True story: every time my guinea pig and I go for a nail trim, the amount of animal drama he gives me and the vet would put the entire world of soap operas to shame. And don’t get me started on the amount of irritated squeaking I get if lunch did not come precisely at the time he demanded it. Believe me, he will have no reservations expressing his indignation while looking as if he has never been fed. Like, from the beginning of time.   

We don’t often acknowledge or realize it, but animals have as much drama going on in their lives as humans do. Watching dramatic pets with their funny pet antics can be the best part of your day (unless the drama is over something real, in which case they need your help). Ask any pet owner, and they will have tons of funny pet stories about the dramatic animals they have to put up with on a daily basis. Even the most chill and laid-back pets are not above throwing a tantrum over one thing or another. 

For this article, we collected some of our favorite pet stories about all the furry or skinny drama queens. Share them with your friends, and if you have your own funny pets who love to throw some drama, tell us about them in the comments.   


"Cassie is much bigger than Nigel or Shay, and we wondered why. An indoor security cam helped us find out:

07:55 hrs - All three cats fed. Same size bowls, same food, same amount.

07:56 - The feeder human walks away, and goes to work.

07:57 - Shay takes two huge bites, then her eyes start wandering over to Nigel's bowl... What's in there? He sure seems to be enjoying it. Is his food better than MY food?

07:58 - Shay noses her bowl closer to Nigel. She slyly paws at Nigel's bowl while still eating her own food, trying to draw it closer. Nigel gives a low growl, not standing for any of this bulls**t.

07:59 - Shay flings herself at Nigel in a jealous rage. The fight takes them out of the kitchen and into the living room, leaving behind two half-full bowls.

08:04 - Cassie calmly finishes her bowl, then moseys on over to the other bowls and finishes both of them.

This happens EVERY. DAY."

sweetalkersweetalker Report


    "I don't anymore but I once had both a cat and a guinea pig some 25 years ago and they seemed to hate each other. Whenever my cat got near the cage the guinea pig would start squealing aggressively at the cat and the cat would swat at the cage while sporting a look of utter disgust. That was a daily routine. It was the first thing that happened in the morning and it lasted a minute then they didn't bother each other for the rest of the day and the cat could even nap on top of the cage at times without any protest for either. It was just part of the day for them. That drama just had to happen every day.

    They went on like that for 7 years. The guinea pig got really sick because he was old and I realize he doesn't have long left. I picked him up out of the cage and put him on my lap so he didn't have to die alone. The f**king cat came up and licked the guinea pig and laid on my lap beside him until he passed. Apparently, the cat loved him all along. The 7-year drama was just their thing. That still amazes me." Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My Guinea pig, Teela, asserted instant dominance over our rescue kitten. Teela was roaming because she knew how to open her cage. We sat the kitten in front of her and Teela let out an unholy shriek, and that was that. Ripley grew up to be a huge black queen who was alpha to all other felines, but she was totally submissive to one tiny fearless guinea pig, who knew it and basked in her dominance

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    Cat Looking At The Camera While Laying In The Sink "My two cats are locked in an eternal battle of “who can howl the loudest in the bathtub at 3 am”.

    They’re both winning."

    nigel_bongberry Report

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    Deborah Harris2
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They have discovered the room that has the best acoustics .. be afraid .. be very afraid :D

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    Dog Looking Down From The Balcony vonMishka said:
    "In college, we lived on the second floor and would leave the sliding glass door open with the screen door shut on nice days. We’d often come home to find my dog, stuck on the balcony. We figured out that my roommate’s cat was opening the screen door to let the dog out and then closing the door."

    Anomaly1134 replied:
    "Look doggo, the door is open. Go smell all the smells! I am your fren. I help.
    Closes door: hahaha victory is mine drool face. Now I can slumber in peace."

    vonMishka Report


    Two Cats Laying In Bed "A friend of ours who volunteers with a feral cat CNR program (capture, neuter, release) caught two kittens who were too friendly to release. She called us up and said, "Hey, you like cats, foster these two kittens, please?"

    So now our 14-year-old cat Iris gets to deal with two rambunctious little boys. Sam the siamese is a little afraid of her, so he doesn't bother her much, but Ralph the tabby very much wants to be friends with her. He'll even drop his favorite mousie next to her while she's sleeping.

    Iris was very put out that these little punks were invading her space, but she is slowly learning to tolerate the boys. She still deals out hisses and swats when one of them crosses a line, and they're respectful enough to back off.

    BTW, the boys are foster failures. They're in their forever home."

    lupusdude , Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think I could successfully ever foster. I'd fail every time!

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    Couple Of White Cats And Their Problems "I have two sibling cats, a boy, and a girl. The girl developed heart problems and wasn't eating as much, so the boy cat took advantage and was eating a lot of her share. Now she's a little too skinny and he's gotten fat.

