. I didnt think it was a big deal, but these were the sandwiches that SHE made for me every day. She decided to make a special sandwich for me which consisted of Bread and tooth paste. I put it in the fridge and after lunch it was gone. I dont know if the sandwich was actually consumed, but I told HR about it and they thought it was so awesome, they gave me a $20 gift card to outback steak house.

    **TLDR** Someone ate a toothpaste sandwich and I got 20 bucks.

    anon , Tony Schnagl Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone at one workplace kept stealing my butter and other spreads, getting crumbs and other nasty stuff into them, eating more of it than me, so I wrote on my stuff with marker that I lick the knife whilst making my sandwiches. (Which is seldom but true; I'm the only one eating it so it's not an issue.) This was during covid, but a while into it. It kept being used. So I made sure to eat when my gossipy (but nice) colleauge did, then licked the spreading knife between every spread and made sure to put it back in the containers at least once when she was looking, so she knew my spit got in there. She laughed and made a ruccus about me being nasty, and I said "Well, I DID warn whoever it is that keeps using my food-items, so they can blame themselves!", and we both had a big laugh about this. Strangely, no-one ever touched my food again after that. 😁

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways This is a true story, I absolutely swear. It's also past any statue of limitations and probably before any real laws existed in any form so .......

    Had a jerk wad that started at a failing dot com with me. Within the first week he decided he wanted to fire me even though he had no idea what I did, etc, etc, etc. (I was actually the only IT person at this point and was probably one of the more productive people in the entire building)

    He told me I had a week to 'turn things around' of I was gone. First of all, there was no explanation as to what needed to be 'turned around' or what in particular was wrong. (My assumption is that he had his own guy he wanted to bring in, etc)

    I basically told him to shove it up his a** and if he didn't like it, I'd walk right there. He was a bit taken back by that and after another 9 months of being there, he was not quite a jerk, but still a jerk.

    Fast forward another 3 months and we decided we were going to fire him. The decision was based on information I had provided to them in regards to his lack of performance and wasting of company resources. Irony, right. The owners (against my recommendation) gave him advanced notice of their decision and let him stay for an entire day in his office without any supervision, etc.

    As I didn't trust him, I was monitoring his activity very closely. I discovered that he was copying a large amount of data from our servers and deleting it. Additionally, he was cleaning out his contacts and other client related information (not personal). (He was copying all of this to a USB drive)

    On the final day, the owners took him to lunch right before he was going to leave. I took the opportunity to "return" all of the data he took (I had backups which I was going to restore; however, I didn't want him to walk away with stuff that didn't belong to him)

    Finally, a couple very very incriminating emails accidentally got forwarded to his wife. He was cheating on her for months and was talking to this other chick about ditching her and screwing her out of hte house and stuff and leave her with the kids..... Not sure how that worked out, but hopefully for the better. Guy was a bit of a scumbag. (In regards to the emails, no I was not snooping his private stuff, they were in his work account and when I was removing the items that he took, they were discovered......) [One had vacation pics of the happy cheating couple of as well]


    beyerch , Marc Mueller Report


    I work nights in a group home for mentally disabled people, and I couldn't stand one of my old coworkers. When I had to work with her, it felt like I was working with one of the residents, she was just straight up dumb. Every single thing she did, she did poorly. Cleaning, medical care, cooking (she burnt Jello....), everything. I took to doing all of the direct care work with our residents because I didn't trust her to care for them safely. Anyway, she had a habit of sleeping on the job. A lot. Over the course of an 8 hour shift, she'd be asleep on the couch for 5 hours. At first I didn't even say anything because I was just glad that I didn't have to listen to her idiotic banter, but after a while I started mentioning it to other coworkers, and my manager. She got a warning for it, but that's it since it couldn't actually be proven. One night one of my residents got sick and had been taken to the hospital. She was released in the middle of the night, so my manager was bringing her back to the home at around 4 in the morning. He called the house to let us know that they were on their way, and somehow the phone ringing didn't wake up my dumb coworker. I told him that she was sleeping, and he told me to let her sleep so he could catch her in the act. Just for fun, and to make the point that she wasn't just "resting her eyes", I balance a throw pillow on top of her head. He walks in and I take our resident to her room to put her in bed. As I walk back out into the living room, he's just staring at her, shaking his head. Finally he jumps up and stomps both feet on the floor as hard as he can and yells her name. She bolts awake and realizes the deep s**t she's in. I totally lost it, and couldn't stop laughing. She was fired shortly thereafter, and a coworker told me that she had been b**ching and complaining, saying that she was going to sue the company for discrimination. Apparently she wasn't "sleeping", she was "having seizures". Seizures that happened on a nightly basis, lasted for 3-4 hours at a time, and that she didn't bother to mention to anyone. Yeah, she tried to pull that s**t on a company full of people that take care of folks with seizure disorders. F*****g idiot.

