This Dog Has A Human-Like Face, And It’s Creating A Buzz Online
Interview With OwnerIn the vast world of internet-famous pets, one particular dog is making waves with his unique, human-like smile. Nori, a cute Australian shepherd-poodle mix, has a face that has the entire online community buzzing.
When people see Nori, they usually take a second look. And you might do the same. It’s because Nori has big eyes, a strong stare, and pink lips that curve up a bit like a smile. “I think Nori’s coloring is what makes him look human, especially his eyes. People like to say that his eyes make him seem very wise or soulful. He has a very expressive face — he even makes a disgusted face when I’m painting my nails and he smells the nail polish,” Tiffany Ngo, Nori’s mom, shared in one of her interviews.
More info: Instagram | norichiban.com | tiktok.com
Meet Nori, the dog with a human-like smile
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
Nori lives with owners Kevin Hurless and Tiffany Ngo and has gained attention for his human-like smile, pink lips, and large, almond eyes
Image credits: norichiban
Nori has almond-shaped, expressive eyes and peach-colored skin and lips, making him look very human-like. Because of this unique appearance, he’s affectionately called “the dog with the human smile.” His owner, Tiffany Ngo, often jokes that Nori looks like a kind old grandpa, and it’s easy to understand why.
“The combination of his eye color, skin tone, and expressions make him human-like! People are usually nice about his look and think he seems wise!”
When Nori’s owners posted a photo of him on Twitter, he quickly became a star. The tweet got over 9,000 likes
Image credits: norichiban
The owners told us that they shared Nori’s famous photo in response to a tweet about dogs that look like humans. “We were definitely surprised when his portrait went viral,” they added.
Image credits: norichiban
Since he was a puppy, Nori’s charming appearance has turned heads
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“We couldn’t go more than a block without someone stopping us to ask questions about him”
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“When Nori first joined our family, we would get stopped on the street during walks a lot! People were always intrigued by his looks and compared him to things like Chewbacca to Fizzgig from The Dark Crystal to Seth Rogen!”
Although Nori’s snout has grown longer, changing his smile a bit, his thoughtful eyes are still just as captivating
Image credits: norichiban
According to Nori’s owners, his appearance has changed a lot. “He used to be dark brown and much curlier than he is now! People say he looks like their grandfather so they must have adorable grandpas!”
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
Many have wondered if Tiffany does anything special to enhance Nori’s unique look. She insists it’s all natural
Image credits: norichiban
“There’s no highlighting, just Nori’s natural coloring and curls,” she says.
Nori isn’t the only star in Tiffany’s household. He shares the spotlight with his brother Boba, a Shih Tzu-Yorkie mix
Image credits: norichiban
Tiffany loves sharing the lives of Nori and Boba with the world. “It’s nice to know that your little selves can be making a positive difference in someone else’s life, no matter how small,” she says.
Image credits: norichiban
When asked what kind of content they enjoy posting the most about Nori and Boba, the owners shared that they enjoy posting all kinds of content with Nori and Boba! “They’re happy little guys that have fun doing simple things like walks and car rides! We hope and know they bring happiness to people, especially during the pandemic when everything felt so heavy and dark – Nori and Boba are small beams of sunshine!”
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
“Nori is incredibly sweet and friendly, and very energetic and playful”
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
Nori’s owners say he loves everyone he meets, both people and dogs, and just wants to be friends with everyone
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
Image credits: norichiban
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You know that meme where a witch turns someone into a frog but the person is actually happy about it because they can just chill? That’s what happened here.