Buy It For Life: 40 Durable Products That Deliver No Matter How Old They Are (New Pics)
We used to be people of repair and resourcefulness, taking pride in our ability to tinker with the longevity of our things. But nowadays? Not so much. We may try to recycle, but as soon as something breaks we're looking for a replacement. Luckily, our ingenuity can match our laziness.
The subreddit r/BuyItForLife has 973k members and it's dedicated to practical quality products that were made to last. Like a phone from 2006. Or a sewing machine from the early 20th century!
The person who founded this online community, u/Petrarch1603, got the inspiration for it from r/ShutUpandTakeMyMoney. "I noticed that sometimes [it featured] useful products that I was interested in buying. Unfortunately, I also noticed a lot of gimmicks and cheaply made products too," they explained.
Now, r/BuyItForLife is twice the size of its predecessor. I guess people really appreciate pristine craftsmanship!
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Bought It In '88 With Money My Grandmother Left Me. My Mother Was Upset That I Spent My Inheritance On Something As Ephemeral As A Bicycle. I've Ridden Thousands Of Miles On It, Including A Double Century In 2000. Now It's My Townie Bike, For Shopping, Commuting, And Errands
Buy It For Multiple Lives! 1916 Singer 66, My Main Sewing Machine
Our loyal readers might remember our first piece on r/BuyItForLife. However, people have made plenty of cool posts on the subreddit since then so we felt like a follow-up was necessary too.
Plus, this time we reached out to the people running the sub and one of the moderators was kind enough to have a little chat with us. "The most popular items I see based on what's posted are: Stanley Thermos, Darn Tough Socks, Kitchen Aid mixers, Red Wing boots, and pots and pans, particularly cast iron," they told Bored Panda.
Rolleicord 6x6 Film Camera From The 60's Still Going Strong And Some Examples Of The Pictures It Makes
Colman Snow-Lite Low Boy Cooler From The 60s. Gifted To Me From My Grandparents Who Picked It Up From A Thrift Store Nearly 20 Years Ago. Still Holds Ice For Nearly A Week!
We also asked the moderator what they think allows some of these items to persevere for as long as they do. "I'm not an expert by any means but I think there are a few factors," they said.
"Most products are built to be as cheap as possible .... and poorly assembled (maybe partly due to planned obsolescence but mostly just due to the fact that people in general like spending less). The products that you see lasting longer are often made of higher quality material and care when built. But they're also priced accordingly."
My Great Uncle's Watch That Lived Through Combat In Ww2. Wound It Up And It Still Works Perfectly
Oregano - Mom Got A Piece Of An Oregano Plant From Her Aunt When I Was A Kid. She Transplanted Some To One House, Then Another And Another, Then To My Place, And Again When I Moved. We Have Never Purchased Oregano In My Entire Life. It Even Pops Up In The Lawn, Makes Grass Cutting Smell Nice
Was Told To Post My Grandparents Desk Here (228 Years Old)
But choosing longer-lasting products can be tricky. The price doesn't always tell the full story. A few years ago, The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) published an interesting study, carried out by the University of Southern Brittany, the Sircome agency, and the University of Southern Bohemia.
Its main goal was to see whether displaying a product's lifespan would influence a consumer's decision to purchase. In other words, would we choose the same products if we had this information?
Graphgear 500 Mechanical Pencil. The One On Top I’ve Used For 20 Years, The Other Is Brand New
My Girlfriend Uses This Sewing Machine To Make Masks. Her Great-Grandmother Bought It New Back In 1925. It Still Works Perfectly
Lunch Box From ‘89. Thermos From ‘97. New Old Stock. I’m So Excited
Here’s The Before And After Finished Product On My $5 Allen Edmond’s. These Bifl Shoes Were Destined For The Dumpster But I Was Able To Bring Them Back To Life. The Dye Color Is Uneven Between The Left And Right, But I’m Just Gonna Let It Bug Me For A While Until I Get Around To Fixing It
The experiment involved 2,917 participants from 5 European countries (Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Spain and the Netherlands).
"We designed a fake shopping website, which consumers could use just as if it were Amazon or ASOS," the researchers wrote. The participants, however, did not know the site was fake. "Once they had checked out their shopping basket, participants were directed to a questionnaire which gauged various socio-economic and psycho-social indicators."