    KNessJM Report

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    Disgruntled Pelican
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "When I had to work with her, it felt like I was working with one of the residents, she was just straight up dumb." Ummm...what the hell, OP?

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways When I was 15 I worked at a cafe in Sydney. The place had poor business practices and was generally very dirty and poorly managed. I was being paid below minimum wage, but I only realised this after I quit (because they treated all the young employees like slaves).

    I sent an email to my old boss specifying a dollar amount that he owed me, to which he responded saying that he paid me correctly.

    Long story short I got the workplace ombudsman involved and not only did he have to pay me the money he owed me, along with the other employees and what they were owed - he had to sell the business because while the ombudsman was there he noticed the uncleanliness and sent in a health inspector.

    TL;DR Made him sell his business

    anon , Laura Stanley Report

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    I worked as the IT lead for a college that specialized in distance learning. They were in the middle of a lawsuit because of admissions issues. One day we found oddities in the database, strange records with missing/inconsistent data. Turns out a few girls from the same group of friends in the financial aid department took out some federal grants, knowing that the college going out of business meant they wouldn't have to repay the money. Unfortunately for them, we pulled through and didn't go out of business, now they needed to show proof to the feds that they were enrolled, hence them playing in the DB. When a coworker and I pointed this out to the owner, he told us it wasn't the director of the school, but only one of the financial aid reps, totally threw her under the bus. The girl was guilty, but it was the director and an admissions rep that overall were the brains behind the operation. They became real d***s to us for knowing what we knew, so I quit shortly after, when I found a new job.

    Eventually, the school got raided by the feds and they were shut down, but didn't have quite enough dirt on them to prove anything. The owner became a real douche bag towards me, as did the rest. So, I called up the department of education, told them I had info. They flew from two states away to talk to me, asked me questions, and I casually handed them a tape backup of the database containing all the info they'd need.

    One plead guilty and received 30 days and fines, two others have their trial this october.

    Satisfied? I'd say so.

    pdiaf Report

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Letting them rely on me to fully run ALL aspects of our office/facility except the machinery itself. No one else can or will do my job because it sucks so bad, but it's an absolute necessity for the place to operate.

    And I'm about to quit with no notice. Bwahahahahahaha

    ashhole613 , Craig Adderley Report

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    Travelling Stranger
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    would be interesting to learn about the outcome, but the entry was posted on reddit 12 years ago so it probably won't happen


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Worked at a company that did phone surveys. Probably 250 worked there at any given time. Prick boss pushed and then tripped me -.a practical joke gone awry.

    I had worked there many years and ran system back ups on the weekend. Nothing fancy, just babysit the computers after typing in a few lines of unix commands.

    Thanks in part to this, I had just enough access to the system to crash the entire dialing floor for three hours. 250 sitting,.doing nothing,.being paid on crunch day.

    Didn't get in trouble. Felt good, man.

    316nuts , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Should have fallen and pretend that you were badly injured (perhaps you were injured), then take workman's comp and report an unsafe workplace. Just thinkin'

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I quit a job in a place I liked in disgust at new management (dishonest, judged people by brown-nosing not competence etc.), I resigned 7 days after my first child was born - that should show you how desperate I was.

    By total coincidence, my new employer was in the same building, one floor above.

    Within 4 years, a total of 8 people have moved from the old to the new company - basically bleeding them dry of talent.

    The a*****e boss of the old place gets very nervous when he sees us talking to any of his remaining employees in the elevator.

    Best of all karma-wise - I didn't do this on purpose / out of spite - it just happened.

    sphere23 , Polina Zimmerman Report


    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I worked at a sign company once and my supervisor had a nervous breakdown. She would sleep at the office, not shower, not change her clothes, wouldn't work, wouldn't do anything. Even though I was a temp I took over like a boss, going to meetings in her place and doing everything in the whole department myself. Time came for my contract to be over, so the manager of the whole operation had to decide to hire me or not. She calls me into her office and offers me LESS than I was making through the temp agency. I point out to her that I'm a good worker, that I had increased output over 200%, as well as basically doing the supervisor's job all at the same time. She sticks to her guns, so I said no thank you and decided to just leave at the end of my contract. In the meantime, every sign you see anywhere has braille on it as well. It was part of my job to engrave the braille text into each sign, so whenever I did one that wasn't a number, I would make it say "I hate this job and my cheap a*s manager." No one but me could visually read braille, so no one ever knew. And before anyone calls me out, I didn't do that to the fire and emergency related signs... :)

    Nayalith , Eren Li Report

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I was working as a labourer on a building site when I was 17. My job was pretty much just sweeping the floors and keeping the site clean while the carpenters and builders did their business. There was this one prick working there named Tony. Tony was a fat, old Croatian guy who despite living in Australia for the last few decades, never managed to learn Australian etiquette. He's march around like King D**k blasting orders to everyone (he was a carpenter) including the foremen, builders and people who didn't even share his trade. Not only that, he'd always be walking around with a lit joint sticking out of his mouth. Now I'm an ent myself so the fact that he smoked didn't bother me, but smoking at work and no one having enough balls to tell him not to did.

