A bad time at work carries zero redeeming value. It throws you off your equilibrium and leaves you wanting to fast-forward through the day to go home and crawl up in bed. 

But if it’s any consolation, everyone has gone through this displeasing experience. Some people even have enough courage to snap a photo and show the world their messed-up state of affairs while at the office. 

These images are from the various corners of Reddit, which we’ve compiled for your entertainment. Enjoy scrolling.


My Aunt Fell At Work. My Aunt Fell At Work On Monday And The Scan She Got To Check For A Concussion Found A 6 Cm X 6 Cm Mass In Her Brain

MRI scan error showing incorrect cut line measurements; a mistake highlighting a worst day at work.

She had her surgery today and they got it all!

Better_Carpet_1510 Report

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2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Honestly, that sounds like a good day, who knows when it would've been found otherwise

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    Fly Emir8s - And Get Your Non-Profit’s 20 Ipads Confiscated

    Empty equipment case with numbered foam slots, highlighting worst day at work scenario.

    A little background - I work in IT, but volunteer with a healthcare non-profit that does health screenings around the world. We have screened at least 5,000 people since 2016 for hypertension, diabetes and kidney failure, successfully connecting at-risk people in remote areas with the help they need. I developed an app that uses a laptop, a wireless access point and 20 iPads to collect testing results, which allows us to collect data and get it to the doctors that can help.

    After a successful 3-day screening in southwest Uganda last week where we saw over 1,000 people, I received my luggage back with a nice “we confiscated all your stuff” card from the Dubai airport, courtesy of Emir8s Air. Airport chat via WhatsApp confirmed it was taken with no ability to get it back. No reason was given, despite the airline’s website saying that checking tablets in luggage was allowed.

    Our health screening program is pretty much dead now.

    TheW0lver1n3 Report


    I Brought Muffins To Work Because Of My Birthday, 5 Minutes Later They Told Me I Am Fired Because Of Budget Cuts

    Bowl of muffins with a "Just take them!" note, indicating someone's worst day at work.

    I feel like an idiot, I’m already poor and this job was a bit of light in a dark cave. Still, let them keep the muffins though.

    SadEggYolk Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have brought food for my job with 2 supervisors actively sabotaging me. I did get fired but screw them.

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    For many employees, taking advantage of happy hour offers at the friendly neighborhood watering hole is the best way to blow off some workday steam. However, experts like Michelle Gibbings don’t recommend this. 

    In an article for Fast Company, Gibbings recommends more productive activities like meditation, exercising, and self-care activities instead. She says having a good laugh is enough to get you out of that funk. 

    “Your working day will have ups and downs, obstacles, challenges, and good and bad days. It’s up to you to find the best way through it,” she wrote.


    Came From Work To This

    Broken bike frame locked to rack, missing wheels; a worst day at work moment.

    lisagg9 Report

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    lovemy suffolk
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh wow. That is a total gut punch. Im so sorry for OP. Frigging thieves. 🤬

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    Work Party Cancelled Because Of Low Attendance. I Made A Yule Log And Tiramisu Cake. I Made It For 40 People

    Collapsed chocolate cake log in overloaded fridge causing a messy workday.

    PretendCold4 Report


    Had A Bad Day At Work? At Least Your Street Line Painter Truck Didn't Explode

    Truck driver covered in yellow paint spill, showcasing a worst day at work.

    saddam1 Report

    A shift in mindset is necessary to rid yourself of the bad vibes from a lousy, unpleasant day at work. In some cases, simple physical activities like taking a shower can help. 

    As grief specialist Lianna Champ explains, it’s more about visualizing the ideal work-life scenario where you can back off whenever you feel overwhelmed. 

    “Play some music, jump in the shower, and sing at the top of your lungs. Afterward, sit quietly for 10 minutes,” Champ told Women’s Health, adding that this practice should be done upon arriving home without touching any device.


    No Joke, Was At Work And This Chunk Of The Ceiling Fell. I Ducked And It Hit My Back. Doctor Says My Bones Are All Okay

    Office mishap with collapsed ceiling, exposed wires, and open cabinets, showcasing a workplace disaster.

    imgonnahaveastroke Report


    You can set the tone for how your day will go, and it begins with a healthy morning routine. Workplace and well-being expert Oliver Henry advises three things: hydrate (drinking a glass of water upon waking), relax (simple breathing exercises and journaling), and achieve (keeping a manageable to-do list). 


