Most people don’t need to be reminded to have good manners. Treating people with respect and kindness should be second nature, as we were all taught the “golden rule” at a young age. But even the most rude individuals usually know not to mess with people who are bringing them food, beverages or helping them make a purchase. Why even tempt someone to spit in your coffee or overcharge you for a flight? Yet somehow, there are still entitled people out there who play with fire and treat customer service employees poorly.

To bring to light all of these impolite customers and show how employees can retaliate against them, Darron Cardosa, or Officialtbw on TikTok, shared a video detailing one of his favorite ways to get back at rude customers and invited others to do the same. Below, you can read all of the best tactics workers have for dealing with disrespectful customers, as well as an interview we were lucky enough to receive from Marlon Joseph, host of The Modern Waiter podcast. Be sure to upvote your favorite revenge ideas, and then let us know in the comments if you have ever responded to a customer in a petty way. Then if you’re interested in learning even more ways employees retaliate against customers, you can check out Bored Panda's last piece on the same topic right here.


35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers So I don't recall if it was 1998 or 1999, yes, it was a long time ago, but there was an Oscar De La Jolla fight and I was doing tech support at the Cox Communications, a local cable company. Someone called in really frantic saying, "Hey, I have a house full of people and all this food that I bought for the fight and it's not working". And I was like, "Sure, no problem. Let me go out and get it taken care of". Did my little thing send a signal to the box. Everything came up. I hear a cheer in the background, "Oh, yeah, it's on, it's on its on". So the guy on the phone was like, "Alright, man, it's on, it's on. What's your name?". When I say "Oh, my name is Javier". He goes "Oh, thanks a lot, you f*****g spik". So I immediately turned that fight off, refunded the money and put notes in the account so that nobody would turn the fight back on. I checked the next day and he called multiple times. Absolutely nobody turned that fight on. I win

javi_has_beer , Lisa Brank Report


To get some insight from an expert on this topic, we reached out to Marlon Joseph, host of The Modern Waiter podcast. Marlon has been working as a server for 26 years and says he has loved it the whole time. He started this podcast to highlight that working in the service industry can certainly be a viable career and currently has recorded 196 episodes with his best friend and fellow industry veteran Danny Davila. "Rude guests unfortunately are a part of life when it comes down to it," Marlon told Bored Panda. "As a server you must find ways to deal with it and even turn things around. Some days are easier than others." Marlon says he even plans to record an episode on this same topic because there are so many ways to retaliate against customers.

"If a guest gets rude in a personal way I deal with it directly and tell them 'I going to need you to be nice to me for me to continue'," he says. "If they are being rude in an annoying way, I make them wait. They will wait for me to take their order. They will wait for their food. They will wait for their check. I may even tell them their credit card has declined if that person is paying. I may even tell them we ran out of an item even though we have it," Marlon admitted.


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Christmas Eve 2017 I am six months pregnant, waddling my fat a** around the store. And I'm trying to help this woman and it turns out we don't have in stock what she wants and she just starts losing her f*****g s**t, because we've ruined her Christmas by not having the item in stock. We'd had it since September., she'd just waited till Christmas Eve to get it, but whatever. She even took digs at my unborn child, like what the f**k? After she left, we realized she'd left behind a bunch of shopping she'd done at other stores. And I could see her she was still just outside the store. I could have watered my fat pregnant a** that she just insulted out to go give her bags back. But I didn't. Instead I took them to center management that were closing in five minutes time, which means whatever was in those bags, she didn't get back until Boxing Day. You want to accuse me of ruining Christmas I'll do it properly, b***h

    ashy_anne_ , Any Lane Report


    We asked Marlon if he thinks customers ever learn a lesson when they receive worse service due to their attitudes. "I do not think rude people are self-aware, especially if it is them being jerks. Most rude people in a restaurant are situationally on tilt. They may be hangry or had a bad day, so they use a measure of power to ease their aggravation. Unfortunately, a server may not want to give their best to a guest like that, and the result is bad service. Then the cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy begins."

    We also wanted to know what Marlon would like to say to any customers who feel entitled to be rude to wait staff. "My advice is the same advice I give to guests who do not tip: Do not go back to the same restaurant twice. Servers have bad days too."