    So anyway, when I first met Tony, I could tell he was a prick so I basically avoided him as much as I could. But every time I walked past him he would grab me on my shoulders from behind with enough force that I was unable to move, and yell in my ear "YOU WANT MARIJUANA??" and he'd do this every day or two.

    At first I would just politely decline, wriggle free and attempt to avoid him but this s**t kept happening. After about a month or so I began telling him to f**k off and stop touching me, but it continued. Instead of offering me weed he started yelling "DON'T TOUCH ME, DON'T TOUCH ME" in a mocking tone.

    S**t had gone too far and the foreman wasn't doing d**k about it so I had to take things into my own hands. One if the other workers had mentioned to me that Tony told him how worried he was that his wife might find out he's having an affair, so I grabbed his phone from his work bench, selected a few choice messages and forwarded them to her. He also had a few strips of timber that measurements written on them, sort of like a template I guess. He had written "DON'T TOUCH" on them. I grabbed about 5 of these timber strips, added the word "ME" to the end, and super-glued the f*****s to his car. While I was there I also let his tyres down and super-glued the caps back on. That'll do I thought.

    I managed to leave that day before he'd had a chance to discover my shenanigans so I didn't get to see his reaction. Not surprisingly I was called by the foreman that afternoon telling me to look for somewhere else to work. I may have lost my s****y job, but it was worth it just to take that a*****e down a few pegs.

    **TL;DR** : Potentially ruined an a*****e's marriage and car.

    d_kism , Adrienn Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Today I learned that "ENT" means "person who smokes weed" as well as "ear nose and throat specialist", which was the first definition I thought of. main-qimg-...9f41a0.jpg main-qimg-829f09f5383354ddd4a97119910d084f-pjlq-64d638a9f41a0.jpg

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    A million years ago I was waiting tables at my first job, enter ye old standard d**k boss (much like the one described above)... could easily talk about what a dumb prick he was, but I'll skip to the straw that broke the camels back.

    We were short handed one day, and I was pulling double closing work for my shift (remember, as a waiter you make $2.63 hourly plus tips, so anything that doesn't involve tips is essentially just slave labor that they can get away with pulling on you to keep your job...)

    After I finished up my work, I ordered and paid for a lunch (something I would often do, 1/2 off is a decent deal)... Sombonavitch comes charging into the side room that employees would use to eat/relax in before and after work and just effing explodes at me (with an off duty cook watching). Another employee had simply bailed on their work, and he was blaming me for not having done TRIPLE duty before punching out. Essentially tells me that if I don't do the cleanup and restock before I went home that I would be fired (this was a waiters side station--restock glasses, straws, coffee cups, ice, etc...)...

    I wanted to keep my job, so I did the job.. but when it was done, I felt that it could be better. I opened up the ice bin, and got another bucket of ice. Then another. And another. I filled the ice bin up to the ceiling, then I went home.

    I had a message from him waiting for me when I got home, but laughed and went about my day. When I went in to work the next day, I had been fired, then an investigation had taken place, and I was rehired. Dildorino's hiring and firing privileges has been revoked, and had subsequently given his 2 weeks notice. :D

    TL;DR Overdid my job to p**s an overbearing boss off, went home and was fired/rehired before returning, causing that manager to lose some boss powers which lead him quit.

    sarcastic_cynicism Report

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways Simple. Posted an ad on Craigslist for an insanely good deal for a 42" Plasma. Left co-worker's office #, cell #, and email as ways to get in touch.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    xylerium , Brett Stone Report


    I worked in construction through one of the largest temp firms in Norway. After a while, after talking to some of the people I worked with who came from the same temp firm, I discovered that people weren't getting paid the same wage. I asked my colleagues if they thought it was fair, and they didn't. But like me, they had been instructed not to talk about their salary. And no one wanted to make a fuzz about it, in case they'd just end up losing their job.

    So I called up the firm and asked our supervisor why that was, and he gave some BS excuse about how people with more education and experience would get paid more than those without - for a job that required no education or experience (we more or less just did all the s**t jobs nobody else wanted to do at the construction site). I told him that they needed to pay everyone the same, and he told me to stop causing problems.