    Ok, so I need to separate their food - So I got an automatic feeder for the boy cat and made a feeder box that only the girl cat could fit in, which made the boy cat mad. He eventually gained the confidence to Winnie-the-pooh himself into her feeder box, which is frustrating if I ever need to be gone for the weekend, as he'll literally eat all her food before she touches it.

    So far my solution is to put a little inflatable collar on him when I'm gone, so he has a barrier beside his fat to keep him from going in.

    Also, I had to barricade his automatic feeder because he kept beating it up to get loose kibbles. Now he stares longingly at that feeder all day."

    rigmarole111 , rigmarole111 Report


    Cat Peeking From The Edge Of The Box zerbey said:
    "The dog doesn't like when the cat gives him dirty looks. The cat knows this, will deliberately stare him down, and then expertly leap out of the way when he goes to chase her."

    Pigelot replied:
    "Our dog is very stupid and cannot stand when the cat stares at him. We have a baby gate to keep the dogs away from the cat’s food and litter, and the cat will sit behind the baby gate, TAIL SWISHING, and bore holes into him. He loses his goddamn mind."

    zerbey Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Here is a haiku on this subject: Cat stares at the dog, dog freaks out and goes psycho, a poppy blooms.

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    Two Cats Eating Cat From Their Bowls "I have a dog, an elderly cat on special food, and two middle-age cats on regular food. None of them will voluntarily eat their own food. The old cat wants to take the younger cats' food, the young cats go to try to steal the old cat's food, the cats will try to eat the dog's massive kibbles, and the dog will go bonkers trying to get the cat's food. They will each snub their own food in favor of stealing the rest. I literally have to feed each of my pets in its own room with a closed door, there's a whole process to feeding time around here.

    PS I have kids also, but fortunately, they've outgrown trying to eat the pet food."

    on_island_time Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haiku: Pets all eat wrong food! They are so silly! Happy, yummy food to all! EDIT: Adjusting the haiku so naughty pets aren’t referred to as Devils. Also changing it so it doesn’t sound like I’m hoping cute little pets get eaten by owls. Sorry for the mixup! Wasn’t my intention.

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    Two Dogs Looking At Each Other CDC_ said:
    "My roommate has 2 large male dogs and I have a small female dog. My roommate's male dogs like to rough house and play around sometimes. Whenever they get too loud my little dog will raise her head and growl ever-so-slightly. Just enough for them to hear her. As soon as she does, they stop for a minute and start playing quieter. F**king surreal to see."

    frickineh replied:
    "I had a female chihuahua mix who was like that. We used to call her the fun police at the park because any time dogs would start roughhousing a little too much, she'd run over and get in the middle of it and the other dogs would just stop. She was like 9lbs."

    CDC_ Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s how small dogs, as well as cats, end up in charge of an entire pack of large dogs. Small dogs just rush in and take charge when no one else does, and cats add in the element of surprise by beating and scratching the f**k out of everyone—-and doing it so lightning fast, you’d have to slow down the film (if you’re equally as fast at getting your phone out and its camera running) to see everything that’s happening. Additionally, if the future large dog is a puppy, the small dog or cat is probably bigger, and will immediately establish dominance so forcefully the dog remembers and respects it their entire lives.

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    Small Guinea Pig Looking At The Person Who Is Taking Photo "3 guinea pigs, Janis, Zeppelin, and Jovi. Janis and Zep are 2, Jovi will be 1 in May and we've only had her for a few months (she's a rescue). Jovi, despite being a fraction of her size, is challenging Janis for "dominant pig" status in the cage.

    The amount of chasing, humping, rumbling, etc going on is truly ridiculous. Like... They're small adorable balls of fluff, the fact that they're trying to intimidate each other at all is fairly hilarious to watch. Janis will chase Jovi down, mount her for a minute, then run off, Jovi will immediately chase after her like "I'll hump you right back".

    Meanwhile, Zeppelin is usually watching them with a look of "don't involve me in your f****ry, I just want to nap". Every once in a while they drag her into it and it's all downhill from there."

    Platypus211 Report

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    Rwby Couch
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol I never thought humping as a sign of aggression, just that they were in heat.

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    Sleeping Cat In Her Bed "The younger cat wants to play with the older cat, but the older cat is not into it at all. The younger cat will sneak up on the older cats, and the older cat just hisses and spits and bitch slaps. The dog and I are just watching from the couch hoping to stay out of the line of fire."

    CovidGR Report

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    Lakota Wolf
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the life I am living right now. XD I have a 6-year-old female black cat and a 1-year-old male tux. I thought for some reason they'd be that Instagram cat pair who slept together in cat beds and groomed each other. Nope. The boy pokes the older cat in the literal ásshole at every chance he gets, and she makes goblin noises at him. Over and over and over. They also both like the SAME perches and beds so they war over them constantly. The second one moves from a bed to use the litterbox, the other will TELEPORT to the bed instantly XD

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    Cat Lying On Top Of The Bed And Dog Playing With Her Duck Toy Dr_Julian_Helisent said:
    "We got a puppy two weeks ago. Our elderly cat is furious when we do dog training sessions because the cat deserves the treats instead. We end up doing joint training sessions and the cat is actually much more consistent than the puppy."

    jag77707 replied:
    "We made the mistake of giving one of our two cats a piece of rotisserie chicken 'cause I had dropped it while striping the meat off. Our cat can now pinpoint which grocery bag has the chicken if we buy one and attempts to rip it into the bag to get it. He also sits next to me and meows while I prepare it for salads or whatever."