    Lastly, Marlon added, "90 percent of the time a good server can recognize the attitude of an unsavory action of a guest and find a way to turn it. There is no excuse to be rude. I have had a guest tell me they wanted to punch me in the face. I leaned over the table and placed my fists down on the table and said, 'I bet you wont'." I bet they never came back to that restaurant!


    If you'd like to hear more tales from Marlon's experience as a waiter, be sure to check out his podcast right here.


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers So I used to work at a grocery store. And if you've ever worked at or been to a grocery store, you know that sometimes people pay with EBT. Snap, food stamps, because food costs money and people need help sometimes. Anyway, one such customer is in the store, and she's paid for her food, she's gonna go back and you have to bag it yourself. She's bagging groceries over here. New customers in front of me. She's paying for her stuff. She hands me her card as she does so she says loud enough for other people to hear her "I'll be paying with my own money, because I have a job". And I swipe her card. And in what I can only describe as an act of divine justice, the card gets declined. And normally I'm pretty delicate and quiet like, "Hey, your card got declined", I don't want to embarrass anybody. But this day, I was loud and proud, "Ma'am, your card has been declined"

    crlstrrs , Anna Tarazevich Report


    If you have ever worked a customer service job, you know that they are not easy. Customers come in every day with ridiculous demands or unreasonable expectations, and they are often under the impression that they are right solely because they are the customer. “Oh, you don’t have my size in stock? Let me speak to your manager!” Or, “This doesn’t taste right. I’m sending it back, and I’m not paying for it!” You know the type. And while most of us are well aware that this behavior is embarrassing and disrespectful, some entitled individuals never seem to learn. So there is nothing wrong with giving them cold, hard butter or an ugly burger if you, the employee, have had to deal with insults and sass for the duration of someone’s visit.

    So what gives people the nerve to act this way when in a restaurant or retail store? Didn’t their parents ever teach them manners? Well, according to Melanie Morrison, a psychology professor at the University of Saskatchewan, there are three possible reasons behind an entitled customer’s rude behavior. The first being that they may want social dominance. These people usually work high up in an organization and have employees below them and continue to act like a superior everywhere they go. "There's still that belief that they have a socially dominant position, they have more power over this individual and they'll treat them in a demeaning way because of that,” Melanie told CBC Canada.


    A cop came into my store with no mask in his uniform. I didn't notice until he was leaving, so I said, 'Sir, next time you come in, I need you to put on a mask.' He looks me dead in the eyes and said, 'I have a medical condition. What are you gonna do about it?' I was pissed, so I looked at his badge, and then I later called the police department and told them. Ever since then, every time he comes in, he's wearing a mask. Every time.

    hellyabananabreaddude Report

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    Mike Loux
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, the medical condition was that his entire body was his a*****e?

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    The next reason an individual might be rude to wait staff is if they are part of a marginalized group and do not often have a dominant position in society. "When they go into a restaurant, they can exact power. They can become somebody who has been given a bit of power over a server in that moment," Melanie explained. “They can treat them in a demeaning way and be powerful in that environment because the conditions allow them to be." Lastly, Melanie notes that sometimes people are just plain rude. There might not be a great explanation for it, but not everyone can empathize with others or feel guilt for treating people poorly. 


    People who have worked in the service industry before and understand what it’s like to be a server or retail worker are much less likely to be rude, but it should not take having similar experiences to show someone respect. As Melanie notes, “There's nothing wrong with having expectations. If it's something surrounding the food or the environment or something, then you can ask for some changes. That would be okay, but look realistically,” she says. “Take a breath. Think about it. Look realistically at the server — is that the server's fault?"


