We hear so much about the incredible selflessness and love of mothers that sometimes we tend to forget other, equally important person in child's life - dad.
Instagram account "Don't Forget Dads" celebrates fatherhood by sharing adorable images and stories about dads, their love and their impact on the little ones.
The idea behind the account is not only to showcase the beauty of fatherly love, but also to encourage all fathers to be involved in the lives of kids from a really young age. "I don't babysit, I parent." And this is exactly what every one of these amazing men does.
More info: Instagram
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My Heart... One Last Kiss From Daddy For Our Sweet Baby Boy. I Tried To Reach Daddy But Couldn't & That's When A Friend Stepped In And Accomplished What I Was Trying To. We Love You And We Miss You Already
The Hardest Part Of Every Day Is Leaving My Little Man!
The Absolute Joy You Feel When You're Loved For Simply Being You
Because Dads Are Born Too, And Magic Happens In That Moment
Unconditional Love. You Just Don't Know Until You Become A Parent. It's Incredible! You Are Capable. You Are Enough. You Are Their Everything
I absolutely agree. Children love their parents unconditionally and it's the BEST feelingin the world!
Husband And Dad Goals. He's The Real Deal... Just Let This All Soak In. Vacuuming, Baby Wearing, Holding Needy Toddler... Beard
If Everyone Is Getting Sleep, We Don't Judge How It Gets Done Because Sleep Is Everything
This Is Everything
Snuggly Love
This Is A Story About A Mom And A Dad Who Went Through Loss And Persistence To Get Their Baby
That tattoo on his chest was done after their first miscarriage, and now his daughter lies her sweet head against it. Both of them a reminder of triumph.
I know the feeling Me and my husband lost our first child, a lil boy, Cas, to a miscarriage about 2 years ago, But now we have a lil 3 almost 4-month-old lil Girl called Ravyn, and love her with all our hearts
The Cute Factor Is Out Of This World
If It Wasn't For The Fact That I Grew Him For 9 Months, Let Him Live With His Butt In My Ribcage 24/7, And Then Birthed Him, You'd Never Even Know He Is Mine. And I'm Totally Okay With That
He's A Hardworking Dad Of Twins Boys
He works 60-70 weeks, travels, and still manages to take great care of our sons. He didn't have a dad growing up so he has no experiences to draw from. He isn't perfect, but he's the perfect Daddy Bear to our Cubs.
I give him a lot of credit. That's what daddy's are supposed to be like.
It's Hard To Believe These Tiny Hands Will One Day Grow To Be Nearly As Big As Mine
Wow. Hours Old And Already Lifting Her Head Up High To Get A Good Look At Her Daddy!
Mini-me Status On Point
Sending Y'all Big Doses Of Oxytocin Today!
This May Be The Sweetest Cradle Hold We Have Ever Seen
Always Make Sure That My Boy Is Always Laughing And Smiling Making The Best Of Every Day!
No Words Needed
A Huge Shoutout To This Guy Who Is Trying So Hard To Take Care Of A Post Surgery Wife Who Can't Lift Anything Or Help With The Kids, A Toddler With Fever, Croupy Cough, And Runny Nose And A 5-year-old Who Never Stops Talking
The Feeling When You Hold Your First Daughter For The Very First Time
Just Wow. What A Moment For This New Dad, For Mom, And For The Doctor. This Is What Birth Without Fear Is All About. Options, Support, Respect
Daddy-ing Like A Boss
Bathtime. When Everything Is New
This is so funny! I bathed all my children in the tub with me. My first kiddo, one day when she was about six months old or so, she suddenly got a very serious look on her face for a few seconds and suddenly a turd floated up between us! I don't know who was more surprised, her or me. :-)
I Rolled Over To This Last Night, And Now I'm Pretty Sure I No Longer Have Ovaries
Farewell To My Well-Crafted Tough Guy Persona... And To Think I Was In A Swedish Death Metal Moshpit On Sunday
The Realness Of This. P.s. His Wife Was Right There Ensuring Everyone Was Safe
this baby is seriously attractive...already handsome...with beautiful dark eyes
The Entire Universe Conspired To Help Me Find You
I changed my life, left everything I loved and knew and moved across the country to find this man, I'm so thankful now I can see that all the bumpy paths in our lives all played a part in helping us be ready for each other when we found one another. I wouldn't have imagined that 2 years ago I would be here, sharing the most incredible profound love with the man of my heart, welcoming our child, and carefully creating our own family that I had only dreamed of. _ We survived 73 hours of excruciating intense labor that resulted in complications that we had hoped would never happen, he learned my contractions before they came and experienced every painful one with me, he never left my side. We endured the hardest and most challenging thing I've ever experienced in my life, together. And it made us closer and more in love. I'll never forget looking into his eyes when we first heard Wolfe cry and I saw something I can't even put into words happen. His previous sense of self was shed and a father was born, and our hearts were finally fully open to experience what I see now as true love. _ I love this man, I love where we've been together and where we are going. He is the only person who belongs next to me, infinitely. These two are in my veins, heart and soul.