    Dr_Julian_Helisent , DrJulianHelisent Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cat has the same harness that the doggo has! Her leash and collar also match. Love the peacock pattern.

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    "I have 3 dogs. 2 of them are having a mostly passive-aggressive war over toys.

    It started with a squeaky toy, a blue bone-shaped one. The younger dog, Reese, started showing off how wonderful the squeaky toy is. The older dog, Pepper, is very jealous. So he would carefully steal it every time Reese got the slightest bit careless.

    This escalated to them tossing it in the air in front of the other to taunt about who had the toy. Needless to say, some tosses resulted in the toy changing hands.

    Soon other toys got really contentious. Pepper especially wanted all the toys so he lay on top of them like a dragon hoard. Reese would take whatever toy he had and toss it in front of Pepper to show that there were still good toys not in his dragon hoard.

    This culminated with a serious disagreement between them and now all the toys are out of reach for the foreseeable future."

    debbieae Report


    Four Ducks Standing On The Log "One chicken of mine broke her toe and all of my other 39 hens stopped laying. One of my roosters is really depressed, and when I brought her back out after she was starting to heal, every other chicken froze like they’d seen a ghost. It’s quite funny now whenever I bring her outside."

    Interesting-Lettuce1 Report

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    Tuna Beach
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They know what has usually happened when a chicken goes missing...

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    Couple Of Dogs Laying On The Carpet feliciates said:
    "The dachshund will NOT stop invading the beagle's personal space (crate) to suck on her ears. The beagle has HAD it and wants it to stop. Two things tho:

    1. Beagles have a really hard time being stern and intimidating.

    2. Dachshunds are NOT easily intimidated.

    So this morning we had 40 minutes of the beagle "growling" (not very convincing sounding) and dachshund "sass" (barking back) ending up AS USUAL with an annoyed beagle with soggy ears. It's hopeless."

    _northernlights replied:
    "One thing I learned about growing up with a Dachshunds. They don't understand what personal space is, and even if they did they don't give a f**k."

    feliciates , Report

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    Benita Valdez
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why you need a beagle mix; mine is a dïck with cat personality and will not tolerate the others nonsense ( a coonhound doofus mix)

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    Small Puppy With Blue Eyes Looking At The Camera "My Silver Lab likes tennis balls, my Aussie likes his security blanket, and he suckles on it... ya, I know.

    But sometimes the Aussie who is older and still the alpha for a bit longer steals the Ball and gnaws on it in plain sight of the Lab. So the Lab takes his Blanky and flips it around, tosses it in the air playfully, and wraps it around the Aussies head until he just can't stand it anymore. As soon as he snatches his blanky back, the Lab swoops in and steals the Ball back!

    And then the zoomie race is on!"

    rainmanak44 , Chad Miller Report

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    Benita Valdez
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My older dog is a straight up dīck with heavy cat personality. If he gets annoyed at the 2 year old playing/chewing on a toy he will steal the toy from him, rip it open, tear out all the stuffing, pop the squeaker then wave the cloth corpse in his face like "hey want it now?"

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    Dog And Cat Laying In Bed "I have a very very stupid cat and a very smart alpha dog. The cat is in love with the dog and the dog wants to bully her like she does other dogs but the cat literally doesn't learn. The dog finally gave up and lets the cat cuddle and groom her but has a very short temper when it interferes with her naps.

    Said dumb cat also has asthma, sometimes causing her to cough in her sleep (not severe, usually completely controlled with inhalers, but she does flare seasonally and takes about a week to get it back under control). Well, it's spring flare time and the dog just can't. She's already cranky my husband is working from home and he interrupts her all-important naps. Well now the cat, usually cuddled up against her sound asleep, is also waking her up.

    She has taken to punting said cat off of the couch when it happens. Just straight up "go suffocate somewhere else, will you?" The poor cat looks so confused and hurt, I mean she was in a dead sleep with her favorite creature on the planet, and now she's struggling to breathe, then she's suddenly falling. Then cue me chasing her while scolding the dog, trying to get the cat to take her rescue inhaler, which she hates (I guess the smell is worse than her maintenance inhaler). Meanwhile, the dog has no regrets, none. Will do again."

    Morgueannah , Morgueannah Report

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    Alyssa Phillips
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cats have rescue inhalers? I don't see that being a fun administration.