My Grandmothers Wedgewood Oven. At Least 70 Yrs Old
Bifg (Buy It For Generations): My Viking Husqvarna 21a, From Early 1960's. Belonged To My Grandma. My Son Is The 4th Generation To Use This Machine... Spending Quality Father-Son Time Teaching Him How To Sew Useful And Beautiful Things That Will Also Last A Long Time
These Russian Valenki Felted Wool Boots, Made Entirely Out Of Hardened Wool That Served Me So Well Here In Texas In Ver The Past Couple Days. No Soles, No Form, Basically Like Wearing Snow Proof 2 Inch Thick Hard Wool Socks. Had Them For 5 Years, No Sign Of Wear
Yeah valenki are great, but they don't do well right around freezing because they do suck up slush. The Germans sure wished they had valenki in WWII. Their stupid alternative looked like giant Herman Munster boots. There are some great pics of the Soviet soldiers trying them on and laughing at how horrible they were ERpmmBrWoA...c5f84e.jpg
Finally, All The Thrifting Has Paid Off
The results showed that if shoppers had information on product lifespan, they would choose to buy longer-lasting items: on average, a product's sales increased by 56% if its lifetime was longer than that of its competitors.
Of the products tested, purchases of suitcases (+128%) and printers (+70%) were influenced the most by this change.
I Bought This Palette Knife Over 30 Years Ago And Have Created Countless Paintings With It
Staplers?? Huh. Here’s My Tried, Trusted, And Tantalizing Cadet Model 302. Ain’t She Pretty?
It's Time To Switch My Ipod Classic (2006) For Spotify. Have Been Using It Daily For 15 Years But Spotify Is Just Too Convenient. Rest In Peace Little One
I still use mine every day, and it has my entire music collection, audiobooks, and podcasts all in one place and available at all times. In my opinion, the finest piece of hardware Apple ever produced - so naturally they pulled the plug on it. To this day, no-one has produced its equal, because everyone has been suckered into believing streaming that you pay for but never own is somehow better.
Dr Martens 1460 (UK) Purchased 1992
Docs are fine for fashion but they’re rubbish for work boots. I wore out a pair in an industrial kitchen in 4 months. After that I bought a pair of German Para boots from the Army Surplus shop. That was 30 years ago and after various dirty jobs and some very messy festivals they’re still waterproof 😎
"Suitcases are the quintessential roaming product, giving them two characteristics which makes the consumer rank lifetime as a priority: the trials of transport make resilience a key factor, and any item used solely for travel will be brought out only occasionally. If it is used rarely, the consumer has every reason to hope it will last a long time," the researchers explained.
"As for printers, they have one of the shortest lifetimes of all household electronic goods, and people buy them because they need them, not for pleasure – two more good reasons why we would want them to last."
Sales of smartphones were among the least affected by displaying their lifetime (+41%).
I Restored A Neglected Old Wrench. It Wasn't Ready To Retire
GF Gave Me This For My Birthday. I Expect To Be Using It For The Rest Of My Days. French Made, Le Creuset, Enameled Cast Iron Sauce Pan
My mum has an entire Le Creuset set that are 45 years old and she still uses them; they show absolutely no sign of needing to be replaced. I've asked her to leave them to me in her will :-D
My Dads Levis Jacket From 1980! I’ve Been Wearing It For About A Year Now
My daughter found my old jean jacket from the 80's with the huge Motorhead back patch. It took years before she finally brought that back 🤣 A few years later, my middle son found my old leather metalhead jacket and wore it to school. Apparently his classmates thought it was awesome. Maybe I'll let him use my old Doc Martins or checkered vans next?
My Grandma Gave Me Her Gingher Scissors Today (In The Original Box!), She Used Them For Ages Before She Taught Me To Sew With Them About 15 Years Ago. Beautifully Sharp Now, Just As I Remember Them Being Years Ago
80% of participants felt that the manufacturers were very to extremely responsible with regard to providing information about a product's lifetime.
"All these findings argue for legislation on product lifetime," the research team said. "There is no doubt that the reliability of the products purchased is important to consumers. The study showed that regulatory information would steer customers when purchasing products."
Bought A Set Of Silicone Resealable Bags 4 Years Ago And They’re Used Every Day And Still In Perfect Condition. Haven’t Thrown A Single Zip-Loc Away In All That Time!
These Cross Pens Were My Grandfathers From The 1960s. He Worked As A Test Fail Analysis Engineer For General Dynamics. These Pens Were Used To Try To Win The Space Race, And Now I Use Them Every Day As I Work To Follow In His Footsteps
Arkansas Traveler Tomatoes. Originally Purchased In 1970... 51 Years Ago. Buy Heirloom, Buy It Once
Just Got Done Detailing My Grandpa's 1971 Schwinn Racer! These Bikes Were Built For Life That's For Sure!