    40 years ago, I was putting myself through school working at the San Gabriel Country Club. One quiet lazy Saturday afternoon I was working in the bar area when a Party of five comes in and seats themselves. The party was hosted by former Los Angeles Rams legend and star of TV's Father Murphy, Merlin Olsen, who was one of my heroes when I was a kid growing up. That particular day Merlin Olsen was a di**k. He gestured to me and says, "Hey, make yourself useful and take our drink orders". He says "Start with me. I'll have a vodka tonic". So I listened to everyone else give their drink orders, but I'm not writing this down because I can remember this. Merlin's watching me and he's a little agitated. When I get done, he looks at me and says "How you going to remember all that? You didn't write any of that down?". I said, "Don't worry about it. I got it". He looks at me and says "Do you know who I am?". I said, "Yeah, you're the vodka tonic"

    lamassagepro Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers So I worked for Starbucks for about seven years before I finally left. And if someone was really, really rude to me, I would do a very minor thing to make their beverage so much better. Like with a frappuccino, I blend it with cold brew, or other little tips and tricks like to give them a better-tasting drink. Because the next time they go to order their beverage, they're going to order it the exact same way and they will never get a drink as good as they did that one time. They will not know what was wrong with it. They will not know what the difference was, and they will never be able to have a drink that tastes that good ever again. And that makes me satisfied.

    btriplett_ , machu. Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clever twist on the “killing with kindness” rule. Love it!

    Tammy Wait
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But then the other server ends up getting abused! I am not sure that is the right thing to do to your co-workers.

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    Erin Fish
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This may be the most diabolical thing I've ever heard. This person is on a higher level than us all.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love the idea.... except that other workers will probably be b*tched at because the customer can't get the same

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    😂😂😂 careful about altering peoples drinks tho, they could have allergies or religious dietary restrictions 😬

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have to downvote this one because u are legit tampering with food products and could seriously effect someone’s health. I know quite a few people who can’t have any caffeine as they are so sensitive to it. This includes the small amounts in pops and such. Same with food allergies, u could be adding something they could be allergic to which wasn’t part of their drink so they didn’t mention it as it shouldn’t be in their drink in the first place. U would be healed fully legally responsible if they die. This is not something to support

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My advice would be, "don't bite the hand that feeds you". You're playing with fire any time you're a d**k to someone who's handling the food/drink you are going to consume. ESPECIALLY if you have food restrictions.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yes. I used to do this when I was working a sa shop assistant. Be so nice to rude customers that they were forced to end our interaction with a "thank you". And if possible even make them feel bad about themselves for their previous behaviour.

    Pumpkin Spice
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And if someone's really really nice, do you do the same thing? But improve it every time?

    Kelly A.
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The one backfire with that is when they go somewhere else, the barista makes it correctly, and the barista gets bitched at through no fault of their own. If someone's being an a*s, it's more fun to let them know while they're still gracing your presence lol

    Michael Largey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unfortunately, you're setting up this rude person's next server, who is as blameless as yourself, for criticism, abuse, and complaint when the drink they serve "doesn't taste right".

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm gonna screenshot this. My friend works there and would love to know it.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And if she were to cause an allergic reaction and a person died she would be FULLY held accountable as it shouldn’t have been put into there drink in the first place and she was the reason it happened. Also, she would have to live with knowing that she caused that…

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    Mosheh Wolf
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OH. MY. GOD. This is such a deep level of evil genius that surpasses anything I have ever heard.

    Doctor Theopolis
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kind of a drag to know Starbucks drinks could be much better with simple changes

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    From someone who's been in the service industry for 20 years, don't do that. You're making it worse for everyone else that has to deal with the person who is already rude to begin with. They'll complain, and blame the other employee

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's epic. I was like, why make the drink better if they're rude? But I like the way you think!

    Bi-Polar Express
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So you change food products without telling the customer? Don't mess with food. Literally, adding some ingredient could kill people. Luckily, you'd only make me really sick. I get the wrong thing in my food and it not only ,Alex me I'll, but for several days everything makes me I'll. I once lost 16 lbs in two weeks from an allergic reaction that messed up my intestines for weeks.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like people should be nicer to those who handle their food ;)

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    Carol Emerson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good idea.... of course causing a person to have heart palpitations and contact their cardiologist might be overkill! Yes, that would happen to me with some cold brew.

    Feminist Percussionist
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes! Medical conditions, allergies/intolerances, as well as personal or religious preferences.

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    Jeremiah Almanza-Krebs
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    idk I would say you are setting up innocent coworkers for trouble when her drink is "just not right" it wont bother her except for making her lash out at the other workers.

