DoorDash Driver Gets Fired, Confronts The Client At Her Office For Allegedly Reporting Her Order Undelivered
Ever since people invented delivery services, they have been the source of various funny and sad stories – as well as many other areas of social interaction between people. The problem has become especially acute with the advent of online delivery, where the courier and the customer may not meet at all – and this, alas, opens up the field for all sorts of fraud.
Usually, the courier of the delivery service becomes the offended party in such stories. At least because any delivery service is primarily a business per se, and many bosses still operate on the principle of “the customer is always right.” And many customers just abuse it…
This rather strange story first surfaced a few days ago on the Reddit Public Freakout community, where it racked up 91.6K upvotes and almost 3K comments. The Original Poster noted that the video they posted was taken from the YouTube channel of the person who originally filmed it, but was later deleted along with the entire channel.
More info: Reddit
The original video was filmed by a Dasher who allegedly lost his job as a result of a customer’s fraud
Image credits: GoToVan (not the actual image)
So, according to the video, its author works as a courier for DoorDash. Or rather, he worked. Because, having signed in to work early that day, the man found out that he had been fired. From what he said, that was the problem. Earlier that day, he had delivered a burrito to some office, and the receptionist acted as the customer.
Image credits: u/ParisHiltonIsDope
The man claimed that he delivered a $10 burrito successfully but later the woman, for some reason, reported her food undelivered
According to the delivery man, the woman took her order, but then, for some reason, noted online that the food had not been delivered. As a result, the customer saved $10 on a burrito, and the Dasher lost his job, which, as he claims in the video, was his main and only source of income.
Image credits: u/ParisHiltonIsDope
The man said this directly to her face, claiming that because of her, he lost his job, and several times allowed himself to be insulted. According to the man’s words, he had previously used illegal substances, but for many years he has been absolutely clean of them.
Image credits: u/ParisHiltonIsDope
The customer just promised to contact DoorDash to settle things
The woman in the video was either shocked by this turn of events, or really felt guilty. At least she didn’t protest too much, promising to “contact DoorDash and settle things.” The Dasher also asked who raised her, and demanded the phone number of a senior manager, claiming that he wanted her to be fired as well. He repeated the same thing to another man who approached him at the end of the video.
Image credits: u/ParisHiltonIsDope
People in the comments supported the Dasher and slammed the customer, demanding to fire her immediately
Then stranger things started to happen. Of course, many commenters, despite noting that the Dasher was not behaving appropriately, agreed that his voice sounds on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and expressed sympathy to the courier. The receptionist, who allegedly illegally saved $10 on her burrito, has also been scathingly criticized by people in the comments.
Image credits: u/ParisHiltonIsDope
The woman was called a fraudster and people called on the company’s management to immediately fire her. According to some commenters, the fact that she did not even make eye contact with the accuser speaks for itself. It would seem that everything is clear and the case is closed. But in fact, everything is not so simple…
First, according to the Original Poster on Reddit, the Dasher’s entire YouTube channel was deleted literally immediately after its publication. Secondly, one of the commenters in the thread wrote that the man finally managed to talk to DoorDash support and he was returned to work, and the receptionist, on the contrary, was fired.
A DoorDash spokesperson allegedly clarified that the claims made in the video are false
On the other hand, this information was completely unconfirmed. But Newsweek later wrote that they contacted a DoorDash spokesperson, who literally stated: “The claims made in the video are false. The Dasher was removed for violating our policies – not because of a disputed delivery.”
Be that as it may, delivery persons in various online services really often suffer from various scams and fraudsters. In any case, we continue to follow this story and will definitely tell you how it all ended. In the meantime, we are waiting for your comments – which of the parties to the conflict do you believe more?
Wait... So the very last line in the very last comment says the GUY was lying??? That seems like a major plot point and it's just buried??? Maybe I misunderstood.
Yeah, DoorDash told Newsweek dude was fired for violating policies, not for the delivery incident. Imo that makes more sense than getting fired for not delivering a single order.
Load More Replies...Last year I ordered from ubereats on an evening, and the driver kept arguing he was there and I was not, for a whole hour. I was just in front of my building, but the guy kept telling me he was there - he was not. Told him several times that he was probably not at the right adress, that I know where I live... Bonus : he was SO disrespectful ! Then I reveive a notification that I didn't grab my order. I reported the thing to ubereats and it was SO nasty, they didn't believe me. They ended up refunding me, but it was really long and unpleasant. I believe the guy just ate my food and never planned to actually deliver it to me.
Twice in the last year I've had food delivered that wasn't ordered. The first time I tried to call the restaurant (Dominos) but couldn't get an answer. I left it outside for 2 hours then I gave it away. The 2nd times was Chipotle but it wasn't in front of my door it was in front of my neighbors door (we share a porch) after like 4 hours I asked her and it wasn't hers so I threw it away. If it was something good I would have eaten it but either way both times the delivery person thought they delivered and the customer never got it.
Load More Replies...Oh, man, that girl is guilty as f-k! What a nasty piece of work... Glad the guy got his job back.
She got fired an hour after it happened. There was an update. Everyone confirmed in doctor's office that she did receive food and did lie about it.
Load More Replies...Wait... So the very last line in the very last comment says the GUY was lying??? That seems like a major plot point and it's just buried??? Maybe I misunderstood.
Yeah, DoorDash told Newsweek dude was fired for violating policies, not for the delivery incident. Imo that makes more sense than getting fired for not delivering a single order.
Load More Replies...Last year I ordered from ubereats on an evening, and the driver kept arguing he was there and I was not, for a whole hour. I was just in front of my building, but the guy kept telling me he was there - he was not. Told him several times that he was probably not at the right adress, that I know where I live... Bonus : he was SO disrespectful ! Then I reveive a notification that I didn't grab my order. I reported the thing to ubereats and it was SO nasty, they didn't believe me. They ended up refunding me, but it was really long and unpleasant. I believe the guy just ate my food and never planned to actually deliver it to me.
Twice in the last year I've had food delivered that wasn't ordered. The first time I tried to call the restaurant (Dominos) but couldn't get an answer. I left it outside for 2 hours then I gave it away. The 2nd times was Chipotle but it wasn't in front of my door it was in front of my neighbors door (we share a porch) after like 4 hours I asked her and it wasn't hers so I threw it away. If it was something good I would have eaten it but either way both times the delivery person thought they delivered and the customer never got it.
Load More Replies...Oh, man, that girl is guilty as f-k! What a nasty piece of work... Glad the guy got his job back.
She got fired an hour after it happened. There was an update. Everyone confirmed in doctor's office that she did receive food and did lie about it.
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