I Sorted Famous Characters Into Teams Of The Same Animal Species (New Pics)
Here comes the second part of my series in which I classify all these characters with their fellow creatures of the same species as if we were doing a big family photo.
Of course, I couldn’t do this series without doing the dogs and cats! I expected them to be numerous… But not that many! So many that I even had to arrange them by color.
There are at least 170 cats and 230 dogs, and of course, some are still missing, but I think the most important ones are there.
Between the research of characters, the setting up, and the illustration itself, it took me about 50 hours to draw the cat team and 70 hours for the dogs.
Let me introduce you to my hippo, fox, wolf, tiger, cat, and dog teams!
Also, you can find my previous post featuring more pop-culture characters by clicking here!
More info: Instagram | lindabouderbala.com
Dog team
The idea to create these drawings came naturally after I classified the characters by color! I liked this format I created and I wanted to use it more. In the meantime, I realized that there are so many characters we are used to seeing that we forgot who they are in the first place. The most gripping example for me is Bowser. I have to admit that I do not see him as a turtle anymore. So, the animal teams were the perfect way to remind people that our beloved characters are first of all animals.
Cat team
These drawings require a lot of work! And it’s not just pleasure to create them! It takes me at least 60h to conceive a team, and half of it is searching in my memories, the internet and making lists of characters! Fortunately, I also have a community that is willing to help in the process. I regularly ask them for characters I could have forgotten, and most of the time, they surprise me with characters that I didn’t even know!
I have to admit that my favorite part in this very long process is thinking about the interaction between characters. I love to find similarities between them that lead to a funny scene.
Fox team
Without any hesitation, the hardest part is to find a place for everyone. I have to draw a lot of thumbnails and rough drafts for the positioning before I start the real piece. And even once I start, I often have a lot of adjusting to do.
Tiger team
I am fond of pop culture, in many ways! I grew up in the ’90s, I watched a lot of cartoons and anime, a lot of movies, I’ve been playing video games since I got the SNES when I was a kid… I am really curious and, obviously, I have a good memory.
Hippo team
Right now, I am doing the final round of the color teams. After the first and second rounds, I plan to gather all the fictional characters by color with even more characters than for the species!
I created this project in 2018 and it was quite a buzz… It even became an Instagram challenge (#colorchallenge or whatever) but I don’t worry about that, I just want to finish the teams hoping that I did not forget anyone! But, I will eventually return to this theme, because there are a lot of species I didn’t draw yet: mice, birds, dragons, etc.
Wolf team
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