    “By creating positive morning micro-habits that enable you to ‘fill your own cup’ first, you'll be in a much better state to deal with any challenges that come your way that day,” Henry noted.


    I Work At A College Dorm. This Week Is Freshman Move In Where I’m Working A 12 Hour Shift. I Was Told Not To Pack A Lunch Because A Free One Is Provided. This Is My Free “Meal”

    A cardboard box with Lay's chips, apple, and water bottle, symbolizing a worst day at work snack.

    AngryRaccoon44 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't tell people not to pack lunch cause they are providing it and then serve this shît. This would pîss me off. Who thinks this crâp is a good lunch!?

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    Sometimes, we need to take a step back to determine the real problem. According to psychotherapist Amy Morin, this may involve knowing the difference between problem-solving and ruminating. 

    As she noted in an article for Forbes, it helps to focus on how to get caught up on the bills you have to pay rather than thinking about how unfair it is that you are behind. 

    “Ruminating will hold you back,” she wrote. “If you catch yourself doing this, you need to change the channel immediately.”


    My Dad’s 20-Year Work Anniversary Card

    Hand holding a card saying "You're quite egg-cellent" with a gift card in the background, capturing a tough day at work.

    My dad’s been a laborer with his company for 20 years. To congratulate him they give him a card with an attached gift card. The card just said: “You’re egg-cellent”.

    princessangellll Report


    My Gingerbread House vs. The One That Beat Me In The Gingerbread House Contest At Work

    Gingerbread houses with candy decor, resembling a work project failure, displayed on a table.

    To note: it IS made of real gingerbread, handpainted with edible paint and to look like wood, molding chocolate and actual candy. The only things that are not edible are the trees (the green portion) and wooden sticks the house sits on, stairs and hot tub. It's supposed to be an overwater bungalo during the winter.

    manzom86 Report

    How about you, dear readers? Do you remember one of the worst (if not the worst) work days you’ve had in recent memory? How did you handle that? Let us know through the comment boxes below!


    My Pregnant Wife Has To Work With A Contagious Person That Won't Go Home

    Text conversation about a person sick at work, discussing the worst day scenarios with no option to go home.

    Ramificator24 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At least make them wear a freaking mask! And, yes, the boss CAN make them leave for health and well-being of everyone else.

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    Walked To Work In A Brutal Snowstorm, Only For My Key To Snap Off In The Key Hole While Trying To Unlock The Door

    Broken key in lock at work, door handle shown, indicating a tough day.

    morecoffeeandtea Report


    My Brother’s 25-Year-Old Car Was Slapped With This While He Was Auditing A Superyacht Company

    Red 'No Parking' sign on car windshield, marked for office staff, illustrating a worst day at work scenario.

    It didn’t match the aesthetic so they assumed he was a freeloader.

    rebekerton Report


    The Ceiling Leaked All Over The Computers At Work

    Office ceiling leak dripping water onto desks, creating a worst-day-at-work situation.

    garprice05 Report

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    Sunny Day
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh. What a shame. I was sooo looking forward to working today....

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    Got Stuck In This Hole In An Elevator Shaft At Work Today, Thanks To My Tools And Climbing Gear

    Worker's view down a deep industrial shaft, illustrating a difficult day at work.

    DrBreveStule Report



    Worker at hardware store covered in yellow paint, representing a worst day at work scenario. Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Looks more like yellow paint to me, judging from the store. Still, poor lady. That's gotta stink either way

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    No Matter How Bad Your Day At Work Was

    Truck stuck under bridge, severely damaged; driver on phone looking stressed, epitomizing worst day at work.

    This is in Bloomfield, I’m assuming Belleville Avenue between Broad and JFK. The same bridge that was hit by a Leisure Line bus back in the day.

    shiftyjku Report

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    Mike F
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is that the "11'8" bridge"? If it is there's a whole channel devoted to the videos of trucks hitting it.

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    Bad Day At Work

    Crane truck tips over as firefighters handle the worst day at work emergency scene. Report

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    Beak Hookage
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not pictured: the giant cat which decided to grab the bucket and pull the whole thing over for no reason.

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    Former Tech I Worked With Improperly Lifted A Truck. Happened Yesterday

    Truck dangerously tilted on a lift in a garage, showing a worker's worst day at work.

    Few-Land-5927 Report


    My Shoes Crumbled Into Literal Powder On My Way To Work

    Sneaker mishap at work with torn sole, leaving debris on car floor. Worst work day experience.