    Mickie Shea
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are my newest god. Keep on helping folks who forget to be nice.

    Trisha Howson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh what revenge it will kill them till the day they give up lmao

    Sarah Boyer
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    2 years ago

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    I get paid over 190$ per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing.. :) AND GOOD LUCK.:) HERE====)>

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    While the way someone treats wait staff or customer service employees might not seem like a huge deal in the moment, it can actually say a lot about their personality. Have you ever been on a date with someone you really liked and then saw them speak down to a server or employee at a movie theatre? For most people, this would be a huge turn off. In fact “The Waiter Rule” has become a popular tactic employed by hiring managers and people in the dating pool to determine whether someone is a good person or not.  


    As Del Jones wrote for USA Today, “How others treat the CEO says nothing, they say. But how others treat the waiter is like a magical window into the soul.” And he’s right. It is important to observe how someone treats a person when they are not looking to gain anything from them and they are the one being served. Do they look down upon someone else because they are paying for a service from them, or do they view everyone as their equal because we’re all just human beings after all?


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Back in my server days: if a customer was TERRIBLE we’d say table so and so needs attention. All the servers would stop by that table and ask if they needed anything or randomly bring things by asking if they needed it.... THE WHOLE REST OF THEIR MEAL. Go ahead and complain that the staff was extra nice. P.S. there were up to 15 servers on shift.

    gloriastelle , K8 Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Let me paint you a picture. It's the opening day of "Avengers End Game" at my movie theater. You can imagine the chaos commencing throughout the entire theater. And people have been waiting there since 5am, which made zero f*****g sense to me because we had reserved seating. Whatever, I guess it was just the anticipation of everything, that's fine, I can understand that. There had I guess, been some miscommunication between a guest and a co worker and his order was 100% wrong. And that order ended up thrown all over me because of how angry the customer was. Now it was towards the end of the day, so I was like, "Okay, I'm not gonna let this get me", but then he called me an idiot and a fa**ot. I got f*****g angry, of course. So without even like, skipping the second beat I said, "Well, this fa**ot is still alive but Iron Man isn't". I didn't get fired and the customer got kicked out. Ah

    drewwciferr , Krists Luhaers Report


    A man came in, placed an order, and got snippy with a coworker who misheard him. I looked him in the eye and frowned at him and told him, softly, like I was talking to a child (and he was in his 60s) "I'd appreciate it if you would treat her kindly." It caught him off guard He ended up fidgeting and shuffling and quietly apologized to both of us, and was nice the rest of the visit.

    leavemyselfbehind Report


    According to Dr. Fredric Neuman at Psychology Today, we actually should be considering how our partners treat servers. “I had a patient who broke up with her fiancé because he was rude to a waiter,” he wrote. “That made sense to me. Waiters cannot answer back. I think people who are rude to waiters are bullies. Someone rude to a waiter is likely, sooner or later, to be rude to a spouse.” And he’s absolutely right. A person who is capable of being disrespectful to complete strangers will eventually show that side to loved ones as well, it just might take a bit more time. Plus, if you stay with a partner who makes employees uncomfortable everywhere you go, that will affect the service you receive too. Don’t let yourself be lumped in with a bully.


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers In the 60s my dad worked for Eastern Airlines at DCA. Rude customer story: Ticket sold to NYC. Baggage sent to Bombay, India.

    bethcaldwell09 , katrien berckmoes Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Sometimes when they asked for butter I give them cold butter even though I have room temperature butter because I know the cold butter will rip up their bread.

    officialtbw , Crazy Cake Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers This might get me cancelled in the vegan community. But here we go. I was working at the movies. I was a cook there. This lady brought back her burger. She said it was cold. I never have a problem, I'll remake the meal. It's how she told me her food was cold. She said, "This is what happens when they employ Mexicans". She proceeds to tell me she has been vegan for over 30 years, and to make sure that no animal product touches her food. Oh, I remade the burger. I grilled her black bean burger over some nice bacon grease. And I'll do it again.

    areallygoodjoke , Miha Rekar Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s a horrible thing to say, as a fellow Mexican I felt the hurt when I read this… but where is this fancy a*s movie theatre with vegan burgers? 😂

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    Nick Darlington wrote about “The Waiter Rule” in a piece for Lifehack, and he noted how big of a red flag it is when someone has a situational value system. If someone knows how to be nice and charming but only makes the choice to turn on that side of their personality when interacting with people they “value”, they are not actually kind or charming. They are evaluating everyone they come in contact with, and there is always a chance they will change their mind and start valuing you less as well. 


