Embarrassing moments are an inevitable part of life. Whether you realized after getting home from a first date that you had spinach in your teeth the whole time or you accidentally sent your father a spicy text meant for your partner, we’ve all been there. But these awkward moments can be even more painful when they happen in professional settings.

Bored Panda has searched far and wide and gathered photos of the most mortifying interactions that have occurred between bosses and employees. I’ll warn you right now, pandas, that this list will probably give you second-hand embarrassment. But enjoy scrolling through these painfully awkward pics, and keep reading to find conversations with Ekta Capoor, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Amazing Workplaces, and Career Coach Dr. Twanna Carter!


Such A Worthy Memory

Such A Worthy Memory

afaang_ Report

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1molksiazkowy avatar
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

But depending from the job this request is perfectly reasonable. There are many professions where long hair needs to be hidden or tied up due to safety reasons. No need to be rude about it.

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To learn more about these painfully awkward interactions in the workplace, we reached out to Ekta Capoor, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Amazing Workplaces. She was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and discuss why these embarrassing moments are so common.

“They stem from the everyday challenges of being human. The diverse mix of personalities, expectations, and the fast-paced nature of modern work makes slip-ups almost inevitable,” Ekta shared. “With constant multitasking and switching between emails, instant messages, and video calls, it’s easy for mistakes to happen.”

“The blend of formal and informal interactions, along with the pressure to meet deadlines, creates an environment ripe for these awkward moments, like sending a message to the wrong person or forgetting to mute during a meeting,” Ekta continued. 

“As workplaces become more diverse, different cultural norms can also lead to misunderstandings. But while these moments can be uncomfortable, they remind us that everyone makes mistakes, and handling them with empathy can actually strengthen team bonds,” the expert explained.


What I'm Hearing Is That You Should Be The Boss Instead Of Someone Flustered By Arrows

What I'm Hearing Is That You Should Be The Boss Instead Of Someone Flustered By Arrows

TheLilyLester Report


It’s Pretty Funny

It’s Pretty Funny

PaxBiggs Report

We also were lucky enough to get in touch with Career Coach Dr. Twanna Carter to hear her thoughts on this topic as well. 

“Embarrassing moments are common in the workplace because we are all human and prone to making mistakes,” she shared. “Often, the fear of making an error can actually increase the likelihood of it happening. When we concentrate excessively on avoiding mistakes, our attention becomes fragmented. Which can lead us to making those very blunders in front of our bosses that we’re trying to avoid.”

“Additionally, the diverse range of generations present in the workplace adds another layer of complexity. We might have Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Zillenials, and Gen Z all working together,” Dr. Carter pointed out. “Each with different perspectives on what constitutes an embarrassing encounter. For instance, what might be considered a major faux pas to a Gen X employee might not even register as a concern for a Gen Z worker.”


“As a Gen X’er, I once viewed crying in the workplace as a significant embarrassment. I remember sitting in a meeting and being terrified a tear would fall,” the expert shared. “However, attitudes have shifted over time, and such expressions of emotion are now seen differently by many, reflecting broader changes in workplace culture.”




Twelvyyyyyyyy Report

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addiplawson avatar
Shark queen 🦈🦈🦈
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This boss seem pretty cool. I like that they were able to see the humor in the situation.

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When it comes to addressing an awkward situation that’s taken place at work, Ekta says the best thing to do is address it head-on, “but with a bit of tact.”

“If you acknowledge it quickly and maybe even bring a little humor into the situation, it can help ease any tension. For example, if you’ve sent the wrong message, a simple, straightforward apology can go a long way,” she told Bored Panda. “Keeping communication open is key to maintaining a good working relationship, so it’s usually best to clear the air rather than let any awkwardness linger.”


Hope They Felt Really Awkward

Hope They Felt Really Awkward

OutofstpmaineAF Report

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rhodaguirreparras avatar
Pittsburgh rare
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you leave a Zoom meeting you can't hear them. How did this happen?

monicabenson3494 avatar
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Tab bit off topic. I sent a group email made a mistake on the email my coworker sent the email to someone outside of our company talking about me - he copied me...

shylabouche_1 avatar
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If they're talking about me, they're leaving other people alone, who might have thinner skins.

cdfrog18 avatar
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I always tell people they can keep talking about me and I’ll only speak up to correct them if they’re wrong

michaellargey avatar
Michael Largey
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." - Oscar Wilde

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Dr. Carter recommends first taking a moment to collect yourself after an embarrassing interaction. “This ‘timeout’ allows you to step back from the immediate anxiety and approach the situation with a clear mind,” she shared. “Once you’ve had time to reflect, develop a strategy to address the interaction and prevent it from escalating.”