    For context, these were relatively cheap off brand shoes I bought a few years ago and had not worn in the last 2 years. Had almost reached work when I noticed, had to ask the cab to take me back home and then bring me back to work :(

    dinosaursandme Report


    Wife Was Surprised Coming Back From Her Break At Work

    Text exchange about a bad day at work; person takes break, returns to unexpected scene, ends up fired.

    ChronicMoto Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had that happen to me, during my training. Came back to the office to finish my paperwork, I had just finished the insurance part, and my manager was there with a laptop with the big boss on it. I knew it didn't look good for me then, and I was right.

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    Three Days Ago My Harddrive With 3 Years Of Work From My Business I've Built Myself Became Corrupted And I Found Out Not Even Data Recovery Could Fix It

    Text messages detail PC issues, drive read errors, and data retrieval problems, illustrating a bad work day.

    Sukeban34 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Back your sh*t up. Back it up once, back it up twice, back it up in the cloud and add another one. No having a copy on the same hard drive is not a backup.

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    7th Day At My New Job And This Happened. Didn't Realize The Person Who Used It Last Left The Speed On High

    Mixer overflow in kitchen causing messy spill, signaling a worst day at work with batter on floor and counter.

    Normally I'd check the speed before turning it on but today was an off day for me. To make matters worse I was working with a coworker who's last day is today so he wasn't bothered to help clean it up, he just laughed. For those who were wondering, it's an instant pudding mix.

    BewilderedBat17 Report


    A Guy Left This On The Table Of The Restaurant I Work In And Left Without Paying

    Bitcoin in protective case on wood surface, symbolizing a tough workday.

    Martoshka Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Call the police. Why do people think they can get away with these things?

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    Surprised My Girlfriend With Baked Goods And Flowers Before She Went To Work, And Her Co-Workers Ate Them All

    Text exchange showing a worst day at work, treats meant for someone eaten by others.

    Limp_Rent2784 Report


    I Baked Cookies Last Night To Bring To A Work Meeting. Dropped Them Just Before The Meeting

    Cookies spilled on the office floor, scattered in containers, illustrating a worst day at work scenario. Report


    I Have To Be At Work At 8 Am Tomorrow

    Car buried under heavy snow, illustrating a worst day at work scenario.

    Honda civic FWD. I don’t own a shovel cause it hasn’t snowed enough to need one in years. We got 8-10 inches but then the plow came through and made that wall. It’s going to get super cold tonight and freeze anything that managed to melt in the sun today. The worst part is the roads are starting to look drivable and I’m still stuck for now.

    PetsAndMeditate Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The plow thing is real, inevitably if we clear the driveway too early, the overnight plows will give us a nice ice berm to clear in the morning…

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    The Chocolate My Work Gave Us As A Christmas Gift Had Bugs Inside Of It

    Chocolate candy with a bug inside, held in hand with text overlay: "Omg guys I thought it was just a rumour." Worst day at work.

    I wasn't the only one, I just thought it was a rumor going around my workplace but low it happened to me too. I feel bad because it definitely wasn't my store manager's fault and they were trying their best for us.

    graveyyardd Report

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    Bad Day At Work

    Construction vehicle in ditch by ocean, representing a worker's worst day at work.

    BallsABunch Report

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    Beak Hookage
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh geez, I hope there wasn't someone in the cab when this happened.


    Accidentally Made A Bomb At Work

    Kitchen disaster with spilled food on stove and floor, illustrating a worst day at work scenario.

    I froze a salmon chowder in a pot for quick reheating, then while it was reheating the bottom part boiled before the top thawed, so pressure built up in the pot until it ejected a 10lb plug of frozen soup upwards with enough momentum to destroy our range hood, and then carry the soupcicle all the way across the kitchen. Thankfully nobody was hurt but I got to spend the rest of the day scrubbing salmon out of every nook and cranny in the kitchen. And thankfully I get to learn from this mistake, when I could have easily been seriously injured.

    graaaaaaaam Report


    Me At My Old Job As A Cashier, Dead Of Winter In Canada Our Heaters Broke And The Front Door Wouldn’t Close Fully, But They Still Made Us Work. This Was My Outfit That Day

    Employee in winter gear at work, shivering behind a counter in a chilly store, illustrating a bad day at work.

    stankyprincess Report

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    Less Than A Year Into My First Job, And My Company Is Two Weeks Late On Paying Me

    Low bank balances illustrating a worst day at work with Credit Builder $3.44, Checking $0.06, Savings $0.00.

