Hero Dog Sacrifices Himself To Save His Entire Family From Fire
The Butler family was calmly asleep when their Florida home unexpectedly caught on fire. The fire alarm only beeped a couple of times before shutting down, failing to wake the family up. Lucky for them, their Jack Russell Terrier, Zippy, quickly realized the danger of the situation and started running around the house, barking to wake the family up.
The hero dog ran through the blazing inferno to wake up all of the family members who then managed to escape the house fire safely. Upon getting out of the house, homeowner Leroy Butler realized that Zippy was still inside the burning house.
Recently a hero dog named Zippy saved his whole family from a house fire
He tried to go back to get the family dog but the house was already engulfed in flames and the man could do nothing but wait for the firefighters to finish putting out the fire. By the time Leroy made it inside, Zippy had already suffocated from the smoke.
Image credits: kkuizon
“The floor in the living room was all on fire so there was nowhere for him to run out,” said Butler in an interview with Fox News. “He was a short little dog. There was nowhere for him to go.”
Image credits: kkuizon
Firefighters say the fire started in the home’s attic and currently it isn’t clear how it started.
“Our smart dog was just a little Jack Russell terrier, a little black and white dog we adopted 3-4 years ago and he’s just been the family pet,” said Butler in an interview with Bay News 9. “He was really helpful and we’re going to miss our adorable dog.” “He did his job, we rescued him, and I guess this little real-life hero returned the favor,” added the man.
Here’s how people reacted to the heartbreaking story
Share on FacebookThis is the saddest thing. I wish they could have grabbed him and carried him to safety, but I cannot imagine having a fire engulfing my home and the chaos that would ensue. Sweet Zippy is a hero dog. But, I can’t help crying thinking of that poor dog dying after rescuing his whole family. I hope he didn’t suffer. Rest In Peace sweet Zippy.
This is the saddest thing. I wish they could have grabbed him and carried him to safety, but I cannot imagine having a fire engulfing my home and the chaos that would ensue. Sweet Zippy is a hero dog. But, I can’t help crying thinking of that poor dog dying after rescuing his whole family. I hope he didn’t suffer. Rest In Peace sweet Zippy.