I Accidentally Told My Boss To "Come Grab My Meat" Instead Of My Wife

I Accidentally Told My Boss To "Come Grab My Meat" Instead Of My Wife

thebluevanman73 Report

“There are several effective ways to address the issue, depending on the nature of the interaction and your perspective on it. First, if it’s not a big deal, it’s okay to ignore it. Laugh at yourself and just continue on,” the expert continued. 


“If it is a big deal, then you might choose to address it via email, write a formal letter, or schedule a face-to-face meeting with your boss,” Dr. Carter says. “I have utilized all three methods, selecting the one that best suited my specific situation. You’ll notice, I left out text messaging!”


There Was An Attempt To Text An Old Boss Of Mine, Professionally

There Was An Attempt To Text An Old Boss Of Mine, Professionally

rehabforcandy Report


Boss Got Locked In His Office And A Section Of The Wall Had To Be Cut Out

Boss Got Locked In His Office And A Section Of The Wall Had To Be Cut Out

thowitawaypeese Report

“For significant encounters, I coach my clients that it is extremely important to address the issue directly with your boss as soon as possible,” Dr. Carter added. “Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible.”

“But do be straightforward about what happened, and then shift the focus to solutions. Explain what you’ve learned from the experience and outline the steps you will take to prevent a similar mistake in the future,” the expert recommends. “This approach demonstrates accountability and a commitment to professional growth. And it may help to ensure the issue doesn’t derail your entire career.”


Accidentally Reported My Bowel Movements To My Boss Instead Of My Girlfriend

Accidentally Reported My Bowel Movements To My Boss Instead Of My Girlfriend

Bennybyrnes Report

And when it comes to preventing these situations in the future, Ekta says it’s important to be mindful when communicating, especially digitally.

“Double-check who you’re sending messages to, and always make sure your audio and video settings are correct before joining a call,” she told Bored Panda. “Fostering an environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn, rather than something to be embarrassed about, can also help. This encourages people to take these moments in stride and grow from them without feeling judged.”

Dr. Carter notes that it’s crucial to develop strong situational awareness and understand the dynamics of your workplace. She recommends several strategies, including first reading the room. 


“Pay close attention to the nonverbal cues of those around you. Body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice can provide valuable insights into how your message or actions are being received. Being attuned to these signals helps you adjust your behavior in real-time and avoid potential faux pas,” the expert says.

Understanding company culture is also important, Dr. Carter shared. “Familiarize yourself with both the official and unofficial norms of your workplace. While employee handbooks often outline formal policies, the subtleties of office culture, including unspoken rules and expectations, can be just as important. Observing and learning these norms can help you navigate interactions more smoothly.”


This Is Really Awkward

This Is Really Awkward

LukeMones Report


That Awkward Moment When You Accidentally Ask Your Boss For A Hookup

That Awkward Moment When You Accidentally Ask Your Boss For A Hookup

ShakesSpear Report


Building relationships with a few trusted colleagues can provide you with a support network as well, Dr. Carter noted. 

“These relationships are invaluable for gaining feedback and advice on how to handle various social situations. If you’re unsure about a social cue or company practice, having someone you can turn to for guidance can prevent misunderstandings and help you integrate better into the workplace culture,” she explained. “Or, at the very least, send you an instant message telling you that you forgot to mute your sound. Or that you sent the email with incorrect information.”


So My Boss Kept Asking Why His Battery Was Running Out So Fast. He's Pretty Much Had The Stopwatch Running Since He Got The Phone. 631 Days

So My Boss Kept Asking Why His Battery Was Running Out So Fast. He's Pretty Much Had The Stopwatch Running Since He Got The Phone. 631 Days

Nightspade Report


Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting

myungbug Report

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g23aa1 avatar
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

STRAY KIDSSSSSS. tbh I would so get distracted by any of their lives

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Next, the career coach recommends leveraging technology wisely. “Be mindful of how you use technology, especially in virtual settings. For instance, double-check that you’ve selected the correct recipients before sending messages, and always ensure that you’re muted when necessary during video calls. Setting reminders to verify these details can help avoid common tech-related blunders.”


Finally, Dr. Carter suggests seeking feedback and training to avoid mishaps at work. “For those employees with neurodiversities, it can sometimes be challenging to read social cues,” she noted. “Consider seeking feedback from trusted colleagues or supervisors when you’re not sure. Additionally, training or attending workshops on reading non verbals may be beneficial for enhancing your ability to navigate social interactions effectively.”

