We are at the age of rapid innovation, and with it comes the breakthroughs, quirks, and oddities of our electric future, Tesla’s notoriously boxy Cybertruck design to the ever-growing lineup of electric cars and bikes takes the win.
The internet, as always, reacted to the electric revolution with hilarious snippets that mocked the unexpected form of EV designs, highlighted car brand anxiety, and poked fun at the stereotypes surrounding e-car owners.
Our collection of “E” memes spotlights electronic lifestyles, design experiments, and ugly mistakes, tackling the humor that comes with adopting new technology. Whether E-vehicles herald the sci-fi future of our forward-thinking dreams or nightmares is relative. But, they do point to on-ground realities that beg for a smirk.
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The Strength Test
Making Comparisons
Two Weeks into the Future
Tesla Cybertruck: A Design Marvel or an Eyesore?
In 2023, Tesla unveiled its long-anticipated Cybertruck. After its sleek EV models gained celebrity status, it launched its adventure tough-truck version, which Tesla claims is “durable and rugged enough to go anywhere” (1).
The electric truck has a solid stainless-steel exoskeleton resistant to dents, physical damage, and long-term corrosion. Its distinctive design blends the innovative ideas of Tesla’s engineering team with Elon Musk’s unique vision.
In a report by Top Gear, Tesla’s VP for vehicle engineering says Musk wanted something that drove “like a sports car but has all the utility of a pick-up truck” (2). The result? One bizarre utilitarian vehicle on the Tesla roster.
The car-loving community is buzzing with mixed reactions! There’s a heated debate unfolding over whether this EV is genuinely an electric marvel.
Top Gear weighed in, expressing amazement not just at the Cybertruck’s bold risks but also its perplexing design — it’s a vehicle that looks confusing from nearly every angle. What do you think? Is it genius or just plain confusing?
“I’m Not Gonna Call You That”
Are Electric Vehicles Really More Environment-Friendly?
According to a report published by the Federal Consortium of Advanced Batteries (FCAB) in 2021, a typical EV can create more carbon pollution than a gasoline car. This is due to the additional energy required to manufacture an EV’s battery (3).
However, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, over the vehicle’s lifetime, total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with manufacturing, charging, and driving an EV are still typically lower than those associated with a gasoline car (4).
Over its lifetime, an EV still has a lower carbon footprint because it has zero tailpipe emissions and is typically responsible for significantly fewer GHGs during operation than typical gasoline vehicles.
Close Enough
“Cybertruck in the Wild”
EV Evolution: From Status Symbols to Everyday Car
While conveniently getting from point A to B is excellent, people buy cars for other reasons, too. According to a study published in the Journal for Asian Transportation Studies in 2021, factors such as status seeking, image consciousness, a passion for cars, an obsession with cars, and peer influence increase the likelihood of purchasing a vehicle (5).
Meanwhile, BBC research found that electric vehicles initially appealed primarily to the wealthy (6). The first sales of EVs targeted affluent early adopters who were willing to embrace new automobile technology and could afford the higher prices. However, as Doherty notes, public sentiment is gradually changing.
Ultimately, because of the increasing availability of EVs from different car manufacturers, interest and sales are going up, and prices are going down— which means EVs no longer carry the cachet they once did.
As the cost of batteries drops, automakers are getting closer to providing EV offerings that match the petrol-guzzling versions. Sure, there will still be a market for luxury EVs, but eventually, like gas cars, those will be the exception, not the norm.
E-Biker Training
Study shows e-bike riders get more exercise than traditional bike riders: https://storybicycles.com/blogs/ebike-blog/study-shows-e-bike-riders-get-more-exercise-than-traditional-bike-riders
Cybrertruck Sighting
“Raccoons Thought It Was a Dumpster”
“Me Peeling a Potato”
That muskrat saw a perfectly regular car and thought "hmmm. needs more triangle"
The Office Unveiling
Upcoming Tesla Minivan
Waiting for E-Weights
The Hood Reveal
Ah yes... The "Frunk". The cooler I think might be unnecessary though. A couple clients at my job had both this mustang and a Tesla. I can't recall if it was one or both people told me the frunk had a drain plug in it so it could be filled with ice and used as a cooler. 😂
Car Drawings
Name Game
Cybertruck in the Wild
Cybertruck On Tatooine
Telltale Taillights
Regular Biker vs E-Biker
Noah Doesn't Approve
Pointy LEGO Piece
Sweden Charging Its E-Buses Using Diesel Generators https://climatechangedispatch.com/welcome-to-net-zero-sweden-charging-its-e-buses-using-diesel-generators/
Global Warming
“Cybertruck at Home”
“You’re Not My Son”
Parked Refrigerator
“Official Truck of Mars”
I'd 100% go this over the real thing. If that's scaled to tuktuk-approved 10" wheels, that'd be fun.
Vying for Topspot
Why was that Ford ugliest car again? Seems pretty decent to me.
- Tesla. "Cybertruck." Tesla.com, 2023. | https://www.tesla.com/en_ph/cybertruck
- Jack Rix. "Tesla Cybertruck review." Top Gear, December 1, 2023. | https://www.topgear.com/car-reviews/tesla/cybertruck
- Federal Consortium of Advanced Batteries. "Executive Summary: National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries." Department of Energy, June 2021. | https://www.energy.gov/sites/default/files/2021-06/FCAB+National+Blueprint+Lithium+Batteries+0621_0.pdf
- Environmental Protection Agency. "Electric Vehicle Myths." EPA, November 5, 2024. | https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths
- Meena Sanu. "Identification of psychological factors associated with car ownership decisions of young adults: Case study of Jodhpur city, India." Asian Transport Studies, 2021. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2185556021000055?via%3Dihub
- Brennan Doherty. "EVs were once luxury vehicles. Now, they’re for every driver." BBC, March 12, 2024. | https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240311-evs-lost-their-luxury-status-symbol-reputation
It’s a practical evolution that Musk has unfortunately turned into a sci-fi nightmare with his dumpster impersonator “truck”. It looks like something cobbled together from scrap metal in a Mad Max-type post-apocalyptic collapsed society scenario, by someone who has never seen an actual truck in their life.
There is absolutely nothing practical about the cybertruck design, aside from self-driving. The shape isn’t remotely aerodynamic, and it’s clearly favoring looking “cool” over practicality (and it’s super ugly anyways) and selling it for a ridiculous amount of money
It’s a practical evolution that Musk has unfortunately turned into a sci-fi nightmare with his dumpster impersonator “truck”. It looks like something cobbled together from scrap metal in a Mad Max-type post-apocalyptic collapsed society scenario, by someone who has never seen an actual truck in their life.
There is absolutely nothing practical about the cybertruck design, aside from self-driving. The shape isn’t remotely aerodynamic, and it’s clearly favoring looking “cool” over practicality (and it’s super ugly anyways) and selling it for a ridiculous amount of money