    So I talked to the firm which was running the construction site instead. The temp firm ended up terminating my contract (my supervisor told the construction firm that I had asked to quit earlier, and they believed him), while the construction firm ordered the temp firm to give everyone equal pay. This ended up in a raise for everyone (except the one who previously earned the most), and my supervisor lost his job and was replaced with someone who was a bit more straight forward.

    Some months later, I did some more work for the same construction firm through the same temp firm (but at a differen site), and the pay was still good. I felt great :o)

    MisterOnd Report

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I had a manager at a clothing store who just went on a power trip anytime the boss was around, tell them how much she was selling and that the store basically ran only because of her. She would use her ID card to ring up our sells. Anyway.

    Valentine Day came around and I bought one of those huge box of chocolate shaped like a heart and put it in the backroom with a note from the Boss (whom was married), telling her how much he cared for her and that he wishes they could spend more time together and to call him if she felt the same.

    She did, turns out they had an affair, the wife found out and left the boss who in turn fired the manager. I only heard of the turn-about later, because I quit shortly after V-Day. It still made my day :)

    anon , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    Once working as 1 of 2 laundry person in a hotel. The other laundry person had just quit, and I was training in a new guy, who was not capable of working the job, let alone holding an intelligent conversation. I just got another job offer, and asked for them to match the salary of the new job to keep me on. The manager not only refused my raise, but then asked me to work on my only day off so she wouldn't have to come in and train. I put in my 2 weeks notice and grudgingly told her I would work the extra shift.

    At this particular hotel, there was a guest who stayed there each month, and we called him 'the food man' because he refused to use anything but the sheets and towels in the room to wipe the poo off his butt. So every night he stayed there, he covered 2 sheets, 4 towels and 2-4 hand towels and wash cloths in his feces. I have no idea why the hotel management let him stay there but they were always the worst days of work.

    The day before the shift i had cover, the manager comes and tells me, prepare your self for tomorrow, 'the food man' is staying here tonight. Pretty much the last straw. I finished the day, and then just didn't set my alarm. The manager got called in and ended up working a nearly 11 hour shift with the most annoying trainee ever. I feel a bit bad for sticking it to the trainee, but there is always collateral damage.

    thin_rizzy Report

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I used to work at a sandwich shop/bakery in Nashville and my shift started at 6 am. The horrible, prissy b***h manager would call your a*s at 6:01 if you weren't there and flip her s**t. I had taken a weekend off to travel to New York to play a show, and when she realized she forgot to take me off the schedule, she tried to get me to cancel my trip. When I said we had already booked a show, she told me my music sucked and the girl singer of our band was "too ugly for country." 1. She's hot and 2. its not country. Inside I raged but I kept cool on the outside and told her I would work Saturday for her. I flew up to new york, but on friday night, changed my answering message on my cell phone to say "Hey, I'm so sorry...I'm on my way, I'll be there in one second." I partied hard in NYC on Friday and turned my phone on silent when I went to bed. The next morning I had 6 new messages. The first three were her flipping out, the fourth was just silent, the fifth was my shift leader saying "I think its a message", and the fifth was 2 hours later from the owner laughing but saying I was fired.

    theshinepolicy , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways I stole the hubcaps off his car about fifteen times. No s**t-- he just kept buying more of them.

    After the fifth or sixth set, he started getting *hyper* paranoid and I thought it was getting mean-- but then he filed a formal complaint on me for not holding the elevator for him. So I just kept doing it.

    I think it came down to a matter of personal pride for him. He was going to show that thief that he'd spend $100,000 on hubcaps if need be-- but he'd outlast him!

    Sometimes I'd go a few weeks in-between taking them just to lull him into a false state of confidence. Sometimes I'd take a new set off the day after I stole the previous set.

    When I put in my two week notice, I planned an elaborate prank to cover his car in the stolen hubcaps-- I had about fifty of sixty of them by this point. He ended up doing something s****y (I don't remember what it was) and I just dumped them all in a dumpster behind an IHOP.

    beefwich , brahim Bilgin Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's not really anything here describing why the collauge was deserving of THEFT, so OP might be the AH here for all we know...

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    30 Entitled Bosses And Coworkers Who Were Humbled In The Most Satisfying Ways 1) Put a "Honk if you support gay rights" bumper sticker on an intolerant bigot bosses car. Stayed there 3 weeks.

    2) Prnt Scrn's a bosses desktop, changed his wall paper, and hid his desktop icons. Tried to fix himself for 3+hrs, called IT, fixed in 15min.

    3) VERY CAREFULLY started a rumor with other co-workers that the boss had died when he no call/no showed one day.

    4) Very carefully started a rumor with other co-workers that the boss was in jail when he no call/no showed one day.

    5) Photoshopped numerous pictures of him and hung them in the break room.

    bigcountry5064 , Andrea Piacquadio Report