“By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce or prevent the risk of these uncomfortable encounters at work,” the expert added. 


Nothing Like A Sincere Apology

Nothing Like A Sincere Apology

Barphbie Report

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geoffreyscott avatar
Geoffrey Scott
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh...mine apologized. Then did pretty much the same thing not long after.

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Insane Boss Story

Insane Boss Story

vaughnbroadnax Report

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conocuinn avatar
Con O Cuinn
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As an Irish kid who had literally never met any POC, this surprised me too. I was 5 at the time though.

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And remember not to beat yourself up for having an occasional mortifying moment. “Everyone has embarrassing moments — it’s just part of being human, and they don’t reflect on your professionalism or skills,” Ekta shared. “In fact, when handled with understanding, these situations can actually bring people closer and build a more inclusive and supportive workplace where everyone feels comfortable being themselves.”


Sending A Text To The Wrong Person

Sending A Text To The Wrong Person

ChrisIsFantastic , GoHeadBlockMe Report

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earthquake903 avatar
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Poor wife, husband, hamza, looks like they're all having a bad time.

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We hope you’re enjoying these painfully embarrassing moments from work, pandas. Keep upvoting the pics that you find most amusing, and let us know in the comments what the most mortifying thing you ever did at work was. Then, if you’d like to read some stories of terrible mistakes employees made in the workplace, we recommend checking out this Bored Panda piece next!

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There Was An Attempt To Check In With My Boss

There Was An Attempt To Check In With My Boss

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Well. I’m Sure That Was Great For My Friend’s Coworkers And Bosses To All See

Well. I’m Sure That Was Great For My Friend’s Coworkers And Bosses To All See

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Been Working My Butt Off For Over A Year At Work In Hopes Of Getting A Management Opportunity This Summer And Just Received This Text Message From My Boss

Been Working My Butt Off For Over A Year At Work In Hopes Of Getting A Management Opportunity This Summer And Just Received This Text Message From My Boss

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Started A New Job Today And My Teenager Had The Computer Before Me. I Opened It In Front Of My New Boss

Started A New Job Today And My Teenager Had The Computer Before Me. I Opened It In Front Of My New Boss

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Boss Just Sent Me This Text Twice. Shouldn't Make Things Awkward I'm Sure

Boss Just Sent Me This Text Twice. Shouldn't Make Things Awkward I'm Sure

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That's No Way

That's No Way

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Oh, To Be A Boss, Not Knowing How Anything Works, And Still Earn More Than Anyone Else

Oh, To Be A Boss, Not Knowing How Anything Works, And Still Earn More Than Anyone Else

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Left My Boss A Birthday Cake. The Tube Of Frosting I Was Writing With Broke So I Squiggled On There. Now I Have To Have A Meeting With My Boss And Union Rep To See If I Was Drunk At Work

Left My Boss A Birthday Cake. The Tube Of Frosting I Was Writing With Broke So I Squiggled On There. Now I Have To Have A Meeting With My Boss And Union Rep To See If I Was Drunk At Work Report

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binurithenabadu avatar
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4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Okay but the handwriting on the note does not help plead OP’s sobriety!

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There Was An Attempt By My Significant Other's Korean Boss To Get A Cake That Says “Happy Birthday Hong”

There Was An Attempt By My Significant Other's Korean Boss To Get A Cake That Says “Happy Birthday Hong”

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I’m Sorry The "Hehe" Made Me Fall Over

I’m Sorry The "Hehe" Made Me Fall Over

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Got A Phone (Didn't Have One). Texted My Boss To Verify I Had The Right Number And This. I Didn't Know

Got A Phone (Didn't Have One). Texted My Boss To Verify I Had The Right Number And This. I Didn't Know

oodlesofschmoodles Report


At Least He Knows What The Meme Means

At Least He Knows What The Meme Means


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binurithenabadu avatar
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4 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I once accidentally sent my crush’s friend an embarrassing selfie of me instead of a schedule screenshot. Said friend was sitting right next to my crush and they were with a group of other mutual friends. They all saw it. Seeing accidents like these from other people make me feel so embarrassed all over again.

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He Probably Did Need It

He Probably Did Need It

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My Boss Texted Me This. Just Thought This Was Funny

My Boss Texted Me This. Just Thought This Was Funny

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When The Hot Straight Boss Sends Me A Rude Email On The Weekend

When The Hot Straight Boss Sends Me A Rude Email On The Weekend

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Note: this post originally had 55 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.