    “On the other hand, those without a situational value system treat people well on every possible occasion,” Nick writes. “Their behavior is unconditional. Their behavior is not constantly changing. They accept that every person has a story. The waiter or waitress might be the sole breadwinner, or perhaps they are working two jobs. Maybe they are paying for their studies. Whatever the situation, this type of person remains cognizant of the fact that all humans are equal.”


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers They are getting the hotel room right next to the elevator or the room with triplets.

    garlandbrook , Pixabay Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    or next to the pool with all the echos and happy shrieking children :-)

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    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Leave a sensor at the very bottom of their bag so LP would have to search it for 5 minutes at the door.

    docmart10 , Sam Lion Report


    As they are leaving, I always use the mag lock that I have control of behind the counter to lock the door and I just see them run into the door.

    lauratc23 Report

    Nick goes on to explain that people who are rude to wait staff have a judging personality, rather than an understanding one. Rather than putting themselves in the shoes of the busy server who is likely juggling multiple tables at once, dealing with communication between the kitchen and their customers and has probably been on their feet the entire day, these customers can only see what they want. They are sitting, so they deserve their food now. Or if they are dealing with a retail employee, they deserve to be waited on hand and food, regardless of how many other customers are in the store. People with judging  personalities make everyone’s lives harder by frustrating themselves with having unrealistic expectations and stressing out those around them who just want to do their jobs.


    When you hold your hand out for their money & they chuck it on the counter, you make sure to put their change right beside their hand on the counter.

    Chloe Pritchard Report


    I worked at little Ceasars and we were super busy and a woman had ordered a deep dish pizza and had been waiting on it. deep dishes have to go through the top and bottom oven to fully cook and I had just pulled her deep dish out of the bottom and was about to put it through the top when she said "that's my pizza. I'm done waiting. give it to me" I tried to explain to her that it wasn't done yet but she kept interrupting me with "give me my pizza" and so I dumped out the doughy mess cut it and gave it

    andikinns Report

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    Mike Loux
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "The Customer Is Always Right." Enjoy your soggy circle of s**t.

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    So many people don't realize how bad it is to be rude to a receptionist at a hair salon.. sorry Karen, we are booked for the holidays.

    happyfreeauthenticallyme Report

    Blogger Brooke Burton-Luttmann addressed on her site Food Woolf why she believes “servers don’t get any respect”, detailing her own experiences working in restaurants. “The answer is simple: many customers don’t believe waiters to be professionals and therefore don’t merit their respect,” she writes. Brooke explains that she is expected to be courteous, skilled and work with a smile regardless of how customers treat her and that she must cater to their every whim because “the customer is always right”. But there are so many expectations that servers are required to uphold, so why aren’t guests held to the same standards?


    If they are on the phone while I’m checking them out at the register, I purposely make as much noise as possible. My fave: shaking the paper bags.

    jujuleeann Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I preferred to stop whatever I am doing to normally ring up the transaction in an efficient way. Stand still whilst making direct eye contact with them until they finally realise that I'm not doing s**t until they ask the person on the other end to hold on a moment, then ask one of the mandated series of questions, that I normally avoid because I know my customers. Ask stupid pointless question, wait for their answer about loyalty cards etc, look busy for just long enough for them to continue the conversation, and then repeat this process, as many times as possible, after each step of a transaction. If they were super rude and ignored the fact that I had to ask them something , and we were busy, I'd leave them standing there having their conversation, and use the second register to serve as many of my other customers as I could (all of them just rolled their eyes at phone lady, with a smirk on their face), asking her each question, whilst serving everyone else, until she hangs up.