When Your Heart Fits In Your Hands
She Snoozed Right Through Her First Hike Up The Mountain!
Everything About This Is Just Amazing. And Those Little Hands Holding On To Each Other Makes Us Swoon
It Was Like Riding Waves Of An Ocean
Trusting my body and my baby, I recognized when a fearful thought would arise and chose to change it. Absolutely it was incredibly hard, but I was strong - stronger than maybe some skeptics had believed when they found out I was doing a home birth. And sincerely, people's doubts never offended me. I just felt sad that they didn't realize the full feminine strength that all women posses. I got to experience it in all its fullness yesterday, and my reward was birthing, not only a baby, but also a mom. _ Bonnie started letting me know she wanted to come meet the world at 5:00am on Monday, January 2, and my astounding husband and mother helped me labor until about 12:45pm when I got in our bathtub to push. My little sweet sister joined us then to squeeze my hand and help document the journey. Our midwife, Emily, from Lovers Lane Birth Center, was calming and made me feel strong and safe. The last push was something I'll never forget - a defining moment in my life. She came out into the water at 1:59pm and she was perfect. _ Ben and I got a moment alone with this new little angel and I fell even more in love with my sweet husband. I'm reliving yesterday in my head over and over again. It was amazing, and if you are at all interested in a home or natural birth, I'm thrilled to help provide any insight or resources. _ Our little Birdie is 7.5lbs and 20in long with hair already long enough for pigtails. She pooped on me three times in the first two hours of her life, so we know she's for sure Ben's daughter...
Come on. It's great that you had a perfect birth at home, but it's a bit demeaning to say that people expressing doubts about home birth just "didn't realize the full feminine strength that all women posses". My son didn't breathe at birth and needed care. I have several friends whose babies were saved by an emergency intervention when nothing wrong was expected. I'm guessing home birth is fantastic if everything goes right... but birth is unpredictable. Things can go catastrophically wrong very fast and as much as the hospital isn't glamorous, it's still a very safe place to be in case of emergency for the mother or the baby.
That Moment When You Realize That You Did It And Your Baby Is Here!
Snuck In A Picture Of These Two
The way she looks at him just tugs at my heart strings! I always wanted a girl first. I needed to see that daddy's girls could be a real thing and not just something I saw on tv. One day I'll tell her the story of how Jacob suffered a stroke two weeks before she was born, and she will know of his fight to get back to 100% just for her!
Life Is A Balance Of Holding On And Letting Go, - Rumi
Shower Time With Dad This Morning
Sleeping Beauties
So, What If, Instead Of Thinking About Solving Your Whole Life, You Just Think About Adding Additional Good Things. One At A Time Just Let Your Good Things Gro
We Lead And Teach Our Children Most By Our Example And Time Spent With Them
My Amazing Little Boy Truly Fills My Heart With Joy And Laughter Every Single Minute Of The Day!
Thanks To My Hub For Making 26 One I'll Never Forget
For the beautiful flowers, for throwing it down in the kitchen, for the yummy bday cake, and for giving me the sweetest little cupcake in the world, our daughter. The best gifts l could ever ask for. I love you.
Sweet Dreams Friends
Prepping For When Mommy Goes Back To Work!
Wow! What A Moment! You Can See His Smile Through His Kiss. Everything About This Is Amazing!
Birth Is Intense Like Love. You Are Her Rock, Her Support, Her Advocate, Her Biggest Believer
We Need More Dads Like This... Dads Who Teach Their Girls What Love Is
Dads who protect their hearts. Dads who teach them what they deserve. Dads who make them strong. We need more dads who grab their little girls hands and dance with them.
Sweet Dreams
When Birthday Weekends Now Look Like This
Sweet Dreams
Everything Is Way More Magical When Dad Is Around. Especially Smashing Snowballs!
There Are Moments You Can Feel How The Universe Aligned Everything For
That Scrunchy Face!
This Is 'manly'. This Is Birth. This Is Fatherhood
nurse: "where should I put the placenta?" doctor:" just drop it on the floor" (what's going on here?)
Y'all Know That Dad Selfies Are Our Favorite Selfies. And The Way She Looks At Him Is Everything
Totally A Dad Thing. But Those Baby Rolls Are Amazing
Father And Son In A Flower Milk Bath. Daddy Was So Proud To Do This With His Son. It Was So Touching!
