People Created “We Will Rebuild” Trend For East Coast Earthquake And It’s Hilarious (30 Images)
Professor Lupin in one of the Harry Potter books said some damn wise words - in order to cope with fear, you need to present it in a funny way. And this worldly wisdom actually works not only against magical creatures, but also against many of our deepest fears. For example, earthquakes.
So, this Friday, the East Coast - from New York to Boston, to be exact - felt tremors from an earthquake. Nothing destructive, but people were actually nervous. And the best remedy in such cases is humor. Or even sarcasm. So here is a selection of the wittiest reactions from netizens, made by Bored Panda.
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According to the USFS, the earthquake had a magnitude of 4.8 and its epicenter was near Lebanon, New Jersey, about 40 miles west of New York. Towards evening, people felt an aftershock with a magnitude of 4.0. Looking at historical ESGS statistical data, this was the strongest earthquake to hit the Northeast in over a decade, although this magnitude in fact indicates a very moderate shaking force.
“It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever experienced,” MSNBC quotes James Pittinger, the mayor of Lebanon, although, according to him, there have been no reports of any significant damage. The most that residents of the town straight near the epicenter had to deal with was broken dishes, things falling from shelves or frightened pets. But the stress still existed, and it was necessary to deal with it. Preferably, as wittily as possible.
As we can see, people from the East Coast are massively sharing photos of fallen glasses and vases, spilled coffee and even - horror of horrors! - fallen houseplants. It seems that the main hashtag of this earthquake has become #wewillrebuild, and all its witnesses will tell their grandkids decades later how they survived the Great East Coast Quake. Unless, of course, something much more serious happens in the future...
In fact, many of us have similar stories - for example, the last time there was an earthquake in our area (it was a magnitude 5), I was about 13 and I was just sitting on the toilet, sorry for the details. Someone may say - “Commendable forethought!”, but I will admit that at that time I had a disgusting habit of tapping the walls of the toilet with a plunger (for which my grandma scolded me heavily) - and imagine my surprise when, after the next blow to the wall, all the ground suddenly responded with a heavy roar... I didn’t knock on the walls anymore. Never in my entire life...
Someone bring in a case of Dawn, and start hosing down the pigeons.
Well, the ability to laugh at oneself and at the stress experienced is already a reason to say that we have coped with the problem. And overturned trash cans and spilled coffee - damn it, we can handle anything! As long as we laugh in the face of troubles, we are invincible! So please feel free to scroll this list to its very end, and let us know if you also have experienced anything similar these days.
Bruh.. this is about earthquake damage, I was not mentally prepared to be triggered with graphic displays of the devastation tornadoes can cause.
First, the planning committee has to meet to assign duties, create metrics, and formulate a reporting system.
Poll Question
How do you feel about people sharing humorous photos after an earthquake on the East Coast?
It's a good way to lighten the mood
It's insensitive to those who may have been affected
It depends on the severity of the earthquake
I don't have a strong opinion
Hey this is no joking matter my grandma’s cat knocked over some knickknacks in his panic!
No, that was just your grandma's cat being a cat. The nicknacks would have been knocked over regardless.
Load More Replies...From a Californio who has been through REAL earthquakes, I think some of these pictures were staged. 😄
while these are funny because the quake did happen in a place not known for them. and for the record, the epicenter was literally almost at trump's bedminster course! but, for those who do not know, the most potentially damaging place for a large quake is in missouri, the "new madrid seismic zone". in dec 1810-feb 1811, this zone let loose three quakes that are estimated to have been 8.1 each. one quake was large enough to ring the church bells in boston. it also caused the mississippi river to reverse course, briefly. now imagine the amount of damage WHEN this zone goes off again today? there is a good novel from 1999, "the rift" that imagines this scenario.
Hey this is no joking matter my grandma’s cat knocked over some knickknacks in his panic!
No, that was just your grandma's cat being a cat. The nicknacks would have been knocked over regardless.
Load More Replies...From a Californio who has been through REAL earthquakes, I think some of these pictures were staged. 😄
while these are funny because the quake did happen in a place not known for them. and for the record, the epicenter was literally almost at trump's bedminster course! but, for those who do not know, the most potentially damaging place for a large quake is in missouri, the "new madrid seismic zone". in dec 1810-feb 1811, this zone let loose three quakes that are estimated to have been 8.1 each. one quake was large enough to ring the church bells in boston. it also caused the mississippi river to reverse course, briefly. now imagine the amount of damage WHEN this zone goes off again today? there is a good novel from 1999, "the rift" that imagines this scenario.