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    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers I put unsalted fries in their bag but put a few salted ones on top so they wouldn't know until it was too late.

    peterparkwe , Nathan Dumlao Report


    So my buddy worked for a pizza place. And he used to tell me that if customers were rude to them, they would do this thing called a "phantom cut", where they would cut the pizza ever just so that if you try to rip a piece off, you tear the whole pizza to shreds. I'm like, "Oh, that sucks". One time, my friend was ordering a pizza. And he was very rude to the pizza person. And I was like, "why?" And then when the pizza got to my f*****g house, they "phantom cut" the s**t out of that thing. I tried to take two pieces and I tore the whole f*****g pizza up. So I got a fork and a knife and I went to f*****g work and I was eating that pizza regardless. I looked at my friend and I said, if you were ever rude to another pizza person again, I'm gonna steal your f*****g turtle. I swear to god

    jordan_the_stallion8 Report

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    Robert Trebor
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm gonna steal your f*****g turtle.. oh noooopoo! Not my turtle.

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    Brooke goes on to explain that most diners expect that their only task is paying for a meal at the end of the evening, assuming that nothing before that matters. But respecting a server, showing up for a reservation on time, abiding by restaurant policies and agreeing not to steal any property are just too much for some guests to handle. “Is offering basic human kindness really all that difficult? Is civility really too much to ask for?” Brooke begs. If someone came to your home and you served them a meal, wouldn't you expect them to follow your house rules and respect you and your home? Why should dining in a restaurant be any different? Just because someone is a stranger who you may never see again does not mean they don't deserve equal treatment. 


    I had a customer tell me I have an awful speaking voice and should not be allowed in public so I spoke louder and more nasally.

    chrxmxtica Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I tell my practice administrator that next time, I will put on a Mickey Mouse voice

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    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers I work at Walmart in the pickup department. Let’s just say never honk or yell at us or else your order will be the last order we take out.

    alyssasalazar19 , Mike Mozart Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I use this service like every week and can’t even imagine someone doing this. Why would anyone think those actions would do them any favors?

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    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers I worked in a college bookstore and whenever someone was rude I would get them the used copies in the worst condition.

    mairzy.doats , Pauline Loroy Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Shoulda told them there were no used copies available, only the new ones (at $200+ each).

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    “I’ve heard the argument before—most waiters don’t act like true professionals and therefore shouldn’t be treated with respect—but the truth is, professionalism isn’t the real issue here,” Brooke explains. “There are plenty of proficient and skilled wait staff in the world–I count myself as one of them—that are just as prone to being treated poorly by guests, simply because of our position. The world is filled with tons of angry and unhappy people that have no use for words like civil, kindness, and respect. They’re too busy perpetuating misery in their lives by spreading as much hate and anger as possible. Who am I to expect something more than payment (which is easily denied) in return for my services?”


    If someone throws their card/money payment at me I throw their card/change back at them when I’m done and throw the pen at them when they need to sign.

    souleske Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Ex Dunkin employee here: decaf, no questions asked. But when the frosting in the donuts was melty, I would put it in the bag upside down

    kaitlynmsprague , Mike Mozart Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Did this when I worked at Starbucks. Decaf to rude customers without even hesitation. Still no regrets.

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    Put them on hold for 15 minutes instead of 2.

    kyledimetri Report

    Everyone deserves to be treated kindly, and even if these patrons are extremely selfish, they should understand that the nicer they are, the more they will benefit as well. Insulting a server will not make your meal come out faster or your soup taste better, but it might get you a spoonful of spit in your cocktail. I can’t say I condone throwing away a customer’s car keys or intentionally giving someone food poisoning, but if a petty reaction is harmless, I say, let the employees have their fun. Keep upvoting your favorite responses, and then let us know in the comments if you have ever dealt with a customer in a petty way. We would love to hear your most devious (yet harmless!) reactions to rude customers!


    I was filling a sample & she asked me “Do you even know what you’re doing?” So I left it half open in her bag so she could see I really didn’t know.

    chlown_ Report


    Gone to the back to look for the shoe size on the clearance shoe I knew we didn't have for 10mins playing on my phone before my shift ended and then walked past her and leaving while she stood there waiting the whole time.

    tree1993 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, yeah, totally. They want this shoe in red, which doesn't exist but "just go check" -- like I didn't just break the entire shipment and run it that very morning? Yeah, I'm gonna go back there and do next week's schedule, make some tea, go to the bathroom, and eventually come back out. Half the time the customer would be waiting next to the door, where they could clearly see there was no stock back there when I came back out.