This Is Nellie And Daddy When She Was Around A Month Old, A Time When I Couldn't Let Myself Think Of Her Being Home And Healthy, Let Alone Having Just That And Another On The Way
Today I got to watch my not so little girl see her baby brother or sister squirming around at our ultrasound, she calmly watched the entire thing, so proud, pointing and saying "mummy's baby." Number two is looking great, we have a good flow of blood to the cord, everything crossed things will stay this way for our next scan in 3 weeks. I could burst with pride.
I don't know how recent this one post is but is everything okay so far?
Sweet Girl Had Her First Bathtub Experience Tonight. She Was So Calm Laying There Looking At Her Daddy
Sweet And Colorful Dreams
Daddy And Foxie Yawwns For Days; "Sleep When The Baby Sleeps" Yeah Right! Is Anyone Actually Able To Do This With A 2nd Or 3rd Child?
Sleep when they go off to college. 15 more years, I will keep you posted if it works!
These Little Ones Are Great Teachers Of Staying In The Present. Wander Off For A While And They Let You Know You Did
Skin To Skin With Daddy
When Dad's Arms Feel Like Best And Most Secure Place To Fall Asleep
I Got You Babe
Being The Cool Dad That He Is. This Is What The Weekend And Holidays Are For...
Daddy And His Girls
These Sleepless Nights Have Been Completely Worth It...
Fatherhood Is Sexy. Be Present, Enjoy The Moments, Feel Gratitude And Soak In The Unconditional Love
Brand New
One Day He Knelt To Ask Her To Marry Him, Today He Kneels To Offer Her Support And Strength When She Needs It Most
I distinctly remember the days of shooting weddings and how I loved witnessing love! Birth photography has shown me love like no other, not only between parents and their children but the love and bond between lovers, between best friends, between soul mates. It's palpable. And I thank God for being a witness to this kind of love and sacrifice so often!
Can We Go Back To 9 Days Ago When My Heart Grew A Million Times Over?
This amazing man turns 26 tomorrow. He always puts me and now little Noah first and makes sure we're taken care of. He is the most caring, thoughtful and loving husband I could ever dream of and now I get to watch him be an amazing dad.
Refuelling And Dad-ing At The Same Time
This Dad Was Overcome With Emotion After Catching His Son. This Is The Best Life Has To Offer.
My Heart Is Full. I've Dreamt Of Taking This Photo Since Brian Got This Tattoo For Adaline
I never knew how much I loved you, until I saw how much you love her.
Baby Fits Perfectly In Her Daddy's Hands
...and My Heart Melted Into A Puddle
Catching His Baby Like His Father Caught Him... Now This Is A Rocking Dad!
Cluster Feeding Baby = Doing Whatever It Takes To Give Mummy A 20-minute Break
Skin To Skin Promote And Helps Bonding And Love And Is For Dads Too
Had Some Amazing Skin To Skin Time With My Little Man. He's Already My Best Bud!
The Peace. The Breath. The Intimacy Of Birth
You May Not Be Much Of A Crier Normally, But When You Hold New Life In Your Hands That You Created... Well, Let's Just Say There's Not Something In Your Eye
Goodnight Friends
Love At First Sight
His Favorite Place To Cuddle Is In Daddy's Arms
Mom Helping Catch Her Baby And Dad's Face...it's Almost Too Much. Amazing Moment Become Mother And Father Together
A Very Cool Photo Of A Woman Pulling While She Pushes
This is a very effective technique to progress pushing. Dad is helping with tension while the midwife is watching baby crown.
When Your Selfie Game Reaches Max Level Because... This
This Man Deserves So Much Appreciation
He has silently, strongly and consistently supported me, and this new baby through the last 6 weeks of crazy pregnancy hospital visits, new mumma adjustment and batted away and absorbed more hormones than you can imagine. He is my rock, my partner in crime, the best daddy and after all this, is still a loving partner who kisses me goodbye every morning. I am too grateful for words. Thankyou for everything.
Real, Honest, & Beautiful Dad Life Captured By
All He Wanted Was To Take Her Pain Away, Even If Just For A Minute
His stance is one of protection, love, and heartache. It is hard to watch the women you love in labor, but you know she is giving you the greatest gift imaginable, so you breathe strength into her. I love watching men become dads. Birth transforms them as well.