Such policy changes might reflect in r/BuyItForLife's number of posts. I'm half-joking, of course, but the members of the subreddit can definitely give you valuable insight when choosing your next purchase.
"I think our community is great!" the representative of the mod team said. "Maybe I'm a little biased, I only moderate a few subs but frequent many more as a regular user and from my anecdotal experience, the BIFL community is among the nicest and most welcoming people I have interacted with on the internet."
A Customer Of Mine Finally Decided To Upgrade... Motorola Razr, Purchased November 2006
Ah yeah, there was nothing quite as satisfying as slapping on of those shut.
Load More Replies...Loved that phone: so satisfying and enjoyable to open it one handed . . . .inner sci fi geek giggled with joy every time I used it.
I do not buy a new phone just to get the upgrades. When I learned how much electronic waste there is I was floored. Thankful to have a local place with recycles, repairs and renews all electronics. From microwaves to laptops! They will destroy your hard drive while you are there, just to maintain privacy and because it’s fun to watch
i still have one of these as a backup. yes it still worked/works as of about 3 years ago.
I don’t feel so bad about passing up upgrades. I use a phone to the deathzone. The phone I miss the most is my old blackberry. But then I remember when phones looked like shoeboxes
Wow, I thought my phone 2012 was old. Poor old phone has live thru hell though.
I miss my razor. It could do so much that this touch screen couldn't do. Like make calls without having to wait for the phone app to boot up. Connecting it to my laptop for data transfer and full keyboard texting was painless too!
The satisfaction of snapping those closed on a phone call when you were angry... *chefskiss*
I miss knowing for sure that a flip phone is shut off when flipping that phone closed. I keep pocket dialing random friends and having other misadventures because I forget that my IPhone is still on when I put it in my pocket!
My favourite flip phone (started with Star-Tac and such) and still in my top 3. There was a hack for it where you could get Gmail on it.
But now a days we pay 3x as much for one that wont even last 5 years. Progress......?
i got a flip phone - REALLY wish i had not dropped my razr in the hot tub.
reminds me of my dads old flip phone it got dropped from a 1 story staircase and it still worked
dropped mine 30+ feet one day - no problem (10 meters)
Load More Replies...my dad always joked and said that if I kept asking for a phone he would buy me a flip phone
15 years of use and doesn't look worn? Dirty? Yes, but not worn.
Idk about this... sure the mechanics are still working but you can't use any of the "modern" services. I grew up with a black and white tv, it still works, but I can't watch anything on it (and I don't want to). Sometimes you have to understand that times change, and not everything new is bad. I don't miss my computer from 1991.
Hah! I miss the flip phones, except for the text part! Just got myself an iPhone 12 mini, for the smaller size and love it! I hate the bigger phones!
I remember when ssooooo many people wanted these including myself! One of my most favorite flip phones I owned was the Samsung Juke SCH-U470 in red. I could text so fast with it!
Barber Chair, 100 Years Old And Reconditioned!
Proudly Bought It With My Paper Route Money 50 Years Ago Because It Was The Heaviest One :) Good Choice - Still Works Perfectly. Audition, Made In Hong Kong
This Camping Table Set Bought By My Grandparents In The -60s Just Saw Its Fourth Generation Of Users. The Tent Is On Generation Two
Frye “Fulton” Leather Boots. Bought In 2010 For $350.00, Worn On Every Date, Family Holiday, And Special Occasion Since. Now, Luck Enough To Wear Them To Work
40 Years Of Laundry. My Parents Bought This In 1980 When They First Got Married. It's Also Live A Life As A Pretend Boat And Turtle Shell When I Was Little. It's In Great Condition And I'm So Happy To Be Giving It More Life
My 1965 Gillette Slim Adjustable - Built Like A Tank!
Thrifted From Bulgaria Around 2 Decades Ago. Rail Road Worker Steel Toe Boots. Haven't Moved An Inch Since The Day I Got Them
Restoring The Wooden Beams Of My House And Found This. (More Like "Buy It For The Next 6 Generations")
My Dad Bought A New Knife After 50 Years
Any Love For Purdy Paint Brushes? Wash Them Out Well And They'll Last Decades. I've Had This One For 15 Years. It's Painted Three Apartments
The Legendary 90’s Toyota Land Cruiser. 24 Years Old And Only Needs Routine Maintenance
Vorwerk Tiger 251. Built In 1982 And Still Sucks Harder Than Your Mother's
The oldest things I have that refuse to die are an electric carving knife and an Atari 2600, both from the 70's.