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    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Worked for AppleCare and have flagged customers accts as “do not assist” so they could never get help from Apple again.

    danijoe17 , Amir Hosseini Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've also done that working for cable and internet companies when customers were using abusive language towards my team. The rule I gave them was warn the customer that you can't help them if they're swearing at you or using abusive language. After that, if they don't stop, note their account, send it to me, and they won't be able to assistance online or over the phone again and will have to go in store. (And if they cause an issue there, security or police will be called)

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    Grown rude men be getting a pink candle in their birthday dessert from me!

    whitnastay Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers Only fill their foundation samples up less than halfway but flip it upside down first to make it look full. , cottonbro Report

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    Kim Lorton
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had no clue you could get a refill on a foundation sampler! Where does this happen? When I get samples, they are never the right color for my hair/skin coloring. I am always a nice person to everyone, and I think maybe it's just that they use very young teens that don't know how to assess a foundation color for a client to make sure they come back for the full size. One time, an older woman, super sweet, get a sample meant for a woman of color and bless her, she walked right back in there and asked one girl, sweetie, I think this is the wrong color for me... pulled it out and it was a lovely deep mocha color. She was much paler than me, and the girl had no clue. So the older sales woman came to the counter, replaced it with a color appropriate shade. She did the same for me also! Now that is customer service at the Ulta counter.

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    If it’s in email I misspell their name on purpose.

    justhere4dogvids Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers If someone is rude to me I make sure to absolutely squish the hell out of whatever food they're buying as I bag it up

    starkkinnie , S O C I A L . C U T Report


    I used to double charge them, so they had to go wait in the customer service line to get a refund.

    misticfox0 Report

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    I was a greeter supervisor. So if someone was rude I would place them by the kitchen door. So they will be bothered by passing waiters.

    rcforjazz Report


    Best part is when you say “You have a nice day” to the customer after they didn’t get their way.

    alyssaschultz5 Report

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    Erin Fish
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a classic. Anyone who was incredibly rude to me, I would use give the kindest, most polite send off possible. While also making it as loud as possible, so everyone looks at them. Very satisfying and what are they gonna do? Complain you were too nice?

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    I work at a dq, if a customer is rude to me I’ll blend their blizzard for too long so it’s soupy.

    littlebrainbigt1tt13s Report


    There was a guy who used to work for me who would write paragraphs of swearing at the person in white under the initial email.

    constellationstardust Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh dang. I just might start doing that myself. And double checking my emails 🤷🏼‍♀️lol

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    Change their seat to non-reclining.

    itsajoke360 Report

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    At Panda Express I didn’t give them a fortune cookie.

    savvyghost Report


    I’ll tell them we’re out of something even if we’re not. Or I’ve def given them only what they paid for even though I've been giving stuff away all night.

    kat0713 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to work at a gas station that served chicken. If you're chill, I'm gonna give you extra sauce for free. If you're a jerk, you're 100% paying that extra 50¢ per sauce. Be nice to people in the service industry, it costs nothing, but your rudeness will absolutely cost you.

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    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers If someone asked me for directions in a rude way: I would give the long and complicated route to get there. If they were nice: I would give the easiest way, a short cut and have them arrive early time time to spare.

    ginger_snap0130 , Ingo Joseph Report

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    Megan Curl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m mostly amused by the picture BP picked to go with this - cuz if I have a map on my phone, I won’t be asking for or needing directions.