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    Cat Playing With Lasers Red Dot "We have 4 cats, yesterday I bought one a squeaky mouse toy for his birthday and they all love it. Unfortunately, we had to give them worm medicine yesterday and have to keep them separated. We gave the medicine to the kitten first and put her in the spare room with her food, water, and litter box, but also gave her the toy. Now the other cats are pissed because only she gets to play with the toy."

    wooh_345_ Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When you have multiples of cats, you buy multiples of toys. Unless you h e cat that have their own distinct and extremely separate tastes in toys, so won’t get jealous unless they have no toy at all.

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    Happy Dog Laying On Grass While Winking One Eye "Brother/sister Huskies. Dude discovered he can jump his way to the top of a shed out back. Sister can’t and it bugs the s**t out of her. He sits up there and she’ll howl at him.

    I think her revenge is laying in front of the dog door. He’ll howl at her to move and she just looks at him."

    DesertRoamin Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haiku: Husky on shed is sassy. Sibling rivalry in fluffy dogs. At long last, best friends. EDIT: More apologies. I did not intend for these to sound negative. Just trying to capture the feel of real haikus. (Obviously failing…) This one has been adjusted to be more upbeat!

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    Cal Laying In Bed In A Cozy Environment "Years ago I was taking care of my GF's cat, a female Siamese, Sadie, who violently hated all other female cats.

    Enter my (thankfully former) roommates and their big ginger tabby, Chester.

    Sadie had never met a male cat before. She hissed for half a second and then immediately warmed up to the big lad. Unfortunately for Sadie and fortunately for everyone else, Chester was neutered long ago and had zero ideas what to do with the sudden attention he was getting."

    kreankorm Report


    "My cat Okubu who HATES my wife has decided that our dog is not allowed on the couch. Now, normally he won't let the dog sit next to him, but now it's a full couch ban which leads to him getting up, walking to the other side of the couch, and slapping the dog. He then will go sit next to my wife and stare angrily at her for hours. We've been married for over a year, and living together for over two, so this cat holds a grudge. I bought the dog a bed, but sometimes Okubu decides that's also his, and will sit in it until the dog gets on the couch, and then he chases the dog off the couch."

    MaverickDago Report


    Dog And A Puppy Looking At Each Other LaurieS1 said:
    "My two dogs like the same bed so they will fight over it until the end result is they just both sleep on it (while the other bed just goes unused-I don't see the difference between the two they are both super soft?!)"

    VTCHannibal replied:
    "Is it positioned in the room? What if you switched the unused bed with the bed they fight over?"

    LaurieS1 replied:
    "I have moved the beds around! Sometimes they will sleep separately(with one dog reluctantly taking the second option bed) (if I switch the beds, then they will sleep on it as well. But if both beds are present, their favorite is always their priority. Lol!) - My dad says it might be the texture, one is slightly smoother so it feels cooler?"

    LaurieS1 Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, it’s that the one chose the bed, and the other doesn’t want them to have it. Doesn’t matter that there’s a duplicate bed right next to it. If one doggie has it, the other feels that they MUST take it away from them. Sometimes one prevails, and the other has to sleep in the other bed. Sometimes there’s a standoff, where both lay claim, and have to share the bed. TBH, it’s not the bed that’s the bone of contention, it’s the possession of one bed by one dog, and the jealousy of the other, with both of them playing a zero sum game—-Dog 1 thinking that Dog 2 taking “that” bed for themself is a bed taken away from Dog 1, even though Dog 1 already has a duplicate bed of their own.

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    Three Cats Looking At One Place rs2excelsior said:
    "We recently got a rug that’s going to go in my fiancee and I’s house once it’s done. The three cats all want to sit on it, but they had to work out if more than one of them could sit on it at once (for reference, it’s ~6ft across, so not a space issue)

    They have decided that two of them may share but at opposite ends of the rug."

    MamaOnica replied:
    "Why would you get such a tiny rug? That's not even enough space for the smolest kitten."

    rs2excelsior Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They're right, 2ft or carpet for each cat, that's awful! A sleeping cat will stretch to a 9ft radius, everyone knows that!

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    Woman Sitting And Holding A Cat In The Park "My 2 cats fight about who gets to sit on my lap. My dog (gsd x) ignores them but when the loser sulks off, she'll chase them. My 2 parakeets just squeak like crazy during all of this and quiet down after the dog has chased the loser cat away.

    It's a daily ritual, to my slight annoyance/amusement..."

    KajinMonkey Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s the opposite in my house. Either the animals split themselves between my husband and I, or one of us ends up looking like someone dropped a bucket of animals on them.

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    Red Curled Up Snake "Lulu the cat is pissed off I won't let her play with her brother Pippin... a snake. Her favorite toy is a ribbon. Need I say more?"