We had an electric knife for years, probably decades, but it finally died a few years ago. Sigh…
Load More Replies...I bought my motorcycle in 1996, it was already 16 years old at the time. Still got it, still use it. Minor reparations.... ok, it is not as comfortable as a new one, at least I guess, but I will never sell it
I still wear a 32 year old suit to court (lawyer), and my motorcycle jacket is 33 years old.
Things are absolutely NOT made like they used to be. The level of inferiority (I just can’t use the word “quality”) of almost every product nowadays is DISGUSTING. Laissez-faire capitalism is a disease.
Good products are still available, but you need to know where to look for them, and they will NOT be cheap (good things never were).
Load More Replies...I have my mum's rollar skating dress from the 70s. It's still in near perfect condition it has sweat and deodorant stains but this dress has been worn by my mum, aunt, sister and I, I'm the current owner because I'm currently the only one that fits it. But anyway the only major thing wrong with it is that the hem needs a few new stitches
Cast Iron pan I used every day for pancakes or other breakfast things, survived the house burning down. Among the ash and debris, it was right where I left it. Cooked off all the toxic smoke, fresh oil, and it was like the day I bought it.
My mom just lost her 1960s sewing machine this way... and absolutely everything else. I hope to someday replace it for her.
Load More Replies...I found a 1909 copy of the Arabian Nights on the free rack at the library, does that count? I’d post a picture, but I’m on mobile and it won’t let me do that.
Our products/services are terrible nowadays. We call that built-in obsolescence. Welcome to capitalism, my friends.
our entire home is vintage everything. We have an MCM timewarp house and everything but the mattresses are old pretty much, with newest items being 1970s and oldest being Victorian era. My jar opener is from 1923 and my mixing bowls are turn of the last century. Those are probably the oldest items I use all the time.
one of the big advantages of the internet is that you can order spare parts for almost anything these days if you are handy & can fix things yourself... 30 years ago you had to drive to an appliance repair shop, sort through catalogs & maintenance manuals until you found the correct part numbers, and order through a brick and mortar shop... then weeks later your parts arrive... the cool mixers shown here will someday need their electric motor brushes replaced... easy... and they are good for another 20 years...
The thing I worry about is younger people who are used to maintenance-free throwaway appliances not doing the necessary maintenance on the good old stuff. Fans need to be oiled and have their felt pads changed every couple of decades, motors need brushes. Bearings are sometimes part of regular maintenance, etc.
Load More Replies...My dad's Zippo he bought when he started smoking in the 1950s. A knife that Great-Grandma bought Grandma, whog ave it to me, still sharpest best knife ever. A Carhartt coat from the early 1980s is still doing great.
as I am not a consumerist, I have so many things that work perfectly, to name a few : - a simple comb that I've used daily for the past 30 years (got as a gift from a magazine in 1992) - a coffee container which belonged to my late mum, she bought it in the 80s - trekking boots bought in 2006, they've taken me all round the world and so much more... not to mention a gadget that people usually change every time the new version comes out : the iPhone. I have mine, the X version, since 2017. I only replace an item with a new one when it is irreparable.
I’ve still got an iPhone 4 as an iPod and my current phone is a 6s. I don’t understand why people buy a new one every year. I wait until bloated websites and OS/software force me to a new device. While it’s starting to get there... I haven’t updated the iPhone 4 beyond iOS 6.x (so much better looking UI) or the iPhone 6s beyond iOS 12.x (considering it, though it will then not do Safari iCloud synchronization with my Macs, both of which are stuck on High Sierra, because I have only obsolete computers). I’m also poor, so... there’s that too.
Load More Replies...How come that the Nokia 3310 didn't make it to the top 40 ?
When I was a kid in 90s everyone had this Adidas tracksuit and I wanted one too. We didn't have much money so in the end after couple years of asking it my mom bought me one for Christmas on couple size bigger so I can wear it couple years. Now 22 years later I still wear it!
We used to call those Joey Budefuco track suits! XD
Load More Replies...I still have a giant dell precision m6500 laptop from my previous office. Made in 2009 and I still use it to on previous month (august 2021). That monster is actually still running fast.. But microsoft refuse installing windows 10 to it. Damn I still love how good is its monitor and keyboard..
