I Adopted Tofu, A Shelter Dog Who Is Often Too Scared To Walk, So I Carry Her Everywhere (30 Pics)
When I adopted Tofu from Romania, I promised her the best life full of glorious adventures on beaches and in forests. I was used to my very active, workaholic border collie and the two of us were wandering forests for years already before we added Tofu (if you're interested, you can find my previous post here).
Tofu turned out very traumatized and.... a bit less active than Se the border collie. She often refuses to walk and always lays on top of soft things, beds, couches, and windowsills if the blanket is available. I later learned this is quite typical behavior for cats, galgo's and podenco's, although we have no idea what kind of mix she is.
More info: Facebook
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Tofu was saved from a kill shelter in Romania at only 2 months. The dogs were in -20C in the snow in outside cages. I saw photos of the situation on Facebook and me and my partner decided to take her in. Based on just one photo of her in the shelter. After agreeing, she was taken out, checked and prepared for her long trip to the Netherlands.
She was and is scared. She is traumatized. She will turn 7 years old in a few days and she is still scared of so many things. The smallest situations trigger her, so we adjust and adjust and adjust. Being used to a hyperactive collie, I wanted my dogs to go for long forest walks twice a day, but this makes a border collie happy, not a traumatized, extremely sensitive, easily overstimulated rescue, so she doesn’t always come along. She loves sleeping on our bed and she loves open spaces, such as beaches (she has overview and therefore more control over the situation). We learn a lot from her and I am just extremely proud of how she has grown over time.
I like how she’s holding the other one’s paw like he’s her little kid.
After almost 7 years with us, Tofu still feels safe on top of things, so our bed and our couch, where she has an overview of the situation. This elaborated into the walks; on one hand we had an active border collie who we wanted to take on hikes, on the other hand we had Tofu, traumatized, but also lazy. I started carrying her to at least give my collie the joy of making it to the park or forest or beach, but it turned out she liked it and it made her feel safe. It also turned out to be a photogenic moment to show all the different scenery we visited.
Travel photos truly are my favorite, because it means we are on an adventure. Now that Se, the collie, is 13 years old, we have to calm down a bit, but seeing new places, and beaches, is definitely our favorite thing to do.
I do. I started with the photos because of a major, 4-year-long burnout, so I know the dangers and although what I can sometimes feel these days isn’t remotely close to what happened back then, I can feel really overwhelmed by pressure to be creative.
I’m not doing anything with that account nor the photos anymore as I am so busy with the little business that grew from it, but usually people really loved the photos. They found them original and funny and that is definitely what I wanted to communicate.
I wanna win a teddy bear, eat hot dogs... they're not made of dogs are they? I wanna have candy floss and play on the swings and get carried around the fun house and I wanna goldfish... and treats! Lotsa treats!
I love capturing funny moments, funny faces, especially of the animals. My partner is DOP and he is majorly focused on lighting, so over the years he taught me the beauty of more aspects in photography, which I value so much now too.
I have always been creative, but not per se in other art forms. Photography always has had my preference. The world can be so mesmerizing and it amazes me that a camera can eternalize those views and even emphasizes it often by showing colors in the sky we didn’t see with the naked eye.
It was very much making memories. I’m a very down to earth person and when it comes to photography, I just want to remember as many moments as possible.
I'm being carried today not because I'm nervous but because I don't like cold tootsies
how are you wearing a short dress in the snow i'm cold just looking at the photo
Oh no! I just realized, I didn't kiss teddy goodbye before we went out!
It's not fair. I wanted to play fetch but she wouldn't carry me to the ball
Cute and beautiful pupper. I'm glad you found her, that you found each other
Sorry about the daft comments, but I could not help myself. She has such an adorable, expressive face. I hope one day she gathers the courage to enjoy a walk, but then you would probably miss carrying her.