    Does anyone know where to find a large aquatic mythical creature in the Scottish highlands?

    mypoopbcrazy Report


    Got A Croissant At Dunkin Donuts. When I Bit Into It At Work I Found A Screw In It

    Croissant with a screw nearby on paper, next to a pen, illustrating someone's worst day at work.

    Kilobuster Report


    My Boss Got Pizza For Everyone And Even Ordered A Dairy-Free One For Me. I Came Back From Break And Someone Scrapped All Of The Toppings Off Of It And Left The Crust

    Unevenly cut pizza slices in a box, depicting a bad day at work mishap.

    smokinvesper Report


    Been Desperate For A Job For Months. Finally Got Hired At A Restaurant Only To Be Sent This By The Manager 2 Days Later

    Text message about work rejection for a serving job, mentioning the need for morning servers and considering future positions.

    I've been looking for a job to support my wife and I while we go to school since my last job was sales and wasn't paying the bills. Went in to a sushi restaurant to drop off a resume and they wanted an interview on the spot. They offered me the job right then and even asked if I had any other prospects because they've had a couple people recently get hired and then immediately leave to take another job. Seems unprofessional to me to ask about that and then do the equivalent to me. At this point, I don't know what to do. I've applied for at least 25 jobs here in my college town and nobody is hiring. I don't know how we're going to pay our rent or our credit cards off this month. Sorry for the sob story, just needed to vent.

    REQUIS_206 Report

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    About To Leave For My First Day Of Work, Knocked My Taillight Cover Off Trying To Clear Some Snow And Ice Off My Car. Guess It's Gonna Be One Of Those Days

    Broken rear car light from snow brush accident, illustrating a bad day at work scenario.

    grifftibbs Report


    Someone Sent The Wrong Message In My Mom’s Work Groupchat. They Blamed It On Their Nephew

    Smartphone showing a text blunder, highlighting someone's worst day at work.

    DeathSlayer_420 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Suuuure, it was the "nephew". I wonder who that text was for? 🤔

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    Zipper Broke 10 Minutes After Getting Into Work

    Stuck zipper on black fabric, highlighting a workday mishap.

    There is no way to fix it, I've managed to get a paper clip through the fabric so it's staying in place at least, but it's clearly visible. Will have to spend all day pulling my top down to make sure it covers the zip... 10 hours to go.

    Spiritual_Ground_778 Report

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    Wait What

    Person at work realizes they're wearing mismatched shoes, highlighting a challenging day.

    MotloutsiShimmy Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I doubt anyone would have noticed, TBH. At least they're the same colour and shape.

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    I Spent 3 Weeks Making A Mask For My Office Halloween Contest And I Couldn’t Participate Because I Got Stuck In A Customer Meeting. So Yeah… I Dressed Up For Nothing

    Person in green monster mask as a witch at work, showcasing the worst day at work.

    Canibal-local Report


    Hours Of Work Left: 5. Extra Chairs: 0. Sore Buttocks: 1

    Broken office chair pieces scattered, highlighting a worst day at work.

    civilian-fast-mover Report


    Had My Phone In My Pocket, Bumped Into The Corner Of A Low Filing Cabinet At Work. Shattered The Camera Right In The Middle

    "Broken phone camera lens held by a person, depicting a worst day at work moment."

    I try to take such good care of my phones, this one really hurts since it never even left my pocket.

    Cheap_Cheap77 Report

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    Arrived To My Office This Morning To See My Monitors Like This

    Office desk with fallen monitor arms, sanitizer bottles, and scattered items, symbolizing a bad day at work.

    ilikeweekends2525 Report


    A Nice Couple Dumped An Entire Bottle Of Ketchup In Between The Cracks Of The Booth And Because There Was A 20 Minute Wait For A 15 Minute Order

    Sauce spilled on a restaurant booth seat with napkin cleaning up, depicting a worst day at work scenario.

