Companies often take their employees for granted. Withholding raises and promotions, piling up extra work and eliminating fringe benefits, they certainly know how to take advantage of their workers. But it doesn’t have to be like this. And this story by Bernie Reifkind proves it. Recently, he told his LinkedIn connections about the time he stumbled upon a mom employee, crying at her desk. She’d been up all night, was out of sick days, and her child was ill. However, instead of telling her to suck it up, Bernie did something that modern managers are forgetting about. It’s called being a decent human being and showing empathy.

More info: LinkedIn


    Image credits: Bernie Reifkind

    Image credits: Bernie Reifkind


    But if you’re unhappy with your boss and think that your long days and flat paychecks are making the company rich, there are things you can do to get a bigger piece of the pie. The first step would be to approach your supervisor to ask for more money, better hours, a lighter workload, a promotion or some other perks. However, don’t demand. “The way you ask is important,” Holly G. Green, CEO and managing director of The Human Factor, toldMonster.

    “Start the conversation with phrases like ‘It seems as if the company has really turned around and is doing well, based on our most recent quarterly results. Can you help me understand how this will affect employees as we continue to do well?'”

    Also, John O’Connor, president of Career Pro, advised against letting emotion get the better of you when you’re asking for what you think you deserve. “Don’t speak out in anger because it will never advance your career,” he said.

    “Companies are asking for a lot right now, but if they don’t live up to their promises and it’s affecting your health and sanity and performance, be looking for a place that validates you,” O’Connor added.


    People were really impressed by the CEO’s act of kindness, comparing it to the way their managers treat them