    LetoKarmatic Report


    Two Cats Fighting For The Window View llamas1355 said:
    "Two cats. I opened the window for the first time this year since the weather is finally nice. They have been pushing each other away for the best spot to smell the air."

    typoquwwn replied:
    "Same! One open window in the house, in my office next to my desk. My two girls usually share really well but the window has been causing squabbles."

    llamas1355 , typoquwwn Report


    Dog With Different Eye Colors Walking Near The Pool doitbuggystyle said:
    "Corgi won’t stop herding my chickens!"

    gorgeousaurus replied:
    "My mom has a herding dog who came and stayed with us for a week. During the day I leave the chicken run open so they can roam the yard and she kept putting them back in their pen lol."

    doitbuggystyle Report

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    Julie Schulz
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Our neighbors have trained their lab to round up the "girls" each night. They have chickens that free-range during the day and are penned up at night. It's funny to watch him herd them.

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    Two Different Color Bunnies On The Bed "We have two rabbits and a kitten. One of our rabbits Willow has a bad habit of humping our other rabbit, Luna, even though they’re both girls (and neutered).

    So lately Luna has been striking back and full-on face-f**king Willow. I guess Luna’s sick of Willow’s s**t.

    Also whenever the kitten is in the same room as the bunnies, he runs for them, and the bunnies get scared. The bunnies either run back into their hutches, or jump up and land on the cat when he attacks, or they run away leaving a trail of poop pellets on the carpet."

    LionKing_P1 Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think the owner of the bunnies needs to learn more about them. Humping is a dominance behaviour, particularly if it’s head humping. As prey animals, rabbits are programmed to run away from or in very dangerous situations, attack potential predators. Allowing a kitten to run at them is incredibly stressful.

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    Small Cat Fighting With Big Dog Banzewrld said:
    "I have a cat, a puppy, and a dog. Cat likes to lure the puppy under the bed and he can get under but gets stuck in the middle where it's the lowest. I have to rescue him (usually around 2 am and he wakes me up by scratching the floor trying to get out). Cat also likes to knock off things from the counter he knows the puppy should not be chewing on. Puppy and cat like to wrestle with each other. But the dog doesn't like the ruckus and barks at them to stop. Cat doesn't like the barking so then he chases the dog. Puppy follows the cat and there's a train of 3 Tom and Jerry style through the house. At the end of the day tho they are always in a big cuddle pile so I think they'll be okay."

    janeursulageorge replied:
    "Wasn't that Scooby Doo or Danger Mouse? Surely Tom and Jerry-esque are running along a hall, round a corner into a broom? Or Iron and then looking like a broom or iron?"

    Banzewrld Report

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    Rwby Couch
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol you can tell they love each alot if they can snuggle after a struggle


    Chickens And Cat All In The Same Spot User No 1 said:
    "I live on a farm. every day is a new case of the cats trying to eat something they shouldn't."

    goblinmarketeer replied:
    "On my uncle's farm, a cat got into its head that attacking a cow was a good idea. Jumped on it, and bit it around the neck. Of course, when one cow runs, they all run... Cat caused a mini-stampede that took out several fences. And somehow walked away unscathed." Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haiku: Cats and cows, ancient friends seeking peace, a cloud passes the sun. EDITED to be more fun…

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    Dog Running Back With His Ball In Mouth "Well, I own two dogs, right now both of them are in timeout because one got out and when I was trying to get him back in the other one ran out. And they both ran off somewhere."

    midnightsupernatural Report

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    Rwby Couch
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've tried commenting on a lot of posts, but I feel like I'm spamming😅. Sorry bout that, I'll stop. Dramatic pets are cute though, so upvote the heck out of these posts, mkay? I hope you have a great day!!!

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    Person Holding A White Bird On His Finger "I have pet birds, a female cockateil, and a male kakariki. The kakariki is currently flirting with the cockatiel, she is completely unimpressed and is hissing at him. He is doing his best, eye pinning dancing, and clicking, but he just won't take the hint that she's not interested."

    Flightlessdragon1 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    "The dog thinks the cat is going to steal her bone. Cat is actually just rolling around scratching her back on the floor.

    Cat washes their feet in all the water bowls around the house except the one in the same room as her tree. The dog is upset by dirty water. Cat gets confused when the dog drinks out of her "good bowl".

    They have a cold war going on over their beds. They swap when one is upset with the other. Beds are identical and a foot from each other."

    mountaindynamic Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haiku: What goes on in pets minds? Turmoil! Jealousy! Aggression! Sunlight fades to black.