    I work at Smashburger, which is a sit down no drive thru fast food place similar to Five Guys. At least the one I work at is. This couple came in and ordered crispy chicken sandwiches, which take 15 minutes to make (it’s the longest thing to make on the menu; the burgers are ideally supposed to take 8 minutes). Sometimes they drop the crispy chicken patty in the oil before hand, trying to guess if someone will order one so that it won’t take as long. One person, before this couple came in, had ordered a chicken sandwich, so the next chicken sandwich was guaranteed to take 15 minutes or longer because we have to wait for the other one to finish.
    So this couple orders a crispy chicken sandwich, and we get it out to them and their other burger they got in 20 minutes. They glared at me when I gave them their food and said “sorry for the wait.” Then when they left, I noticed they left their trays at the table, and I looked to find what is in the photos. Which was an entire bottle of ketchup put between the cushions of the booth, and then a bunch into the lids (which is valid I do that but there is also so much in there) and a bunch into the salt shaker and smeared across the other side which I didn’t notice until after I took the photos.
    I had to take the cushions off the booth and scoop ketchup out with that rag
    Couple emptied a ketchup bottle all over a booth area because of a 5 minute extra wait.

    aiyrstone Report


    How My Night At Work Went

    Broken mug on kitchen floor, hand holding handle, illustrating a worst day at work.

    Let’s put handles on it they said. That’ll be revolutionary, they said.

    Ok-Zookeepergame2027 Report

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    Tried To Go To Work, Icy Road Said No

    Damaged truck in snowy landscape, rear end severely crushed, highlighting a worst day at work scenario.

    Erazorhead Report

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    It's Too Cold Here To Work From Home

    Phone temperature warning screen showing limited functionality, capturing a worst day at work scenario.

    arztnur Report

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    Jack Snodgrass
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My home office wasn't setup for heat. I have to fire up a space heater when I get up in the mornings. The other day it was 33 deg F inside when I got up. Took a bit to warm up that day.


    There Was An Attempt To Park Her Car At Work Near A Canal

    Car nose-down in marina accident, worker documenting a worst day at work.

    HollandsOpuz Report

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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is the weight of the car being held up by just the small metal post on the dock?

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    Broke My Finger At Work, Got Fired After The Substance Test. All At The End Of A 12 Hour Night Shift

    Injured hand in a cast on wooden floor, reflecting a worst day at work incident.

    Thesmallthedude Report

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    Hey Kat
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Typically the after injury d**g tests test for amphetamines, marijuana, pcp, c*****e, etc. Mostly non prescribed d***s. Plus when you go in for testing, they have you put down any prescription d***s you are currently taking in case they show up. If they were fired, they most likely tested positive for illegal d***s. Also, they would have had to have signed a notice when they began employment outlining this procedure.

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    Had Grandma's Stuffed Bell Peppers All Ready For Lunch At Work, And Then

    Broken glass jar and spilled food on floor, a worst day at work.

    Superbaker123 Report

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    Chipped My Tooth On A Hard Straw. Start My New Job Tomorrow

    A surprised person in a car having the worst day at work.

    egb233 Report

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    real mccoy
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s not terrible. I once broke the entire bottom half of both of my front teeth off because I tripped on a pile of road salt. At least with a small chip like that you can still manage eating until you get it fixed.

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    An Entire Tray Of Semolina Pudding Leaked In The Oven At Work At The Busiest Time

    Messy workday with spilled food on a storage rack in a kitchen, adding to a challenging day at work.

    OnlyBeGamer Report


    Broke My Favorite Stress Squeezie At Work. It Looks Horribly Inappropriate. I'm In HR

    Spilled milk on desk near keyboard and leaking banana toy, showcasing a worst day at work scenario.

    I have several NeeDoh stress squeezies and loved the banana most because it fit my small hands. I'm on my last week at this godsforsaken company and they're pushing my last nerve to the brink. The stupid stress banana ruptured during a Teams call with my boss. Beware the Groovy Fruit NeeDoh pack.

    ChaosGremlin6566 Report


    My Work Truck Caught Fire Today. Two Hours From Home

    SUV breakdown at night with damaged wheel, representing worst day at work scenario.

    KCCOmputer_Mikey Report

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    When A Coworker Does Not Look Behind And It Leads To A Domino Falling Of Multiple Product Bins. Thankfully Nobody Was Hurt Or Behind Those Aisles When This Happened

    Warehouse disaster with toppled crates and scattered items, highlighting a worst day at work scenario.

    BravoVogue Report


    It’s Just Laying There

    Detached braid on the floor beside a person's leg, symbolizing a worst day at work mishap.

    tallqueen__ Report

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    L Norton
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    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That isn't so bad. All my hair left me when I was in my 20's. Never to return..... It's been several decades

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    Poll Question

    How do you cope with a bad day at work?

    Vent to a friend

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    Find humor in it

    Focus on the positive