I love this whole article!! You have such a generous, and loving heart. Your pups are beautiful. I had a problem, though, with these pictures. I could NOT choose a favourite because there are so many fantastic shots! But then I found it. I even responded to someone who said something like "crime fighting family Carry Dog & Co". It's the 3 of you (Tofu, Se, and you facing the camera). In all seriousness, my respect and admiration for you, and many others who rescue another living being (human, furry, reptile, aquatic, etc..) is unending . Thank you for being an really phenomenal person. God bless
This woman has a huge heart and is wonderful to poor Tofu who has been traumatized in his life. HOWEVER, I do wonder if her continually carrying him everywhere is the right thing to do. We rescued a dog who was very reactive to dogs and people (excited but not in a bad way... just out of control). We sought behavior modification training for her and it was life changing for her and us. It may not be a possibility but behavior modification is a real thing with dogs and has saved many from a life of stress or aggression. She is wonderful and Tofu is wonderful... just might be able to make her life a bit less stressful. And Tofu is adorable!
She's lucky you are strong enough to carry her. If my dogs had the same issue, I would have to get a wagon. I can barely pick them up.
This is love right here ❤️ I applaud you and your beautiful fur kids xxx I would do exactly the same! Please do not let the haters and judgemental nitwits out there conceen
Yes, you sound full of love and laughter....? I definately don't have to please everyone and I don't intent to, but you were very negative on a lot of photos (as if you know anything about our lives or dogs right?) ánd the whole series, which is quite the opposite of what you told me in this 'delightful explanation' anyway, but also made me think: why would you do that? Make something ugly out of my rescue story. To each their own Karen, to each their own...
Load More Replies...Wow, it seems from your comment we are definately not like minded hahah. To each their own, right? I'm happy to be able to help my animals grow.
Load More Replies...Haha you don’t háve to watch them all. I actually added a collage of them all, because I find the whole fun as it shows our 4 years with Tofu, all the seasons, all the countries and places we visited with her. That is what the series is about :)
Load More Replies...Cute and beautiful pupper. I'm glad you found her, that you found each other
Sorry about the daft comments, but I could not help myself. She has such an adorable, expressive face. I hope one day she gathers the courage to enjoy a walk, but then you would probably miss carrying her.
I love this whole article!! You have such a generous, and loving heart. Your pups are beautiful. I had a problem, though, with these pictures. I could NOT choose a favourite because there are so many fantastic shots! But then I found it. I even responded to someone who said something like "crime fighting family Carry Dog & Co". It's the 3 of you (Tofu, Se, and you facing the camera). In all seriousness, my respect and admiration for you, and many others who rescue another living being (human, furry, reptile, aquatic, etc..) is unending . Thank you for being an really phenomenal person. God bless
This woman has a huge heart and is wonderful to poor Tofu who has been traumatized in his life. HOWEVER, I do wonder if her continually carrying him everywhere is the right thing to do. We rescued a dog who was very reactive to dogs and people (excited but not in a bad way... just out of control). We sought behavior modification training for her and it was life changing for her and us. It may not be a possibility but behavior modification is a real thing with dogs and has saved many from a life of stress or aggression. She is wonderful and Tofu is wonderful... just might be able to make her life a bit less stressful. And Tofu is adorable!
She's lucky you are strong enough to carry her. If my dogs had the same issue, I would have to get a wagon. I can barely pick them up.
This is love right here ❤️ I applaud you and your beautiful fur kids xxx I would do exactly the same! Please do not let the haters and judgemental nitwits out there conceen
Yes, you sound full of love and laughter....? I definately don't have to please everyone and I don't intent to, but you were very negative on a lot of photos (as if you know anything about our lives or dogs right?) ánd the whole series, which is quite the opposite of what you told me in this 'delightful explanation' anyway, but also made me think: why would you do that? Make something ugly out of my rescue story. To each their own Karen, to each their own...
Load More Replies...Wow, it seems from your comment we are definately not like minded hahah. To each their own, right? I'm happy to be able to help my animals grow.
Load More Replies...Haha you don’t háve to watch them all. I actually added a collage of them all, because I find the whole fun as it shows our 4 years with Tofu, all the seasons, all the countries and places we visited with her. That is what the series is about :)
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