It’s not a secret that there are days that you look so good in the photos, when every single angle you make seems to be the best one so far and the light is just perfectly emphasising your definite strengths. Those are the days when you snap that selfie or your friend takes anything between 12 and 65 pics of you taking a casual stroll in the park and then even whooping 5 of them turn Insta worthy. But there is someone that will always nail the picture and will look nothing less but splendid - your dog. How proud does your furry companion make you by constantly striking the best poses and looking absolutely stunning in each shot? 

The new #modelchallenge is making rounds on Dogspotting Society Faccebook and 13k users at the time of writing have submitted photos of their beloved dogs and we have decided to show you a few. The users are taking advantage of the newly sparked fascination that shows anything from dobermans to rescues to pugs to you name the breed, looking super charming. 

These pups are the reason why catwalk might be renamed to dogwalk and no one might object. Here you can see 57 Bored Panda selection of photos from the #modelchallenge and we invite you to get involved and vote for your favourite doggies. 

We also got in touch with two dog owners who decided to participate in the challenge and had some chats about their pooches, you can read the stories below. 



    Bane being all top model.
    He’s an Alaskan Malamute, 100 lbs of muscle, 50 lbs of floof & is my heart dog. 💕

    An interview with this fluffy giant's owner can be found in the article.

    Shelley Norman Monahan Report



    Max’s default is fierce....or just RBF. 😄

    Hilary Brezinka Report

    Shelley Norman Monahan, the owner of Bane, pointed out that besides being a 3-year-old, 100 lb Alaskan malamute, he loves to cuddle and never misses a chance to be the “little” spoon in bed. Her family got him when he was only a 4-month-old puppy and, well, instantly fell in love with him. “Bane is my heart dog. I’m absolutely 100% obsessed with him! His hugs calm me, he’ll wrap his head around my neck and I instantly feel better because of his calming presence and sweet spirit,” shared the young woman, stressing Bane’s superpower to enchant whoever he encounters.


    She was pleasantly impressed and surprised when one time, at an outdoor festival, an actual line of people wanting to pet the friendly giant formed. “It was the funniest thing. I was with my girls getting their faces painted, looked over, and saw my husband with a legit line to pet him,” laughed Shelley, who is a visual artist just outside Chicago, IL. One of Bane’s favorite pastimes is running all around the dog park and saying hi to the humans as he plays with other dogs. Bane behaves his best when walked by their 12-year-old and Shelley pointed out that this normally attracts weird looks from passersby because of his size.

    Shelley thought that her furry giant would be perfect for the #ModelChallenge as he’s very photogenic and the picture happened to be one of the best ones she has ever taken of him as that very moment, he was distracted by some ducks in the distance. The dog lover admitted that the attention blew her mind with 18k likes and 1.4 comments.



    My favorite picture from 2020 of my furbabies ❤️

    Tiffany Nicole Report

    Over the past years internet has seen many trends such as I Did It For My Dog Challenge and Shedding Dog Challenge which was also featured on our website. 

    The determined canine enthusiasts have been actively participating in showing off their pooches and it seems that there’s definitely more to come. 

    Among the dedicated dog lovers is Clark McFarland with whom Bored Panda got in touch with that submitted a picture of his 4.5 year old golden retriever Braxton catching some delightful rays of sun. Both living in Woodlands, Texas, they raked thousands of likes and amiable comments with their #ModelChallange entry. 

    “I love the Golden Retriever Club and just decided to give the model challenge a go. He’s extremely photogenic so it makes sense! I absolutely love all doggos. They are the best companions and I’m not so sure what I would have done without Braxton throughout the weird quarantine year of 2020!”, admitted Clark.


    The young American also laughed that Braxton the dog is kinda his doppelgänger and that they sometimes even act alike. “He’s a goofy boy and still has the energy of a puppy. He loves meeting new friends and especially new people! He knows loads of tricks and loves fetching his tennis ball”. Their favourite pastime is to look for outdoor adventures and challenge themselves to walking trails and nature preserves.

    Calling himself "Embarrassing Dog Dad," Clark has created an Instagram account for his best furry friend, which you can check out here.



