You've probably heard the saying "Practice makes perfect" at least a couple of times during your life. And there's nothing cryptic about this phrase - it merely means that you'll get better with repetition. Nowhere is this more obvious than in drawing and illustration, where an understanding of proportions and proper painting technique can turn rough doodles into a detailed face.
The list that you'll find below is composed of our reader's submissions of their process of learning to draw. The techniques vary from pencil drawings to digital images, but with every before and after photo the improvement is more than evident.
Now, scroll down for some practice inspiration below. You'll find that even the most simple illustration is actually a diamond in the rough for beautiful drawings.
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Drawing Progress Over The Last Few Years
7 Years Of Progress
Progression From 2 Years Old To 25
Eye Drawing Progress In 3 Years
About 8 Years Of Progress
Practice Pays Off
I Think My Style Changed A Bit
5 Years Of Progress
The Difference 2 Years Of Practice Makes
Ignore the random guy below. He said it was easy, but realism requires skill and precision. It's not called a copy. It's called making beautiful, flawless art
My Drawing Progression From Age 12 To 14
From 2013-2015: Same Reference :)
My Drawing Progress
Just Work Hard And Believe In Yourself. 3 Years
Drawing Improvement Over 6 Months
My Drawing Progress
You can see how he mentally grows up and his interest as he gets older
2008 - 3 Hours / 2015 - 15 Minutes
The Progression Of My Drawing Between Ages 2-24
My Drawing Progress 2007 - 2012
My Progress :d
Works In 2013 And 2014
Difference From December 2013 And February 2015
Age 16 To Age 27
I struggled to find any before work (mostly thrown out *sad face* ).
My Drawing Progress
Same Character Over The Years
My Drawing Evolution Between 2006 And 2013
Drawing Progress
Love how the drawing develops into a recognizable person...Bella right?
20whatever To Present: Practice Is Everything (talent Is Overrated)
Drawing Progress Over 4 Years :)
Progress In Regards To Color Understanding :)
You should totally commit your drawings to Magic The Gathering for card creation... this is amazing
Same Kind Of Concept Separated By 2 Years Of Work!
9/2014 - 10/ 2015
My Progress - Fanart And Original Work
1 Year Difference Feat. Lorde!
My Self Portrait Progress Over Two Years
Age 15 - Now
Over The Period
My Improvement (december 2014- June 2015)
3 Years Of Practice! Age 12 To 14 (almost 15)
8 Years Of Photoshop Practice
Found On The Internet (not Mine). Great Progress In 10 Years
10 Years Of Improvement - Same Character
I've Been Drawing More Than 25 Years...
No way that's age 6. Plus, I like the second one better than the last.
My Drawing Progress 2012-2015
Drawings From Age 12 To 15
Mond 2015 Now! (stefanie Götzky) 85*85
My Work From Age 14 To 36 - First Starting Out With Acrylics And Then Moving Onto Watercolours
My Self Portrait Over The Years - 22 To 36 Years Of Age
2 Months Difference, But Can Be Achieved In 4 Days (check Betty Edwards)
Yeah, I draw every day and see improvement (even if it's only a little) every month :)
11 Years Of Progress
Age !9 - Zero Experience.. To Now :)
12 Year Old
December 2015
The Difference Between The Two, Is Only Two Years!
Self Portraits, 16 Years Difference
2 different techniques. But the 13 year old is beautiful as well.
Well... It Is Something!
2 Year Difference!!
11 Years Old
Feb 2015
2 Years Old To 12 Years Old, My Drawing Difference
Same Person's Portrait...2 Years Of Progression :)
2 Years Worth Of Practice
Why is this downvoted so much? It's still an improvement and every artist should respect that. Not everyone can go from a stickman to a beautiful masterpiece in 2 years...
11 Years Done In An Hour
Age 14
At 8 Years..............20 Years
13 Years Old Done In 15 Mins
Artistic growth is a fascinating journey that often begins early in life and is fueled by dedication and relentless practice. For those interested in how consistent effort can lead to remarkable improvement in art, a notable example is Marc Allante, whose disciplined approach to his craft since childhood highlights the importance of dedication in honing artistic skills.
By exploring Marc's evolving style, one can see firsthand how an artist progresses over the years through persistent practice and exploration.
This article shows that there is not natural talent. And skill don't come easy. It takes time, effort, and the willingness to draw the things you're not good at until you are. Respect to the artists.
Im a 12 year old artist i feel like im doing something wrong if i dont draw within 3 days. i am "addicted" to art and i am good at it too! I have been trying hard with art for just a year and i have come a long way :) these images just say to me "Dont give up! you will receive progress!" and i listen to that in my head.
I find this both encouraging and extremely demoralizing despite my years of drawing practice -_-
This article shows that there is not natural talent. And skill don't come easy. It takes time, effort, and the willingness to draw the things you're not good at until you are. Respect to the artists.
Im a 12 year old artist i feel like im doing something wrong if i dont draw within 3 days. i am "addicted" to art and i am good at it too! I have been trying hard with art for just a year and i have come a long way :) these images just say to me "Dont give up! you will receive progress!" and i listen to that in my head.
I find this both encouraging and extremely demoralizing despite my years of drawing practice -_-