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    Big And Small Black Dog Laying On The Ground "We have 2 dogs, a very large all-black German Shepherd, and a recently adopted miniature dachshund. At first, they were getting along fine but now the German Shepherd literally follows the little dachshund around everywhere he goes! They're literally inseparable now and it's kind of adorable lol. The only real drama that's come from this is that now both dogs fight for attention whenever the other seems to get some."

    manhowl , manhowl Report

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    Hens And Small Chickens Eating Of The Ground "Seven chickens are playing outside on a warm early spring day. They keep coming to the patio for snacks. A 7-month-old mastiff has no snacks but hopes the foul friends will open the screen door so she can go out too. Them bitches just won’t. When puppers get out, she tried to blend in with the flock. She’s over a hundred pounds. They notice."

    jre-erin1979 Report


    Two Old Cats Sitting On The Stairs "My wife and I have 2 cats. Our oldest, we had for about 2 years before we adopted our youngest. At first, our older cat did not like our younger cat much at all. They're both males, so I'm sure there's some competition going on, but they've since become civil with each other. However, when my wife and I go to bed, our younger cat loves to jump up and lay down with us. Our older cat does too, but our youngest won't let him. Our younger cat will walk up and bite the older cat on his butt (lower back, but that's not as funny to say) and our older cat won't even put up a fight. He just leaves. The younger cat is hoarding his humans all to himself. That is, until recently though. The last few nights our older cat has been laying down with us too, and it seems like they've come to a truce. I'm optimistic that they'll get along and not bite each other's butts to steal prime cat loafing real estate, but I won't be surprised if this fragile truce is broken any time soon."

    psydon , Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had two cats when I got married, and my husband and I have had a minimum of two—-and at one time, a maximum of five—-cats, since we got married almost 23 years ago, plus a cat-loving dog for about twelve of those years. Each and every one a stray rescued right off the street. Never ever had a problem sharing the bed with us. We have had many a night with two humans, one dog, and up to five cats all snuggled up in a heap—-though the cats did share the night patrol of the house by taking their shifts, then coming bc’ to the bed to tap out whichever cats has the next shift. It’s similar to what they do if one of us is laid up sick or recuperating from surgery (which is nice when the other spouse has to go to work. You never feel all alone, because you always have some combination of them, cats or dog, keeping you company

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    JoshDunkley said:
    "Younger dog won't eat her food because she's been eating all the poo in the yard as it thaws. Older dogs won't eat because the younger dog won't eat (because full of poo)."

    MattFox20 replied:
    "This is kinda crazy talk, but have you thought about picking up the poo before your dog eats it?"

    JoshDunkley Report

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    Dogcat vet (retired)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If the dog is eating your other dog's feces, you could try putting Forbid in your pets food and it is supposed to make the feces taste bad (worse?). Sometimes cooked or canned spinach can work too. Or spraying the feces in a preemptive strike with Bitter Apple.

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    Small Dog Sitting In The Grass Field EhlersDanlosSucks said:
    "I have three dogs. The biggest is a German Shepherd and the smallest isn't even the size of the German's head. But the little one is the youngest and full of crap, and likes to run up to the big boy, punch him in the nose, and bounce away."

    Woshambo replied:
    "It's crazy how little dogs think they're big dogs and big dogs think they're little."

    EhlersDanlosSucks Report

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    Rwby Couch
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol chihuahuas be acting all scary like, and great Danes just want to sit on your lap

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    lildanta said:
    "My puppy keeps stealing my dog's food because the cat steals her food. And the dog who gets his food stolen refuses to eat anything but chicken and beef."

    Hekdarius replied:
    "The circle of life."

    lildanta Report


    TizzleDirt said:
    "We adopted a heavily abused and partially blind dog who was full of anxiety. We also have 4 cats but only 2 of them are brave enough to go visit her.

    The drama is that when she hears all the cats running around playing she wants to join but being semi-blind and having a 50/50 chance it won't be a friendly cat she just gets sad and whines."

    Smol_Daddy replied:
    "Maybe attach bells to the friendly ones?"

    NeyNey87 replied:
    "This is a great idea! I have a blind dog and I have a bell in his harness so I can hear him wandering around (doesn’t wear it all the time). I now also have a 10-month-old baby who likes to surprise the blind dog while he’s sleeping so I added bells to the baby and now the dog (and I) know where the baby is at all times."

    TizzleDirt Report

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    Dogcat vet (retired)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can also use some sort of scent on the shoes (or your shoes) to help out also. Not sure the cat wants to smell like peppermint though. Maybe you can find a chicken flavor one.

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    "3 cats (2 on purpose, then we had a happy accident for the third) Miku, Chloe, and Oliver. Oliver wants to play CONSTANTLY, and both the girls hate that. They’ll cuddle with him in order to share a lap, but they get so mad at him when he tries to play. They don’t hurt him though, just swatting with no claws and growls. Whenever they try to do that though he runs to my mom and cries until she picks him up. He’s definitely got youngest child syndrome."

    Asexualness Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Much harder to ignore when your child has a cute little fuzzy face though


    John_Matrix_ said:
    "My sister-in-law has 13 cats, and 3 dogs, and is preparing to get two more puppies very soon. I'm pretty sure it's some type of sickness but her house is clean and never smells. The trouble is, she spends the bulk of each day cleaning and taking care of the pets. Her husband just doesn't have the heart to tell her no to any more pets."

    PrincessxKristi replied:
    "Yeah, animal hoarding is a real thing. I love animals, but I can not imagine dealing with 16+. I guess, cats are independent but still sounds so stressful."