    This is Fletcher, giving his best for the #modelchallenge

    Ellen Kuhnert Report



    Kobie's all healed up from his surgery, still as handsome as ever 😊❤

    Keighley Schofield Report



    My best boy, Bryer! He passed January 2020, and just a memory of my beautiful boy

    Melissa Laverick Glowacki Report



    Did someone say there is a model challenge? My Supermodel boy Sam wants to join 😂

    Janet Plisevich Report



    My pup wanted to join the new challenge 😅

    Joe de Jesus Report



    Sweetie has been in a lot of the challenges but thinks she wants to be in the model challenge now 😂 💓

    Kellie Spence Report



    My rescue, Pickle wanted to join the #modelchallenge
    He works completely from sign language as he was born deaf, it makes taking photos of him so easy as he doesn't get distracted at all. 🥰

    Mollie Trudgill Report

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    Daisy Chain
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The fact that it's blurred.... I understand why they have to do that, but for heavens sake, its a dog!

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    Toasty thinks she’s a pro at this 💁🏻‍♀️
    *Check the comments for an extra surprise*

    Sarah Abu Omar Report



    "Jack... I want you to draw me like one of your French Bulldogs"
    -Franki Girl, the Boston Terrier

    Christine Gorayeb Report



    Sunbathing ☀️

    This is Braxton, and an interview with his owner can be found in the article.

    Clark McFarland Report



    My favorite picture of Louie!

    Jenny Pogue Report



    When your face is made of velvet and you look like an actual angel 😍

    Rebecca Paige Report

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    Layla Corman
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think he just had a drink of water OR he is staring at a treat and drooling. Either way, this is an amazing doggo. I love the color!

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    Sky was beautiful last night, but not as beautiful as my girl Zoey looked in this picture I took❤️

    Carlos Mancilla-Garcia Report



    Hi everyone! This is Bates, he’s 7 months old and training to be a service dog.

    Raechel Longo Report



    This is Nova, she is an Australian Shepherd.

    Patti Cepela Report



    Matilda the Moose would like to enter the #modelchallenge
    9-month-old Rottweiler Matilda is my “majestic klutz” she’s such a big goofball, tripping over herself constantly, but is an absolute treasure to our family 🥰🧡

    Meagan Breanne Report



    Look at the toe beans!

    Lauren Smith Greeno Report



    Usually Henry looks like the goofball he really is... but I think he looks very handsome in this pic ☺️

    Megan Rae Wenk Report

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    Our two newest foster puppies, Coconut & Shrimp! 5 weeks old and I'd say are already getting the hang of this posing thing 😍

    Miranda Anshel Report



    HENLO! Appa the FlyingBisonOreoBlizzardLionBear here for the #modelchallenge Christmas edition

    Jody Vuong Report



    My husband doesn’t think Remington is very handsome, but I sure do!

    Tess Hertel Report



    Swaddled baby doxie named Dottie

    Laura Giuffre Report



    Mystic Meg 🐾 Even though she’s a Dementia doggo & 14, she still the prettiest girl 💕

    Lauren Webley Report



    Meet Tank! 17-week-old pure Boxer with a cleft lip! Just look at those ears! 😍😍

    Shayla King Report



    Harvey - 14 years old
    Simba - 5 years old
    Leo - 2 years old
    Lenny (Cocker Spaniel brother) - 10 weeks old

    Chloe Rose Report



    Someone mentioned #modelchallenge, this is Bo doing his Zoolander Magnum Steele pose

    Joanne Dorta Report



    My Luna 🌜 .... Grand Canyon.

    Kaura Atabex Perez Report

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    Juliet Schilder
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good doggo! How adorable! I once had a dog named Luna and I lived an hour away from the Grand Canyon!

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    Our walks always seem to turn into a photo shoot 📸😍

    Sarah Piggett Report

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    Mary Maney
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Um long Dino doggo? What he a mix of? Basset and golden? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!

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    My name is Bailey, I’m 18 months old ❤️

    Lisa Hay Report

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    Mary Maney
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dog is a bailey too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sort of named after baileys Irish cream)

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    Baby girl Aspyn having a go at the #modelchallenge

    She's my special darling 😍

    James Howard Report



    This is Cooper lounging in his bedroom

    Mayra Titus Report



    My beautiful puppy ❤️🐶❤️ 12 yrs old ❤️

    Boo Bear Report



    Our beautiful one-year-old, LuLu


    Jillian Manion Report

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    Deebo would like to wish you all a happy new year 🎉

    Taylor Anderson Report



    Our mahogany boy posing for pics 😊

    Misty Cyree Report



    I don’t think Pugzy understands the word ‘smile’ just yet😂

    Jade Gannon Report



    Let me see your furbaby models! 🐾

    Alyssa Hudson Report