So sad that we live in an age where we look back at products that lasted more than two years with an extreme envy and nostalgia. I am so sick of everything breaking. I hate plastic, cannot stand new technology, just everything is designed to go in the trash and I can't take it. Find better stuff at Goodwill for a $1 than I do anywhere else.
Id we can ad the furniture form our grandparents and greatgrandparents, I could add dozens of image :-) But if I had to pick one, I'd put up the no-name PRIVILEG washing mashine, I go used from a freinds 20 years ago and that is still working well. or my sewing machine form the 1980s, not working super smoothly any more, but good enough for the occasional patch. I really hate that almost everything is made to break down within a few years. Apart from the waste of money, it just takes so much time and effort to buy new appliances and tools. And something always is breaking down and need replacing in my household. It's just exhausting.
I've got my Grandfather's, Great Aunt's and Nana's pens and mechanical pencils they received when they retired from their jobs (all from around the 60's), my Great-Grandfather's drafting rulers that are over 100 years.old, and my favorite - my uncle's winter leather police jacket from the 70's. That thing weighs about 5 pounds and keeps me warm even when the temps hit 0!
I have a cake mold from the late 19th century that belonged to my great-great-grandmother.
With the environment the way it is, It should be against the law to purposefully make things to fall apart nowadays just to make more money. It is sickening.
I have old Defy front loader washing machine. I'm the third owner of the machine and I have it now for almost 14 years and it is still working. The motor isn't as strong as it was and it leaks sometimes but other than that its okay. I will get rid of it when it finely broke one day far in the future.
i miss the days where things were good quality and last a life time,, now everything is so cheap and falls apart so easily ><
They used to make things that last. I have a cheapo acoustic guitar from the early 80's. Still play. A JVC receiver from 1986, still use it with the Bose 301s (the cassette deck and CD player would probably work, too). A relatively early model Bluray player. Slow to load, rather big, still works perfectly.
If only you could find these items to purchase in the first place 😪☹ everyone has a singer unless you're a perpetual renter, can't travel with that thing
●▬▬▬▬PART TIME JOBS▬▬▬▬▬●Google is now paying $17000 to $22000 per month for operating online from home. i have joined this job 2 months ago and i have earned $20544 in my first month from this job. i can say my life is changed-absolutely for the better! check it out what i do, Copy Here══════►►Www.Income200.com
The oldest things I have that refuse to die are an electric carving knife and an Atari 2600, both from the 70's.
We had an electric knife for years, probably decades, but it finally died a few years ago. Sigh…
Load More Replies...I bought my motorcycle in 1996, it was already 16 years old at the time. Still got it, still use it. Minor reparations.... ok, it is not as comfortable as a new one, at least I guess, but I will never sell it
I still wear a 32 year old suit to court (lawyer), and my motorcycle jacket is 33 years old.
Things are absolutely NOT made like they used to be. The level of inferiority (I just can’t use the word “quality”) of almost every product nowadays is DISGUSTING. Laissez-faire capitalism is a disease.
Good products are still available, but you need to know where to look for them, and they will NOT be cheap (good things never were).
Load More Replies...I have my mum's rollar skating dress from the 70s. It's still in near perfect condition it has sweat and deodorant stains but this dress has been worn by my mum, aunt, sister and I, I'm the current owner because I'm currently the only one that fits it. But anyway the only major thing wrong with it is that the hem needs a few new stitches
Cast Iron pan I used every day for pancakes or other breakfast things, survived the house burning down. Among the ash and debris, it was right where I left it. Cooked off all the toxic smoke, fresh oil, and it was like the day I bought it.
My mom just lost her 1960s sewing machine this way... and absolutely everything else. I hope to someday replace it for her.
Load More Replies...I found a 1909 copy of the Arabian Nights on the free rack at the library, does that count? I’d post a picture, but I’m on mobile and it won’t let me do that.
Our products/services are terrible nowadays. We call that built-in obsolescence. Welcome to capitalism, my friends.
our entire home is vintage everything. We have an MCM timewarp house and everything but the mattresses are old pretty much, with newest items being 1970s and oldest being Victorian era. My jar opener is from 1923 and my mixing bowls are turn of the last century. Those are probably the oldest items I use all the time.
one of the big advantages of the internet is that you can order spare parts for almost anything these days if you are handy & can fix things yourself... 30 years ago you had to drive to an appliance repair shop, sort through catalogs & maintenance manuals until you found the correct part numbers, and order through a brick and mortar shop... then weeks later your parts arrive... the cool mixers shown here will someday need their electric motor brushes replaced... easy... and they are good for another 20 years...