    John_Matrix_ Report

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    Big Dog Eating Big Bone "We have a husky, Boston terrier pug mix (bug), and Chihuahua, and recently we got some new chew bones for the dogs recently the husky and bug are having a war to see who can have them all on a chair at one time so while they fight over that the chihuahua eats the husky’s food because he is being extremely picky now."

    MemeMavrick7000 Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For a second there, at first glance, it looked like the dog was chewing on a human foot and ankle.

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    antimidas_84 said:
    "2 of the cats are best buddies, and the 3rd is independent and is very love/hate. Nothing to worry about.

    One thing they have teamed up on is Walter, our new Shark Roomba. They hiss at it and instead of hiding or going on higher furniture have to keep an eye on it. They certainly didn't like when it got too close to their food and water dishes. Then when it returned to its base they sit directly around it and stare at it, keeping an eye on it."

    mycatsnameistilly replied:
    "My cat lies directly in front of the Roomba and stares it down in a “try me” way. The scooter will bump into her, turn around and go the other way while she lies there looking like a smug jackass."

    antimidas_84 Report

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    Rahim Carlock
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think AI could program the roombas a little more playfully for pets. you know laser pointers and such.

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    "1) I have two male cats and two female hamsters. The oldest of my male cats is obsessed with sitting in front of one of the hamster's cages and staring. I've started yelling at him to "stop watching the little girls" and calling him a creep.

    2) Frogger and Boi, my male African dwarf frogs, enjoy a little flogging before and after mealtime. Sometimes they sing in harmony, other times it sounds like the two little things are going to war.

    3) Lastly, my 36 gal sorority of 9 bettas has all the drama. So much drama."

    cosmicbrown-ie Report

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    Five Horse In An Enclosure UsernameObscured said:
    "My younger horse got jealous that the older one got a new halter. So when I wasn’t looking... She stole it, and pooped on it."

    DarkwingDuckHunt replied:
    "Ha, I was playing fetch with my mother-in-law's 2 German shorthairs, one boy, one girl, best of friends.

    The girl got mad the Boy was always getting the ball first. So the next time she got the ball she ran off to the side, dropped it, and did a full-on piss on it.

    Boy still picked it up and brought it to me expecting me to throw it again."

    UsernameObscured Report

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    Small Kitten Peeking From The Side Of Wall "Love this question haha I have 2 cats one that is a bit dramatic and there is always this stray cat that comes to stare at her from the distance, the never gets close but my cat yells like she is being attacked. When I go out and check it out the stray cat is on the other side of the sidewalk and my cat is at my door all curled up. All this happens and my other cat just stares through the window with a dislike for my yelling cat.

    I’m ashamed of my cat because her yelling is super loud and all my neighbors know it’s her causing drama."

    Shy_raspberry Report

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    LaBrujadeChi said:
    "My bigger cat will pretend to be grooming my smaller cat then annoy her enough to get up and leave, taking her warm, primo spot.

    She'll do this when she's eating too so food will be left in the bowl for fatty to steal."

    cryptic-coyote replied:
    "Oh my god, this happens with my kittens too!! Big boy bites his sleeping sister’s ears until she moves off of the blanket and immediately sits in her spot once she’s gone."

    LaBrujadeChi Report

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    Ferret Drinking Water From A Cup NelyafinweMaitimo said:
    "Fiona the pit bull wants to be friends with Delilah the orange cat, but Delilah yowls and slashes her face if Fiona looks at her wrong. Delilah, meanwhile, likes to drink all of Fiona's water. This has been going on for two years now."

    Jesikahlea replied:
    "I def wouldn't complain about your cat drinking too much water! They are notoriously dehydrated!"

    NelyafinweMaitimo Report

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    naylene hess
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If your cat is drinking entire bowls of water you might want to take them to the vet

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    Woman Scratching Neck Of A Black Cat "My black cat, Vex, is a cuddle bug, mostly with me but if I'm not around my brother is a good substitute for her. My brother's cat, Noodle, hates cuddling if it lasts more than a minute and will bite to tell you he's done.

    Well, Vex gets jealous easily, and she saw Noodle laying in my lap the other day. She jumped in my lap with him and tried pushing him off. Noodle got pissed and twacked her in the head, and now the cats aren't on speaking terms. At least till it's nap time, 'cause they still cuddle up with each other for nap time."

    zooke90909 Report

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    Black Cat Cleaning The Ginger Car's Fur "Old drama, but when I moved into my last apartment my cats met my roommate’s cat: Jenny. Jenny is an incredible creature, talkative and cuddly and weird but also passive-aggressive as f**k. She would get a lil jealous if my cats got more attention, but mostly she just got mad when she didn't get to go outside. When she got angsty she took it out on the other cats. In my first week, she pushed my oldest off the balcony. Marzipan hit the iron fencing below and lost a tooth. Somehow Marz still loved Jenny."

    cocodrie_ Report


    "Three cats until several months ago, now four. All from different litters. All fixed.

