This Black Lab Is Slowly Turning White, So Internet Responds With Photoshop Battle
When Reddit user eRadthorpe uploaded this picture to the Photoshop Battle subreddit, many could have been forgiven for thinking that it's already a photo manipulation. After all, it's not every day you see a 14-year-old black Labrador wearing what appears to be a white superhero mask. But the cute dog has what's known as vitiligo, a physically harmless condition where the skin (or in this case also the fur) slowly loses its pigment. And although the black lab looks tragi-comical enough already with this skin discoloration, it's nothing compared to what it looked like once Reddit's photo editing geniuses had finished with it.
Feeling up to the challenge? Then download the cutout and add your creations to the list below. Don't forget to vote for the best photos!
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The Kissdog !!!!
OMG YES. I've loved kiss since I was 4 years old, now with a picture of a dog in it, I love it even more!!
Spider Dog!
Barkfest At Tiffany's
This Was My First Thought.
Free Woofy
Princess Dogonoke
Kung Fu Dog
New Boredpanda Logo
Something Is Missing
Got The Ninja Glitch In My Game As Well
I've Inflitrated The Bamboo. They Don't Suspect Me... Yet...
Friday night a catmedian died in NY, I don't care, its got 8 more lives! who watches the WATCHDOGS?!