We Welcomed Our Beautiful 3rd Baby Boy Into The World. A 4 Hour Hard And Beautiful Homebirth! Thank You To Our Amazing Photographer
Here's Our First Moments With Baby, Big Sister, And Dad. Everyone's Crying
There Are Times In Fatherhood (and Motherhood) Where You Will Simply Lose Your Shit
I'm completely serious. If you haven't yet, it is coming. If you have, then you know what I'm talking about. You're exhausted, pulled in too many directions, and pushed too far. It usually builds up with lack of sleep, always being needed, life stressors, and trying to force things. _ The bad part about losing your shit is that it makes everyone sad. Sadness is part of life though, darling. We can't be happy 24/7. We need to learn and have growth. _ Like dad (and mom) guilt isn't bad enough though, a daddy (mommy) temper tantrum is great at adding extra. But once the dust settles, you have a good yell or cry or both, and good things can actually come from it. Shedding all that frustration, hurt, anger, etc. can help you get to the core of the issue. It gives you clarity to see things from a different perspective and to build the pieces back up to be better than before. _ I'm not telling you to go lose your shit for the sake of losing your shit, I'm just saying that it happens and it's not the end of the world, you're still a good father (mother), and there's always a silver lining. _ Take a deep breath, try to take some time to yourself to quietly process (when you can), learn from it, and try something different! _ Parenthood is the ultimate survival mode, problem-solving, multi-tasking job there is. Figure out what works for your family even if it seems completely unconventional. And be willing to leave some wiggle room for adjustments and change. If things are really feeling out of sorts, it may be best to take a step back and just go with the flow for a little bit. Say yes a lot more. You'd be surprised how that can help. _ Dad's and Moms, you are allowed temper tantrums too and your family will love you unconditionally through them just like you love and support them unconditionally through theirs. That's what family does.
Mom Was Nursing Babe When I Got There. Dad Got His Turn During The Session
This Moment... Incredible
This Moment Is Everything. This Moment Is Why Birth Photography Exists
Home. Resting And Transitioning Into This Wonderful Life Of Parenthood!
Give yourself time to adjust to a new normal and give your partner and yourself grace as you do so.
There Are Few Things That Just Completely Stop Me In My Tracks And Absolutely Awe Me
The birth of this perfect little boy was one of those things. Seeing him come into the world was probably the most amazing sight that I have ever been blessed to see.
What’s The One Piece Of Relationship Advice You Would Give To New Parents?
Go through it together and come out of it together. Try and split the job and share the job as much as possible. If the mom is the only one who has the knowledge about birth, feeding and sleeping times than that puts all the stress on her. Partners need to take part in everything so that they can relate to what the mother is going through, and so that they can be able to truly connect as a couple. The moment a partner can’t comprehend what it feels like to be a mother is the moment you have trouble in a relationship. When you share the work and hard times, it’s much easier to be on the same level together.
I thoroughly enjoyed this gallery of bearded and tatted up dads, plus a few man-buns!
I have a photo of my dad holding me as a baby that I would like to add
Add it in the comments! These pictures seem to be culled from somewhere else so we dont get to add our own to the article itself.
Load More Replies...But man don't fully understand motherhood, right? Oh, yeah, men are basic...
These are so beautiful, but they make me sad too. Not everyone gets to go through creating life. Good luck to all the new moms and dads.
Wow, these photos are so touching. I wept seeing the emotion in some of them. My favorites are the ones with Dad sleeping with tiny baby. Especially when they're holding hands.
Heh, I have a picture very similar to #9. I kinda miss the time when my little cub was small enough to sleep on my broad chest...
yeah, women really dont understand having a bond with their kids. /s
Load More Replies...Yeah, I mean, it's not like the baby came out of the woman or anything....smh.
Oh f*****g stop. This is about dad's being the best dad's they can be! This is NOT a place for you to run around bitching and moaning about what someone else does with THEIR body. Be ashamed of yourself you asshat.
wouldn't say disgusting, just more a whos who of hipster dads with posh cameras.....like to see one at half 3 in the morning, hair all shape and covered in baby sick...
I thoroughly enjoyed this gallery of bearded and tatted up dads, plus a few man-buns!
I have a photo of my dad holding me as a baby that I would like to add
Add it in the comments! These pictures seem to be culled from somewhere else so we dont get to add our own to the article itself.
Load More Replies...But man don't fully understand motherhood, right? Oh, yeah, men are basic...
These are so beautiful, but they make me sad too. Not everyone gets to go through creating life. Good luck to all the new moms and dads.
Wow, these photos are so touching. I wept seeing the emotion in some of them. My favorites are the ones with Dad sleeping with tiny baby. Especially when they're holding hands.
Heh, I have a picture very similar to #9. I kinda miss the time when my little cub was small enough to sleep on my broad chest...
yeah, women really dont understand having a bond with their kids. /s
Load More Replies...Yeah, I mean, it's not like the baby came out of the woman or anything....smh.
Oh f*****g stop. This is about dad's being the best dad's they can be! This is NOT a place for you to run around bitching and moaning about what someone else does with THEIR body. Be ashamed of yourself you asshat.
wouldn't say disgusting, just more a whos who of hipster dads with posh cameras.....like to see one at half 3 in the morning, hair all shape and covered in baby sick...