The thing I worry about is younger people who are used to maintenance-free throwaway appliances not doing the necessary maintenance on the good old stuff. Fans need to be oiled and have their felt pads changed every couple of decades, motors need brushes. Bearings are sometimes part of regular maintenance, etc.
Load More Replies...My dad's Zippo he bought when he started smoking in the 1950s. A knife that Great-Grandma bought Grandma, whog ave it to me, still sharpest best knife ever. A Carhartt coat from the early 1980s is still doing great.
as I am not a consumerist, I have so many things that work perfectly, to name a few : - a simple comb that I've used daily for the past 30 years (got as a gift from a magazine in 1992) - a coffee container which belonged to my late mum, she bought it in the 80s - trekking boots bought in 2006, they've taken me all round the world and so much more... not to mention a gadget that people usually change every time the new version comes out : the iPhone. I have mine, the X version, since 2017. I only replace an item with a new one when it is irreparable.
I’ve still got an iPhone 4 as an iPod and my current phone is a 6s. I don’t understand why people buy a new one every year. I wait until bloated websites and OS/software force me to a new device. While it’s starting to get there... I haven’t updated the iPhone 4 beyond iOS 6.x (so much better looking UI) or the iPhone 6s beyond iOS 12.x (considering it, though it will then not do Safari iCloud synchronization with my Macs, both of which are stuck on High Sierra, because I have only obsolete computers). I’m also poor, so... there’s that too.
Load More Replies...How come that the Nokia 3310 didn't make it to the top 40 ?
When I was a kid in 90s everyone had this Adidas tracksuit and I wanted one too. We didn't have much money so in the end after couple years of asking it my mom bought me one for Christmas on couple size bigger so I can wear it couple years. Now 22 years later I still wear it!
We used to call those Joey Budefuco track suits! XD
Load More Replies...I still have a giant dell precision m6500 laptop from my previous office. Made in 2009 and I still use it to on previous month (august 2021). That monster is actually still running fast.. But microsoft refuse installing windows 10 to it. Damn I still love how good is its monitor and keyboard..
So sad that we live in an age where we look back at products that lasted more than two years with an extreme envy and nostalgia. I am so sick of everything breaking. I hate plastic, cannot stand new technology, just everything is designed to go in the trash and I can't take it. Find better stuff at Goodwill for a $1 than I do anywhere else.
Id we can ad the furniture form our grandparents and greatgrandparents, I could add dozens of image :-) But if I had to pick one, I'd put up the no-name PRIVILEG washing mashine, I go used from a freinds 20 years ago and that is still working well. or my sewing machine form the 1980s, not working super smoothly any more, but good enough for the occasional patch. I really hate that almost everything is made to break down within a few years. Apart from the waste of money, it just takes so much time and effort to buy new appliances and tools. And something always is breaking down and need replacing in my household. It's just exhausting.
I've got my Grandfather's, Great Aunt's and Nana's pens and mechanical pencils they received when they retired from their jobs (all from around the 60's), my Great-Grandfather's drafting rulers that are over 100 years.old, and my favorite - my uncle's winter leather police jacket from the 70's. That thing weighs about 5 pounds and keeps me warm even when the temps hit 0!
I have a cake mold from the late 19th century that belonged to my great-great-grandmother.
With the environment the way it is, It should be against the law to purposefully make things to fall apart nowadays just to make more money. It is sickening.
I have old Defy front loader washing machine. I'm the third owner of the machine and I have it now for almost 14 years and it is still working. The motor isn't as strong as it was and it leaks sometimes but other than that its okay. I will get rid of it when it finely broke one day far in the future.
i miss the days where things were good quality and last a life time,, now everything is so cheap and falls apart so easily ><
They used to make things that last. I have a cheapo acoustic guitar from the early 80's. Still play. A JVC receiver from 1986, still use it with the Bose 301s (the cassette deck and CD player would probably work, too). A relatively early model Bluray player. Slow to load, rather big, still works perfectly.
If only you could find these items to purchase in the first place 😪☹ everyone has a singer unless you're a perpetual renter, can't travel with that thing
●▬▬▬▬PART TIME JOBS▬▬▬▬▬●Google is now paying $17000 to $22000 per month for operating online from home. i have joined this job 2 months ago and i have earned $20544 in my first month from this job. i can say my life is changed-absolutely for the better! check it out what i do, Copy Here══════►►Www.Income200.com