Grown-Up Kids Share The Most Embarrassing Things Their Parents Ever Did In Front Of Them (30 Tweets)
For parents of misbehaving kids (which, let's face it, is all parents), embarrassment is one of the most effective ways of turning the tables. Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of a child who might've gotten a little too big for their britches more than being shown up in front of their mates.
Kids get to a stage, usually around their early teens, when they just find their parents to be eye-rollingly cringeworthy. They want to strike out in the world and find their own identities - and consequently begin to rebel a little against the 'authority figures' that are their parents. It can be a difficult period for both child and parent, but with some understanding and good humor, it can be easily negotiated.
This list, inspired by a Nick Harvey tweet, is a classic of the genre: Mortified children recounting the horror of their most embarrassing parent-related moments. Sure, some of these parents put their kids through a public shaming entirely by accident; but there are also plenty of vengeful moms and dads who knew exactly what they were doing!
Scroll down below to check out the list for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!

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I almost got busted smoking coz stupid young me hid an ashtray on my window sill. Well der you can see what’s on the sill from the outside. I was a bloody idiot. I am still a bit of a ditz.
Years ago I asked my boss "My boyfriend is coming to visit for my birthday, can I have it off?" He said "That isn't a question you should ask a work colleague." It took me a couple of seconds but my face spontaneously combusted and I ran out of the laboratory with his laughter echoing down the hallway. Fiend.
My mother had surgery on her hemorrhoids when I was 16. She had a DR that never smiled or laughed. She decided it was her mission in life to make him laugh. She made me draw a happy face on her a*s cheek with a sharpie before surgery. When my mom was in recovery the nurse came in and said she never saw the DR laugh so hard in all the years she's been working with him.
I saved a 'ripe' sticker from an avocado and wore it to the delivery room.
Load More Replies...The most embarrassing thing involved my Mother-in-law. We were staying over the in-laws house and we were going to sleep in the caravan. I started getting ready for bed when my son started crying and also sounded like he was dry retching so I got up and started going through the cupboards to find a bowl or bucket. My hubby heard him crying so came to check what’s up then went to ask his mum where a bucket was. I was sitting on the chair cuddling my son, I was stark naked except for a pair of knickers and even though my hubby told her I wasn’t dressed she still came in, gasped and said “OH.MY.GOD (real name) you are beautiful, you are a Windsor beauty (whatever the hell that is)” and she started rubbing my arm. It was sooooo awkward and embarrassing. We have never spoken of it and I don’t know if she remembers coz she was so very drunk.
(1/2)This happened to my father twice. First time, my brother and I were 18 and 13 and my dad wanted book us something fun so he got us tickets to the "Dances of Latin America" at the Rio in Vegas. My brother thought it was 'lame' so he skipped out and it was just my mom, dad, and I. At the end of the show all these topless showgirls came out for a Carnivale number to which my mom ribbed me with her elbow and said "I bet your brother regrets not coming."
My mother had surgery on her hemorrhoids when I was 16. She had a DR that never smiled or laughed. She decided it was her mission in life to make him laugh. She made me draw a happy face on her a*s cheek with a sharpie before surgery. When my mom was in recovery the nurse came in and said she never saw the DR laugh so hard in all the years she's been working with him.
I saved a 'ripe' sticker from an avocado and wore it to the delivery room.
Load More Replies...The most embarrassing thing involved my Mother-in-law. We were staying over the in-laws house and we were going to sleep in the caravan. I started getting ready for bed when my son started crying and also sounded like he was dry retching so I got up and started going through the cupboards to find a bowl or bucket. My hubby heard him crying so came to check what’s up then went to ask his mum where a bucket was. I was sitting on the chair cuddling my son, I was stark naked except for a pair of knickers and even though my hubby told her I wasn’t dressed she still came in, gasped and said “OH.MY.GOD (real name) you are beautiful, you are a Windsor beauty (whatever the hell that is)” and she started rubbing my arm. It was sooooo awkward and embarrassing. We have never spoken of it and I don’t know if she remembers coz she was so very drunk.
(1/2)This happened to my father twice. First time, my brother and I were 18 and 13 and my dad wanted book us something fun so he got us tickets to the "Dances of Latin America" at the Rio in Vegas. My brother thought it was 'lame' so he skipped out and it was just my mom, dad, and I. At the end of the show all these topless showgirls came out for a Carnivale number to which my mom ribbed me with her elbow and said "I bet your brother regrets not coming."