30 Pics Of Kind People Before And After Cutting Their Long Hair To Donate It To Cancer Patients (New Pics)
If you're anything like me, cutting your hair often comes with conflicting emotions. At first, you look at the mirror and admire the courage it took you to make such bold changes but then you glance down, see all the locks of hair laying around the chair, and can't help but think if it was a mistake.
However, finding yourself in such a situation is a privilege in and of itself—some people have lost all their hair because of cancer treatments, alopecia areata, and other reasons.
Luckily, as we at Bored Panda have already shown in one of our previous lists, more and more folks are donating their hair to create more wigs and restore confidence in those who already have it tough. After all, the last thing they need is more rude stares on the street.
The good thing is that since we released the piece, we've seen many more of these unsung heroes. Below are some more of them.
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Jaws Fell In The Salon When She Went Short Chopping Off Her Luscious Healthy Long Hair. But For A Good Cause, She Wanted To Donate It For People Who Need It More
As people stay home and skip the salon, some hair-focused non-profits are seeing one bright spot in the pandemic: more donated hair going to those who need it.
"Listen, there's never enough hair," stylist Martino Cartier, founder of the New Jersey-based Wigs & Wishes, which makes free wigs for people with cancer, told CNN. "We get donations every day and it's never enough, so this is definitely a silver lining for us."
Today I Proudly Watched My 19 Year Old Son Cut Off His Hair For Those Who Have Lost Theirs From Cancer
It took 2.5 years to grow the 32cm plaits. He is very unassuming, didn’t tell anyone why he was waiting so long to do it... His quiet way of making a difference. Proud mummy moment.
Spent Over 2 Years Growing My Hair. Donated It In 13 Inch Locks In My Daughter’s Name. Feels Good
Maggie Varney, the founder of Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, added that extra ponytails and braids have been "one of the rainbows in the storm."
2020 also set a new record amount of donations (487) for Sparrow Hospital's annual hair donation drive, many coming from first-time donors in new demographics such as boys and adults.
I’ve Been Growing Out My Hair For 3 Years After I First Heard You Can Give Them To A Charity That Makes Wigs For Children With Cancer
Today was the day to cut them all off, send them in, and start over again. Hopefully, I can make as many kids as possible happy with a new set of hair.
This Little 2-Year-Old Boy Is Donating His Curly Locks To The Little Princess Trust Because He Knows Other Children Need It More Than Him
My 8-Year-Old Daughter Has Been Growing Her Hair For Nearly 2 Years To Donate It To A Charity That Makes Wigs For Cancer Kids That Can't Afford Them
With the coronavirus pandemic still ravaging the world, the nonprofit founders report a welcome but endless stream of emails, calls and mail from interested donors. And that's a good thing, they say. Many are willing to help.
"Covid-19 put a halt across the entire world, but the one thing it didn't stop was cancer," JoAn Nicely, founder of Pink Heart Funds in Mississippi said. A cancer survivor herself, Nicely understands the urgency even during a global crisis. "The need is there—doesn't matter how bad Covid is," she said.
If yuo too want to donate your hair, remember that different nonprofits have different requirements, so it's crucial to read all the instructions before you cut.
Giving Something For A Donation Is Not Plainly About Giving, And The Happiness Behind It But Is All About Making A Difference
Absolutely stunning! She's a very kind person and the new haircut suits her!
Had A Pixie Cut, Grew Out My Hair For 7 Years To Get To About 20 Something Inches. Stepmom Passed Of Cancer And I Cut It All Off To Donate In Her Memory
Donated My Hair Today
Did The Thing! 28 Inches Going To Angel Hair For Kids
I'm So Happy Today That I Donated My Hair To Cancer Patients. One More Memorable Moment Added In My Life
I appreciate your hard work,time and effort. Good job. Be proud of your self!
First Photo Was Taken A Few Months Ago And The Second One Is After I Cut It All Off. I Cut And Donated 17 Inches To Wigs For Kids
After Nearly 5 Years, I Cut To Donate. It Basically Stopped Growing The Last 8 Months, In Classic 2020 Fashion So Figured It's Time. I'll Miss You, Flo-Bro's. See You In 5
Before And After Photos From Donating My Hair To Angel Hair For Kids, Where They Make Wigs For Kids Battling Cancer
Before And After Donating 28”
What a beautiful wigs are gona have some kids! Even I hope no one needs them!
The Most Beautiful Person Is A Person With Kind Heart And Loving Soul
Finally Got The Courage To Cut My Hair. First Time In 3 Years I've Cut It And Donated It. What Do You Guys Think?
She Went For The Buzz And It Looks Amazing. From Long To Shaved Hair
My Daughter Donating Her 12” Of Hair She’s Grown For Wigs For Kids
She is so nice. Kids who do great things like this will become great persons when grown up, no doubt
I’ve Had Long Hair Most Of My Life. Today, I Donate 14 Inches Of My Hair To Locks Of Love
I Donated 1.5ft Of Hair To Locks Of Love, And I’m Loving My New Hairdo
I'm loving it as well! Good on you for helping out like that!
My Husband Donated 17 Years Worth Of Hair Growth Today To The Little Princess Trust
My Final 'F*ck You' To 2020. Donated My Quarantine Hair And And Got My Covid Vaccine Today
18 Inches Later
Legendary Drunk Guy Cuts Off His Hair For Charity
My Beautiful Daughter, Moved By My Circumstances, Decided To Donate Her Hair For People Like Me
I love this girl so much.
I’m battling acute leukemia - I check into the Iowa City hospital for a bone marrow transplant at the end of this month and will be there for the month of April. Prayers appreciated.
Been Growing My Hair Out For At Least 2 Years. Woke Up Yesterday And Decided On A Whim To Donate It All To "Children With Hair Loss"
My 4 Year Old Had His First Real Haircut This Morning And The Hair Is Being Donated Straight To Charity. Hopefully It Makes Another Child Happy
Today I Did Something I’m Really Proud Of, I Donated My Hair
Hair Donation
I applaud all those who made the commitment to grow out their hair to donate to various charities. I'm sure that it was much appreciated by the recipients. Thanks for bringing some light to them.
Does anyone else think they went from hippie to hipster in one hair cut? I like a lot of the after pics. There are some cute haircuts there!
I'm thinking of cutting and donating my hair too now! Pandas who have donated hair before, what are some charities to donate to?
I applaud all those who made the commitment to grow out their hair to donate to various charities. I'm sure that it was much appreciated by the recipients. Thanks for bringing some light to them.
Does anyone else think they went from hippie to hipster in one hair cut? I like a lot of the after pics. There are some cute haircuts there!
I'm thinking of cutting and donating my hair too now! Pandas who have donated hair before, what are some charities to donate to?