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    Shout out to all the servers. For rude customers, we crop dust — especially if it's busy and loud and the music's going and they definitely won't hear you. We crop dust.

    bree_ann_uhh Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s best done if it’s timed to match an open mouth receiving food

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    If I ask someone at drive thru to please wait cause I helping someone, and they just give me their order, I make them wait longer.

    sugar_rae Report


    When people rudely ask for extra stuff in their sandwiches I give them WAY too much. I gave a customer SO much lettuce one time.

    aura_jhai Report


    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers I worked at a discount grocery store. There were a bunch of rude customers — I had people even throw food at me and laugh about it. I had to ring up every single thing manually. Basically, if they were rude to me, if it was 99 cents, I'd ring it up as $2.99. The receipts were so long that they didn't check. I wound up charging them $30-$40 more, just for how rude they were.

    heather.blr , Kampus Production Report

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    Susan Bosse
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kinda difficult to believe unless they have a ton of idiots shopping there for the customers to not realize they were spending that much more.

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    I work at Pizza Hut and the wait time for pizza was 10 mins but got told to “hurry up on the pizza” so we kept pulling at back towards the beginning of the oven line every time me or my manager passed by it until we got another order and finally let it run through the oven.

    rossagalvann Report


    I work at Olive Garden and sometimes when people are rude and ask for soup I only give them broth and if they got a salad they get very light dressing.

    brandeeskare Report

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    Megan Curl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel like this is a really nice person’s idea of being savage. Charming, actually.

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    I figured out how to crash my register and would do it if someone wanted me to ring them up when I was about to go on break.

    anyaaa_007 Report

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    I worked for a car rental company. Moving is stressful, so people were always stressed out. Most of the time, people were fine. But sometimes, people would say, for example, 'I'm moving from Sacramento, California, to El Paso, Texas.' So, I'd say, 'OK, that's a five-day trip.' Some people would say, 'No, I can do that trip in three days, so only charge me for three days.' These numbers are based on the safety driving eight hours a day — that's how we want you to drive their equipment. If they kept going and were rude and insulting, I'd say, 'OK, you're right. Are you ready for your confirmation number?' Then, I'd rattle off eight random numbers, and they wouldn't have a moving truck that day.

    miranda.macabre Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What if they're trading off with another driver and can therefore travel longer each day?

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    35 Passive-Aggressive Ways These Customer Service Workers Have Gotten Revenge On Rude Customers I put their eggs on the bottom of their bag.

    youngmeggs , United Soybean Board Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    call me whiny & easily offended, but i hate the ones where people deliberately ruin food. don't contribute to food waste just for the sake of pettiness.

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    When I worked at Dunkin I would give people sugar free flavors or Splenda instead of regular sugar if they were rude haha and sometimes decaf

    chronic_bronchitis Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am never rude but if you didn't like me and did that to me I would know immediately as I am allergic to fake sugar. My tongue swells up and blisters. It would be bad for both of us

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    I work in a hotel. Late arrival guests didn't tip when I helped them with their luggage, so I phoned them in the middle of the night.

    gezadanielmolnar Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes people don’t have cash and are frazzled from a long journey. I always feel bad and try to make up for it later.

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    I worked at an ice cream shop and used to charge them for extra toppings that they didn’t order and then tell them the receipt paper wasn’t working.

    kassiegarcia7 Report


    Make all their drinks diet.

    sage__xoxo Report

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    Ali G
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is not good. As someone who has spent their career in hospitality I am all for punishing rude customers, but when you don't know someones medical history actively changing the makeup of the food and drink you serve them is grossly irresponsible. In my case, most diet drinks use a sugar substitute that triggers my epilepsy....

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    I would like to preface the story by saying that 17 year old Alex was with the s***s. like y'all think I'm buckwild now? 17 year old Alex had Nike knees and the attitude to match. Just do it, b***h. Anyway, Tangled came out around this time and what would be the first of many similar incidents, a parent got upset with me about the ticket pricing and threatened to come over the counter at me. Keep in mind that I reported to work straight from school, my shift didn't end until 9PM (curfew) and this incident occurred at 7 or 8PM. So basically, I was hangry, I was tired, and I was not the one, the two or three. So what did my ain't s***t 17 year old a** do? I took off my earrings, my hat and my apron and I said, "What's poppin?". I had a manager standing behind me and didn't know until he picked me up and carried me into the scullery because apparently the appropriate response to being threatened is not "What's poppin" it's to call security. I still maintain that all I did was match the energy that was presented to me and that energy was:" Hey, batta, batta, swing"

    alexrising Report