    When it was just the three girls they had a shifting power dynamic that my wife and I called the Triple Détente. When the male was added, things got weird. He terrorizes one, creepily stalks another, and is terrified of the third. This has created a bizarre new dynamic with a top cat (the female that terrifies the male) for the first time in years."

    Casual-Notice Report

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    Puppy Sleeping On The Floor "We adopted a puppy last year (a german pointer/mutt female). Our 6-year-old pup (corgi/border collie male) was fine at first, but gradually decided he was not having any of her shenanigans and will growl/bark at her when he doesn't want to play. Now she's turned it into a game and whenever she wants attention she lays in front of him on her back, belly exposed wags her tail, and wiggles her body - she never touches him during this. He ALWAYS responds with low-tone growling and a random bark. It's the dog version of "I'm not touching you"."

    HouseHelp9119 Report

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    "My younger pup really likes to seat her butt on the older dog's shoulder, or on his head, while he is lying down. The older dog seems to disapprove, but not enough to actually do anything about it. I've been patiently waiting for the last straw, but he has a surprising amount of straws when it comes to her apparently."

    fuaky Report

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    Many Clown Fish In The Fish Tank "Y'all aint ready for this with your lovely dog and cat stories...

    So I have many fish tanks, and one of them contains our dramatics society. 2 clownfish, an enormous anemone, an assortment of snails including 2 Cowrie Snails, a red-lipped bivalve, a blenny, and a couple of sea moths.

    So the Cowrie snails were valentines present from my fiance and they have spines. Where do they want to go? Wherever the anemone is. Cue the anemone getting literally butthurt by Cowrie spines and climbing out of the hole it has lived in for 6 months to roll around the tank stinging the s**t out of all the corals and killing most of them.

    The anemone looks like Cthulu's flashlight it's massive, easily 10 inches in diameter on the oral disk and the stalk is like a human arm. If it had the wit to put its tentacles on the cowrie on the run around then it would probably be able to eat them. It has eaten a couple of unwary fish before and is known for swallowing razor clams with the shell and all - but the cowrie has not only outsmarted it at every turn but they appear to find a reason to ram it in the arse every day, which causes the nem to flee at a similar speed and try to settle elsewhere, only to be bullied again a few hours later.

    I am looking to rehome the anemone for this reason - it's a Heteractis Magnifica if anyone in the UK would like to buy it, lol."

    Good3itch Report

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    "Tilda dog would like the number to the ASPCA please and is humming Sarah McClachlen tunes under her breath because I’d rather watch basketball today than take her four-wheeling and running in the woods like she gets to do EVERY SINGLE DAY EXCEPT TODAY. Her tragedy is real, y’all.

    Alex's cat looked at Natalie's cat which she doesn’t like so she screamed and poop shot across the floor. And now Natalie has taken Summer’s favorite sleeping place so Summer threw up on the carpet.

    Pretty much a normal day in other words."

    rebel1031 Report

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    "My cat's still mad at our littlest dog because the dog caught the cat, mid-jump, off the chair and ripped a massive patch of hair out. The cats mostly live outside so I put a coat on her so she wouldn't freeze with this hand-sized bald spot, and it rubbed more fur off so now she looks like she has mange. She smacks the dog every time she sees her. I fear her ego will never recover."

    TheMadCoyote Report

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    Dogcat vet (retired)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Be careful with outside cats wearing a coat since they do a lot of climbing and the coat could get stuck in a branch or fence or something.

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    Cat Eating From A Plate "The big cat's on a diet so she's jealous of the little one who gets to free feed (food bowl on top of a high shelf). Their relationship was strained and she started beating up the little one whenever my sister smelled like her/she smelled like my sister because she was feeling territorial. The little one is avoiding my sister out of fear.

    Now they have somewhat of a truce because we're fostering a bulldog. The bulldog loves the cats and really wants to be friends, but she has breathing problems that make her sound like she's always growling, and her tail was docked so she has nothing to wag. The big cat has been hiding in rooms the dog can't access. The little cat has been watching from up high and is comfortable that the bulldog won't hurt her but thinks she's kind of loud and overbearing anyway and often hisses at her to go away."

    FlyingPies_ Report

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    naylene hess
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cats dont care about wagging tails cause they wag their tails when their pissed


    "I have two cats. Our master bathroom has two sinks but only one is working at the moment. When it’s time for me to wash my face in the morning they race each other to the faucet. Usually, a tussle ensues between them after the fact."

    mel012 Report


    "I had to rehome one of my blue hellers because of littermate syndrome. She wasn't liked by our oldest dog and didn't take her hints, and when she and her sister would play randomly they would start to attack each other. We couldn't handle the stress of them growing up together. She lives on a farm now with another cattle dog. We still visit and get multiple pictures a week."

    TheShredShed_real Report